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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Operative Lethality


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First of all sorry for my english, it is not as good as it was years ago :)


I am an operative at Trayus Academy server, char name Icari.

We have a nerf at the horizon so like many of you at first I was angry than, I tried some different build at warzones.


Here is what I observed.


Cons has realy insane burst at start but it is because of hidden blade. After some time I realise that Cull have almost as good burst as hidden blade but energy was realy a problem. I find my self out of energy so often. So what was the difference between Cons and Lethality. Answer was simple. Cons have no energy cost at back stab. After donating so much credits to skill mentor, I find this build, it works like a charm.




Facts :

I dont have weakining blast but I have no energy cost back stab

Stim boost that keep my energy level up all the time now also heal me.

I have all the talents to increase my poison damages.


As I said it works like a charm and I hope you try it and give me some crits about what do you think about it.

I discovered that Lethality is much more effective at pvp and pve. After nerf most of the operatives forced to play as lethality and all the people that cried so far for nerfing us will realy regret at the end.

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I would be interested in advice on this build as well. I run as 31 lethality, but don't have as much into con as you do. I highly recommend 2/2 in incisive action in the medicine tree (bottom row, one on the left) though as it gives you a tactical advantage when you heal with kolto injection. I know we are talking dps builds here, but anyone that can heal should do so sometimes. Of course you heal yourself during long fights as well, so now you can do that and build tachtical advantages as well!
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If you are going OOE as lethality you have to be playing it wrong. Cast DOTs on everyone you see, and you get energy back like crazy as they all crit tick. On top of that you MUST have the reduced cost to Corrosive Dart talent. Spamming Corr Dart on the enemy team is our bread and butter damage ability. I simply can't fathom how so many people say this. I do massive damage as lethality in PVP (and very respectable damage in PVE) and I am always in top-tier regen.


All this talk about backstab is probably where you go wrong. Backstab isn't even on my bar as lethality. It has terrible DPCT compared to every other ability we have except shiv, but we only use shiv to get TA for cull. You should be casting Corr Grenade on cooldown, Corr Dart on everyone, weakening blast on CD, shiv to generate TA and cull whenever you have TA from shiv or killing blows. If you do this then you will have a much more positive experience. Also, you can be ranged or semi-ranged (10m) most of the time whereas with backstab you are running in and dying over and over just like a concealment operative.

Edited by lepyr
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Run your skill bars in two sections, one for AoE groupings(ranged attacks.) and one for single target groupings(melee+cull).


I ran 28pt. simply because the 31 pts. are of limited use. I chose the 28 pts, because end bosses need more damage, so you get the both of both worlds.


When you're at ranged, you're dps spending is very high comparatively to in range, so you need to cycle more normal shots into the mix as well as Adrenal Probe.


Melee, u mostly only ever use Stims. Try not to cycle 2 culls at once for long fights, and throw in a normal shot after each cull, and you should be able to keep a fair gun/knife cycle running.


Oh, and our 3second immunity is a huge asset on boss fights when the boss decides to choose a random target. (distract+immunity.)

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1. Using a 2 sec cast Kolto Injection to generate TA is amazing. Survivability is good, survivability + TA is great.


2. Corrosive dart is our best damage dealer, so I took the lower energy cost talent.


3. The corrosive grenade slow is a personal preference.


4. Reduced cost to backstab for extra damage in melee range... and to regen energy


5. 2% health every 3 secs contributes to survivability.


6. No weakening blast, because it has limited use.


7. No 9% cunning, because it only provides a small increase in damage for abilities and negligible crit chance.


8. Increased movement speed and stealth level by personal preference... I could be moving those points around. I don't spend a lot of time in stealth anymore.


I have been having a blast as Leth. It is a lot more dynamic than Concealment. You shouldn't have too many enery-related problems with this build. When you do have problems, just pop Adrenaline Probe... it has a 90 sec CD.

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WB buffs Cull's extra ticks, and it has the same range as Cull. You're alkso planning on BSing them on CD which means you plan on being in range, so range isn't an issue. You also said Corrosive Dart was the bread and butter, but ignore WB which buffs it substantially, and reducing it's Energy Cost. My head hurts.
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explain please..Why is +100 to cunning not a great improvement?


Without +9% Cunning


1257 Cunning....+251.4 Bonus Damage....+8.67 Crit Chance


corrosive grenade...1731

corrosive dart....1790


With +9% Cunning


1370 Cunning...+274.0 Bonus Damage...+9.31% Crit Chance


corrosive grenade...1789

corrosive dart...1843



+22.6 Bonus Damage

+0.64% Crit Chance


This is with the same points taken in Leth and Concealment trees. I just moved the Medicine points into the +9% Cunning talent. As a reference, the tech power from your MH and OH weapons contributes about as much Bonus Damage as the Cunning stat does.


I prefer to have those 3 talent points spent elsewhere to increase my survivability and utility than just the slight increase in raw damage and crit chance.


In truth, I am doing better with this Leth build than I did with Concealment pre-nerf. BUT, DON'T TELL ANYBODY. It's so funny to open up with Hidden Strike on someone, but since they are used getting face-planted by Jarring Strikes AND our damage takes a while to build up...they don't react immediately like they do with the knockdown. By the time they start to feel my damage is threatening them (the DOTs ticking away don't alarm people as much as our huge crits do), I have already set up Backstab+Shiv+Cull. Dead or mortally wounded opponent follows.


PS- Don't tell anybody that this is a good build. Bioware will find out that Ops still have a powerful spec and nerf us into oblivion.

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WB buffs Cull's extra ticks, and it has the same range as Cull. You're alkso planning on BSing them on CD which means you plan on being in range, so range isn't an issue. You also said Corrosive Dart was the bread and butter, but ignore WB which buffs it substantially, and reducing it's Energy Cost. My head hurts.


Not sure if you are addressing me, but...


Personally, I am on the fence about Wounding Blast. 1v1, it is amazing. If I felt like switching to a 1v1 style build, I would definitely include it. But, to take it, I would need to add 6 talent points to the Leth tree (currently at 25 in my build), which would take away from other skills that I feel my current playstyle needs, like Revitalizers.


However, I have used a full 31-point Leth build very successfully. It comes down to playstyle. Go full 31 Leth, if you want that extra ability to really crank the damage out on 1 target. It is very effective. Go for a more hybrid build, if you want Revitalizers and Waylay.

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Talking purely from PVP perspective, I would say that backstab has good damage but is very situational, so I would not create my build on backstab.


I'm running with lethality/concealment build which can be seen here.



I had to go this route, because I can't imagine doing PVP without Infiltrator talenet, which actually enables you to open with Hidden strike and get TA.


Also, I don't have energy problems because of one reason: do not forget to click Stim Boost anytime it's up!

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What about dropping the 2/3 imperial education 6% cunning for 2/2 incisive action for little faster kolto injection and 100% TA point ? So throw out a quick heal and be able to Cull/Stim boost if needed. Also they should add a resist to Devouring Microbes.. Make it 10/20/30% harder for our DOTs to be Purged.
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