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Losing the will to play, dunno why.


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I still don't have a lvl 50 yet. I work 50-60+ hours a week and only get to really play on the weekends. Playing any game non-stop all the time will tend to burn some folks out for sure, like that one guy said moderation. I have no choice but to play this game in moderation and I love every second I get to play.


What I'd really like to see is swoop bike racing, while very simple in KOTOR for some reason it was a lot of fun. Maybe even city racing in one of they flying vehicles would be a lot of fun too, a lot of different things they can add in this game over time to really differentiate from other MMOs.

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As much as i wanted it to be a great game its not.


The arrogance and attitude of Bioware is actually getting to be laughable after you get past the frustration, I mean this is their first MMO and it shows on just about every aspect of the game, like if they simply thought hey we just do what WoW did and make billions cause its easy to make MMO's.


The test server not having your chars cloned is funny, I just laughed the day they put 1.1 out while spamming Fight Clubs you idiots on forums cause i knew it was not tested.


The exploits and hacks all over this game made me pretty much just give up. The player base that allows this is just pathetic. In EVE i belong to an old Alliance and Corp for over 5 years of my 6 years they are my friends and we have even met at events or guys that live close by, I know these people and if I ever used a hack or exploit they would report me boot me and blow up my stuff as i tried to escape our space. I have seen it done before. The people in this game defending thier actions are pathetic and need to be banned ASAP...


Expertise was bad idea and in Beta we screamed about not putting it in game and it makes me wonder how many subs they lost due to people canceling their pre order as they ignored everyone.


I was always saying that the main story quests are great and the side mini story quests are pretty good but the standard side mini quests will kill this game and make it feel like a grinder when it comes to making alts as this game should be an alt heavy game. So the idea was to PVP and run main story with side mini story and forget the generic side quests for XP to level,,,, nope they nerfed that one on the last beta as well..


Basically this company has no idea how to make or operate an MMO and it makes me sad cause ive been waiting for a star wars MMO since the NGE hit SWG, and i dont see anything changing till some drastic changes take place in Bioware itself..


The stealth changes and crappy communication of what is in the future for this game as content or changes its just silent till the patch comes so it leaves you wondering what the direction of this game really is.. every MMO ive been in the last few years has always had a future plan and goals of what they plan to add throughout the year or 6 months, some things make and some dont but at least they put it out there.. hell does anyone have an idea about legacy? or anything? very egotistical for a very at best mediocre game.


If i Know EA ill just leave this here for the bioware people as a heads up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hmzgcs6peu8


So to the OP you are not alone!

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i have already cancelled but had 2nd month from additional copy i ordered for family member who decided not to play.


guild seems to have less and less ppl logging on. No way to recruit really effectively since they do not have official server forums. I dont know who the other guilds really are on my server and feel no community.


I have played beta since June and figure all the suck things like UI, LFG system etc would be better by now.


I find myself looking at other games now, but probably going to be bored for awhile. GW2 and TSW wont come out till later this year, Diablo 3 delayed.


I log on for a few mins then log out. Losing the will

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Once you get past the initial trappings of the voice acting, SW is a very very repetitive game.


1. Watch 2 minute video, have NPC explain why you need to kill 10 womprats, and why they can't do it.


2. Travel 10 minutes


3. Kill womprats in packs of 2, 3, or 4.


4. Travel 10 minutes back to quest giver.


5. Watch 1 minute video.


6. Find new quest giver and repeat from step 1.


That sums about 95% of the quest in the game. Doesn't matter how you dress it up, or what story is told to justify the 10 womprats killing, it's the same thing over and over. It's also the same mechanic that's been used by other MMOs for ages, so it's not just burnout from this game, it's cumulative from every other MMO you've played.


Same old thing, brand new drag.

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I sadly agree with the tone of this thread.


I'm bummed and am not burned out, its just the game doesn't have a lasting appeal.


Where is the change of pace? Besides a Jawa or two, what's out there to pull me away from the battle and remind me WHAT we are fighting for?


It is on Rails and besides a great class story line there is nothing on the side of the road to interest me. Even the mobs are static.


I'm really tired of seeing quest hub with troops fighting and you kill the mobs and they keep shooting. How lame is that. At least in one beginning world they stopped shooting and cheered for killing the mobs they were fighting, :cool:


Also, I have never felt so alone in an MMO. There is no world text dialogue (bubbles). I would like a sound notifications for whispers.


In short, Boxed in and the only drive is to max out your toon for PvP.


I love PvP, but am really starting to wonder how the hell am I going to gear and trait to enjoy the both PVE and PVP and not get slaughtered on the field by the obsessive PvPers.

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Once you get past the initial trappings of the voice acting, SW is a very very repetitive game.


1. Watch 2 minute video, have NPC explain why you need to kill 10 womprats, and why they can't do it.


2. Travel 10 minutes


3. Kill womprats in packs of 2, 3, or 4.


4. Travel 10 minutes back to quest giver.


5. Watch 1 minute video.


6. Find new quest giver and repeat from step 1.


That sums about 95% of the quest in the game. Doesn't matter how you dress it up, or what story is told to justify the 10 womprats killing, it's the same thing over and over. It's also the same mechanic that's been used by other MMOs for ages, so it's not just burnout from this game, it's cumulative from every other MMO you've played.


Same old thing, brand new drag.


Every MMOs is this to a degree, thats the genre, if you dont like it then dont play any.

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The only time I can find myself playing this game is when it's with my RL friend. You know, fulfilling the reason MMOs were created- socializing. And it's fun. Friend's make anything fun.


If I'm solo, I simply can't play this game. I only find myself entertained by the class quests, which you have to slog through tons of boring kill/fetch quests to get to. It's just a watered down KoTOR with MMO grind.


Once my friend gets tired of the game, we'll likely move onto whatever is next. Tera or GW 2, which hopefully bring something new to the industry we haven't done to death 1,000 times. Mass Effect 3 will fulfill my single-player RPG appetite without the monthly fee and grind.

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I wonder if the OP created a post like this on the forum for every game he doesn't want to play...


Maybe Bioware should have spent some time actually developing the game instead of harvesting from other MMO's.


Who am I kidding nothing could have saved this game from the same fate as Episodes 1-3.

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Maybe Bioware should have spent some time actually developing the game instead of harvesting from other MMO's.


Who am I kidding nothing could have saved this game from the same fate as Episodes 1-3.


the 20 or so people on in my guild right now and the 200 in the fleet and all the other players not making qq woe is me posts on the forums disagree...

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Maybe I just don't feel the freedom? Huge amount of restrictions - crystals, weapons, armour, alignment.


Anyway, I am sorry for wasting your time guys. I really hope you will keep on enjoying TOR. I really hope that I will also wake up tomorrow and realise that I just needed a couple of days break.


Perhaps you also feel similar? Like you are losing the will to play, but can't really tell why?


Not really - but I do understand.


While finishing up the last "soloable" quest on Ilum last night - I had a thought of "what now?" - only because my hand wasn't being held to follow a bread crumb trail. No longer do I have an NPC telling me "Hey... can you do this for me?" - rather now I have to take the initiative and go find something to do - dailies, group instances [flashpoints], pvp, space combat, crafting, resource gathering, datacron hunting, codex hunting, etc - just like every other MMO.


The issue with leveling up alts - I can definitely understand the pain and suffering of having to do side quests - hopefully something will be done as I think a lot of people really don't want to have to re-kill the same 25 sand people again. :)


Luckily my entertainment isn't solely relied upon SWTOR... and taking a small break isn't the end of the world.

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Same here. Got to 50 on a char, hit up all of the FP's I cared to, played the Ilum and daily grind for a while and got a full set of decent PvP gear. Now I just don't have the will to log on. I got a Sentinel to 30 or so before not even caring to keep going with the story or go through some of the planets again.


I just feel like I beat the game. Nothing deep or depressing here. Just feel like I completed it. Yes I could get a full set of Battlemaster PvP gear, but I don't really like gear > skill systems in the first place. Ilum was fun at times, but for the most part it has gotten a bit old.


To be fair this is what happens to me in all themepark MMO's. I just get to a point where I feel like I have beaten the game and move on. It just happened pretty fast here. Not to say I don't like the leveling speed. I think it is just a casual game.


I will be back with expansions most likely. Still searching for a sandbox MMO, but until then enjoy SWTOR my friends.

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It turns out this game just isn't what I was expecting and have had problems motivating myself to log in so it doesn't make sense to pay £9 a month for something I'm not enjoying.


Part of the reason is technical problems and lack of support. Another is the neverending tavel time and the lack of freedom in what is possible.


It's making me start to miss EVE, where anything is possible. A game that really is innovative.

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It turns out this game just isn't what I was expecting and have had problems motivating myself to log in so it doesn't make sense to pay £9 a month for something I'm not enjoying.


Part of the reason is technical problems and lack of support. Another is the neverending tavel time and the lack of freedom in what is possible.


It's making me start to miss EVE, where anything is possible. A game that really is innovative.


Its funny I have been playing EVE for 6 years and i get burnt out and take a month off or try a new game then i go back to EVE basically worshiping CCP and that lasts for like 6 months to a year then its rinse and repeat but at the end of the day those Icelanders rock and have something amazing....

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The lack of alternative leveling paths is kinda frustrating. This is the only MMO I've ever played that 100% locks you into a given zone at a given level range without even the slightest freedom of choice.


The mindless, repetitive 2006 style side quests get real old, real fast.


Generally the class stories and main planet stories are fairly well done, though I think bringing the quest mechanics up to at least Cata's level should be a priority (phasing, more than just kill/fetch for starters) for any future content. Still, they are quite passable, and generally fun. The side quests are atrocious.


I'm still having fun, and I'll still keep playing, but I understand why you're frustrated OP.

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#2: You don't choose where to level, you don't choose your gear, nor even its colors, you don't choose your space ship, your wander with companions twins, you only have one type of weapon per AC, you can't PvP anywhere, space is on rails, nothing else to do than kill stuff.



At this point they need not only to enhance the game but totally change its direction, at least if they want to keep subscribers in the long term.


You put it beautifully! I agree 100%

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Every MMOs is this to a degree, thats the genre, if you dont like it then dont play any.




Mmo's used to never do this ever. 2nd gen mmo's came out and now it's all we ever do and we are bored of it. Before this, personalized quests were non existent or really really rare. You didn't progress by single serving missions that were predictable.


Just because it's all you know doesn't make you right.


In everquest, you leveled by grouping up and camping spots in the world or in dungeons and grinded mobs for long periods of time to level.


Do you ever see someone yell "camp check?" anymore??? Of course not, so don't pretend games can't come out to change old broken boring conventions like quest grinds anymore.


You are wrong.

Edited by kalexkhan
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Just a few thoughts of mine about some of the posts I read in this thread.


I think you guys are being way too emo about this... The levelling and story, heroics and fps, hardmode fps, pvp and ops content is all in all very good and entertaining, if you find yourself bored at level 50 grinding dailies, playing warzones, doing hms or ops etc etc.. Then you obviously just need to take a break from the game since you have just overdid it.. (I too, overdid it, I can relate)


Or roll an alt, take off subtitles, take off show alignment gain and play the game as "intended", it's a bioware game after all, this is truly where it shines. (although it does a bang up job in the "wow department " too)


Saying that it takes too long to travel somewhere is a bit silly sounding to me and a real sign you guys don't know what you actually want, Ive seen people asking for a nonlinear seamless world and then complaining about travel time in swtor .. its pretty ironic... and plus.. with all the planets in the game, story areas etc loading screens/instancing are pretty hard to avoid.. Less bigger planets would have been more satisfying in a sense. I will agree to that.


Maybe the expansion when it comes will all take place on one big planet ? Could be an idea..


Also Gw2 is not going to be anything special either.. it seems to me to a very linear game with no real freedom.. just more "dynamic combat".. and finally it'll start offering some of what WoW has been offering in terms of raiding etc.. It LOOKS great tho. Ill give it that!


If you want to play a sandbox MMO with "freedom" then you should not look to gw2 or wow or swtor or rift or tera or.. or.. or..


Try out dawntide.. mortal online.. darkfall.. xsyon.. Wurm... Eve or something...


Please try out these games with non linear, non wowish style and "freedom".. I am sure that around 90 percent of you will be like "screw this".. and come running back to a themepark mmo like this one..


Hey I am one of those people for the most part.. I tried mortal online and darkfall exactly a few hours each and then that was it... (screw this)


I did however really enjoy Star Wars Galaxies, and I've started to keep an eye on this game called ArcheAge, too bad it's a south Korean developed game and it just entered closed beta.. Will probably be a long while before it gets a western release.. if it even gets one. ;/

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Mmo's used to never do this ever. 2nd gen mmo's came out and now it's all we ever do and we are bored of it. Before this, personalized quests were non existent or really really rare. You didn't progress by single serving missions that were predictable.


Just because it's all you know doesn't make you right.


In everquest, you leveled by grouping up and camping spots in the world or in dungeons and grinded mobs for long periods of time to level.


Do you ever see someone yell "camp check?" anymore??? Of course not, so don't pretend games can't come out to change old broken boring conventions like quest grinds anymore.


You are wrong.


Final Fantasy XI was the same way as well.


This is why I never understood why people called World of Warcraft a "clone" of Everquest. Prior to the era of WoW, leveling was done by camps. Quests were...well, you had to do a lot of google, get lost, and probably die 6 million times.

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