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Things i miss from swg


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Was the incredible crafting, and the player housing... I love my Mustafarian Bunker Store i had on tattooine.


Cantina music would play when you entered, I Sold starships, and starship upgrades. business was fairly good actually..


Wish there was a housing planet or something similar in this game, Ide love to set up a store for my crafting toons, i do synth/armor/weapon crafting across 3 different toons..


Seems the Player Store houses were more "personal" and exciting, never knew what kind of store you would enter.. decoration wise, sure was cooler than the bland galactic trade network we have in this game..


Anyhoo see yall in game!

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Yeah, too bad huh. How is SWG doing these days?


^^^^^ This


But, as one of the first handful of Jedi ever in SWG, Pre-CU, and some who played until the day they launched NGE and quit immediately, I gotta say...That game before Smedley took the helm, was pretty sweet.

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Crafting needs improved. Maybe not to the extent of SWG since the unwashed masses would not like to have to think to craft, but unique and very, very good items should be able to be crafted. (Yes as good as the best raid stuff.)


Housing and interior decorating should be included. Let us make our ships our own.


Hopefully the legacy system will be sort of like leveling in SWG. Let us choose boxes to pick. Do we want more combat abilities for our 50s? Faster Xp for alts? Etc.


How about (1st expansion) letting us pick a social skill. Dancing (buffs), doctor (buffs), image designer (barber), musician (buffs), decorator(duh), etc.


Let us pick one of those per character and only level them up in a cantina with other people. Make it more social .

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I miss crafting a lot in SWG too. My buddy and I used to travel around trying to find the best place to mine the finest ore.


If you had high-quality mats, you could create high-quality items and charge more for them.


When they introduced mounts, I had stockpiles of nice ore and was able to make some high-end speeders. I stood outside the Theed spaceport and make a frickin' killing selling speeders to people.


It was a blast.

Edited by run_hello
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The "waking up the next day to find out the ENTIRE GAME HAS BEEN CHANGED"


Although, I do miss Creature Handler/Player Bounties.


Yeah and changed entirely by one overzealous brown-nosing dev who virtually recoded the entire game in one week by himself during his off hours.


Until then, I don't think anyone had witnessed such a combination of flash of brilliance and hard work since Edison invented the light bulb. :rolleyes:

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The days of sandbox mmorpgs are long gone. There will probably never be an sandbox mmorpg from a major/mainstream company ever again. Which is in my opinion incredibly unfortunate because sandbox are the "true" mmorpgs. Themepark mmorpgs are bad, boring and soulless, they're casualization and "mainstreamization" of a wonderful genre. It's how it works, especially this generation, gaming has been slaughtered. Achievements, themepark mmorpgs, generic shooters completely dominating the gaming gen, wrpgs have been dumbed down to action adventures with choices, jrpgs have gone the current anime route to overcliche by filling every jrpg game every possible cliche possible.



This gaming generation has been a complete massacre.

Edited by Zirithil
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id like to see some sandbox elements added to TOR that SWG had


you cant ever have enough to do in a MMO in my opinion


fishing and mining meta games

creature mounts (dewbacks , taun tauns etc)

player bounties

random spawns that drop uber loot

treasure chests that you look for on planets

interactive water (that you dont become exhausted in)

shops that people can walk into even if they are instanced

actual customisable decoration of your ship or housing

creature handling (loyal pets not companions)

you could tell who people were sometimes by looking at them

(i think tor needs a wardrobe option desperately)

krayt dragons krayt dragons krayt dragons

Full size Rancors

multiperson vehicles for groups

a good space game


great post OP

Edited by Alpha-Llama
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The days of sandbox mmorpgs are long gone. There will probably never be an sandbox mmorpg from a major/mainstream company ever again. Which is in my opinion incredibly unfortunate because sandbox are the "true" mmorpgs. Themepark mmorpgs are bad, boring and soulless, they're casualization and "mainstreamization" of a wonderful genre. It's how it works, especially this generation, gaming has been slaughtered. Achievements, themepark mmorpgs, generic shooters completely dominating the gaming gen, wrpgs have been dumbed down to action adventures with choices, jrpgs have gone the current anime route to overcliche by filling every jrpg game every possible cliche possible.



This gaming generation has been a complete massacre.


I bet they make a comeback, look at bell bottoms. Once people get tired of the hand holding that is today's themepark MMO, they'll yearn for the days of freedom where you played the game the way you wanted.

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I love this idea.


Thanks, I figured that's exactly what the WoW clone MMOs are missing. A reason to NOT kill stuff.


Why not encourage players to sit in a cantina and talk to people to get really good buffs that last through death. Make them last 2 hours or so, but take 10 minutes to apply.


Different dances and music could do different buffs.


"On critical hit, regain 25% of damage as HP."


"Critical hits stun strong and below enemies for 1s"


"Critical heals apply a HOT healing 50% of the heal over 3s"


"Experience from mob kills is increased by 25%"


"Social points gained are doubled"


"PvP commendations are increased by 15%" (only one of two buffs that would work in PVP)


"Valor earned in PVP combat is increased by 15%" (Works in pvp, duh)


"When your shield activates gain 100% of the shielded damage as HP"


"Sprint works in combat" (not pvp, nor raids/fps)


"Ship regenerates hull along with shields" (Space)






Just give the social class a talent tree and seperate XP bar.


Talents could be: (able to grab only 1)


-Faster Application of the buff from 10 min to 5 min (5 ranks)

-25% stronger buff (5 ranks)

-Apply two buffs at once (5 ranks, second buff increasing in potency from 10% to 50%)

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I'm 100% sure this thread will get locked for not being "on topic".


So inb4lock!


That said, There's a lot of rose colored glasses being used in this thread. Sandbox isn't my thing, but that said, SWG was a giant grind fest. I didn't particularly enjoy having to grind my way through a billion mobs just to learn how to fire a pistol. And yes, I managed to grind up to be a master marksman (or whatever it was called... pistol/carbine/rifle master) and it was pretty horrible, overall.


There were some good things about SWG - I particularly liked the day/night cycle as well as the random weather effects. The planets were huge which made them feel like real planets. The downside to this was that the game launched without vehicles so it took like 2 hours to run from one city to another :)


The current TOR crafting system needs a lot of work because right now, it's grindy and not very viable. SWG had crafting that was viable (but SUPER grindy). I would also love it if TOR could include the day/night cycles and weather because that was done REALLY well in SWG.

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I'm 100% sure this thread will get locked for not being "on topic".


So inb4lock!


That said, There's a lot of rose colored glasses being used in this thread. Sandbox isn't my thing, but that said, SWG was a giant grind fest. I didn't particularly enjoy having to grind my way through a billion mobs just to learn how to fire a pistol. And yes, I managed to grind up to be a master marksman (or whatever it was called... pistol/carbine/rifle master) and it was pretty horrible, overall.


There were some good things about SWG - I particularly liked the day/night cycle as well as the random weather effects. The planets were huge which made them feel like real planets. The downside to this was that the game launched without vehicles so it took like 2 hours to run from one city to another :)


The current TOR crafting system needs a lot of work because right now, it's grindy and not very viable. SWG had crafting that was viable (but SUPER grindy). I would also love it if TOR could include the day/night cycles and weather because that was done REALLY well in SWG.


maybe so but whats to stop TOR taking what was good and adding it

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I'm 100% sure this thread will get locked for not being "on topic".


So inb4lock!


That said, There's a lot of rose colored glasses being used in this thread. Sandbox isn't my thing, but that said, SWG was a giant grind fest. I didn't particularly enjoy having to grind my way through a billion mobs just to learn how to fire a pistol. And yes, I managed to grind up to be a master marksman (or whatever it was called... pistol/carbine/rifle master) and it was pretty horrible, overall.


There were some good things about SWG - I particularly liked the day/night cycle as well as the random weather effects. The planets were huge which made them feel like real planets. The downside to this was that the game launched without vehicles so it took like 2 hours to run from one city to another :)


The current TOR crafting system needs a lot of work because right now, it's grindy and not very viable. SWG had crafting that was viable (but SUPER grindy). I would also love it if TOR could include the day/night cycles and weather because that was done REALLY well in SWG.


However, swoops were a fairly cheap price, customisable, and you didn't have to pay to learn to ride! (only you had to buy a new one every time some Rebel/Imp blew it up for you)

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^^^^^ This


But, as one of the first handful of Jedi ever in SWG, Pre-CU, and some who played until the day they launched NGE and quit immediately, I gotta say...That game before Smedley took the helm, was pretty sweet.


Was a pre-cu Jedi also but I put in 6 years from launch to ...well.... 6 years.. LOL


I Had to go. Lost all of my friends and guildies due to server merges and in a game like that, you really can't play with yourself (Well... I suppose you can do that anywhere but you know what I mean):p

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20 man squill hunts and camping in a Ranger's campsite before getting on to more hunting. Spinning...love the lair spinning, alone and in big groups, factions, changing sides whenever the mood struck...the entertainers to remove battle fatigue...the clothes.


The real SWG died in 2005 when NGE came in; but I do miss my bunker, mansion, hunting lodge, cabin by the lake, affordable vehicles, invasions...the early Mustafar missions, my space ships.


But I am back on my quest to find my inquisitor some decent looking clothes and a cape. Must have a cape....

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The sandbox that was SWG was amazing, it was 10x more social than this game because it had so many non combat professions. You made ONE character and made him.her whatever you wanted and could switch what you wanted to do at any time.


Why SWG was better pre combat upgrade


1. sandbox

2. better crafting

3. non combat professions

4. your character could learn any skills of any professions (mix and match professions to suite you)

5. player house guild towns

6. world PVP in the large cities and guild towns

7. could switch between republic and empire.

8. Jedis were RARE the way it should be.

9. Jump to light speed had better space combat

10. social aspect, I remember lines forming for buffs, player merchants selling their good at the spaceport,conversations while waiting for shuttles. making campfires out in the middle of tatooine. it felt like a living world!

11. the number of mounts. being able to actually collect and show off rare items in your house.



all you would need to add from SWTOR is the voice overs and combat mechanics. i wouldn't even want the graphics from this game since they suck so bad. One day a worth successor to the original SWG will come about.

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