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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I am a commando and i say tone us down.


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But at the same time, there's a lot of "YAR YAR HUMP HUMP" players who are more there for the virtual world rather than heavy gaming. I see your point, though, one shouldn't pigeon hole someone solely due to server type, I agree with that.


Yeah agree on that, have alot of those on my server as well. I'm on a pvp server. Half of the players on my server belongs on a pve server.Well well...Not trying to sound elitist in anyway just saying.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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im verry much a commando but i also been in the mmo scene so long that i know when something is op and that it will get radicly nerfed instead of slightly adjusted if ppl keep trying to say its balanaced.


playing an op class is no fun, it takes skill out of it and lets ppl who should not preform aswel do much better than they deserve and it makes wz's boring.


I want a balanced game dont you ?

if you been in this scene long enough "great changes" from wow should tell you why i do this in hopes of fine tuning instead of what happened after the indalamar video.




They roll the class because it is fotm. Of course they don't want balance. There is a reason that 90 percent of reps play commando/sage.

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I don't think Commandos really need a nerf. The OP's suggestion wouldn't be the end of the world, but keep in mind that Demo Round is the highest ability in the tree. I've seen my Demo Round hit 4K plus a few times, but that isn't really the norm.


I wouldn't mind trading some of its power for some better AOE healing or better Ammo management with Combat Support Cell.

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Lol, commandos are not OPed... They get pooped on by anyone who knows where their interrupt is.

Sort of this. I have a fair chance fighting with Mercs. Yes, the Tracer Missiles spam is retarded but that is another issue. Maybe Mercs needs a nerd, maybe not. But not before something gets done with Sorcs.

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A Commando complaining about his own class and thinking that demo round/grav round spam is too strong? Again SWToR community brings it to a all time dumb. Gunnery is not good, in fact its far from good. I dare you to go up against a commando/merc that runs assault/gunnery hybrid and tell me how hard his hits are. Thanks.
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I think you over estimate the commando / merc in a pvp setting. Yes when you do warzones in pugs where peeps have no clue about team play, objectives, 3/4 of their skills, what other class mechanics are etc, a turret caster left alone will wreak havoc. Same as a Sent / Marauder focus / rage spec can wrack up noobs in WZs who bunch up time and time again to get aoe'd.


Demo / HSM are perfectly fine. 15s CD, 16 heat (dunno ammo cost equi), instant cast, slightly better dmg than TM / Grav Round. What makes the difference is the 30% crit talent, which only affects Unload (Full Auto) and HSM (Demo). So we get 2 skills in all our arsenal that are affected by 30% extra crit dmg, unlike other classes who get more. Both those skills have a 15s CD (one can be randomly reset by spamming other abilities).


One of them is weapon dmg = hello all defensive CDs / mechanics, one is tech. What is the problem with that?


We are only dps AC without an execution skill in 30% or heck even 20% range. No you can't stand and spam dps rotations in decent pvp environemnts. There are things called utility you have to use, which nuck up your heat management (you never use cleanse? rocket punch / jet boost / fusion missile etc?). You can remove all physical / tech debuffs / dots on yourself or teamates, just because you are not a healer doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't help your team with it, is a very good skill despite it's heat cost.


How many times did you had a guy at 20% and your HSM / Demo did not crit, and your rail shot / HIB is deflected and you're left spamming default attack because you can't stop to cast TM / grav nor have enough resources to spam the 25 heat missile blast (dunno commando version).


Channeled spells are worst to use in pvp - they are a big SIGN : interrupt me someone please! Also unlike in other MMOs, even if when you start the channel the target is in range / los, if they move out of either during channel, it will not complete.


So you are sugesting to replace a 15s CD instant cast with another unload / full auto? Great idea. Let's make grav round a 3s channel as well, and HIB / rail shot a channel too and there you have it.


There is nothing wrong with those ACs, I have no idea why peeps using adrenals / relic and / or zerk buff popping 4-5k crits in 50 bracket once every 2 mins is something to call for a nerf. Guess what there are plenty of classes who can pull those 4-5k's if not way higher with stacked buffs, and they don't even need to setup for it. But you are right, a guy with a freaking laser mini-gun should tickle everyone with 1k crits while getting pound back 3k-5k to level the playfield /sarcasm.

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Right now the top pvp on my server is a powertech. Unmatched survival and dps. Vanguards got the short end of the stick compared to powertechs but they too do a rediculous amount of damage and have great survival. If you dont think they're OP right now, you're high. Its that simple.


I dare you to take them on in a 1v1. Equal geared and equal skilled - every time they'll win. Dont even use the "its a team game". Alright, then let me get 4 vanguards/powertechs hybrid specced - 2 hybrid sorc/sages and 2 heal sorc/sages and let me know how you fair. Those 4 vanguard/powertechs will STEAM roll your face!

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Fought a geared marauder at 50 yet? When you do come back and tell its commandos that are a problem,.


A geared anything can kill an ungeared anything.


Problem is is that an average Commando/Merc can quite easily kill a talented Sentinel/Marauder. have you ever tried to take on a Commando/Merc with the same gear level? They can literally sit there and Tracer/Grav spam while knocking you back a silly amount of metres with Shockstrike/Rocketpunch. Even an idiot knows how to juke an interupt so most of the time it's Grav/tracer spam while the Sentinel can't do anything.


When a ranged class can beat a dedicated MDPS class at melee range, THAT is ovepowered.

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A geared anything can kill an ungeared anything.


Problem is is that an average Commando/Merc can quite easily kill a talented Sentinel/Marauder. have you ever tried to take on a Commando/Merc with the same gear level? They can literally sit there and Tracer/Grav spam while knocking you back a silly amount of metres with Shockstrike/Rocketpunch. Even an idiot knows how to juke an interupt so most of the time it's Grav/tracer spam while the Sentinel can't do anything.


When a ranged class can beat a dedicated MDPS class at melee range, THAT is ovepowered.


If you get knocked out of range by rocket punch(it's like 4m range), then you're not close enough. if they use jet boost, let them start casting and interrupt them with charge. You should be able to kill him faster than he can kill you as a marauder. You have more abilities you need to use, but you should be able to kill a tracer/grav spammer in at least half the time it would take them to kill you.

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People that spam noting but Tracer Missile = free kill.


I don't know why people ever started complaining about this other than they hate seeing the animations all the time or something.


Sigh, when the dude crouches like he is about to pinch a loaf interrupt or get out Of the way. It really is that simple.

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I said before sorcerers were fine (forgetting some of their more long range attacks like a dummy) and that commando might be a bit OP as far as spamming tracer and the instants. But know what? I was wrong. If they're going to tone down Commando they have to tone down sorcerer, too. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense. By the way, I play Commando, and I'm about to start leveling my sorc again, too.



Maybe it's different at 50, but in 1-49 pvp, both of these classes tend to trade off for top dps spot. Not that dps alone wins matches, but so many players are obsessed with it that it does make for a form of accurate measurement.


Or maybe, hey, instead of nerfing either class, some other classes could get buffed?

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A geared anything can kill an ungeared anything.


Problem is is that an average Commando/Merc can quite easily kill a talented Sentinel/Marauder. have you ever tried to take on a Commando/Merc with the same gear level? They can literally sit there and Tracer/Grav spam while knocking you back a silly amount of metres with Shockstrike/Rocketpunch. Even an idiot knows how to juke an interupt so most of the time it's Grav/tracer spam while the Sentinel can't do anything.


When a ranged class can beat a dedicated MDPS class at melee range, THAT is ovepowered.


Geared Marauder/Guardian > geared anything else. Their damage numbers in bg's are always tops by a good margin. Maybe thats why the tide has swung in the favor of the Republic. All you guys have is bh's and sorc's while our side actually has diversity. Newsflash-all bh's and sorc's is not gonna get the job done vs. a vet Republic team. If you call targets sorc's fold faster than Superman on wash day. They have to have tanks with guard on them and the Empire is severely lacking in that department.

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You're either someone that got beat by a commando and you're mad or just plain ignorant asking for a nerf to your own class.


No, hes just honest unlike yourself.


I know plenty of DPS commandos who admit to having some OP **** going on and those guys are expecting a nerf.


You know that the class is nerf worthy, youre just that crap, youre scared if they do nerf it youll be found out for the piss poor player you really are.

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Good luck, mercs/commandos. The bads came for us... now they come for you.




First they came for the Operatives, and I did nothing.

Then they came for the Mercs, and I did nothing.

Now they come for me and no one is left to stand for me.


I wonder if the OP has EVER had a competent melee interrupter in his face shutting him down completely.

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It hits for 1.6-2.2k if I had to guess. It crits for 3.5-4.5k. All of this heavily dependent on gear of course.


Buy you have to realize... it has maybe a 45% chance to crit, if you have the best gear and buffs. If not, 30-35% chance to crit.


If it doesn't crit, it just does slightly more damage than Grav Round.


So what would be the point of weakening it? Then we would REALLY be Grav Round spamming, lol.


Shoot first hits for 1.8k-2.1K and it got nerfed by 20%, so why shouldn't yours?

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