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I wish PvP was about skill


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the only class's that require skill to play are assasins/shadows and proberly jedi knights/sith warriors


the rest are just easy peasy mode and ive played them all i should know i have tested them.



if you want a challenge play the above assasin/shadow jedi knight/sith warriors



if your lazy and want to put no effort in for easy wins then choose the rest of the class's[/quote


and your posts are classic turds every time i see them with nuggets of ignorance like peices of corn in my stool. every class but the one i favor is easy crap i should know im god and if i say so its true. get real ***/shadows could be the easiest and most usefull pvp class in this game hands down(stealth sprint knockback cc guard taunt damage) please you have the faceroll of faceroll classes to play and your knock all the other ones for being easy.

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There is simply no reason for people not to have "level equivalent" gear at 50. You won't have pvp gear, but you can get fully modded orange armor with L50/51 purple mods in a week running Ilum and Belsavis dailies.


When I was fully geared is when I started running WZs. I then slowly upgraded to pvp gear over time. I competed just fine in my orange gear.


People that I see complain the most are those who walk into L50 WZs with L30s/40s modded gear and say pvp gear is OP. Unless you raced to 50 and then grinded pvp gear in the first week, we all had to deal with WZs fighting people with superior gear.


It's frustrating, but such is life. There will always be someone who has more than you. Now that I have a full pvp armor set, I'm going up against groups of BMs. I'll someday make a BM suit and they will have War Lord - or whatever it is called... Vicious circle.

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Gear grind in PvP is stupid like many have pointed out here. PvP should be entirely about skill and teamwork. Bringing gear into the picture does not make for a healthy competitive environment.


ArenaNet had the right idea in Guild Wars and they have the right idea again in Guild Wars 2. Guild Wars PvP was absolutely brilliant, but the learning curve was so high that most people just couldn't get into it. It was a victim of its own success really. Everything from the skill systems to the lack of gear grind is amazing compared to SWTOR. For those saying that Guild Wars did not sell well or that it wasn't popular, I would like to point out that it sold over 7 million copies. Hell, despite the heavy instancing, it still feels more alive today than SWTOR does imo.

Edited by Shendaar
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i wish people would pass the *********** huttball


The problem here is that when I get the huttball. 1. 90% of the time I don't even know I being passed to. 2. When I do figure it out that I have it, there are like 5 imps CCing the crap out of me. 3. Then when I look for someone to pass it to, I have to zoom out and look around and 9 times out of 10 there is no one near me.

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The problem here is that when I get the huttball. 1. 90% of the time I don't even know I being passed to. 2. When I do figure it out that I have it, there are like 5 imps CCing the crap out of me. 3. Then when I look for someone to pass it to, I have to zoom out and look around and 9 times out of 10 there is no one near me.


gotta ask, how can you not notice that big icon on your head, and the blue circle around you?


and yes, I love huttball but I hate playing with most people on my server if not a 4m group going in together. people absolutely refuse to pass, they have this WoW mentality that they are unstoppable gods and they can single-handedly run the game. I have been up on the rail on my vanguard so many times with not a single enemy within range to have a snowballs chance at stopping me from scoring but instead of passing they choose to run around the platform with 3 people attacking and cc'ing them, then try to climb the ramp all the time I'm standing there asking for a pass, then they get knocked off and instead of again passing for the score they try to run out of the pit and die giving up the ball.


when people do pass is when I'm on my scoundrel healer at 1/4 life with 2 people attacking me so as soon as I get the ball if I don't die before it gets to me I do as soon as I do get it.


I think if people would quit trying to play this game like it revolves around them and realize Huttball is a team game they'd find it much more enjoyable, also that lame *** medal system needs to go the hell away, all it does is encourage players to farm kills over working together as a team.

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gotta ask, how can you not notice that big icon on your head, and the blue circle around you?


and yes, I love huttball but I hate playing with most people on my server if not a 4m group going in together. people absolutely refuse to pass, they have this WoW mentality that they are unstoppable gods and they can single-handedly run the game. I have been up on the rail on my vanguard so many times with not a single enemy within range to have a snowballs chance at stopping me from scoring but instead of passing they choose to run around the platform with 3 people attacking and cc'ing them, then try to climb the ramp all the time I'm standing there asking for a pass, then they get knocked off and instead of again passing for the score they try to run out of the pit and die giving up the ball.


when people do pass is when I'm on my scoundrel healer at 1/4 life with 2 people attacking me so as soon as I get the ball if I don't die before it gets to me I do as soon as I do get it.


I think if people would quit trying to play this game like it revolves around them and realize Huttball is a team game they'd find it much more enjoyable, also that lame *** medal system needs to go the hell away, all it does is encourage players to farm kills over working together as a team.


I think the main reason people don't pass is they have not key binded the pass key. Oh and I know when I get it but it is also usually when I am half health. It is really a pain when you get it when you are not expecting it. You panic because it changes your whole plan on what you were trying to do for the next 15 seconds. I usually try to get on the other side of the fire and jump up and down so people know I am ready for a pass. Plus passing really is a pain to find someone who is actually expecting a pass. I don't like passing to people who aren't expecting. When you are in a premade with voice chat it is 110% easier to know where people are and who wants a pass. Soloing is impossible to know.

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and yes, I love huttball but I hate playing with most people on my server if not a 4m group going in together. people absolutely refuse to pass, they have this WoW mentality that they are unstoppable gods and they can single-handedly run the game. I have been up on the rail on my vanguard so many times with not a single enemy within range to have a snowballs chance at stopping me from scoring but instead of passing they choose to run around the platform with 3 people attacking and cc'ing them, then try to climb the ramp all the time I'm standing there asking for a pass, then they get knocked off and instead of again passing for the score they try to run out of the pit and die giving up the ball.


I'm with you--I love Huttball. I can't predict the outcome of the match within the first 120 seconds like I can in the other game types and I love the teamwork required. All of the people who don't pass are aggravating, but I think it will get a bit better over time. The medal system does tend to punish those who play to help the team win, but a win from good coordination and teamwork is more satisfying than medals anyway.

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I'm going to be blunt. If you think no skill is involved, that's why you're failing. That's why you're not putting the output that you could be and I could go on. Is it 100% skill? Hell no. Is it 0% skill? No, that would be denying reality.


Agreed. Turned 50 the day before the 50 Brackets hit. Sure my toon took his lumps for about a week, but once he finished blowing out his first round of dailies and weeklies, he had already acquired a solid amount of gear. Any wise player has 1000 Merc and 1000 WZ Comms saved up with a purchased Champ Bag in storage anyway before 50. So when you do hit the cap you can get a solid jump on gear acquisition. Sure it takes some luck to get a lot of Champ stuff due to the garbage RNG system, but the Centurion gear you get from bag comms can more than hold you over until you can replace it with Champ gear.


Not to mention that a lot of the players are in denial anyway. They want to think that the gear is the difference. The odd irony is a lot of the geared peeps you are playing against in the 50s bracket got their gear by PvEing for the most part; farming lowbies in WZs and trading Ilum dailies pre-1.1. Apart from premades, these peeps really don't fair well in solo situations and can be easily beaten because they didn't really PvP to get their gear.


So cowboy up, take your lumps, and you will be rocking in no time. Excuses are for the weak.

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I'm with you--I love Huttball. I can't predict the outcome of the match within the first 120 seconds like I can in the other game types and I love the teamwork required. All of the people who don't pass are aggravating, but I think it will get a bit better over time. The medal system does tend to punish those who play to help the team win, but a win from good coordination and teamwork is more satisfying than medals anyway.


Yeah huttball can be very entertaining.

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Recent Level 50, grinded up and made it. this is the only reason i am playing this game - pvp -flash points are for people who have nothing to do. PvP offers good fun in 15 min increments.


to bad it sucks, I have played huttball so many times I cringe when the guy makes his announcements. PVP in illum is so laggy it is hard to play.


Once again, it is a grind for gear, and of course they make it so you have to play for weeks/months to get it. the entire time you are at a disadvantage to the people who live in the basement with no jobs and can grind that crap quickly. SO they kill you easily --you are doing your rotation, interrupting when you can, CCing if you have to - but just cannot do damage, yet they they hit you for 3k a pop. Then of course you have skill lag so you have to play 2 seconds behind at all times. The one with the best connection wins? this in turn pisses any competitive person off and you look for solutions. yet there are none.


Then you have range classes that can hit you TWICE with lightning and kill you, and if you manage to get near them, well, they have 3 tools in their pockets to CC you etc. Classes are done pretty good in the game, yet there are some that are OP slightly right now. My opinion.



No Skill Pvp=

The real skill in pvp seems to be how to position yourself to get the most comms and the highest DPS, which in reality is easy. I laugh at people who play 15 min of huttball with only 50k damage and nothing else. what did you do for 15 min?


I think this entire game i have yet to have a truely fair 1vs1 match. 2 guys with similar gear and nothing but your knowledge of the game and your character, guess that is why i like COD so much, quick easy, and no worries about the dude with 90% resist.


basically, I am frustrated with the games PvP. I had high hopes based on the marketing and so far it is pretty disappointing. The /whine above are some of my concerns. I will of course try to get the gear I need, but when I do, - can i see some more warzones? how about some 2,3,5s like in wow? that is pretty fun. Or anything unique?


The problem here is lack of incentive to complete the objective of the WZ's. Players are rewarded, even selected MVP for most damage done almost ALL the time. Morons kill farm like it's going out of style. You can't really blame the people who do that though, where's the incentive?

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