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The Republic Fleet - With several pictures.


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All of our armor is lackluster. Meaning brown. Everything is brown.

During my quest, I came across just one Republic player. It was a Trooper, with shining white armor and blue highlights. While I like Imperial red, purple and black, for a moment I was really jealous.

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During my quest, I came across just one Republic player. It was a Trooper, with shining white armor and blue highlights. While I like Imperial red, purple and black, for a moment I was really jealous.


Did you see the trooper with the level 50 pvp gear?


Because from 30-50 my Vanguard literally wore a recolored Jetpack.

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You should defect to the empire. I am hoping enough people do it so Republic as PC's is entirely wiped out.

Then Bioware spends all their time and money developing Empire only content, and pvp focuses more on Sith inter-guild fighting.


This is everything that is wrong with SWTOR in three sentences.

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For real, I think these Empire trolls need to leave this thread.


No one is trying to get your fleet nerfed. It wont hurt you for Bioware to see that we are aware of our fleets subpar art design.




I dont agree with you therefore I'm a troll.


For the record, I dont care what the fleet "looks" like as long as its functionality is right.

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It seems to me like BioWare created the Imperial Fleet first and then when it came time to make the Republic Fleet they grabbed an old copy of the Imperial Fleet and quickly threw some stuff on top of it.


That would explain why:


- Republic have two less cargo holds

- Republic has poor textured tents

- Republic lacks things like holo-trees

- Republic doesn't have many NPCs walking around

- Republic floor reflects Imperial flags


I'm an Imperial player but after playing Alliance for years in WoW I know what it's like to play the sub-par faction and I have sympathy to all Republic players. Hopefully BioWare will give your fleet an overhaul soon. Re-texture those tents, add some more NPCs walking around the place and interacting with each other and perhapes add some real trees to make up for the lack of holo-trees like the Empire has.

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This is just the same 'ole faction complaining as seen in every other rvr game ever made.


"OMG! The devs love them more then they love us!!"




You are wrong.


Try playing Republic. Try dealing with the 5::1 imbalance. Try dealing with the boring story.


If you level one to 50, you will quickly realize what I am talking about. There are serious issues with the republic side, but it seems you don't realize that yet. :(

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I think the Republic Fleet is like it is because the Republic is still rebuilding since the war with the Empire. Every place that you go that is Republic controlled is empty and barren. Once the Republic defeats the Empire and turns them into the slaves and subhuman dogs that they are, that's when the Republics glory will shine again.
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It seems to me like BioWare created the Imperial Fleet first and then when it came time to make the Republic Fleet they grabbed an old copy of the Imperial Fleet and quickly threw some stuff on top of it.


That would explain why:


- Republic have two less cargo holds

- Republic has poor textured tents

- Republic lacks things like holo-trees

- Republic doesn't have many NPCs walking around

- Republic floor reflects Imperial flags


I'm an Imperial player but after playing Alliance for years in WoW I know what it's like to play the sub-par faction and I have sympathy to all Republic players. Hopefully BioWare will give your fleet an overhaul soon. Re-texture those tents, add some more NPCs walking around the place and interacting with each other and perhapes add some real trees to make up for the lack of holo-trees like the Empire has.


Does it really? Hmmm.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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I think the Republic Fleet is like it is because the Republic is still rebuilding since the war with the Empire. Every place that you go that is Republic controlled is empty and barren. Once the Republic defeats the Empire and turns them into the slaves and subhuman dogs that they are, that's when the Republics glory will shine again.


Nah, it is because Bioware didn't spend near enough time on us.


We were around longer. We should look better, imho.

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You are wrong.





These are identical arguments as seen in WoW for years upon years.


Alliance (good) are undervalued , underdeveloped and underplayed as compared to Horde(Evil).


Substitute Republic and Empire in there and its the same freaking argument.

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Good work OP. This took some time to gather and for that I give you my respect.


I originally rolled a sorcerer and got him to 50. Noting the imbalance, I now dedicate my time to leveling a republic character. It is indeed true, republic side is lacking on several levels and is reflected with a far lower population.


Bioware, this is sad indeed.

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These are identical arguments as seen in WoW for years upon years.


Alliance (good) are undervalued , underdeveloped and underplayed as compared to Horde(Evil).


Substitute Republic and Empire in there and its the same freaking argument.


Lol what, when was alliance underplayed.

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Wow, this is the complete oposite of my experience with the different fleets (being an empire player mainly).


My first reaction when i came to the republic fleet was "WOW! this looks amazing!" especially the ships around the fleet and the planetary system its located in, but also the general feel of the place was oh so much more enjoyable than the dull drab steel look of the imperial fleet...

To each his own i guess.

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Wow, this is the complete oposite of my experience with the different fleets (being an empire player mainly).


My first reaction when i came to the republic fleet was "WOW! this looks amazing!" especially the ships around the fleet and the planetary system its located in, but also the general feel of the place was oh so much more enjoyable than the dull drab steel look of the imperial fleet...

To each his own i guess.


Wow, i just dont get this. I dont think anyone on earth things that the bright yellows, whites, reds, greens, and purples in the imperial fleet look less drab than the UNIFORM browns and yellows in the republic fleet.


Every single piece of the republic fleet is either brown or yellow.

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"lol what" Did you really just type this?


Now it all makes sense as this is a mirror of the Alliance complaining in WoW.



You played Alliance (regardless of your attempts to claim otherwise) in WoW.


I played a troll hunter in wow, named Arkanon. It was on Aggramar.

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