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To the noobs screaming nerf Tracer Missile.


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Hey! Look! Isn't that cute? Some of the same people SCREAMING for Scoundrels/Ops to get nerf are now telling everyone "No, we're not overpowered! All you have to do is interrupt!" LOL


So let me get this straight: BH can go and say "Interrupt us!" and the community is all fine with that but when Scoundrels/OPs say "DoT us and run away for free kills" we get a resounding "NO UR 2 OP'd! U GETZ NERF BAT!"


I don't know whether to laugh or just throw my hands in the air and surrender.


Operatives were stunlocking people from stealth and doing WAY more burst damage than a Merc or Commando could ever do.


There are ways to fight against Mercs/Comm's (Such as interrupts or pillar humping). There was nothing you could do against pre-nerf operatives if your cc break was on cooldown. You just had to pray that one of your teamates was paying attention and CCed them.

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Operatives were stunlocking people from stealth and doing WAY more burst damage than a Merc or Commando could ever do.


There are ways to fight against Mercs/Comm's (Such as interrupts or pillar humping). There was nothing you could do against pre-nerf operatives if your cc break was on cooldown. You just had to pray that one of your teamates was paying attention and CCed them.


before or after 1.1?


and they werent 'stunlocking' people. its one stun, which gives you full DR. trinket that and youre immune to all CC for the next 10-12 secs or however long it is.

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Scared after seeing what they did to Operatives?

Nope, since im not playin g arsenal because its boring as hell.

However the constant nerf this nerf that is pathetic, i got owned by a scoundrel a few times in a recent game and got annoyed as hell but that isn't cause for a nerf.


Nerfing is never the way to go especially in a game where ALMOST all classes are VERY close to eachother in viability, while some classes may be easier to play doesn't mean its a bad thing.

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Agree with op. Even as a merc I have no problem against arsenals. It's free kill imo. They get 2-3 shots on me before they realise they're going to lose and start running away. Then they go splat. Silly arsenals.

But then again, I could care less if they nerf it. Doesn't affect me, other than making it even easier to kill them.

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I interupt this backpeddling commando, and yet still when he can cast(cd on interupt) he still somehow does more damage with his instants/few gravs he does get off, then me



The sea of tears when they nerf BH and sorcs will be glorious. You cried about OPs and got the nerf, now it's payback time


Did you really think you could go on playing with your i win button classes forever without nerfs?

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Agree with op. Even as a merc I have no problem against arsenals. It's free kill imo. They get 2-3 shots on me before they realise they're going to lose and start running away. Then they go splat. Silly arsenals.

But then again, I could care less if they nerf it. Doesn't affect me, other than making it even easier to kill them.


you could care less? so, to what degree do you care?

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The sea of tears when they nerf BH and sorcs will be glorious. You cried about OPs and got the nerf, now it's payback time


Did you really think you could go on playing with your i win button classes forever without nerfs?


I find this absolutely hillarious that all you crybabies think... "look it worked for getting OPs nerfed, lets cry cry cry till we get it." Doesnt work that way. The devs dont rebalance based on cry babies in the forums. You are all just making fools of yourselves and should be embarrassed.


You will all just keep getting owned and waiting for your nerf and getting owned some more. Not bacuse anyone is overpowered, but because you are to lazy to actualy play your class and counter others and would much rather wait on nerfs to win... and get owned.

Edited by dirtyboxer
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I find this absolutely hillarious that all you crybabies think... "look it worked for getting OPs nerfed, lets cry cry cry till we get it." Doesnt work that way. The devs dont rebalance based on cry babies in the forums. You are all just making fools of yourselves and should be embarrassed.


You will all just keep getting owned and waiting for your nerf and getting owned some more. Not bacuse anyone is overpowered, but because you are to lazy to actualy play your class and counter others and would much rather wait on nerfs to win... and get owned.


I'll see YOU on the chopping block soon enough

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I find this absolutely hillarious that all you crybabies think... "look it worked for getting OPs nerfed, lets cry cry cry till we get it." Doesnt work that way. The devs dont rebalance based on cry babies in the forums. You are all just making fools of yourselves and should be embarrassed.


You will all just keep getting owned and waiting for your nerf and getting owned some more. Not bacuse anyone is overpowered, but because you are to lazy to actualy play your class and counter others and would much rather wait on nerfs to win... and get owned.

But it DID work. These nerfs are a result of QQers like you who got outskilled and then went crying nerf nerf nerf


Think about it. If BW actually had numbers to back their statement they could easily shut this whole debate down by posting numbers that proves that


1. OP bust is too much

2. Their sustained dps is fine


By all accounts from hardcore raiders OP dps is NOT fine and now the burst will be gone too. BW claims it was a mistake that should have been corrected before launch but that's a joke. What did they do in beta then? Surely an end tier talent would be tested before launch right?


No, this is a knee jerk nerf to satisfy the lesser skilled kids who plays BH and sorc. Now it's time to cry nerf for your classes. It will be glorious

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I'll see YOU on the chopping block soon enough


Get working on your 'nerf assault specialist' post then. We do better than Gunnery, for a miniscule increase in actual work, at less risk to ourselves, while on the move.


But you're probably not bright enough to notice that.

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My issue with Tracer/Grav is not that it's too powerful overall - yes, Mercs/Comms are perfectly beatable - but, particularly in team based situations where they can get decent support from others are are hence more likely to be able to keep attacking, it's too powerful compared to the amount of effort needed to...press one button repeatedly.
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Ahh, so the sorcerors qqing masses achieved Operative nerf and now moved to tracer missiles?


Based on Bioware's past esperience they will nerf BH to the subfloor to please the sorcerors qqing masses.


Although there are quite some BHs, its not like IA that were less than 5%.

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Interupt his ****, noobs.


Tracer Missile is fine, learn to play.


I kill mercs all the time (on a Guardian at that, so any other class can do it), 1-2 interupt is all you really need, knockbacks, knockdowns, force push, force leap, anything that moves them around or interups their cast = easy kill


Remember that they have to stay stationary in order to use it, meaning you can use all your big nukes on them and they won't even move around 90% of the time.



This whole Tracer Missile issue is just a big Learn to Play sign.


I'd be tempted to say the same about sorcs if they didn't have force speed and their bubbles.


Flame on.


Will do.


Let's not forget that snipers have to apply a shield screen (time lost and a visible callsign for a easy kill) to be complitely stationary in order to do the same damage that mercs put out with ease, faster, and more mobility in general and with more damage mitigation plus heal and ease of using LoS due mobility. Now, what do you want? Should we nerf snipers and buff mercs some more?


Mercs have every asset in their palette and can do same and more than other clasess aside sorc. Merc is a Sniper godmode in it's current state.

Edited by Beansoup
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Whai dont you all shat up, and go play the game?


Crying for a nerf means that you failed to understand mmo basics.


Which is to either play Merc or Sorc (or the reb equalients). Right?


You know, this game will get really boring fast if you only have two options for viable PVP, unless you purposedly just want to shoot yourself in the leg by picking any other class else than those two.


It's already out there, look how many Mercs and Sorcs you see in PVP, compared to any other class that are nigh existant anymore.

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Im a magic fan boy (couldnt you tell? Then get glasses). I play a magic class (healer/dps) in every game i play.


I simply like to play, and i think that that is what you all should do. I mean, thats what a game is created for right?


Well, I play more than one class. It's obvious what a face roll the two top "L2P because I don't have to" classes are. So if you want a repetitive PVP over and over again with the same 2 opponents, then by all means vouch for class imbalance.

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Will do.


Let's not forget that snipers have to apply a shield screen (time lost and a visible callsign for a easy kill) to be complitely stationary in order to do the same damage that mercs put out with ease, faster, and more mobility in general and with more damage mitigation plus heal and ease of using LoS due mobility. Now, what do you want? Should we nerf snipers and buff mercs some more?


Mercs have every asset in their palette and can do same and more than other clasess aside sorc. Merc is a Sniper godmode in it's current state.


Except ours all require us to be stationery, and if we interrupt tracer missile all you'll do is LOL Tracermissile some more. We don't have enough interrupts to keep you from spamming the damn thing.

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Im a magic fan boy (couldnt you tell? Then get glasses). I play a magic class (healer/dps) in every game i play.


I simply like to play, and i think that that is what you all should do. I mean, thats what a game is created for right?


Well, sorry for qqing after seeing the AC i love being destroyed because of the qq of bad players that cant play against a burst stealth class.


but dont worry, your lovely sorceror wont be touched ever because you are 70% of the game population.


A game should not be created so that some can play a competitive class and others cant.

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Well, I play more than one class. It's obvious what a face roll the two top "L2P because I don't have to" classes are. So if you want a repetitive PVP over and over again with the same 2 opponents, then by all means vouch for class imbalance.


You got a good point there, but im only playing for like 2 weeks. And all this pre emptive nerf QQ is getting me nervous, i dint left wow to come back in that endless cycle of corrupting a good game.


What they should do is make underdog classes more competitive.

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