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Everything posted by Terena

  1. At level 40 I give up on story and start pvp. I am in full champion gear now than I decided to finish the story. Whit all the damage of my sentinel I only drop him to % 20..... So stop saying get better gear....
  2. Terena

    Deserter Detection

    I have 20 RL friend playing this and 9 of us suffering from this, ok let me correct it % 40 of the people I know from guild and RL leaves WZ because of this ....
  3. Terena

    Deserter Detection

    Not all of us playing on high end gaming computers. Other than loading screen mine is fine but when ever I joined a already started war zone I kicked out because of deserter detection. Reason is, my char entered the war zone but I still have a loading screen ( splash screen ) and when I able to control my char it is already 10-15 sec left on deserter detection. After that it is pure luck. If I can run out from the gate I can continue but if I can't it is GG back to the imperial fleet. Because of that I cant queue while I am leveling.... Fix on this is easy if you ask me add 15 sec more to deserter detection and it is all fine. Many of you maybe dont know that but it is basis about % 40 of the leavers on war zones....
  4. First of all sorry for my english, it is not as good as it was years ago I am an operative at Trayus Academy server, char name Icari. We have a nerf at the horizon so like many of you at first I was angry than, I tried some different build at warzones. Here is what I observed. Cons has realy insane burst at start but it is because of hidden blade. After some time I realise that Cull have almost as good burst as hidden blade but energy was realy a problem. I find my self out of energy so often. So what was the difference between Cons and Lethality. Answer was simple. Cons have no energy cost at back stab. After donating so much credits to skill mentor, I find this build, it works like a charm. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401ZG0Go0zZhrbkrrhdhz.1 Facts : I dont have weakining blast but I have no energy cost back stab Stim boost that keep my energy level up all the time now also heal me. I have all the talents to increase my poison damages. As I said it works like a charm and I hope you try it and give me some crits about what do you think about it. I discovered that Lethality is much more effective at pvp and pve. After nerf most of the operatives forced to play as lethality and all the people that cried so far for nerfing us will realy regret at the end.
  5. I am paying for that, this is not a free game... I realy dont undeserstand some of you, You are PAYING for this game, stop defending bioware they wont give you extra items etc. DCO, STOi WoW etc etc these games find solutions for down times. Bioware should also
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