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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level 50 Gunslingers/Snipers in WZ.


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I forget the name,but Armor breaker shot, Flashbang/Legshot, Explosive Probe, Ambush, Followthrough (Most classes ar under half health, if not more, after this), Snipe if needed, Followthrough/Killshot if < 30%(Most of the time), if not, Knockback, repeat Ambush. 90% of players are dead at this point.


Are the 10% who stay alive all the tank classes? I'd love to see how you kill a shadow who knows how to play with that kind of a combo. He just lols at you with his deflection. Also as a gunslinger I can't rely on sabotage charge (the equivalent of explosive probe) because half of the times it doesn't even *********** work.


We have a lot cc, yeah, but we can't use them all because of resolve. Heck, our stun alone nearly fills out the bar. This is really bad in 1v1's because we are the squishiest class in the game for a melee. Even with dodge, which only works for 3 seconds and against white damage, our ridicilous 1-2k shield, and the 20% less damage bubble, you are just not going to outdamage your melee opponent. The gas grenade that reduces the target's accuracy for 45% doesn't seem to work against majority of the abilities.


I got 500 expertise so I'm rather good geared already. Getting my centurion gun tomorrow, making me have full pvp gear. The difference of well geared opponent and badly geared one is HUGE. Sometimes I feel like a god when I just pound through enemies, killing them left and right like a boss, only to be dropped back to reality in a harsh way when I meet an opponent that is equally, or better, geared than me. Suddenly all that epic damage disappears and all that is left is nonexistent defense.


Fix the incredibly awkward combat system for starters. Half of the abilities are bugging most of the time, and you just better hope some of the spells activate within the first 5 presses or within 3 global cooldowns. Fixing the combat system to work as it should would be enough of a buff for me right now.

Edited by Bosseking
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Are the 10% who stay alive all the tank classes? I'd love to see how you kill a shadow who knows how to play with that kind of a combo. He just lols at you with his deflection. Also as a gunslinger I can't rely on sabotage charge (the equivalent of explosive probe) because half of the times it doesn't even *********** work.


We have a lot cc, yeah, but we can't use them all because of resolve. Heck, our stun alone nearly fills out the bar. This is really bad in 1v1's because we are the squishiest class in the game for a melee. Even with dodge, which only works for 3 seconds and against white damage, our ridicilous 1-2k shield, and the 20% less damage bubble, you are just not going to outdamage your melee opponent. The gas grenade that reduces the target's accuracy for 45% doesn't seem to work against majority of the abilities.


I got 500 expertise so I'm rather good geared already. Getting my centurion gun tomorrow, making me have full pvp gear. The difference of well geared opponent and badly geared one is HUGE. Sometimes I feel like a god when I just pound through enemies, killing them left and right like a boss, only to be dropped back to reality in a harsh way when I meet an opponent that is equally, or better, geared than me. Suddenly all that epic damage disappears and all that is left is nonexistent defense.


Fix the incredibly awkward combat system at starters. Half of the abilities are bugging most of the time, and you just better hope some of the spells activate within the first 5 presses or within 3 global cooldowns. Fixing the combat system to work as it should would be enough of a buff for me right now.


Tanks I DoT them up and then do that combo... the only ones that survive are the ones with a couple healers on them... admittingly though, Shadows/Assassins give me tough fights. I have to pop my cooldowns for those so they don't kill me first. The tank ones I think would screw me, but I have yet to see one tank stance rather than DPS stance in a WZ unless they are focusing on huttball carrying and not killing.

Edited by Kuari
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In response to the original poster:


Guardian is probably the 3rd worst class for pvp, only ahead of Sentinel/Marauder and Gunslinger/Sniper


The tanking classes, especially Vanguard and Shadow can do similar dps to Sentinels and Gunslingers while protecting healers to the extent they can't be killed (55% reduction while being guarded)


Sentinels and Gunslingers are the two squishiest classes and still don't do as much damage as Commandos and Sages.. its pretty sad.


Take Guardian so you can at least be useful and save your healers.

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Tanks I DoT them up and then do that combo... the only ones that survive are the ones with a couple healers on them... admittingly though, Shadows/Assassins give me tough fights. I have to pop my cooldowns for those so they don't kill me first. The tank ones I think would screw me, but I have yet to see one tank stance rather than DPS stance in a WZ unless they are focusing on huttball carrying and not killing.


You have been playing against pretty horrible or horribly geared players if you can somehow dps down a powertech or juggernaut with that combo. Sure, I can kill them with ease aswell, just as long as they are not geared. That's nothing to do with how good my class is but a lot to do how many levels above my gear is to his. When they are at full champion gear, good luck killing them.


Same with mercenaries. How on earth are we going to kill a ranged class that can ignore our cover bonuses completely (everyone but other snipers / gunslingers can) and that wears heavy armor and can heal? The only possible thing is to interrupt the tracer missle as much as you can, because it locks him down for a while. You know what's fun though, ability delay. I cannot use my flash grenade for that because there's like half a second delay because of the throwing animation. Same problem with all the grenades. Also because they are ranged I cannot knockback or stun them at all.


As I said, fix the combat system and this class already gets better.

Edited by Bosseking
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You have been playing against pretty horrible or horribly geared players if you can somehow dps down a powertech or juggernaut with that combo.

If i have to I drop orbital strike and Plasma Probe on myself... DoTs ignore all their mitigations pretty much and then when you add in those two abilities? I'm sorry, not even a tank is surviving. Not even if they are tank spec. Plus I pop shield probe, and EMP if I need another shield probe. There's a lot of various things I can do to deal with them.

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Posted this in another thread from my (sniper) perspective:




1. Cover is a hindrance with little benefit to outweigh how much of an obstacle it is.


2. Long cast times and restrictive cover mechanic required on biggest attacks, the damage dealt is in no way commensurate with the hassle to set up said attacks.


3. What little benefit cover provides is conical so a side step and an attack negates it


4. long cast times allow attackees to simply run out of range when the tell tale giant ambush symbol appears on them. Or they can simply step behind a wall and save themselves any damage at all.


5. Sniper damage does not scale well against player defensive progression


6. While snipers may say they have little trouble staying alive (though snipers are easy to kill) it is very very easy to negate a sniper's attacks and render his offensive measures much less effective.


7. Range is similar to pistol wielding players...


I'm sure there is more.


Though I have said before I like playing an underpowered class...so I'm cool with it.


Add to it I am not a hyper competitive PvPer...I leave a WZ with comms and credits every time..so not complaining.


Also I got knocked back yesterday while in cover with entrench up...don't know how but I guess the "no knockback" thing is not real reliable.

Edited by Doxxs
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Why play a sniper/gunslinger when you can play a:



- heals

- bubble

- cc's

- more damage

- no stupid cover mechanic



- heals or tank

- bubbles

- heavy armor

- tracer spamming option

- cc's

- more damage

- no stupid cover mechanic



There is no trade off for the snipers for how squishy they are, how little damage they do, how immobile they are (due to cover) and their complete lack of utility.......their damage could use a 40%-50% buff imo


And no i don't play one.

Edited by Evuke
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If i have to I drop orbital strike and Plasma Probe on myself... DoTs ignore all their mitigations pretty much and then when you add in those two abilities? I'm sorry, not even a tank is surviving. Not even if they are tank spec. Plus I pop shield probe, and EMP if I need another shield probe. There's a lot of various things I can do to deal with them.


Oh yeah sorry, I was talking from sharpshooter / markmanship's point of view, which is pretty sad when it comes to tanks. I honestly haven't tried the aoe spec, but maybe I just have to take your word on how well it does against good geared tank classes...


Out of curiosity, you must get facerolled by commando's and sages with that spec though? Being able to beat sorcs is one of the perks of the sharpshooter build. :)

Edited by Bosseking
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Fixed part of what you said for you


Entrench every 45 seconds keeps you immune from all CC... you get some serious burst, especially with cooldowns...


I don't think you've ever played this class, or you're just terrible


Stationary to fire our most effective damage specials. To the person whose said they do 200k dmg at lvl 39. You must be using aoe bleed dots and not markmanship. I've never done 200k dmg even in warzones where we've won and I didn't die and was dishing out max dps I could possibly dish out and I know how to play the class.


I'd like to know your build that did 300k dmg constantly in warzones, because I play a slinger as my main and never was able to apply that damage. I do get my kills in the 20's in every warzone I play. Typically I don't lay down sweeping fire, which might increase my kill counts since I don't have those great AOE attacks.


Anyways, Cover mechanics stink. It should not be required to fire our high damage specials. It makes us very stationary. It should only be defensive bonuses and possibly damage bonuses, but to make it required?


Anyways... Yes we could use some tweaks.


Rank 26 level 43 Gunslinger. So I am not a 50. I will say that I think you see less in warzones because cover makes us less potent than bh/trooper as dps. I'd rather play one of those. We have a lot to manage specials wise to be effective. It's not just spamming lightning or tracer missile. We have to work our toolbars to dish out dmg.


One on One gear being equal. I do fine. I don't think its awful from that prospective.


My list

Specials usable outside cover

Hunkerdown/Entrench Replaces Cover. (No cooldown)

Speed Burst

Range pre Beta Nerf (so we can actually kite)

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Class might become half decent when new wzs are implemented and they stop putting los options every other yard.


You canot win against anyone that has l2p and know how to abuse your 1000's of flaws, left alone doing any damage that isn't rifle shot/overload shot.


I used to enjoy pvp alot, went to valor 48 pretty fast but i wouldn't touch the wz button with a ten foot pole since a good 3 weeks. (that's about when people started to l2p against me)


Before that sure, i was tearing stuff apart.

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Stealth detection would be nice though.




I'am happy in PvP. I play against all those BM premades and still manage to survive and strife in the matches.




root shouldn't prevent cover

fix instant charged burst

give me stealth detection


And i will be a happy hunter.


If they boost more, i think we will get nerf gunslinger threads followed by a nerf which will ultimatly kill the class. So just do those little things and we are happy.


Yes i had a different opinion before, but after reworking my rotation i'am happy.

Maybe the delay problem fix solved many issues i had before,too.

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It's refreshing to see actual discussion on issues rather than just useless L2P comments. The only way to improve the game since it's so new is to discuss and hope someone reads, having real discussions is the only chance for that. Let's face it, Warzones are already bland by the fact that they are mostly casters with a smattering of melee. If they don't make some changes, that's all they will ever be, which isn't very interesting especially for someone who is looking for a sci-fi game. Warzones at the moment look just like any dragon and sword mmo with all of the lightning wizards and swordsman.
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Stationary to fire our most effective damage specials. To the person whose said they do 200k dmg at lvl 39. You must be using aoe bleed dots and not markmanship. I've never done 200k dmg even in warzones where we've won and I didn't die and was dishing out max dps I could possibly dish out and I know how to play the class.


I always felt this class was the highest dps in the game, and I still do. I don't really understand what makes people think sages and commandos could dish out more? Without combat log it's impossible to say, but I think we are the best dps in pve (single target, no movement), but just lack defense and mobility in pvp and have problems with white damage that most other classes do not.


I have come to this conclusion because I always top the damage boards in warzones, ALWAYS. In zergstar I usually put over 400k dmg done if the game lasts near full time, best rounds being near 500k. Even when I was leveling I was always the best dps. It's the one thing we can do really well.

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I always felt this class was the highest dps in the game, and I still do. I don't really understand what makes people think sages and commandos could dish out more? Without combat log it's impossible to say, but I think we are the best dps in pve (single target, no movement), but just lack defense and mobility in pvp and have problems with white damage that most other classes do not.


I have come to this conclusion because I always top the damage boards in warzones, ALWAYS. In zergstar I usually put over 400k dmg done if the game lasts near full time, best rounds being near 500k. Even when I was leveling I was always the best dps. It's the one thing we can do really well.


First, post a screenshot of the dmg total in wz. Second show us your build, because I am always under 200k in damage with marksmanship. I just don't believe you having played this class. Maybe your leet sauce and I am a newb, but I have never seen any slinger get close to 400k damage.

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Stationary to fire our most effective damage specials. To the person whose said they do 200k dmg at lvl 39. You must be using aoe bleed dots and not markmanship. I've never done 200k dmg even in warzones where we've won and I didn't die and was dishing out max dps I could possibly dish out and I know how to play the class.


I'd like to know your build that did 300k dmg constantly in warzones, because I play a slinger as my main and never was able to apply that damage. I do get my kills in the 20's in every warzone I play. Typically I don't lay down sweeping fire, which might increase my kill counts since I don't have those great AOE attacks.



When i was leveling, I quite often for 250-280k from I'd say 30 on. I didn't break 300k til i was 50, but I now do it most of the time, aside from Civil War where defense is key and I don't leave a turret unguarded to search out damage. So what he is saying is quite reasonable. I have SS of nearly all the endgame summaries, I doubt I do of my gear though. I will look when I get home from work if I remember, id you'd like. I was MM spec the entire way. I also have SS's of when I was level 37 out dpsing a 48 Sniper and again when I was 43 and he was 50 with Champs gear. In his defense, he sucked balls.

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First, post a screenshot of the dmg total in wz. Second show us your build, because I am always under 200k in damage with marksmanship. I just don't believe you having played this class. Maybe your leet sauce and I am a newb, but I have never seen any slinger get close to 400k damage.


The only way he could be doing it is by removing the cooldown for nades and spamming them into zergs.

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I chose a slinger and I only play DF until cover gets fixed. That simple.


edit: oh yeah depending on the map and what you're doing you can get close to 450k with df but thats because you dot everyone and they tick when you're dead. sharpshooter is a lot less. i have 7 champions and 1 centurion item (need moar luck)

Edited by arsenate
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I have seen alot of these in lvl 50 wzs on my server (The Shadow Runner) and they are extremely strong, they seem to put out insane amounts of dmg, have quite alot of defensive abilities and being unable to charge (im a marauder:D) makes them quite challenging to defeat (a good one at least). Personally I don't like the class(to play), but as an enemy they can be quite troublesome. Edited by Betraymodex
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Stationary to fire our most effective damage specials. To the person whose said they do 200k dmg at lvl 39. You must be using aoe bleed dots and not markmanship. I've never done 200k dmg even in warzones where we've won and I didn't die and was dishing out max dps I could possibly dish out and I know how to play the class.


I'd like to know your build that did 300k dmg constantly in warzones, because I play a slinger as my main and never was able to apply that damage. I do get my kills in the 20's in every warzone I play. Typically I don't lay down sweeping fire, which might increase my kill counts since I don't have those great AOE attacks.


Here's an album I posted earlier, has 25 end of game scoreboards of some warzones. I did over 300k in most, some are over 400k. However, these are all at 50




Edit: Also, here's another one I did today that I forgot about! A huttball vs republic!! :o




I didn't take many screenshots of low level warzones very often, but I did manage to find 1. Although it isn't 300k, it's only 258k. I leveled in marksmanship, with 5 points in engineering and 3 points in lethality most the way.



Edited by ihateyouall
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I have seen alot of these in lvl 50 wzs on my server (The Shadow Runner) and they are extremely strong, they seem to put out insane amounts of dmg, have quite alot of defensive abilities and being unable to charge (im a marauder:D) makes them quite challenging to defeat (a good one at least). Personally I don't like the class(to play), but as an enemy they can be quite troublesome.


You've posted to the wrong thread.

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First, post a screenshot of the dmg total in wz. Second show us your build, because I am always under 200k in damage with marksmanship. I just don't believe you having played this class. Maybe your leet sauce and I am a newb, but I have never seen any slinger get close to 400k damage.


I'm not even particularly good player, I just mostly faceroll.












I don't screen cap most my games, but I'm without expection always the number 1 in damage. Two times I have been outdamaged by a teammate in a game where I tried hard, and it was by a full champion geared sage and full champion / battlemaster geared commando who both outgeared me but it was still close. Speaks volumes about the damage this class can dish out.


My spec is the normal SS spec that can be used to PVE aswell. Nothing fancy, nothing extraordinary.


All I'm saying that if there's one thing this class is really really good at, it's making a lot damage. It doesn't mean it would do well in wow-type of arena pvp (gunslinger / sniper would be by far the most useless class in arena) but in mass pvp it's very effective, especially in voidstar.


I can give you one tip which isn't crucial but what will probably boost your damage done : xs freighter flyby / orbital strike is one of the best aoe skills in the game, use it.

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First, post a screenshot of the dmg total in wz. Second show us your build, because I am always under 200k in damage with marksmanship. I just don't believe you having played this class. Maybe your leet sauce and I am a newb, but I have never seen any slinger get close to 400k damage.


Sharpshooter spec can easily get good damage and kills. That's never in question. It's whether we have the utility to be able to actually affect the flow of the match like other classes.


These are a few random ones of mine, solo queuing, after 1.1.

As you can see, the one with the most damage at the end was only possible with good healers on the opposing team, and we still lost. The kills was pathetic for the damage done. That shows the ability of the slinger underperforming if the enemy team has enough organization and heals/tanks.



http://imageshack.us/f/213/350k.png/ (450k)

http://imageshack.us/f/208/swtor300knomvp.png/ (320k)

http://imageshack.us/f/830/swtor300ksling.png/ (320k)

http://imageshack.us/f/268/470k.png/ (470k)

Edited by ZDProletariat
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