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Will Republic *ever* get Purple crystals?


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True it looks purple but putting mace windows Purple next to a true sith Purple you see the difference


Woah buddy, we're on family-friendly forums, here. No talking about comparing Samuel L. Jackson's saber to anyone else's saber here, there are children present!


Also, his wins anyway, since it's the one that says "Bad Mutha-" on it. Seriously, go frame by frame next time you watch the bluray versions, his saber is those letters spinning really, really fast. Also, one frame has him with a 'fro eating waffles in a diner. I think it's when he's fighting Sidious.

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Some of the Columi and Rakatta gear vendors sell mod-able purple sabers on the Imperial Fleet. So they're not just PVP colors.


Does the Republic have Columi or Rakatta gear on their fleet? If so, what color are the crystals? If not, what do you have and what color are their crystals?


I do not believe they have purple crystals.

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Windu was not darkside. He used Vapaad (Juyo) in which the practitioner walked through the darkside without succumbing to its corruption.


This is completely irrelevant to the discussion, you know.


Where is our cyan crystals?

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Could somebody please point out to me where in the LORE it states that the PURPLE CRYSTAL is a SITH colour? We all know from the movies that the purple crystal was Mace Windu's signature lightsaber color, but apart from that?


Kind of like what they did with the Tron-looking Jedi Guardian PvP armor set. Yes, Obi-Wan Kenobi DID wear trooper armor at a point in The Clone Wars, but even with that he had a Robe cloak strap and there were no led lights attached lol.


Who makes these ridiculous decisions at BioWare, and did they pay any attention at all?


That's THE question.

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Could somebody please point out to me where in the LORE it states that the PURPLE CRYSTAL is a SITH colour? We all know from the movies that the purple crystal was Mace Windu's signature lightsaber color, but apart from that?


Kind of like what they did with the Tron-looking Jedi Guardian PvP armor set. Yes, Obi-Wan Kenobi DID wear trooper armor at a point in The Clone Wars, but even with that he had a Robe cloak strap and there were no led lights attached lol.


Who makes these ridiculous decisions at BioWare, and did they pay any attention at all?


That's THE question.


Could not agree more mate. And what about black core sabres? Still disgusting me.

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Could somebody please point out to me where in the LORE it states that the PURPLE CRYSTAL is a SITH colour? We all know from the movies that the purple crystal was Mace Windu's signature lightsaber color, but apart from that?


Kind of like what they did with the Tron-looking Jedi Guardian PvP armor set. Yes, Obi-Wan Kenobi DID wear trooper armor at a point in The Clone Wars, but even with that he had a Robe cloak strap and there were no led lights attached lol.


Who makes these ridiculous decisions at BioWare, and did they pay any attention at all?


That's THE question.


We get purple, you get cyan. Someone, somewhere decided this. Lore or further reasoning has nothing at all to do with it.

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For the last time people, since apparently we need to say these things once per page before people understand:


1. Republic does not get access to purple crystals through PvP. We get cyan and Black-Blue.

2. Republic does not get access to purple crystals through PvE. Cyan and Black-Blue again.

3. Republic does not find purple crystals through random drops. It was possible during beta, but removed for launch.



4. MAGENTA (this color is LABELED magenta in the post code) is NOT PURPLE (oh look, ALSO labeled, this time as purple). Stop saying it is.



5. Nobody really gives a **** why Samuel L Jackson had a purple lightsaber. He just does. People just want one for themselves, because they think it looks cool. (Hey, I do too. Go figure.)




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This has been stated numerous times, but I will bring attention back to it.


Star Wars: The Old Republic exists in the universe of Knights of the Old Republic.


Both Knights of the Old Republic games were fun and awesome in my opinion. The lore is directly based off from the lore of these games. If you've played both of the games, lots of SWTOR makes sense.


In Knights of the Old Republic and Knights of the Old Republic 2, none of the colours were limited by what side of the force you chose. You could run around with a red saber being full light, or a blue saber being full dark. Purple was also a fairly common colour in the games.


Considering SWTOR takes place 300 years after the first Knights of the Old Republic, and the world you acquire the purple crystal from is accessible, and the crystal colour was common, unless some evil Sith plot (or some unknown secret Republic thing was approved by the senate) to steal or destroy all the purple crystals from the world suddenly took place in this 300 year time span, I don't see why they're rare.


On top of this, I don't see where my character's dark side or light side points goes into what sort of crystal I use to power my lightsaber. They were never limited in the games SWTOR continues. They're limited now however. So, while you all debate movie information and canon and all that. Look at the two games this game continues the lore of and look at all the colour crystals available in those games and how they were not limited, then ask yourself why they're limited now, 300 years later?


3000 years is a lot longer period of time, the republic and the empire may fall and be born again, planets may be bombarded and crystals become more rare or whatever, but seriously, 300 years is not that much time, and as far as I'm aware, the only thing limited any crystals are a tag that says "Light 1 or above" and "Dark 1 or above", and the obvious fact of certain normal colours in the Knights of the Old Republic world being "rare" suddenly.



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I want to use blue, and black-blue, and white color crystals but I can't use them as Sith.


Should we all cry to Bioware??

I hate the end-game raid gear as well for every single class in game except for the Republic Trooper which looks like a clone of an Imperial Trooper, should I complain about this to?


As for TOR and KOTOR1/2 there is basically no evidence of the KOTOR games around in the lore and story. You kill Revan in the 30's on the Sith side for christ's sake one of the baddest ****s in the universe in KOTOR1/2 and I kill him in my 30's, what a chump *** *****.



Fact is the alignment system is programmed in, and it's not going to be unprogrammed that's a fact. How BW decides to enact what you may or may not receive through your DS or LS journey is up to them ultimately. I don't think there's too many around that really give a **** about color crystals and the sort.

Edited by DarthChagras
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Republic does have purple. You can get the schematics from one of the world bosses. A friend of mine's guild got it, it was a low level crystal, 25 I think, but purple none-the-less.


That is magenta which actually appears more pink than anything. It isn't purple.

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You guys have magenta, what is the problem here?


I don't think whining over material possessions is part of the jedi code.


It is my understanding that Magenta and Purple are very close and should make you all very happy on the inside.

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You guys have magenta, what is the problem here?


I don't think whining over material possessions is part of the jedi code.


It is my understanding that Magenta and Purple are very close and should make you all very happy on the inside.


Magenta isn't purple.


You do know that people aren't actually Jedi, right? I don't have to actually tell you this, do I?


Magenta and purple are nowhere near close. Once again, magenta isn't purple.

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I hope "never".


I want to see more things that are Republic-only or Imperial-only or Dark-only or Sentinel-only or whatever. These choices should have consequences.


I feel the consequences of our choices keep getting eroded and I think this is a bad thing. What's the point of a choice if it has no consequences?

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I want to use blue, and black-blue, and white color crystals but I can't use them as Sith.


Should we all cry to Bioware??

I hate the end-game raid gear as well for every single class in game except for the Republic Trooper which looks like a clone of an Imperial Trooper, should I complain about this to?


As for TOR and KOTOR1/2 there is basically no evidence of the KOTOR games around in the lore and story. You kill Revan in the 30's on the Sith side for christ's sake one of the baddest ****s in the universe in KOTOR1/2 and I kill him in my 30's, what a chump *** *****.



Fact is the alignment system is programmed in, and it's not going to be unprogrammed that's a fact. How BW decides to enact what you may or may not receive through your DS or LS journey is up to them ultimately. I don't think there's too many around that really give a **** about color crystals and the sort.


Reven doesn't die, he vanishes to fight another day. Perhaps you should pay more attention.

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Even though I can get purple (conceivably) on my main char ... I Don't want purple.


I Want Blue-black. I can't have it on my main char's though, have to roll an alt.


Personally, think blue-black looks far cooler than purple ... but that's my opinion.

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Didn't Anakin continue using his blue lightsaber in his duel against Obi-Wan after he had already turned to the dark side? In that case, the Sith should be able to use blue crystals regardless of their actual alignment. The whole alignment/crystal restriction is just stupid since the supposed "lore" contradicts itself all the damn time.
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