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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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The server with my 50, Colonel Tobin, has 14 people online on the Empire Fleet right now. lvl 50 warzones don't exist EVER.


Meanwhile Harbinger, where I'm trying to reroll (lvl 31), has 188 on the Repiblic Fleet currently.


I don't know how low the population of a server needs to be before it's considered dead, but it's not looking good. I'm fine with being called an idiot for selecting that server, but it showed no signs of potentially ending up like this when I joined it.


Stick to Harbinger then , seems like a better place where you can have a blast.

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I leveled a 50 Sith Assasin and now Im leveling a Jedi guardian.


And im 100% sure that when it reaches lvl 50 i will unsub.


I wont say anything because i think theres a lot of complainers already but its so sad for me at least life at 50 its boring and slow.


I enjoyed sooooo much (still do) the leveling part of this game. i think it kicks WoW in so many aspects that its gonna be so hard to go back to the Blizz.


But eventually i will..


And maybe my case is not the only one so yes in some time merging the servers will be a must have.


Dont worry, eventually it will come...because they will have no other option.


Bioware LFG tool & fast travelling are needed, makes the social part of the game pure crap, but one that sells and many ppl wants...


May the Force be with you

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I leveled a 50 Sith Assasin and now Im leveling a Jedi guardian.


And im 100% sure that when it reaches lvl 50 i will unsub.


I wont say anything because i think theres a lot of complainers already but its so sad for me at least life at 50 its boring and slow.


I enjoyed sooooo much (still do) the leveling part of this game. i think it kicks WoW in so many aspects that its gonna be so hard to go back to the Blizz.


But eventually i will..


And maybe my case is not the only one so yes in some time merging the servers will be a must have.


Dont worry, eventually it will come...because they will have no other option.


Bioware LFG tool & fast travelling are needed, makes the social part of the game pure crap, but one that sells and many ppl wants...


May the Force be with you


All they had to do was make alt leveling much more dramatically different to keep people another 3-6 months.

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Allright, just calm down.


Bioware stated, that they gradually increase server caps. Did you not read that? So instead of showing a server with 1000 people online as full, that server's cap is now 3000 and it will show as Standard. Simple.


Also. I am sorry to break it to the level 50s BUT...you are still the minority. Believe it or not, most people do not rush to 50. They enjoy the game without a hurry. So just because there are only 5 lvl 50s on Ilum doesn't say anything about the server population. It simply means, that people don't feel like they need to get 50 as fast as possible.


My server has about 10 people on Ilum on a regular basis...not enough you might say. Yet there is NEVER a problem to get a full group for flashpoints or warzones and warzone queues don't take longer than 5 minutes. Ever. Stop making it sound like we are all doomed. We are not. S'all good. At least population wise ;)



Yes because all the servers are EXACTLY like your server. Seriously though they is just your opinion. Just like everyone else whom posts about population. It's all about their experience on THEIR server. You cannot possibly assume that all the servers are just like yours.


Take mine for example. It's a ghost town plain and simple. The Republic population is laughable. During peak times the fleet may have like 60-70 Republic. Want to know how much Empire has? Oh roughly around 180-210 during peak. Yes... population are really balanced.


The game has been out for 2 months. Even if you play with your face on the keyboard you should be around 35-40+. I should be seeing people at least on the higher leveled planets. Know how many I saw on Voss? 3... yes 3. Hoth? Oh around 6 during peak hours.


I don't mind opinions based on population. I do mind however when someone assumes that their server is a reflection of all the servers. I'm QUITE aware that some servers are fine. I know that some servers have a good ratio between Empire/Republic. However that doesn't reflect MY server. Which is why I believe a server merge is needed to fix this mess.

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Talking about rough population numbers...

My server "paragus mining facility" (empire side) is usually "standard" populated.

Dunno how many players is considered standard, but talking in queue times..

PVP usually has a queue time of less then 2-3 minutes (both for 50 and under 50).

FP queue times take a bit longer since you cant look for FP groups outside of the fleet.. so its based on the actual players on the fleet at that moment... which is usually around 200-300 peak hours.


All in all, i am not complaining about the population on my server...

A bit more players on republic side would be fun though.. since Ilum is basicly a barren planet with nothing to do.

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Despite all the really embarrasing excuses such as server cap increased, everyone is now back to work, it's the wrong time of the month, Oil prices have risen, everyone get their hands injured and can't play, etc etc The populations across the board have dropped by about 50% imo. Loads of servers are now dead and the remaining people are like me re-rolling on heavy population servers.


Sorry guys but it's a fact, not a fact according to me, a fact according to the server selection screen.

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And for all the people that think it's the server cap, go roll on a standard server and see how many people are in fleet....mine says 28! 4 weeks ago we had over 100 in fleet so I guess when the server cap is raised it also makes the majority of people invisible too?
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And for all the people that think it's the server cap, go roll on a standard server and see how many people are in fleet....mine says 28! 4 weeks ago we had over 100 in fleet so I guess when the server cap is raised it also makes the majority of people invisible too?
Hmmm, didn't you tell everyone you weren't re-subbing???
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Despite all the really embarrasing excuses such as server cap increased, everyone is now back to work, it's the wrong time of the month, Oil prices have risen, everyone get their hands injured and can't play, etc etc The populations across the board have dropped by about 50% imo. Loads of servers are now dead and the remaining people are like me re-rolling on heavy population servers.


Sorry guys but it's a fact, not a fact according to me, a fact according to the server selection screen.

Talking about facts, perhaps you should check out ther recent press releases regarding subscription numbers.
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And for all the people that think it's the server cap, go roll on a standard server and see how many people are in fleet....mine says 28! 4 weeks ago we had over 100 in fleet so I guess when the server cap is raised it also makes the majority of people invisible too?



I have characters on two "Standard" servers One was very full and one was very empty.


"Standard" seems to cover a broad range, people quoting the server status list on either side are just deluding themselves.


Of course it's even funnier that there are "sides" in this, this is kind of like fighting over the sunrise, what will happen will happen. All the e-thuggin' in the world won't change a thing.

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To the OP, your server may be on the lighter side, but Black Vulkar seems to be pumping just fine as far as server population. We were listed as Heavy last night with no que time.


While I will agree that there might be a handful too many servers, I don't think server migration would be the right answer at the moment. A server listed as Normal still might have a good amount of people on, just not in the areas your expecting.

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Most subscribers will play less now than during the first weeks, even if they plan on staying.


True, though I really wish I can find out why everyone keeps saying this '5%' stuff. I've seen that a lot lately, in signatures and in forum posts. Though I can't seem to find any threads related to anything even remotely stating that 5% of the population unsubscribed.


Am I missing something? Or is this just some arbitrary number that people are using?

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True, though I really wish I can find out why everyone keeps saying this '5%' stuff. I've seen that a lot lately, in signatures and in forum posts. Though I can't seem to find any threads related to anything even remotely stating that 5% of the population unsubscribed.


Am I missing something? Or is this just some arbitrary number that people are using?

Nope, you are spot on. The only real numbers are the ones included in the same official EA/BW reports and press releases you've already read. Everything else is (as you mentioned) arbitrary speculation. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I agree, for the first three weeks there was a lot of QQ about que times and server waiting.


And now the pops have all died down because SWTOR fails.


Everyone wins. EA recouped it's money and we saw the potential of a decent MMO.


Now all EA and Bioware have to do is pull SWTOR rerelease it and use an actual game engine and hire some real devs.



They expanding the server population per server, which is why it appears that way to those that leap before they look.


This is not an MMO, it is an MMORPG under the blanket heading of MMO. Perhaps your lack of understanding is your problem?

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I play empire on a full populated server and rarely run into anyone. I have enjoyed the single player experience and have already cancelled my subscription.


It is their fault that you do not interact with anyone else? How so?


My server is fairly full. I interact with people all day long. I am in a guild and constantly chat with other people. I run missions, heroics, buy and sell with others all the time. There are constantly people around me that I will interact with during fights, then move on.


If you are not seeing anyone at all. If you have not interacted with anyone at all. That is a personal choice, not a problem with the game.

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Server pop is dropping for one reason only. There is nothing to do. There is no sense of accomplishment in this game at all.


Raiding is all fine and dandy except nightmare mode is a joke and you can clear 10/10 in less then 4 hours. Flashpoints are nice except you only ever need to do them 1 time because you don't need gear from them. Operations are easier and provide a plathora of loot with everyone getting 4 biometrics each in the time it takes to do 2-3 flashpoints where you are lucky to get one.


PVP ... well.. enough said. Mindless warzone queuing with a premade or not, is boring and no sense of accomplishment.


There is nothing to do. I am full battlemaster without any thought or effort. I did not play 20 hours a day either. You can literally afk to rank 60 and you can literally afk to full battlemaster gear.


This is an mmo but it feels like a glorified chatroom/lobby.


Give us something to do. Make us farm and fight to enhance our guild. Age of conan might have it's flaws, but it's guild cities is a good idea to take to increase the life of this game. Let us fight for mats to make enhancements for our guild. Let us choose are warzones. Give the open world (oh wait, what open world) some reason to be in it.


Bioware spends all it's time talking about voice acting, Do you know my spacebar is almost broken? I've pressed it so many times. Crafting is stupid. You level up armor/synth to get your 2 rakata then you drop it for biochem. Even the comming nerf to biochem won't stop it. It's still what you need to do.


My sub runs out on the 18th, and I'm not renewing it. This doesn't feel like a game at all. It does not feel like an mmo. There is just not enough flavor. Stepping foot in Ilum makes me long for the days of wintergrasp (and no, I am not going back to play wow). Half my raiding guild is leaving also. Probably more to follow. The game could have been so much better if there was only stuff to do with reason and goals. As of now, it's raid for less then a handful of hours (more raids wont fix this) and then log off. You only need to do daily's for 15 days before you get your 3 rakata pieces from daily comms.


It's not about lack of raiding even though they are way to easy even on nightmare, It's about other things to do during the downtime of raids. Group based stuff that NEEDS to be done to enhance your guild. Enough with this afk to victory non-sense that is in this game.

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Over the weekend, Zez-Kai Ell broke 250 people online on the Empire side... TOTAL. The most I've ever seen in the Imperial Fleet at once was 24 people. The most level 50's on at once that I've seen is 14.


Bioware needs to take the 10-15 East Coast PvE servers that have a light population every night and mash them all together. Maybe then we'd match the population of one of the heavy servers.

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everyone is quitting. Whats sub count at now? I bet you it will linger around 1-300k by the end of the year and slowly dropping after that. I had to really try for 2 months subscription. I cant imagine but 1-10% of the players would be interested in persistant play. How many raids and end game instances are in wow? Swtor doesnt have one raid. If you consider a 16 man instance a raid its your first mmo...youll see itll get old fast.
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everyone is quitting. Whats sub count at now? I bet you it will linger around 1-300k by the end of the year and slowly dropping after that. I had to really try for 2 months subscription. I cant imagine but 1-10% of the players would be interested in persistant play. How many raids and end game instances are in wow? Swtor doesnt have one raid. If you consider a 16 man instance a raid its your first mmo...youll see itll get old fast.
WoW had no end game until the AQ patch, and that didn't happen until 14 months after launch. If the expectation is for everything that WoW is now to already be fully functional in this game, then perhaps a way could be found to purchase BioWare and LucasArts - then broker a blockbuster deal with Blizzard to send their source code to BioWare, as well as their programmers to help with the implementation. Or maybe exert considerable influence and simply convince Blizz to do a WoW In Space xpac. Did I miss anything? Edited by GalacticKegger
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