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[STREAM] Sentinel Battlemaster PvP (watchman)


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Also noticed you don't seem to have master strike even bound. Why?


Granted I realize it isn't used often, but it just does so much dmg I can't help but use it in a few scenarios.


dots up + merci down vs. stationary target (mainly a-hole mercs who haven't been taught to run and go into terran tank emplacement mode)




as a final "interrupt" vs healer, if all my real ones are down and they're casting a heal i like to master strike. (again if caut+merc is down). i call it an interrupt because if the target isn't in full champ+ gear (my gearz be bad), its enough damage to get them to move away and interrupt themselves or re-prioritize themselves as a healing target and drop whoever else they're taking care of.



edit: do you generally pacify snipers? prob could've won that fight last night w/ vesper (from your last stream) on top of the node with pacify. don't mean to nitpick or anything, i tell myself constantly to use pacify more.


Nah, I only use master strike if I'm combat specced. I don't think it is that useful without a root associated with it, and even in combat spec I only let it use the first 2 attacks since the third takes FOREVER and in that time I could hit with a bladestorm or something else for just as much or more damage. I'm usually building dots or keeping my snare on my enemies so I don't find much time to use it in this spec anyway, unless my teamate rooted an enemy and everything else I have is on CD..but I don't find that to be the case very often.



I don't feel that I can be used as an interrupt vs healers because if I can't kill one with my regular rotation, than usually its because they have a second healer healing them, someone ccing me, or they are a super geared commando/mercenary...in which case they don't have to move ever. Master Strike also doesn't build focus, which I think is silly so I'd prefer just hitting with strike to allow me to set up my normal dps rotations if my other skills are on cooldown. I also don't like standing still for 3 seconds, many people in this game have trouble staying on a moving target so I try to keep moving as much as I can.


I used to ALWAYS pacify snipers and meelee classes, but then I found that sometimes it felt like it worked, and sometimes it didn't. With the limited information we know about how accuracy affects abilities, I'm not sold on it. Many times after using it, I still get hit with everything the enemy uses. Sometimes I feel its better to just save the GCD for a regular ability instead and do a bit more damage if I'm going to die anyway.

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Pacify only works on melee and ranged physical damage. Tech Damage (which is basically all of operatives/scoundrels damage) is not affected, and neither is force damage. That being said, pacify is next to useless against operatives, sorcerers, assassins, and BHs. It really ruins the days of marauders and juggernauts though, so... therse that I guess.. 2 outta 8 ain't bad...
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Pacify only works on melee and ranged physical damage. Tech Damage (which is basically all of operatives/scoundrels damage) is not affected, and neither is force damage. That being said, pacify is next to useless against operatives, sorcerers, assassins, and BHs. It really ruins the days of marauders and juggernauts though, so... therse that I guess.. 2 outta 8 ain't bad...


Actually since every dps juggernaut is aoe specced, it will have no effect on them either :p same with many sentinels.

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Pacify is still really good vs Juggs/Marauders early to keep them from building rage and will completely destroy a Sniper's burst combo on you (ya know, the knock back ambush for 40% of your life?). Also quite useful vs Assassins since everything they do tank or rogue deeps requires melee hits landing to facilitate.


Not scared of rage specced anything. I'll eat em every time.



@sabb, the dude above me: points stretched too thin i'd imagine. the crit is nice but there is too much utility in other points. the extra second immobilization to leap is arguably equating to more damage in pvp than that crit chance lol.

Edited by ShiroRX
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@sabb, the dude above me: points stretched too thin i'd imagine. the crit is nice but there is too much utility in other points. the extra second immobilization to leap is arguably equating to more damage in pvp than that crit chance lol.


I know you were just speculating on the reasons for it, but I'm wondering if you'd agree that 6% crit on all DoTs (the primary form of damage for Watchman) is worth more than 1 extra rage on Force Leap (2 pts) and 12% off-hand damage (1 pt)

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Nah, I only use master strike if I'm combat specced. I don't think it is that useful without a root associated with it, and even in combat spec I only let it use the first 2 attacks since the third takes FOREVER and in that time I could hit with a bladestorm or something else for just as much or more damage. I'm usually building dots or keeping my snare on my enemies so I don't find much time to use it in this spec anyway, unless my teamate rooted an enemy and everything else I have is on CD..but I don't find that to be the case very often.



I don't feel that I can be used as an interrupt vs healers because if I can't kill one with my regular rotation, than usually its because they have a second healer healing them, someone ccing me, or they are a super geared commando/mercenary...in which case they don't have to move ever. Master Strike also doesn't build focus, which I think is silly so I'd prefer just hitting with strike to allow me to set up my normal dps rotations if my other skills are on cooldown. I also don't like standing still for 3 seconds, many people in this game have trouble staying on a moving target so I try to keep moving as much as I can.


I used to ALWAYS pacify snipers and meelee classes, but then I found that sometimes it felt like it worked, and sometimes it didn't. With the limited information we know about how accuracy affects abilities, I'm not sold on it. Many times after using it, I still get hit with everything the enemy uses. Sometimes I feel its better to just save the GCD for a regular ability instead and do a bit more damage if I'm going to die anyway.


dont think master strike is totally useless, even without the snare u can use it on idiots who dont move and pool focus for your next target, you can also use the first tick and then cancel it, usually the first tick happens quickly then you can cancel and you got a free 1-2k hit in

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I also just changed my spec a tiny bit and put 2 more points into bonus offhand damage.


Your tier 1 combat should read: 1 / 2 / 2.


The important point is that your Cloak of Carnage equivalent has a 3 second internal cooldown. Makes the second point in it somewhat low-value.



Nah, I only use master strike if I'm combat specced.


You should definitely start using it for the 2tick. Nothing says "die mother****er" like a 2tick Master Strike into Merciless with a 1500 OCS crit in the same global. You only need to pause movement for a fraction of a second to get those 2 ticks off.



I used to ALWAYS pacify snipers and meelee classes, but then I found that sometimes it felt like it worked, and sometimes it didn't. With the limited information we know about how accuracy affects abilities, I'm not sold on it.


It works on every range and melee attack. It does not work on Force or Tech attacks. You should be using it against every Marauder and Sniper. Against other non-Sorc type classes, it will make them miss some attacks, but not all attacks, and not several of their big hitters.



Actually since every dps juggernaut is aoe specced, it will have no effect on them either same with many sentinels.


Yes; Pacify is only of moderate use (note: removing Zealous Leap, Slash, Strike, Master Strike, Dipatch, Zealous Strike is still pretty *********** good even if you can't neuter the Exhaust / Sweep / Blade Storm) against Focus/Rage specs.

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@ArcadesSabboth - well when I first specced into watchman, I had no idea if dots were force attacks (are you sure they are? they are listed as elemental damage and say nothing about using the force). Either way, I honestly prefer more utility than the bonus crit, especially with zen up so much.


@Shirox/Easymode - I started using pacify more the past couple days against snipers, assassins, marauders. I found that it REALLY helps in 1v2's when an assassin jumps me, i will pacify them and then finish my primary target. Though, I used to main shadow and most of their burst comes from force attacks (project + force breach), but they don't get the bonus project dmg without their spam skill and it does help mitigate some damage, so I agree it is more useful than I thought.


@easymode - my tier1 combat has 3 in dual wield because I have been testing how strong it is (only had 1 point in previously). I found it added ~200 top end dmg to merciless and ~100 to everything else. I will try 1 / 2 / 2 when my respec cost resets.


@sixfresh - I find sniper's to be the most annoying dps class to fight. They are like built to be the anti-sentinel. Huge knockback + LONG root, snare, stun, blind, immunity to leap in cover, super strong defense shield, and A LOT of burst. If one knocks me back and cc's me, I will die 99% of the time if I don't have my defensive cooldowns up. As far as overall annoying, I'd say heal specced merc/commandos because I always try to focus healers first in battle and they are IMPOSSIBLE to kill 1v1 if they are geared and play smart.


@darkshadz - I listen to a few random playlists that I put together in Spotify while I play.


As for Master Strike in watchman, I will try using 1 or 2 ticks of it after I blow everything else for extra burst and see how it goes. Just gotta get into the habbit of using it all the time again.


Also @Caribroo - are you sure that master strike applies overcharged saber? I could have sworn that when I first went to watchman, it would never apply them for me.


Another thing I noticed about overcharged saber....it is 100% impossible for me to apply any stacks of it onto a marauder/sentinel with saber ward (and emp equivalent) on. Anyone else discover this?


Stream will be going up soon, thanks for the comments/questions.

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Since the majority of the people posting here do not seem to understand how to do well in PvP with sentinel, I decided to start streaming my games. I play watchman spec, and am almost always 1st or 2nd damage in my warzones. I have no trouble 1v1ing any class, and can often 1v2 fairly well. My biggest issue is fighting commando/merc healers..but that should be obvious ;o


I am not super geared. My only BM piece is my mainhand, and I have a champion offhand with 2x champion set pieces and accessories. The rest of my gear is orange.


I average between 300k-500k damage in warzones, sometimes more sometimes less based on the teams.


I hope some people learn something from watching me play, because the "sentinel needs buff" threads are getting old.




Let me know if it seems laggy, because I tend to lag in game normally, and more while streaming -_-


nice to see another fellow "watchman" doing well in pvp. I know I for one am always 1-3 in damage and kills..


If you go to almost every other class thread they say the same thing.. my class sucks, "I can't 1v1 anyone." It's not the class, its the player.


Honestly, I feel I can smash anyone in a 1v1..and have done on numerous occasions 2 v 1...


And yes, those threads are getting old. Spec the sent right and you'll be fine.


Nice vids btw.

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the classification in the datamining from torhead has both dot effects from OS and cauterize as force-type (though their debuff in-game labels them physical). It also has Cauterize labeled as internal damage instead of ele, not like it makes a difference though.


had the crit talent previously, then specced to the extra sec on Leap and dropped an extra in Watchman. Changed after watching Moan tbh and has worked very well. 32/7/2 is boss.

Edited by ShiroRX
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Is that seriously all the damage sentinels do? That's pretty bad tbh. I mean this no way impacts on how you play or anything like that but I am just shocked at the low damage numbers coming out of watchman. You guys seem super tough though but the class seems to play more like a DPS tank with group buffs that a high DPS class. The fact that the other sentinels are thinking this is great damage is likely a credit to them being good enough to stick with the class... but you guys should try to check out the DPS of other DPS classes. Edited by Ravzar
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Is that seriously all the damage sentinels do? That's pretty bad tbh. I mean this no way impacts on how you play or anything like that but I am just shocked at the low damage numbers coming out of watchman. You guys seem super tough though but the class seems to play more like a DPS tank with group buffs that a high DPS class. The fact that the other sentinels are thinking this is great damage is likely a credit to them being good enough to stick with the class... but you guys should try to check out the DPS of other DPS classes.


It's the plight of melee, their strength isn't favored in pugs. For what it's worth in Ranked we'll live three times as long as any tk/balance sage, gun commando, assault vanguard, sniper and do the same if not more damage with constant healers behind us.

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It's the plight of melee, their strength isn't favored in pugs. For what it's worth in Ranked we'll live three times as long as any tk/balance sage, gun commando, assault vanguard, sniper and do the same if not more damage with constant healers behind us.


I do see marauder/sentinel pull out high damage numbers but imo a lot of this is just because they arn't doing efficient damage that actually kills things. If you have high survivability and only medium damage against a group with decent healing then you are going to put out big damage numbers. A lot of good operatives pre nerf (and even after nerf) did so much burst that their damage numbers didn't seem impressive but their damage to kb ratio was very high. The damage to kb ratio is an important thing for melee classes because it really tests the efficiency of your damage.

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I do see marauder/sentinel pull out high damage numbers but imo a lot of this is just because they arn't doing efficient damage that actually kills things. If you have high survivability and only medium damage against a group with decent healing then you are going to put out big damage numbers. A lot of good operatives pre nerf (and even after nerf) did so much burst that their damage numbers didn't seem impressive but their damage to kb ratio was very high. The damage to kb ratio is an important thing for melee classes because it really tests the efficiency of your damage.


And in a ranked game the Sent will sit on an Arsenal Merc or Light/Mad Sorc, he'll do close to no damage the whole game and they'll be killed every time. That seems efficient.


only applicable to watchman.

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I do see marauder/sentinel pull out high damage numbers but imo a lot of this is just because they arn't doing efficient damage that actually kills things. If you have high survivability and only medium damage against a group with decent healing then you are going to put out big damage numbers. A lot of good operatives pre nerf (and even after nerf) did so much burst that their damage numbers didn't seem impressive but their damage to kb ratio was very high. The damage to kb ratio is an important thing for melee classes because it really tests the efficiency of your damage.


I don't know what you mean. I drop people REALLY fast if my skills are off cooldown. I don't have 5k + crits but I do have 4 different things hitting my enemies at once, giving me a huge amount of dps that can kill most people very fast. It is just a deception because you see lower damage numbers going off. Though, if I have no saber stacks on my target, merc is on cooldown, and cauterize is on cd then yeah my damage will slack but thats not too often. Any dps class will run into situation in which their dps drops because they have been fighting nonstop and stuff is on cd/they have no energy to use.


3 stacks of saber dot tick for up to 1900, caterize ticks up to 800, slash crits for 2k+, merc crits over 4k, dispatch crits over 4k, and stasis can tick over 1k. So with 2 dots + choke, my target is taking up to 3700 damage a tick (this ticks faster than a tracer missile casts), + the damage they took while I was loading everything on them, + a merc slash or dispatch...thats enough to kill most classes if they aren't getting healed.


Most of the time I try to focus healers though and they do take longer to kill. If you watch my stream you will see me fighting really geared mercenary healers sometimes that never die. This is just a huge balance flaw that bioware doesn't understand. They are pretty much the only class that can't die 1v1 (when geared and played correctly), however I stay on them because it forces them to heal themselves rather than their dps, so in the end it helps my team more.

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I don't know what you mean. I drop people REALLY fast if my skills are off cooldown. I don't have 5k + crits but I do have 4 different things hitting my enemies at once, giving me a huge amount of dps that can kill most people very fast. It is just a deception because you see lower damage numbers going off. Though, if I have no saber stacks on my target, merc is on cooldown, and cauterize is on cd then yeah my damage will slack but thats not too often. Any dps class will run into situation in which their dps drops because they have been fighting nonstop and stuff is on cd/they have no energy to use.


3 stacks of saber dot tick for up to 1900, caterize ticks up to 800, slash crits for 2k+, merc crits over 4k, dispatch crits over 4k, and stasis can tick over 1k. So with 2 dots + choke, my target is taking up to 3700 damage a tick (this ticks faster than a tracer missile casts), + the damage they took while I was loading everything on them, + a merc slash or dispatch...thats enough to kill most classes if they aren't getting healed.


Most of the time I try to focus healers though and they do take longer to kill. If you watch my stream you will see me fighting really geared mercenary healers sometimes that never die. This is just a huge balance flaw that bioware doesn't understand. They are pretty much the only class that can't die 1v1 (when geared and played correctly), however I stay on them because it forces them to heal themselves rather than their dps, so in the end it helps my team more.


how much surge/acc do you have?

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