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Server population is dropping...


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Gonna be interesting to see, how well/bad the game is doing in 4 months time


I think most of the people that stayed after the free month is staying for a while (I intend to, although I will probably pause my sub once GW2 is released to play that game as well). But I honestly don't see the population rising on this game, unfortunately =/, so BW/EA will have around 1 million subs, what's more than enough to keep the game going and giving the people who choose to stay a good experience. And if for one side it may look bad, I think it's better than having a 10 million people community like WoW. But I was one that never thought this game would be a "WoW killer".

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Guys....If you are able to read a graph...



Actually in a lot of server the population is growing....

Please stop opening 1000 identical thread saying: "The game is dead" "The Game is desert" "Where is everybody" "End of the game" etc.etc.


If you don't like the game why don't simply go somewhere else?


It sound more like a "brain washing" then real threads to discuss this game...

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Guys....If you are able to read a graph...



Actually in a lot of server the population is growing....

Please stop opening 1000 identical thread saying: "The game is dead" "The Game is desert" "Where is everybody" "End of the game" etc.etc.


If you don't like the game why don't simply go somewhere else?


It sound more like a "brain washing" then real threads to discuss this game...


Lol. Give me a BREAK. Only EA and bioware know the true state of the subscriber numbers. They sure are not going to tell anyone if the numbers look bad.


Anecdotally the server pop I play on has dropped on my previous very heavy pop server. The worlds are pathetically depopulated while fleet numbers are static at best.

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I disagree. I think it's pretty obvious that the dissapointment surronding this game is larger than your average dissapointment. Is it cause it's SW? A MMO? Who knows. But no, it has been anything but average.


Again - that's your opinion. Yes, the total number of people voicing their disappointment seems bigger than those of most mmo launches. But that's because this is the biggest mmo launch in history. Percentage-wise...it actually seems pretty good. Heck, eve's forums after incarna were at least as bad and the game has only a fraction of swtor's subscribers.

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Guys....If you are able to read a graph...



Actually in a lot of server the population is growing....

Please stop opening 1000 identical thread saying: "The game is dead" "The Game is desert" "Where is everybody" "End of the game" etc.etc.


If you don't like the game why don't simply go somewhere else?


It sound more like a "brain washing" then real threads to discuss this game...


Exactly. Like the vast majority of complaint posts this one proceeds from a basis of hyperbole and conjecture. Honestly, the picutre that I see painting on these boards is so removed from my actual gaming experience that I tend to believe that I"m reading about a different game.


The player population is stable. That is a fact. The entire premise of this thread is hyperbole and conjecture. Not fact.


/end thread. /end nonsense. /end whining.

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Guys....If you are able to read a graph...



Actually in a lot of server the population is growing....

Please stop opening 1000 identical thread saying: "The game is dead" "The Game is desert" "Where is everybody" "End of the game" etc.etc.


If you don't like the game why don't simply go somewhere else?


It sound more like a "brain washing" then real threads to discuss this game...


err... you are actually considering variations of 0,0something as growing? I would say most of that are people creating alts on another servers exactly to see how is the population on those.


Fact: Almost all my friends quit the game after the free month, so yeah, the game lost a lot of subs.

Fact: Most people who left did right after the free month.

Fact: Most of us who stayed love the game and will stay, so it doesn't matter that the game will not be THAT full. When they reach a stable number, if needed, they will probably merge some servers and the population will be optimized.

Fact: The cake is a lie.

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Lol. Give me a BREAK. Only EA and bioware know the true state of the subscriber numbers. They sure are not going to tell anyone if the numbers look bad.


Anecdotally the server pop I play on has dropped on my previous very heavy pop server. The worlds are pathetically depopulated while fleet numbers are static at best.


Are you impaired in some way? ....or are you just so self convinced that you will believe something to be true even in the face of fact?


He just showed you a graph. You can easily look up the numbers, retained player base etc.


What is not getting through here?

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err... you are actually considering variations of 0,0something as growing? I would say most of that are people creating alts on another servers exactly to see how is the population on those.


Fact: Almost all my friends quit the game after the free month, so yeah, the game lost a lot of subs.

Fact: Most people who left did right after the free month.

Fact: Most of us who stayed love the game and will stay, so it doesn't matter that the game will not be THAT full. When they reach a stable number, if needed, they will probably merge some servers and the population will be optimized.

Fact: The cake is a lie.


Fact: I don't think you have that many friends.





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Again - that's your opinion. Yes, the total number of people voicing their disappointment seems bigger than those of most mmo launches. But that's because this is the biggest mmo launch in history. Percentage-wise...it actually seems pretty good. Heck, eve's forums after incarna were at least as bad and the game has only a fraction of swtor's subscribers.


I disagree with even your assertion, though I agree with your rationalizing. It is the biggest, but this is far less then we saw at WoW initially. In fact, we started calling them "the whine boards". Everything from "no end game", to "static world" was screamed about continually.


....and it went strong for 7 years. ;p

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Lol. Give me a BREAK. Only EA and bioware know the true state of the subscriber numbers. They sure are not going to tell anyone if the numbers look bad.


Anecdotally the server pop I play on has dropped on my previous very heavy pop server. The worlds are pathetically depopulated while fleet numbers are static at best.


err... and how do you know they don't have that info directly from BW/EA? He just gave us some data we can work with, first one I've seen on this thread, so yeah, I would say he is pretty right, pop is stable and will be stable from now on, everyone that wanted to leave did. Those who stayed (I'm betting around 1 million) will be happy and play an awesome game =).

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err... you are actually considering variations of 0,0something as growing? I would say most of that are people creating alts on another servers exactly to see how is the population on those.


He is posting factual data. You are countering with conjecture. Is that because you want the graph to say something else or you are just reading it wrong? Either way, his assertion is correct, yours is not.


Fact: Almost all my friends quit the game after the free month, so yeah, the game lost a lot of subs.

Fact: Most people who left did right after the free month.

Fact: Most of us who stayed love the game and will stay, so it doesn't matter that the game will not be THAT full. When they reach a stable number, if needed, they will probably merge some servers and the population will be optimized.

Fact: The cake is a lie.


How many friends are we talking here that they would have an impact on the game? Two hundred thousand friends?


The rest is more hyperbole and conjecture being flown in the face of factual data. Assumptions and personal opinion are not going to contradict the facts

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Fact: I don't think you have that many friends.







I wish you were right =/, but honestly, I was able to bring 18 friends from my guild on WoW =/, 16 are back on WoW. And I really don't know why, I love this game and I think the reasons they give to leave were... well, not good. But that doesn't erase the fact that they left =/.


But as I said I think the pop is stable now. And with a community of 1 million instead of 10 million to nerd rage / complain / cuss / foresee the game is dying and so many etcs, this game will do great. Actually I think we're going to have a much better game now that the people who disliked it, for one reason or another, left =).

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Not necessarily. SWTOR is only disappointing because of it's game play issues. GW2 even Tera from the CBT seem to have better game play value then what SWTOR does.


As long as it's the Hero Engine the MMO will fail.

Why anyone would use the HERO engine is absolutely beyond me, it looks crap and runs like crap. I played in the CBT weekend just gone in Tera Online and was absolutely blown away with how good the game looked and how awesome it ran, even on crap computers. I also have mates that played in the Korean version and they said patch times were around 2 hours and maintenance was about 40 minutes. Tera also doesn't have GOD AWFUL global cooldowns so the combat is actually fun and feels responsive.
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He is posting factual data. You are countering with conjecture. Is that because you want the graph to say something else or you are just reading it wrong? Either way, his assertion is correct, yours is not.




How many friends are we talking here that they would have an impact on the game? Two hundred thousand friends?


The rest is more hyperbole and conjecture being flown in the face of factual data. Assumptions and personal opinion are not going to contradict the facts


Alright, if you had browsed a bit more, in the same site, you would see what I am talking about. This is the graph that show population since december and how it decreased...


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All of my wow friends went back as well, which crashed the guild we were in... From the lag, to the boredom, to the bugs, folks just couldn't see giving up entertainment for frustration any longer. (I don't play wow any longer, so I will be MMO-less after March, I suppose) Edited by Meldwyn
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One thing I know for sure is people are leaving low populated servers for the more populated. I got tired of seeing no more then 10 to 30 on a planet in prime time. The fleet never had more then 60 and as low as 10 to 20 at times.


Its hard enough to get a group as is let alone on a light server. I dumped my characters and moved. In chat I always ask if anyone here is starting over and get lots of replies. I also see other people from time to time asking the same question.


I feel the key to the staying power of the game is when most of the population reaches end game. This will show how many will stick around for another raiding instanced pvp game.

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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


merges need to be done, the game failed for pvp and they lost massive numbers.


They need to merge, fix, advertise and expand

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err... and how do you know they don't have that info directly from BW/EA? He just gave us some data we can work with, first one I've seen on this thread, so yeah, I would say he is pretty right, pop is stable and will be stable from now on, everyone that wanted to leave did. Those who stayed (I'm betting around 1 million) will be happy and play an awesome game =).


You are incredibly naive. I suggest you get a job with a company that relies on people subscribing. When numbers go down no one is announcing that to the public.

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Updated numbers have not been released(unless your riddickz and have reading comprehension issues).


None of us have anything but personal experience to go by. I had never even heard of that tornet thing with numbers before today - and I have no idea of its accuracy.


My personal experience is that my server has had a huge surge in population in the last 1-2 weeks.


Other people have had the experience of a population drop.


There are any number of possibilities that could apply to BOTh of these scenarios. Perhaps a server had a low pop to begin with. Perhaps my server had a huge influx from a low pop server.


Perhaps new subscriptions came to my server while your server lost subs.


Maybe your server just happened to have a lot of people who love rolling alts, so all those ppl who WERE sitting on Fleet decided to roll empire side or republic side low level toons and they are out doing stuff.


We dont know.


The only thing we know is that riddikz cant read quarterly press releases with any sort of accuracy.

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You are incredibly naive. I suggest you get a job with a company that relies on people subscribing. When numbers go down no one is announcing that to the public.


EA will release the numbers because they are a publicly traded company. Companies release numbers typically quarterly and sometimes monthly. Expect new sub numbers in april or may for the first quarter.

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and as everyone can notice, as I said, most people left after the free month and now we have a pretty stable population...


That statement holds no truth Even MMO devolpers will tell you the population is not stable until the 90 day mark. those that stay will typicaly stay another 3 or 4 sub cycles unless they can add enough content to keep the game expanding . they must have alternate paths of advancement like the legacy system and more end game content in by the 9 month mark or they typicaly see another massive burn off. hystoricaly that is how MMO populations cycle. there will be the churn cycle. people who sub for 1 or 2 sub cycles stop for 4 or 5 months and return with major updates. Tors population is far from stable we will see burn off people hitting end game wall. People who liked the story but did not like the end game,or ones who are finished with progression. your statement has nothing but opinion in it.

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