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Love the Bag System. Let's Take it to the Next Level, BW:


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In a system that should be rewarding players for participation and actually pvping and playing the game, A RANDOM SYSTEM IS NOT THE WAY TO GO!


There are a million things you could do to improve the system...even removing the random drops from bags and increasing the commendations given from bags would be fine, although i'm sure there are far better options out there.

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In the spirit of your PvP system, I would ask for you to forward this little suggestion onto your bosses and payroll director.


Rather than be paid at a steady, hourly rate or a fixed salary, at the end of every day, you are given a nice Bioware fanny pack. When you open it, there's a 1 and 10 chance your paycheck is in there. If it's not there, there's 3 food stamps. Once you collect 30 of them, you can trade them in for the same paycheck a gas station attendant makes.


Does this sound like a payroll system that's going to keep you coming back to work?


+1 internets, sir. You're a champion among champions, bravo!

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Wait, so I'm new to pvp, and both times I've completed a mission I get 3 centurion commendations... You're telling me that means I got squat? (3 food stamps?)


I'm noticing I can't buy ANYTHING that is lvl 50 with all my warzone commendations and all these other commondations I don't seem to have yet. I've completed several daily missions but I have no daily commendations....


Can someone explain to me how I'm supposed to be earning daily commendations let alone champion and battlemaster commendations? It apears I can't even earn BM stuff until I'm valor 50? (or is it 60?)

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cept im valor almost 63 now and opened many battlemaster gear bags and have only got 1 BM token EVER.... so your numbers are off we should make their chances of getting a paycheck 1 in 30+

Edited by Trushott
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In the spirit of your PvP system, I would ask for you to forward this little suggestion onto your bosses and payroll director.


Rather than be paid at a steady, hourly rate or a fixed salary, at the end of every day, you are given a nice Bioware fanny pack. When you open it, there's a 1 and 10 chance your paycheck is in there. If it's not there, there's 3 food stamps. Once you collect 30 of them, you can trade them in for the same paycheck a gas station attendant makes.


Does this sound like a payroll system that's going to keep you coming back to work?


hahaha great idea!

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what do you all expect?

to do a weeks worth of dailies and weeklys and have your full set?


what a joke.


no we expect the system to be balanced. ie lvl 56valour runing round with only 6 champion pieces vs a lvl20valour guildy in full champion set.. investment should reward not random luck.

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Yeah you are right, this game is so much work, no fun at all. We should stop working so hard in this game to make a statement.


srsly... kids nowadays are sowhat blind in terms of video games. they don't play for fun anymore.


did you play super mario? if so, did you stop after level 4, because nintendo didnt gave you a bag full of (enter whatever you want)


im sick of ppl just playing for items and only playing to get "something" thats why entire genres are destroyed by this.


look at Fifa, all FPS today.... you *********** have to LEVEL guns etc. achievement crap everywhere. why? because kids are greedy and dont play games for fun, like we do and did.

Edited by Zoggel
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