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I can't take the pointless travelling between planets...


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Did you play in vanilla?


It is in fact your statement that is ridiculous.


people that compare wow to this when they arent comparing vanilla wow to swtor have 0 credibility and you make yourself look stupid.


Not the place for this argument (though I strongly disagree with you, particularly as it concerns implementation of things such as travel systems).

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And while you are waiting for the boat or riding the dragon or whatever , you can actually do something. I tend to take that time to review quests, do what needs to be done with my inventory, including sorting it (an pointless task in TOR since there is not way to keep things organized with inventory being a single, large area), talk to my guild, or whatever I want. If I need to take a bio or refill my coffee cup, I can also do that.


But in TOR, you can do nothing else. The run portions are too short, and require you to make turns or go up stairs (such as on some ships). The wait portions are load transitions or actual load screens. There is no point in the interplanetary travel (the equivalent of inter-zone travel in most games) in TOR where you can actually do anything except run, click, wait, repeat.


I don't consider doing that to be "playing" the game. Inventory management, quest log reading, guild chat. . . those are playing the game.


Heck, they give us these this great codex. What if they streamlined the travel such that it allowed us to read that? I bet more people would actually read through it if they could do it during travel. I know I currently do most of my reading of it while taking taxis. But most of the taxi runs aren't long enough to get much reading done.


Quoted for truth +1

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And while you are waiting for the boat or riding the dragon or whatever , you can actually do something. I tend to take that time to review quests, do what needs to be done with my inventory, including sorting it (an pointless task in TOR since there is not way to keep things organized with inventory being a single, large area), talk to my guild, or whatever I want. If I need to take a bio or refill my coffee cup, I can also do that.


But in TOR, you can do nothing else. The run portions are too short, and require you to make turns or go up stairs (such as on some ships). The wait portions are load transitions or actual load screens. There is no point in the interplanetary travel (the equivalent of inter-zone travel in most games) in TOR where you can actually do anything except run, click, wait, repeat.


I don't consider doing that to be "playing" the game. Inventory management, quest log reading, guild chat. . . those are playing the game.


Heck, they give us these this great codex. What if they streamlined the travel such that it allowed us to read that? I bet more people would actually read through it if they could do it during travel. I know I currently do most of my reading of it while taking taxis. But most of the taxi runs aren't long enough to get much reading done.



Do all that stuff in the 10 minutes of time you saved because you weren't playing WoW.

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I agree with OP, they can make more constructive and FUN ways to use time sink, but making us run through the same orbital space station, the same hangar, the same thing on every planet is dull, and boring, and to some even confusing. Please put some markings of what planet it is before you go down from the orbital station and discover by persona ldeduction that hey you are not on hoth but you are on voss ...


Then can add a speed up option aside from the option that is now in the game, for those that do not have the time to waste.


Also whenever a guild mate asks for help i almost never awnser if he is on another planet, i wast at least 15 min with loading screens, and walking though hangars which is so boring , so i end up in NOT helping almost anyone even though i want to...


Well, one way to help with the "which planet" issue would be for them to put fricken labels on the planets on the map. Seriously, I get tired of the hunt-and-peck for a pop-up galaxy map interaction.

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I know BW got it wrong when I bought the crappy lvl 40 speeder they sell at the fleet rather than the one on Quesh because I was already at the fleet for my class quest and DREADED the thought of having to travel to another planet to buy a speeder.


Pointless running through repetitive and dull corridors is not realistic or fun. I weep for those who are entertained by BW's horrible and ridiculous travel system. I imagine when not playing SWTOR and running from planet to planet to enjoy the glory that is the air lock corridor, they see how many broken shards of glass they can pick up with their toes before blood loss makes them pass out.

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Don't touch the time sink that is SWTOR's travel system. This is exactly what James Ohlen implied was so "Innovative" about SWTOR. Making the users playtime as tedious and frustrating as MMO's made 7 years ago defines SWTOR's philosophy of revisited regurgitation.


Viva la Spacedocks!

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Actually, the process shouldn't matter at all. The fact is, you can get from anywhere to any quest hub in shorter time than any major MMO out there.


And yet in this case it is the exact problem, the time is irrelevant for most people. The problem is in how its done. I wouldn't mind it if it had some benefit, but there is zero, absolutely no upside to it.


SWG - 10 minute waits and they were perfectly acceptable. You know why? Because it gave you a chance to interact with other players. People danced, people talked, it created choke points for PvP etc.


FF Online - The boat rides provided not only travel but something to do. You could fish, you could fight, or if you chose you could even run to the bathroom.


WoW - Boring but at least I can grab a sammy or something


Those are just a few, but the difference is there was an upside to them all. SWTOR? Nada, nothing going on but a bunch of irritating button mashing and load screens. If they plan to do something interesting with the orbital stations then fine, I can live with that, but the airlock part is just moronic.

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Agree with this. Actually could live with that.

But Yesterday for the trooper class quest chain I have to talk to General Garza after I finished a quest so I not only had to travel to other planet but this general is located all the way across the hangar and you can ride some but most you need to walk.

Ok still fine can life by that. So go there I get new quest, small quest, travel to some ship, and then after that quest I have to go back to this General.

And this went on for four times. I spend almost whole day in sink time Yesterday.

Yep it felt like I was in a huge traffic jam that never end.

What a relief when eventually I got send to Belsavis by General Garza because I have started to grow a deep hate for General Garza.

Somehow the above did not feel like fun or enjoyment anymore and somehow that is what the game should be all about.

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i sorta have to agree. i dont necessarily believe you should hearth to diff planets. but i DO believe orbital stations should be removed. they are the bane of my travel.


i dont see why i cant / shouldnt be able to go to a spacedock, then go through some sort of green instance to my spaceship just sittin there, waiting for me to fly directly from planet to planet. these orbital stations are just pointless.

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Impossible to go help someone Pvp on some planet when it's going to take 2-3 minutes just to get to the planet.

Yeah - two to three minutes is forever.


Give me a break.


The only worlds which funnel you through orbital stations are the starting worlds - Korriban, Hutta, Tython, Ord Mantell. Why you would be desperately flying your starship from lowbie world to lowbie world when you can shuttle from lowbie world directly to Fleet, and directly from Fleet to Lowbie world, makes no sense at all.


A few minutes. That's such a big deal?


I do hope that Bioware finds more to do with spaceports because at this stage they do feel needlessly huge and empty. But no - travel from world to world shouldn't be instantaneous.


The system is fine.

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The solution is simple: go play a FPS. You obviously have no interest in the immersion the travel system provides, which is important to those of us who actually care about RP elements in the game.


Is whatever you're doing so tremendously important that you cant take the time to use your ship and need to insta port all over the universe in a completely unrealistic way?


I just don't get why people who are only concerned with completing tasks as fast as possible like little robots even play MMOPRGs to begin with.


Immersion? ROFL

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I kinda get the impression they designed this game mainly around time-to-... targets so everything was paced out so you progress through the game at a certain speed. (say 5 days played to get to 50). But I think they found out that actually it was taking like 2 days played or something and so they pulled their levers and made everything take longer so:


time-to-travel: Extended by making speeders slower, increased trash mobs on paths, orbital station length(maybe) etc.


time-to-kill: longer GCD (sooo long), Higher mob and player health or lower damage etc.


time-to-level: less XP per mob, less XP per quest, increased numbers in "collect x of x quests" ( I think this is the one they have actually balanced fairly well for solo-play, but maybe didn't do enough of for people who love flash-points/pvp.


It seems to be a very by the numbers kind of game, which I guess is great if your original numbers are accurate but if my hunch is correct and they have to slow everything down like in this game you get quite a lot of complaints.

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No need to change things, the system works fine as is.


It aint broke, so it doesnt need fixing, but it is certainly stupid. The corridor from the ship to the airlock, to the shuttle, to the planet? All done on purpose so that the load time is shorter - any1 remember those darn elevators in Mass Effect 1?!?! Same flavour, different drink.


Ironically you still have to wait for the planet to load anyway, so why not just at least have the option to skip all the stuff for the roleplayers, and zap from planet to planet?


I play a lot and I really like to take my time to soak up the SW atmosphere and enjoy the story - it is very rare that I skip a movie, but I really dont like being forced to waste my time where it is not necessary.



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Pal, I waste enough time going places IRL anyways. If I am playing a game, I want to get places and get things done.


One of the above posters is correct. They should put in an option to fast-travel or to go to a spaceport and select where you want to go and GO there, bypassing all the orbital station and spaceship crap.


Then why not just put EVERYTHING on one planet? Heck, let's put EVERYTHING, every trainer, every PvP area, every vendor, every cantina, every quest, every NPC, etc etc etc all in one map. Problem solved. No need to go anywhere.


Oh but wait, then people will complain that it sucks and doesn't make sense.




I mean you signed up to the game. You know what it's like. There was a long few months of beta. There were even dev blogs months in advance. Now you all demand Bioware do this and that because YOU want it that way. Yeah, feedback is nice, but this sort of 'feedback' is just simply whining and crying.


"I already work a lot and get stuck in traffic, I don't want to play a game where I need to walk or fly anywhere."


Okay, play Solitaire. It's free. All the cards are on one place. You barely have to move your wrist.


"To hell with you GinsengSamurai! This is called Free Speech! I can say whatever I want!"


And that's fantastic. Go hug a rainbow. Maybe cut out a fishing hole and jump into a semi-frozen lake. Helps you cool off from the day-long traffic you had to 'drive' through earlier.




Seriously? QQing about traveling from one planet to the next? I admit it's a bit tedious myself, but I'm not complaining. The day I do is the day I complain about walking to the corner store which is about 5 minutes walk away or complain about my 30 minute drive to work... Really? You're seriously complaining about traveling in a game?




At this moment in time, it's really fine the way it is. Say one year from now, I can see Bioware changing this. Same as WoW... They made mounts available at level 40, 60, then 70 for flying. Since the expansion, it has been 20, 40, 60 for flying, 70 for the highest flying - something like that. Of course, we're not talking about mounts. We're talking about space flight.


Well if you can travel from one planet to the next with a Star Trek teleporter, then what's the point of having space flight let alone a space ship to begin with? ;)

Edited by ginsengsamurai
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Seriously? QQing about traveling from one planet to the next? I admit it's a bit tedious myself, but I'm not complaining. The day I do is the day I complain about walking to the corner store which is about 5 minutes walk away or complain about my 30 minute drive to work... Really? You're seriously complaining about traveling in a game?



You do realize we're complaining about the tedium of going through 5/6 zones just to travel around right? not that it takes 6 mins?


You've seriously not read anything anyone's been posting?



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It wouldn't even be a problem for me, if BioWare didn't have those pointless quests that send you from Dromund Kaas to Nar Shaddaa for 1 (!) stupid mission to talk to someone - then back to Dromund Kaas, then to the Imperial Fleet and then again back to Dromund Kaas only to result in a quest whereby I have to go for a very short conversation (that could've been done over holo, hello?) to Korriban with it's bloody elevator and spacestation.


Just annoying.

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You do realize we're complaining about the tedium of going through 5/6 zones just to travel around right? not that it takes 6 mins?


You've seriously not read anything anyone's been posting?




I have read everything. The "so called tedium" is really not a problem at least for me.


MAYBE they can cut down on the orbital space stations and allow you to land directly on the planet, but let's follow lore for a second:


1) You can't waste 5-6 minutes on travel? Really?


2) According to lore, you can't land on some planets directly anyway. Since class stories are heavy, this bit of restriction should be pretty obvious. -Stay consistent.

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There are way too many time sinks in the game. We pay a flat rate, thank god we don't pay by the hour like it used to be ages ago. If so nobody would play.


Along with travel how about pvp-mission kiosks on your ship, all the planets, etc. Having to run back to the flee to turn in daily and weekly missions is terrible design.

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Also remove the flight plans from world of warcraft and please change the goblin laugh :D


lol crying about flying this is priceless for everything else there is mastercard


Let's say for instance I'm on a planet and i want to go to the next planet...


I start off on planet A... I have to run through the pointless space station that for some reason looks the exact same on every planet...


I think I then have to zone into the hangar of my class... then I have to run all the way to shuttle or whatever...


Then for whatever reason I'm now on a pointless orbital station... god dammit! So I have to run to the next point where I have to zone... now I'm in a gosh darn airlock??? jesus Christ when will I get to my Spaceship...


Ok cool I'm finally on my spaceship... oh my god I wish my stupid droid had something else to say other than the same 5 lines every time I zoned in... I wish he would shutup already!


Ok cool, finally I'm ready to go to the planet I want... what the hell I'm in the gosh darn airlock again... awesome I'll just run through that again for whatever pointless reason...


Jesus Christ I'm on another orbital station. I guess I'll just spend more time running to the stupid shuttle... is there even a point to this stupid orbital station other than pissing me off...


Cool I'm finally on the planet I want... oh Jesus tapdancing Christ i have to run through the hangar again... oh look I zoned into the exact same space station again? is this even a different planet or am I on the same one? Guess I'll have to run through this generic space station to see what planet I'm on...


All that time wasted for no reason...

My point... please for the love of god BW... make travel between planets less painful...

Edited by eldisper
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I don't mind having to wait and travel between planets/zones, it's an MMO I'm used to that.


What I don't like are all the loading screens. At the moment my ship is pointless, I have to go through the tedium of multiple loading screens to click on a galaxy map to then go through more tedius loading screens to get to my destination.


Why not allow us to port to our ship?


We still have to go through the unnecessary loading screens getting off the ship but at least it would be half as bad.

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I'd rather have 10 minutes of flight time while i can afk and DO something else like a wc break then :


location mount up> speeder>speeder flight > spaceport > hangar > space station>airlock >


my ship with the moronic robot > finally click and change zones < again moronic robot


airlock < space station < hangar < spaceport <speeder flight< mount up zzz < location YEY!

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