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Will Republic *ever* get Purple crystals?


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  • 2 weeks later...
Didn't Anakin continue using his blue lightsaber in his duel against Obi-Wan after he had already turned to the dark side? In that case, the Sith should be able to use blue crystals regardless of their actual alignment. The whole alignment/crystal restriction is just stupid since the supposed "lore" contradicts itself all the damn time.


Yes, however, there is a catch.


It could be argued that Anakin already had his blue-blade saber equipped when he went dark.


In game, if you take a, say, red saber at neutral, and then go to light 1 with the red saber equipped, it doesn't unequip you.


Likewise, all sabers have an associated color outside of the crystal. If you are light side using a blue crystal, and remove it, you could feasibly have a red saber, if the saber's default color is red.

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this is exactly the kind of thing an 8 year old girl would complain about...


This is exactly the sort of defensive trolling that has gotten our community such a lousy reputation in such a very short time. The simple truth is BW arbitrarily decided this against player input and expressed preference. This isn't the light/dark debate, this is a crystal that if they wanted to make it rare would have been fine. So far, they've made it unavailable to one side but not another, same with the cyan color. BW has a bad habit of consistently ignoring player input and they are only just now starting to correct that behavior. Jumping in and defending them is being part of the problem and not the solution. BW is a multimillion dollar company owned by a larger multimillion dollar company. They don't need you to defend them, they can handle that on their own.

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I play republic and was sad to find out I couldn't get purple for my saber as it is my favorite color. I don't want to re-roll for a saber color that just seems silly. I'd be happy if they would give me the option for purple in the future.


Also pink =/= purple :(



Edit* Also sith armor looks cooler than mine but hey w/e give me purple crystals and I'll shut up.

Edited by Zathus
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They technically dont have pupele crystals. Only available in sith champion sabers and cant be removed.


not true


purple is teir 2 for pvp AND pve


the pve columi quality sabers have purple REMOVABLE crystals


there is no truth to the "pvp sabers are purple" myth, thats a miss understanding of the system


tier 1: red (tionese PVE, centurion PVP)

tier 2: purple (columi PVE, champion PVP)

tier 3: black core, red glow (rakata PVE, Battle Master PVP)


in ever case the PVP is not removable and the PVE is removable


purple is not the "pvp" color, its the tier 2 color regardless of pvp or pve

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Yeah, Republic gets purple crystals...3000 years after this game is set.




people clamoring for jedi to have purple should do some research on windu, he was known for struggling with his darkside, the purple color he chose was meant to represent his constant struggle and to remind him to maintain his balance (red + blue = purple)


it was never the prefered choice of any other well known jedi where as blue and green were well known throughout, just as red was the only color of the sith


regardless these colors are just customs and being several thousand years before the movies, customs change

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Devs play empire, hence the crappy republic armor and list of other issues that are certainly not in favor of the republic (completely different thread). Stuff like this certainly does not contribute to faction balance which obviously an issue on most servers. Edited by Dobeski
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I don't know where you weirdos get this "crappy rep armor" **** from, Trooper is ownz, Jedi look like Jedi and there's nothing wrong with Smugglers... Either way, next patch.




It's a smuggler in the video and the vendor has purple crystals so stop the whine already!



AGAIN, I'd like to please claim /thread

Edited by Lightmaguz
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another thing too, looking at some vids and pics. Magenta is closer to red (pink), makes Republic Jedi look like pseudo sith...Purple is very distinguishable from magenta and looks more in-line or canon. Should the crystals be switched? Magenta Sith and Purple with Republic. Just saying. Edited by Dobeski
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another thing too, looking at some vids and pics. Magenta is closer to red (pink), makes Republic Jedi look like pseudo sith...Purple is very distinguishable from magenta and looks more in-line or canon. Should the crystals be switched? Magenta Sith and Purple with Republic. Just saying.


I personally don't think it really matters, having a red or reddish lightsaber doesn't automatically make you a sith.

Edited by deags
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I'm guessing that in 1.2 that since all the crew skills are getting revamped that all us artificers will get purple crystal schematics (400 artifice here, make it so bioware!!!)


I hope so! Beef up artifice. I'll pay a nice chunk of credits..hopefully it won't be BoP.

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I hope so! Beef up artifice. I'll pay a nice chunk of credits..hopefully it won't be BoP.


won't be boP


highlighted the most important part of the quote.



Will artifice and other crafted items eventually require "Artifice 400" etc in the way biochem items do?



No. We're actually moving away from that. Most crafted items in the upcoming Game Update 1.2 will be freely tradeable.
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  • 1 month later...

man this sucks so bad i just made a jedi sage got it to lvl 18 now i found out that i cant use purple crystals even know purple is light side and that mace windu guy uses it on the movies, plus also im just wondering why both sides don't get all crystals seeing as we are all on the same planets we all find the same crews skills items we all walk on the same planets so why cant we find the same items seems stupid.. i know that sith use red and orange (purple apparently) but that doesn't mean jedi cant go find some red or orange or purple in the crystals its not like that when crystals grown they grow to be specif colors... another fail in the game just like the armors same **** different colors.. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::D


also people who are saying mace windu uses Magenta not Purple im sure he does but we all know purple is purple and pink is pink dont be stupid..

Edited by JointMaster
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Hi all,


We're going to go ahead and close this thread and would like to direct you to a more recent post from Georg Zoeller regarding available color crystals.




1. No. We have done away with the faction restriction that existed for example on the purple crystal and we don't intend to reintroduce them. As such, both colors are available to both factions.


2. We are introducing PvP crafting in 1.2 with a limited set of expertise crystals (blue/yellow crystals) that are exclusive to crafters. Their schematics are obtained via Warzone commendations, as are the materials needed to craft them.


We will likely expand this system in the future, but did not feel like the RNG drive RE mechanic is the right way to go about this for 1.2. A future RE system update that lessens the RNG dependency might open the door to something like what you are describing.


As this thread is a bit out of date and was unfortunately bumped to the top, we are going to go ahead and close this thread as the topic is a bit out of date.


We have several tools available to help everyone track the latest updates from our development team. The first is our Developer Tracker, which lists the latest posts from developers, as well as our Community Managers and Coordinators.


Secondly, our new Community Blog hosts news, maintenance reminders, and in-depth posts from developers as well.


If you have suggestions for the game, we have a forum for specific suggestions, the Suggestion Box. We encourage you to post your suggestions there!


Thank you!

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