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Everything posted by AramakEffect

  1. We pull them to where the Wardens are and knock them off the ledge, we do that every time.
  2. So was Gharj completely ruined in 1.2? Never have EVER had an issue with him before, he was glitching and resetting like crazy so we set it off Nightmare to Hard thinking it was maybe just in Nightmare. Nope, every time on the third Island now he resets. Anyone else getting this? What the hell? How do you fix a broken boss, Soa, and completely ruin a boss which has never glitched before?
  3. Yes, it is better. And you can make it 66 Expertise if you think about it and look around.
  4. Champion is so stupid easy to get that it's not worth upgrading until Columni. But even at that, run a few HM's a day and you should have Columni quick, too.
  5. Yes. Regular gear < Centurion/Tionese < Champion/Columni < Rakata
  6. People do not understand what "Average" means. Also, Winning > Being the ******* causing yourteam to lose because you play for damage and not objectives. Glad you aren't on my server.
  7. I know I get defender points on Assassin by taunting the person attacking the ball carrier as well as guarding him. (This is in addition to protection obviously). Maybe just from attacking a person directly attacking a ball carrier? I seem to recall getting it on my Sniper before aswell,but I could be wrong on that.
  8. NES; I'll try and post tomorrow when I get home. To the above poster, No. You are just wrong. And if you don't think Assassin can tank, tell it to this one who tanked Nightmare Mode Soa.
  9. I played a Sniper to 50 and Valor 57 then I made an Assassin. I can't hit 400k dmg in a WZ. But I can have an insane amount of Guard, Taunts, Running, everything. I think it is the best PvP class there is, properly played. And I'm a pretty good PvE tank, too. I even get REP players in /say after WZs saying I am the only reason my team one. That makes everything worth it. Even if my damage is substantially less thenothers. Even now it's not that much lower. And we still get more medals, if we are doing it right. I love my Tankasin.
  10. Man seriously. I take the 75k ones in the back corners every time, but god DAMN does that **** get annoying, lol.
  11. This. I can't even think of the last time I had under 250k in a full WZ. I find it hard to believe that there are that many people out there who can't play this class. Guess it just makes the ones who can that much better. Fine with me.
  12. When i was leveling, I quite often for 250-280k from I'd say 30 on. I didn't break 300k til i was 50, but I now do it most of the time, aside from Civil War where defense is key and I don't leave a turret unguarded to search out damage. So what he is saying is quite reasonable. I have SS of nearly all the endgame summaries, I doubt I do of my gear though. I will look when I get home from work if I remember, id you'd like. I was MM spec the entire way. I also have SS's of when I was level 37 out dpsing a 48 Sniper and again when I was 43 and he was 50 with Champs gear. In his defense, he sucked balls.
  14. I forget the name,but Armor breaker shot, Flashbang/Legshot, Explosive Probe, Ambush, Followthrough (Most classes ar under half health, if not more, after this), Snipe if needed, Followthrough/Killshot if < 30%(Most of the time), if not, Knockback, repeat Ambush. 90% of players are dead at this point. Note: This is all from MM, I have no experience with the other specs. Unless every single thing you pretty much have is on cooldown, I just don't see losing to a melee running up to you. The only class that has consistently destroyed me in PvP is a level 50 Smuggler, with that damn Cloak, Backstab, Vanish, I'm on the ground for 4-5 seconds, and he two shots me out of claok again. God I hate that guy. lol. I haven't come across him since the nerf so I don't know how it would play out now. I think the cloass will just take more time for players to develop into. And I really hope people bring out the best this class has to offer.
  15. I should clarify that I'm not saying the job doesn't have issues. Cover can be INCREDIBLY frustrating. Alot of the other things peoplecomplain about, though, I just don't have issues with. (At least myself.) In fact, survivability is actually rather impressive at times. I've been able to hold 3-4 people off in Voidstar while someone get's a door, or hold them back. With 3 people wailing on you, Evasion, Shield Probe, knockbacks, legshot, Flashbang, GIANT SHIELD BUBBLE OF EPIC PROPORTIONS, you can actually hold out quite awhile. If not for a healer to come to your aid, longenough as a solid distraction for a teammate to score, planta bomb,get a headstart in a hallway, take a turrent, anything.
  16. 50 Sniper nearing 60 BM now. MM spec. I love the job. And the fact that so few people play it/ can figure out how to play it just makes it that much more special to me. There are ALOT of ****** Snipers. Good ones stand out. At 50, I'm usually one of, if not consistently top dmg in WZ's. And PvE obviously there are no meters but most people I run with seem to think my Sniper is the highest DPS we bring. "Spamming Snipe" is probably a good contribution to why some Snipers suck so much. I'm probably better geared then most, but still, this job, IMO, is not as broken as people seem to think. I think people just want an "Easy button" job, and this isn't necessarily it. It's not for everyone, either. I'm leveling an Assassin right now, (Darkness), and while I don't get ANYWHERE near the damage my Sniper does in WZ's (Huttball mainly), I have alot more fun, and... I can actually runt he ball well. Sniper, can not. Also, there are alot of incorrect statements in this thread. Play the job before you post utter ********. If you don't want to put the time in to not suck, don't play it. If you will take the time, keep at it. Show everyone how good the job *can* be. It's really not that hard. I've actually had about 3 or 4 guildmates start leveling Sniper now after seeing mine in WZ and our Operations.
  17. My main is a 50 Sniper, which, as many people complain about, I have no issues with. I love it. Anyways, to the point at hand. My Assassin is only level 22, Darkness Spec, but I can finally say I feel useful in Huttball. Sure on Sniper I can crank out 300k+ easily, have 25+ killshots, however many kills, but I feel so much more versatile on Assassin. Match last night (Level 20) I only had 60k dmg, 10k protection of random carriers, but Slow, Force Cloak, Force Speed every 18 seconds, It was much more fun. Anyways that was pretty much all I had to say. Way less damage, but alot more fun factor. Sniper is just sitting planted picking people off, Cover >AoEing knockbacks in front of the runner, and using Ballistic Shield for teammates, Leg shotting the enemy ball carrier, but still, at the end of a match even with triple others damage, I just felt useless.
  18. It's actually: Tracer Missle Tracer Missle Tracer Missle Heatseeker Missle Tracer Missle Tracer Missle Rail Shot Repeat. 3 buttons, kthx.
  19. So I had a guildie tell me last night that he has a character on a Heavy server, and he *says* on average that the Imperial Fleet had about 500 people on it, Planets around 2-300. I'm on Kaiburr Crystal, and we have ~80-100 people on Fleet, and maybe 30-50 on DKass, and normal planets I honestly see about 10-20. Sometimes 3-5. Which makes me really not feel like I am playing an MMO. So I am curious, what are you seeing on your server? Do 500 Fleet and 300 planet pops actually exist? It also takes about 3-4 hours to get a level 50 PvP queue. I had 4 within a 12 hour span on Thursday, and 3 of those were 120 second ended premature matches. So those on these mass servers, how are your 50 queues?
  20. I have seen somepretty epic Powertechs. And a ton of ****** ones. Also, whoever said merc is 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, you have no idea what you are talking about. It's 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3.
  21. Kauburr Crystal checking in. And when a queue DOES finally pop, after about 4 hours, it's against a full guild (assumingly 2 parties who queued in sync). I have no complaints about that, except the fact that all the good PvPers on our server quit because of this, and now getting a win is a hope and a prayer. Kaiburr Crystal WTB Good PvPers for Empire.
  22. AramakEffect


    If that is true, then the Trooper is stronger. That video means nothing unless it's on the same mob, same buffs, debuffs, everything. If Job A has an ability which takes 1.5 seconds to cast, and does 500 damage, and job B takes 3 seconds to cast, but does 1000 dmg, is that balanced in your mind? Jobs need to have some variance. You are asking for an exact replicant. Which, No. No. It's fine. L2P or ****. If Smuggler got fixed from it's 3 second Stealth, Knockdown, Stealth, Killshot, I'd find PvP pretty well balanced. Ya'll need to QQ more. And on the note of OMG TEH EMP1R3 BEAT U5, join Kaiburr Crystal. Republic is hugely favored on that server. I could use more whiners to shoot in PvP.
  23. Everyone who cried because they weren't 50, and were running off trying to solo a level 50 instead of fighting by the objectives and trying to win, and then complained when you got facerolled trying to solo. Thanks. Thanks for the 12 hours I have been queued while doing misc work around here, for the 3 complete games of PvP that haven't been abandoned due to not enough players, the 2/3 wins for the daily (after 12 hours), and the absolute atrocious queue rate. So, thanks. Now I'm paying 15 bucks to sit on top of the PvP box all day, scattered with a few HMFPs.
  24. That is not entirely true. I have shot a 50 Merc in nice gear down in 4 shots (5 counting, I forget the name, armor breaker one). And I hit him for 4-4.8k (Yet to get a 5k on him) alot. See him in Huttball many times a night, And I have also gotten faily consistent 3.3-4k on a 5 Commando I play against regularly. Under 50's are fun tho, 5k Medals all day long. Wooo. And 1 shotting lowbies with a Exposlive probe just adds to the effect.
  25. The point is you need to read how often he was doing it, and Cover Pulse, nothing cancels it. I'll download fraps and if I play him again I will record it, just for you.
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