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I can't take the pointless travelling between planets...


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Look on the bright side - you don't have to wait for a boat that comes "supposedly" every 15 minutes.


And you don't have to worry about falling through the boat into the depth of ocean where CR is impossible without GM assistance.

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I've played EverQuest and then went to vanilla WoW. In EQ I'd have to sit and stare at my character for ~30 minutes while I rode on a boat to the Overthere and if I missed when the boat dock, I'd have to sit through another round trip.


Travelling in this game isn't so bad, in fact I think it partially adds to the immersion, which I very much enjoy. However I do think a couple of small changes could greatly reduce the annoyance that some people feel regarding doing repetitive tasks just to get from point A to point B.


First: Add a bind point/quick travel point inside your ship, or something similar to the fleet pass on a shorter cool down.


Second: Every spaceport should have a taxi nearby.


Third: Fix the flight paths on DK so they connect, this is an unnecessary inconvenience.


Fourth: Add stuff to the space dock so it doesn't feel like this pointless void you must traverse just to board your ship


I think these still give flexibility and options to RP players but also convenience for the "power gamers".

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Look on the bright side - you don't have to wait for a boat that comes "supposedly" every 15 minutes.


And you don't have to worry about falling through the boat into the depth of ocean where CR is impossible without GM assistance.


Sad thing is with 7 loading times I would rather wait for a boat and most boats show up every couple min not 15.

Edited by Nanfoodle
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Let's say for instance I'm on a planet and i want to go to the next planet...


I start off on planet A... I have to run through the pointless space station that for some reason looks the exact same on every planet...


I think I then have to zone into the hangar of my class... then I have to run all the way to shuttle or whatever...


Then for whatever reason I'm now on a pointless orbital station... god dammit! So I have to run to the next point where I have to zone... now I'm in a gosh darn airlock??? jesus Christ when will I get to my Spaceship...


Ok cool I'm finally on my spaceship... oh my god I wish my stupid droid had something else to say other than the same 5 lines every time I zoned in... I wish he would shutup already!


Ok cool, finally I'm ready to go to the planet I want... what the hell I'm in the gosh darn airlock again... awesome I'll just run through that again for whatever pointless reason...


Jesus Christ I'm on another orbital station. I guess I'll just spend more time running to the stupid shuttle... is there even a point to this stupid orbital station other than pissing me off...


Cool I'm finally on the planet I want... oh Jesus tapdancing Christ i have to run through the hangar again... oh look I zoned into the exact same space station again? is this even a different planet or am I on the same one? Guess I'll have to run through this generic space station to see what planet I'm on...


All that time wasted for no reason...

My point... please for the love of god BW... make travel between planets less painful...


I'm cool with it.


I just shuttle to the waystation that has the interfleet shuttle path - I speeder there if I'm not in *that* much of a rush. Then click on that shuttle path and wallah, I'm at fleet. I just run to my ship then and head off to where I'm trying to get to.


If I'm in a super-rush the emergency fleet pass.


Maybe its because I come from MMO's where you need to wait for a boat that only comes every 15 minutes which then travels for 12 minutes in order to get from one continent to another, but travel in SWTOR is just fine to me. In fact I think the flashpoint hub they have at Fleet is a bit *too* easy.

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its really not that bad.........you people really need to relax. like srsly. whine about anything.



you know what lets just make this game into a single room with portals to the raids and flash points and a single toilet.




BAM everyones happy. :rolleyes:

Edited by Mrpoodles
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Pal, I waste enough time going places IRL anyways. If I am playing a game, I want to get places and get things done.


One of the above posters is correct. They should put in an option to fast-travel or to go to a spaceport and select where you want to go and GO there, bypassing all the orbital station and spaceship crap.


You know how I know you're from WoW?


This was a conscious decision by BioWare. Making you go aboard your ship was done intentionally so that you'd actually use your ship. Otherwise, you'd never go in it, and you'd race to the forums to make threads titled "Spaceships R useles fix NOA".

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You know how I know you're from WoW?


This was a conscious decision by BioWare. Making you go aboard your ship was done intentionally so that you'd actually use your ship. Otherwise, you'd never go in it, and you'd race to the forums to make threads titled "Spaceships R useles fix NOA".


You'd still have to use them if you wanted to do space combat.

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Space travel can be both immersive AND simple with some design changes. In it's current form, it's kinda bulky and over done with the number of steps it takes. It can be streamlined and satisfy both crowds.


I agree. For example, when you are at the fleet and you had to fly over to another ship for the odd quest and flash points, the little shuttle that flys through space, still feels cool and awesome in my opinion. Its short and sweet, and ties the actual fleet experience together somewhat, and it's all automated.

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its really not that bad.........you people really need to relax. like srsly. whine about anything.



you know what lets just make this game into a single room with portals to the raids and flash points and a single toilet.




BAM everyones happy. :rolleyes:


No one here is asking for that if you read the thread. There is 7 loading spots from planet to planet with nothing to see. At best 1 or 2 vendors. With a few adjustments covering the same space have just 2-4 loading screens and fill it with things worth running threw that space. As it stands its just something to get threw. Like why when I load to a space station do I need to take an elevator to get to my ships loading screen?

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Yes, because riding a griffin or [insert mount] for 10 minutes from one end of a continent to the other is so much better. And hey, if I had a copper for every time I had a happy fun time explosion from the pure, unadulterated joy of waiting 5-10 minutes for the blimp to arrive, I'd have been able to afford all those arena repair bills.


This repeated complaint and the expectations underlying it are what is broken, not the game.

Edited by Blotter
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That's that ALL these thread are, people saying how much they don't like the current system.


Loading times that are purely there as artifacts of the story content (but then once the story content is done continue to exist every single time you use the space travel system) is HIDEOUSLY BAD GAME DESIGN.


There's no other way to describe it.



There are however many ways to fix it (see above). :D



- Allow you to skip your ship entirely as you said (although it's not really the bit on the ships that is so mind-numbing, as you are taking physical choice actions on there).


- Allow you to speeder straight on to your ship (as it hits the speeder point closest to the space port you just load on to your ship maybe with quick cut scene or whatever).


- Allow you to quick travel straight onto your ship (probably the one with the most potential issues and exploits).


All of these would improve the current situation to some degree or other.


Goretzu, do you know what a 'suggestion' is? Compared to a 'discussion'?


Drop it into the right box and it should be handled the right way... drop it into the wrong one, don't be surprised that you don't just get yes-man posts.


And what 'Loading times that are purely there as artifacts of the story content ' are you referring to?


Things like 'oh, wait, this Taris customs offers needs to greet me when I'm leaving my Smuggler ship for the first time on Taris, due to that there will always be the need to load the hangar when I'm leaving the ship on Taris'?


Please don't say that is how you explain your 'artifacts of story content = loading time' theory?! :eek:


But okay, let's handle this as a suggestion:


You say 'skip the ship', I say 'skip taxi rides! Skip walking thru re-populated hallways, tunels, caves, rooms, etc. just because you died one too often and don't want to wait 10 min to wait for a med probe! Heck, skip having to go somewhere to get your quest!'


All of this is part of the design BW has for the game.


Will it be considered perfect by everybody? Obviously not! Will it be a gamebreaker for some? Potentially.

But what if I were to say that it would be a gamebreaker for me if I could just teleport around the galaxy instantly? Would that (considering that apparently I'm not the only one who feels like this) be something where BW would have to revert their design back to the original setup?


As a suggestion, it is fine, as a concept it is bad: because if you want to cater to everybody you will just bloat the game further - which I assume you don't want either?


Imagine: Instead of 'enter spaceport, run to hangar, etc.' you may know have 'enter spaceport, option menu: do you want to continue to a) spaceport (interior), b) hangar, c) your ship, d) different planet, e) cancel?, You selected d), please select destination from available options...' etc. which is an extra step if you just want to get into the spaceport. (Granted, it would quicken the access to both hangar and ship, and of course planet, but if you are already complaining about such 'phase walls' you should not add more of them!


I'm sure BW could improve the performance of the game by cutting down further on content that is loaded (resulting in more but shorter loading screens) but people would potentially not be too happy about it...


"Allow you to speeder straight on to your ship (as it hits the speeder point closest to the space port you just load on to your ship maybe with quick cut scene or whatever)."


Basically an interesting idea... except that you would have to mark that threshold extremely well because (especially considering lag!) having people teleport into the ship against their will will not win you any friends! :p


"Allow you to quick travel straight onto your ship (probably the one with the most potential issues and exploits)."


Actually, I don't quite agree on that. How often have you Quick Travelled from a mission back to 'somewhere' after completing said mission just because it was too long a trip and you couldn't be bothered?


This wouldn't be too different except that your 'binding point' is the ship and not the cantina in the city or the taxi stand.


Could be done... only questions: a) should it share the cooldown with the normal QT? Frankly then you didn't really gain much as you would not be able to QT at your destination. Meaning that friend that you may want to help will still have to wait till you taxied your way to his location.


And unless you know the actual times it takes for every single taxi track really well your are bound to make miscalculations taking a QT to the ship for a trip that would have taken 3 min via taxi and then in turn having to taxi a route on another planet for 5 min because you are not able to QT.


So maybe split ship-QT and normal QT? But what about the way back then?


See, unless you really get to the exploit stage (QT cd: 2 min!) there is very little point in a QT to ship option other than avoiding running thru the spaceport/airlock/hangar.

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on a hostile planet you do not want to have all the spaceships insecure on the ground, you need them locked out of harms way in a nice warm safe spaceport, that could be pulled into position.

So I am all for the port, but I would actually like to see all the ships in one large hanger and you zone between your ship and the spaceport.

OK I guess it might get cluttered and no one will know whos ship is whos, so just imagine a docking ring and you just move between the space port and your airlock as one load.


The spaceport should have all the main command and control etc so, vendors and banks should be there, and then you can shuttle down to a number of different planet landing pads, removing the need for too much taxi-ing about.

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Well, this IS a mmoRPG, heaven forbid you actually participate in the last 3 letters.....




It is:


Single Player Online Game (subscribtion based) with chat functions and a Comic MultiPlayer Implementation




and no where close to MMORPG


becouse otherways your INBOX of mail (IRL) is an MMORPG best in class!

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Why is it when people discuss the tedium of interstellar travel, the other crowd always assume people want insta-travel?


Streamline the process, I have no problems running from speederpoint to my ship. I have no idea why I need to run across the hanger to enter my ship. Why can't I click on the elevator to the hangar and end up inside my ship?


Why do we need orbital stations?


A run from planet to planet should be no more than:


Speeder to spaceport

Run to hangar elevator

Appear in ship, select planet

Leave ship, appear in spaceport


Given there is nothing of interest in the orbital stations/ hangars that can't be accomodated in the spaceport, lets just ditch them.

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Goretzu, do you know what a 'suggestion' is? Compared to a 'discussion'?


Drop it into the right box and it should be handled the right way... drop it into the wrong one, don't be surprised that you don't just get yes-man posts.


And what 'Loading times that are purely there as artifacts of the story content ' are you referring to?


Things like 'oh, wait, this Taris customs offers needs to greet me when I'm leaving my Smuggler ship for the first time on Taris, due to that there will always be the need to load the hangar when I'm leaving the ship on Taris'?


Please don't say that is how you explain your 'artifacts of story content = loading time' theory?! :eek:


But okay, let's handle this as a suggestion:


You say 'skip the ship', I say 'skip taxi rides! Skip walking thru re-populated hallways, tunels, caves, rooms, etc. just because you died one too often and don't want to wait 10 min to wait for a med probe! Heck, skip having to go somewhere to get your quest!'


All of this is part of the design BW has for the game.


Will it be considered perfect by everybody? Obviously not! Will it be a gamebreaker for some? Potentially.

But what if I were to say that it would be a gamebreaker for me if I could just teleport around the galaxy instantly? Would that (considering that apparently I'm not the only one who feels like this) be something where BW would have to revert their design back to the original setup?


As a suggestion, it is fine, as a concept it is bad: because if you want to cater to everybody you will just bloat the game further - which I assume you don't want either?


Imagine: Instead of 'enter spaceport, run to hangar, etc.' you may know have 'enter spaceport, option menu: do you want to continue to a) spaceport (interior), b) hangar, c) your ship, d) different planet, e) cancel?, You selected d), please select destination from available options...' etc. which is an extra step if you just want to get into the spaceport. (Granted, it would quicken the access to both hangar and ship, and of course planet, but if you are already complaining about such 'phase walls' you should not add more of them!


I'm sure BW could improve the performance of the game by cutting down further on content that is loaded (resulting in more but shorter loading screens) but people would potentially not be too happy about it...


"Allow you to speeder straight on to your ship (as it hits the speeder point closest to the space port you just load on to your ship maybe with quick cut scene or whatever)."


Basically an interesting idea... except that you would have to mark that threshold extremely well because (especially considering lag!) having people teleport into the ship against their will will not win you any friends! :p


"Allow you to quick travel straight onto your ship (probably the one with the most potential issues and exploits)."


Actually, I don't quite agree on that. How often have you Quick Travelled from a mission back to 'somewhere' after completing said mission just because it was too long a trip and you couldn't be bothered?


This wouldn't be too different except that your 'binding point' is the ship and not the cantina in the city or the taxi stand.


Could be done... only questions: a) should it share the cooldown with the normal QT? Frankly then you didn't really gain much as you would not be able to QT at your destination. Meaning that friend that you may want to help will still have to wait till you taxied your way to his location.


And unless you know the actual times it takes for every single taxi track really well your are bound to make miscalculations taking a QT to the ship for a trip that would have taken 3 min via taxi and then in turn having to taxi a route on another planet for 5 min because you are not able to QT.


So maybe split ship-QT and normal QT? But what about the way back then?


See, unless you really get to the exploit stage (QT cd: 2 min!) there is very little point in a QT to ship option other than avoiding running thru the spaceport/airlock/hangar.



Yup, I also know what a Strawman argument is, perhaps you should look it up. :)


There's several ways they could fix having to run through what is actual an artefact of their story content, suggested by myself and by others, in this thread.


They need to sort this ASAP because it's not just something people are complaining about on the forums it's a regularly mentioned in game issue too.


And it's pretty easily solvable.

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Really? You think the travel between planets is fun? Or even remotely engaging? Or does it make you want to stab yourself in the head with a fork?

This is supposed to be a fun game... not a drive from Los Angeles to San Francisco.


I agree 100%, it gets old really quick, and I was one of the more forgiving ones when it came to the clunky and useless areas.

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Well then,lets go with your example;


-enter taxi,drive halfway to airport...

-get out,walk for10 minutes,then take another taxi the rest of way to airport..

-walk to the terminal furthest away from entrance..

-get in a small plane that flies you to another airport...

-walk from one end of that airport to the other,just so you can take the elevator up one floor.

-walk back across the entire airport get on the plane you really wanted..


-once that lands,reverse the prosess to get where you are going...




Now,are we having fun yet? :confused:



MMOs are based around RPG elements. People who like to RP in games enjoy such things. If it takes time in RL. Make it take time in game. This is what an MMO is, its a time sink, another world to explore and immerse yourself in.

The problem with new so-called MMO players, they seem to treat an MMO like any other game. It if takes time, remove it, if i dont like it, remove it. Instant instant type of crowd.


So when people point out to you, "if you dont like such things in games. Maybe this genre is not for you". Its an MMO, it has RPG elements. deal with it or move on. Remember, you picked this genre to play.


Its not all about the action!

Edited by DigitalPrime
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You can blame the game that made everyone think the "real fun" starts at "end game."


Since most of these people came from there, they just want Bioware to roll over and make it just like the game they came from, except with lightsabers.


I admire Bioware for NOT focusing most of their resources on "end game." Games should be fun from the first level!


Thank you Bioware!


My sentiments exactly.



Besides being a part of the immersion of being in a large universe, traveling to places provides players a chance to actually run into other players and gee.. maybe interact with them and help them out.It helps form friendships and guilds and maybe a positive social enviroment.


The people complaining about this are also the same people complaining about not having damage meters, or wanting a way to skip the cut-scenes, and a cross-server LFG tool.


They power level up to max level as fast as they can and then complain there is nothing to do in the game. They are the same people who advocate the idea of being able to start a character at max level.


They only want to run "end game" content and are not interested in the Leveing experience, RP, Storyline, or Social aspects of the game unless it involved them being able to "show off" their superior loot.


Let the "End Game", "powerleveling", and "Zerg" crowd go back to that other game. I for one don't need them and don't want them here.

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One to load to the space port, one elevator ride to your docking bay, one to load onto your ship, one to load your map, one to leave your ship to the docking bay, one to take the elevator to the space port, one to load down to the planet. Thats 7 loading screens!!!!! You know how much lag they could remove from the game if they made it from planet to ship to planet.


Right, we have different definitions on 'loading screens' then, sorry.


I don't count a black zoning screen as a loading screen.


So while the track isn't seamless, it's also not bad... you want to compare times for black zoning screens to see how 'unbad' it actually is?



Random note: Frankly, as to including the orbital stations: a good chunk of travel is planet to planet, not planet to station to planet or even planet to station to station to planet.


If you don't have the planet to planet experience, maybe you are doing something wrong? Wrong class? Wrong faction? Wrong game?


its really not that bad.........you people really need to relax. like srsly. whine about anything.


you know what lets just make this game into a single room with portals to the raids and flash points and a single toilet.


BAM everyones happy. :rolleyes:


Mr Poodles, make it so!


Wait, no, wrong universe, wrong answer!


But naybe, if you could do it, maybe you could also take out all that pesty levelling? I don't like to have to do any questing (not to mention running around!) just so that I get my character up to lvl 50. Please? :rolleyes:


Yup, I also know what a Strawman argument is, perhaps you should look it up. :)


There's several ways they could fix having to run through what is actual an artefact of their story content, suggested by myself and by others, in this thread.


They need to sort this ASAP because it's not just something people are complaining about on the forums it's a regularly mentioned in game issue too.


And it's pretty easily solvable.


Congrats, you know things! Have a cookie! ;)


Of course aspects of your argument will be ignored by me (and other people) just because the are pointless:


again: 'what is actual an artefact of their story content' - wrong! It is part of the environment they have created! This may contain characters that only spawned as part of the story/planet arc which in theory could be dropped but this would do very little change things.


What you are saying is 'I have done the storyline, now give me the bare bones of anything other than storyline'


Sorry, this still leaves the open quest on each world...


okay, I'm done with those as well! Can I now have the bare bones?


Meaning what? PvP? (Please don't say FP this falls under 'open quests' in my book)


I'm really curious whether you can say anything other than 'this is another strawman argument' :eek:

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My sentiments exactly.



Besides being a part of the immersion of being in a large universe, traveling to places provides players a chance to actually run into other players and gee.. maybe interact with them and help them out.It helps form friendships and guilds and maybe a positive social enviroment.


The people complaining about this are also the same people complaining about not having damage meters, or wanting a way to skip the cut-scenes, and a cross-server LFG tool.


They power level up to max level as fast as they can and then complain there is nothing to do in the game. They are the same people who advocate the idea of being able to start a character at max level.


They only want to run "end game" content and are not interested in the Leveing experience, RP, Storyline, or Social aspects of the game unless it involved them being able to "show off" their superior loot.


Let the "End Game", "powerleveling", and "Zerg" crowd go back to that other game. I for one don't need them and don't want them here.


I am surprised you could fit so much hyperbole into one post. I am glad to find out there isn't a limit.

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My sentiments exactly.



Besides being a part of the immersion of being in a large universe, traveling to places provides players a chance to actually run into other players and gee.. maybe interact with them and help them out.It helps form friendships and guilds and maybe a positive social enviroment.


The people complaining about this are also the same people complaining about not having damage meters, or wanting a way to skip the cut-scenes, and a cross-server LFG tool.


They power level up to max level as fast as they can and then complain there is nothing to do in the game. They are the same people who advocate the idea of being able to start a character at max level.


They only want to run "end game" content and are not interested in the Leveing experience, RP, Storyline, or Social aspects of the game unless it involved them being able to "show off" their superior loot.


Let the "End Game", "powerleveling", and "Zerg" crowd go back to that other game. I for one don't need them and don't want them here.


So... running a few minutes to the nearest taxi location, driving the speeder to a place somewhere outside the actual spaceport, running a few more minutes to the spaceport, moving through it, entering your class hanger, run to the ship, enter the ship, run up to the galaxy map, travel to new planet, and then reverse all these steps... is something that helps form friendships?




I am in not one of the "End Game, powerleveing Zerg crowd" you apparently hate, but i'm also not someone who just logs on to sit in the local cantina staring at the Twi'lek dancers while sharing stories with other RPers all day long.


I actually like to "play" a game. And wasting so much time EVERY time i want to get to a new location just gets very very VERY tedious.

Edited by Gharon
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