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Are You Feeling "Burned Out" by SWTOR?


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I have been playing this game a lot lately, but I feel like something is.... missing. Some kind of core element that sucks me into games and keeps me hooked is lacking, and I can't quite place my finger on what that thing is.


At the beginning of the game, I was blown away. Getting my first lightsaber was an incredible and memorable moment. But as time and levels wore on, I have slowly lost that "glow/interest/spark" which compelled me to play in the first place.


I THINK it is because of the lack of customization across the board. But there is something else, too, that I can't place.


Is anyone else experiencing this too? Express your feelings. Does anyone else feel this way?

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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I THINK it is because of the lack of customization across the board. But there is something else, too, that I can't place.


Is anyone else experiencing this too? Express your feelings. Does anyone else feel this way?


Lack of customization relating to what? Companions? The ui?


Seems they did a good job in some areas but those are two they failed pretty bad in to me.


No...I'm not feeling burned out.Still enjoying the game myself. Actually have a renewed interest in it since I switched factions and now have other players to group with.

Edited by GarbonzotheDude
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I'm beginning to think I'm burned out for some reason.


I started on the 25th and played for a few hours straight, got to 30 on one toon for the legacy name, got another toon to 23, and a third to 20. I've PvPed a lot on both Empire and Republic, plus worked on different crew skills.


But in the past week I think I'd logged on for a total of 2 hours. For some reason I really just don't want to log in :(

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I'm beginning to think I'm burned out for some reason.


I started on the 25th and played for a few hours straight, got to 30 on one toon for the legacy name, got another toon to 23, and a third to 20. I've PvPed a lot on both Empire and Republic, plus worked on different crew skills.


But in the past week I think I'd logged on for a total of 2 hours. For some reason I really just don't want to log in :(


Exactly. It doesn't seem to have that... spark. I am still trying to figure out why. It seems like I've run out of fun things to look forward to. :(

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Lack of customization relating to what? Companions? The ui?


Seems they did a good job in some areas but those are two they failed pretty bad in to me.


No...I'm not feeling burned out.Still enjoying the game myself. Actually have a renewed interest in it since I switched factions and now have other players to group with.



It seems like everything is guided too much. You can't customize things in a way that would lend to a type of feeling of accomplishment. It all feels too linear to me.


It is really hard to express.


It would be nice to move furniture around on my ship, for example. Something to make the game feel more like home.


Do you understand more of what I am trying to say?

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I'm just curious, have you played WoW before? Because after I was reading your post regarding your feelings about this game I felt just like I used to feel when it came to play other games. I booted up the game, played it for a hour or two and was just like, 'meh, boring." And I never ever could figured out WHY I feel like that. As of now I'm not feeling the same about SWOTR, though I really hope it won't happen.
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Ah that sucks, bad times. Personally for me I'm getting more hooked than I was at release. I have both the privilege and curse of having limited play time and so the game still feels extremely fresh to me.


This is the first mmo that I've stayed subscribed for more than a month after starting the game since daoc in 2004.


Maybe you should take a week off the game and come back after?

Edited by Arkanovi
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I have been playing this game a lot lately, but I feel like something is.... missing. Some kind of core element that sucks me into games and keeps me hooked is lacking, and I can't quite place my finger on what that thing is.


At the beginning of the game, I was blown away. Getting my first lightsaber was an incredible and memorable moment. But as time and levels wore on, I have slowly lost that "glow/interest/spark" which compelled me to play in the first place.


I THINK it is because of the lack of customization across the board. But there is something else, too, that I can't place.


Is anyone else experiencing this too? Express your feelings. Does anyone else feel this way?


I believe it is because of the lack of visual variety. There is nothing cool to look forward to, just more of the same.

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Exactly. It doesn't seem to have that... spark. I am still trying to figure out why. It seems like I've run out of fun things to look forward to.
You're out of content, and most of the repeatable stuff is time-locked.


I was shocked to discover that HM BT had a daily lockout; logging in to go through the motions of running down a checklist of daily content seems more like a chore/job than any MMO grind I can think of offhand.


And what do they think players are going to do besides log-off and question the value of their subscription when confronted by lockouts on PUG content, a heavy crutch on repeatable daily quests, etc.


That's one of those myths about casuals; casuals maybe be more numerous, but if they only log on in numbers during weekend mid-day peak hours, then the servers feel empty the rest of the time.


have you joined a guild?
Joining a guild and tackling the limited end-game content is the last thing for me to do. As I understand it, it'll take maybe a month of running once per week for the entire OPs group to be geared out.


I came to this game with the intention of getting into a good, small guild that could run FPs consistently. I've come to realize just how pointless that is, as there's virtually no content that can't just be pugged, and there's literally no content that could hold someone's interest for more than a handful of runs.

Edited by Ansultares
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Maybe you should take a week off the game and come back after?



sounds interesting ... have the same problem ... i was thrilled from 1-30 ... was like omg something big is going on and I must save people and defeat the evil but now ... lvl 50 ... thanks for that post :) ... it would may be something good for me just to take a week off the game

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You guys have to take breaks. If you constantly play, then of course you'll feel burned out.

Go outside once in a while, hang out with a couple friends.


That's what I do, get a couple buddies over, play Mario Kart: Double Dash, or CIV4.

I also swim and go skiing. And when I come home, I play a couple hours of SWTOR.

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This is pretty much how i feel. Leveling was awesome, flashpoints with guildies too. At 50 i pvped a bit to get full champion gear. I am quite good player and thats pretty much enough to rule in pvp in this game (sadly). I run two raids, I am pretty much full pve epic now too. And you dont need the gear for anything, nothing challenging in this game. I tried to roll alt, its fun with different story but then you think - what you will do with him at 50? Run two raids and done?


I think i will see how it goes in next 20 days or so. My guild is planning some payback on Ilum with another guild so maybe that will bring some fun. Sadly Ilum is nearly unplayable with 5 fps on 4 core 560ti gtx and 8GB DDR3. Yeah thats the problem with TOR. When you find something you can do/is fun, you will run into bugs or bad performance or bad design. What a shame.

Edited by hunaxor
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I think the problem is that I personally feel that I've been thrown into a world that I'm being allowed to interact with, but which I'm not allowed to make a home in. It's pretty much frozen in time outside of the story interactions. This horse has long been ground to dust, but the world is just too static.


For example, in Lord of the Rings Online, you have the inhabitants of the world running around, talking, having parties, drinking, and all sorts of other things. Even the bad guys have their own purposeful actions much of the time, such as sleeping and building weapons. Here, you have NPCs standing around and overhear their conversations as they continue to stand there looking at each other. The baddies are always standing in groups of three-five with a few roamers who don't have anything in particular to do. Like someone else said, everything is too linear.


Questgiver: "Here are some bad guys who are doing something bad. Kill them." I find the bad guys, and (in general) they actually don't seem to be doing anything all that bad aside from wanting to kill me. Even when they have captives, the baddies just stand there looking at them, as if they don't know what to do next. This may seem like nitpicking, but since technology can't afford to have thousands of NPCs in a single area, the quality of involvement between them and the game world makes an huge difference in the immersion that the player experiences.


In addition, some sort of personal space that allows for customization helps to create the feeling that something has actually been accomplished. Using LOTRO as an example again, you can take cool-looking trophies from low and high-level missions, or just go back to the areas you liked and buy items to put in your space or even wear cosmetically. Turbine has made it so that you really CONNECT with the game world. They've done a lot of things wrong lately, but this is far from being one of them.


Anyway, I have a lot of other thoughts about this. It seems that Bioware didn't really care about making a dynamic world to be shared in the community as much as they did guaranteeing an awesome but limited individual experience.

Edited by Amote
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I have been playing this game a lot lately, but I feel like something is.... missing. Some kind of core element that sucks me into games and keeps me hooked is lacking, and I can't quite place my finger on what that thing is.


At the beginning of the game, I was blown away. Getting my first lightsaber was an incredible and memorable moment. But as time and levels wore on, I have slowly lost that "glow/interest/spark" which compelled me to play in the first place.


I THINK it is because of the lack of customization across the board. But there is something else, too, that I can't place.


Is anyone else experiencing this too? Express your feelings. Does anyone else feel this way?

The leveling part with all the awesome class quests kept me playing all day long and I fellt like this MMO is best of all I've ever played. After I hit 50 though and played quite alot PvP and other end game content, the game starts to feel lacking and I don't really log for much other reason than daily and weekly quests now :/ I still like the game alot though, but something indeed feels missing. Edited by PalawaJoko
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I was feeling burned out there for a bit because I seriously binged on it when the game first launched. 10 days of game time /played in 30 days was wayyyy too much. So I took a week off and now I'm back into it again, and even running through Taris for my second time it's holding my interest.


I think I'm just to the point where I don't feel like I need to be playing it 24/7, and can play for a bit and turn it off and go to sleep, or turn it off to watch a little TV here and there.


Most importantly, there are 6 different games I have loaded on the system, 4 online and 2 local games, and when I want to play a game, this is the one that gets fired up. The other 5 just sit there.


Maybe you should take a break for a little bit and come back to it. Absence does help the heart grow fonder... sometimes anyway!

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I have been playing this game a lot lately, but I feel like something is.... missing. Some kind of core element that sucks me into games and keeps me hooked is lacking, and I can't quite place my finger on what that thing is.


At the beginning of the game, I was blown away. Getting my first lightsaber was an incredible and memorable moment. But as time and levels wore on, I have slowly lost that "glow/interest/spark" which compelled me to play in the first place.


I THINK it is because of the lack of customization across the board. But there is something else, too, that I can't place.


Is anyone else experiencing this too? Express your feelings. Does anyone else feel this way?


No i'm not burned out because i mainly do PvP, it's always fun kicking other people's asses whether it's in an MMO or in an FPS like BF3 it doesn't matter, playing against other people is great fun, even if you don't always win.

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To me it seems like the kind of situation i had couple years back with WoW.. I tried to figure out what it was that bored me, but then i realized that its not the game itself, but gaming generally started to bore me and stuff in RL became more and more important and fun, then gaming just kinda fell behind.


Im having good time leveling in this game since i've had long break, but i already feel that when i hit the lvl cap im going to get bored.

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I've been L41 for about two weeks now. Just can't seem to finish the race. My rested XP is well over 300,000 XP. I'm subbed for two more months though but I have a feeling I will cancel once that's up.


It sucks to do that after I've waited for this game since 2009. :(

Edited by xioix
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I'm quite glad swtor is so simple, and a bit crap - I can play for a few hours, satisfy my need for numbercrunching, then log out without worrying about when I can next log in etc like a good quality, addictive, well thought out MMO grabs you.
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