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Wanna live? Dump your titles.


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Okay here's the thing...


When you queue a pvp match with titles and surnames plugged in front of and at the back of your characters name you're gonna die more.


In the half second it takes me as a healer to figure out which verbiage in the middle of all that crap is your actual name so I can click you most easily and heal, you're probably gonna be dead.


I'm gonna try and get better and faster at this... I know it's my responsibility to do so... But help a healer out and dump the titles! You're not really a hero of the Doosh runner gorge or whatever anyway, so give it up.

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I have the exact same problem. No need to explain why, we all know. Not many people will read this but those that do, please know that Titles are useless in PVP, or anywhere else, to be honest, they are actually an obstacle in Warzones, especially when you are carrying a Ball:


"ok, who's this guy, I need to escort him to the line... hm... ok, I can't see his name, I'll just have to try and click his character while he's surrounded by 5 Imps".

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In war zones that is typically what dictates heals, but often focus fire changes rapidly, and people out of position are usually going to get bursted down in such a manner...


When I notice one of these people on screen, I try and find their name but inside of seconds they die because I have to read a whole sentence and try and guess which word is the name, then go find it on the left...


Specially when I pick out the wrong word, scan the list and don't see it to no avail. Remember the list doesn't aorta by alpha or anything so this whole process is arduous enough as it is.


Trust me


You stand a much better chance of getting the heal off in time if they don't have any titles.

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Okay here's the thing...


When you queue a pvp match with titles and surnames plugged in front of and at the back of your characters name you're gonna die more.


In the half second it takes me as a healer to figure out which verbiage in the middle of all that crap is your actual name so I can click you most easily and heal, you're probably gonna be dead.


I'm gonna try and get better and faster at this... I know it's my responsibility to do so... But help a healer out and dump the titles! You're not really a hero of the Doosh runner gorge or whatever anyway, so give it up.


.... use the ops frame....

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OP is correct. For example when we play Hutball and I am healing. I see one of ours got the ball, so I run after him and see his HP falling. Need to heal. But what is his name? I have health bars with names over them. But I can have multiple people in range with HP deficit and I need to heal this one guy so I need to check again on the field and decipher his name from the string. Only then I know which bar I need to click.


Of course its not hard or anything. But removing titles will simply make this process faster and easier.

Edited by Aweus
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All you need to do is look at the ops frame as was pointed out a number of times. Just look at their bars going down and heal that one.


Hopefully with the UI being more custom down the road it should get easier.


This isn't always good enough.


More than one person is usually taking dmg at any given time and you can't assume you're going to pick the right one out of the frame, specially if people are using escape skills and are more or less out of harms way but might be lower in health than the person in real danger as an example.


Timing is critical. And I'm not saying I'm the greatest healer at all, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed this. If their name is in a mess of titles and crud, it's harder.

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Can't you tell by your Operations frame that one person is being damaged at a more serious/steady pace than everyone else?



Yes. But they bug out almost every match which requires reloading the UI. That's a good 5 seconds of not being able to do anything and it matters when there is a lot going on. I've had people die because of the bug and not having messy nameplates helps to mitigate that.

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Just look to the left at your ops' health bars and heal the people that are low on health





Works for me usually


There's more than just healing. Pre-shielding someone with the huttball, or Rescusing someone requires knowing exactly who they are...and they might not be taking damage. Or maybe they're in with a group of people all taking relatively similar amounts of AE damage. I mean. Using the ops list works for me for most things, but I agree there's some times when I need to just know who it is.


Edit: Here's a good example. Ball carrier gets stunned over a fire trap. I need to target them to rescue them across, or at least cleanse them so they can get across it before it ignites. However, their name is obscured by titles and surnames of him and/or other friendlies. That 1 - 2 second delay determining their name could be the difference between fried ball carrier and a point. Uncommon scenario, maybe, but I can't say it hasn't happened.

Edited by Raijinvince
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The guy with the lowest health isn't always the one in most danger.


Pvp is not like pve were the ops frame is the end all be all.


Their are circumstances where you do need a name to ref to the ops frame in order to target. If healers can't clearly tell your name or it takes that half a second to long, you might die.

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The ops frame doesn't read "Jinglehell Groundflyer, Knight of the Republic", though. My healers never seem to have trouble finding me.


Ops frame buggs out and stops updating your health sometimes, and then I get ganked reloading it by some OP (and of course any class I am not playing at the moment is OP :D )

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I'm not trolling!


If you think all healers are doing is tuning around war zones only healing who is low on the ops frame you are mistaken. And next time you die you better wonder if it's your retarded title and legacy name burying your real name that caused the heal to come just too late!


Sometimes we need to read a name and you may die for it.

Edited by kalexkhan
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Oh yeah. Not to mention that the Ops frame fairly regularly somehow forgets to add 1-2 people to it. So you'll have 8 people in the Ops, but you'll only see 7 in the list. That's great fun, but I guess a complaint for a different thread. Edited by Raijinvince
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lol actually i think this teorie with names and titles get easily targeted by enemies might be true.

But if that is the case all the tankies should have them on. ;)




Use ops bar to heal everything else is just slow.



If you wanna target people in a distance it might be neat to target them on screen.



Because the Ops frame never bugs out.




Yeah it dose but usually not.

Edited by EvaSofie
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