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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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4pm GMT. That's the entire Saturday gone for EU players. It's as if BW wants EU players to run away from the game.


Well, they succeeded - sub cancelled.


Hmm...24 hours in a day. 4 hours on a Saturday for maintenance. I dont know if I'm just really stupid but I think that still leaves 20 hours left to play on a Saturday? Really dont see how that's "the entire Saturday gone".


Honestly it does not matter when they schedule maintenance, there will always be people that cant play during that time that wanted to. Would you rather they just never patch the game and let the bugs stay so you dont miss that precious 4 hours of play? I mean what makes your time more valuable than anyone elses?

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4pm GMT. That's the entire Saturday gone for EU players. It's as if BW wants EU players to run away from the game.


Well, they succeeded - sub cancelled.


4 GMT is for the Tuesday patch, the 8 hour one. There is no time listed for the Saturday patch.

Edited by Powerhowse
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I can handle a few hrs downtime on a saturday morning even though that will mean due to work I actually won't be able to play at all tomorrow(working all afternoon till late) as long as the fix sorts out the terrible performance I've had all evening,skill delays,lag.Game normally runs a dream on my computer but this evening it's been horrible.
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Gaming is a hobby. If your hobby is no longer fun, get a hobby that is more fun for you. Or at least pick another game.



Meanwhile myself and 99% of the other Europeans will get over it and realize we have things we can do outside of the game, and beyond a casual "thats not cool" we will do nothing, and be quite fine with it, because we realize we are playing a game that is based around a US time schedule.


If you don't like it, don't play. But you're really just making yourself look silly, mate.

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I have every confidence that they're going to spread out maintenances once they have the process down.


The location of the servers makes no difference. The actual Operational Sysadmins responsible for doing this are likely all in the same location. Splitting the process now could result in the kind of botched patch days that other MMOs went through in their infancy.


Additionally, this is an emergency patch, from the sound of it. For the same reason you're not seeing patch notes right now, you're not going to see a seperate patch time.


There's likely one or more exploits being fixed.


There's no "blatant disrespect" here. You're being overly dramatic.


The blatant disrespect comes from seeing these complaints going on ever since the first patch/maintenance and NOBODY from BW/EA commenting on it with even a "we understand, and we will look into the possibility of changing the time in the future". The best we've gotten is "deal with it, this is how it's going to be" as a reply.


If we only knew it was temporary until a certain point or something - but we don't. On the contrary, it seems BW doesn't care that EU players are appalled.


Yes, it's an emergency patch. And just like the last "emergency patch" that "simply couldn't be delayed", it comes at night in the US. How is that not delayed to suit the US players as much as possible?

If it's really an emergency, get it out the SECOND it's ready, regardless of when it is.

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?? Make the launcher only download the patch, then TELL people, which realms are patched (US/EU) and ask them if they want to install the patch. THEN, make the game check for version when you login to the realm to make sure client and server have same versions.


Let the user decide when to apply the patch? Sounds like a gigantic customer service SNAFU waiting to happen, if you ask me.


I can imagine thousands of people calling when they realize that by applying the patch, they just locked themselves out of the game until two maintenance periods have completed.

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I remember saying something about maintenance that interrupted my gaming time 3 evenings in a row....

I have been told to deal with it, suck it up, BW had to choose a time that effects fewer players and so on and so on...



Now I can say the same to those that have said it to me....LOL.... Still you are lucky to only have it once, not 3 days straight!

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Oh no! I`ll have to find something else to do on a Saturday morning! My life is over! :(


Oh... Hello, Arkham City, Skyrim, NHL 12, and Mass Effect 1 and 2. Maybe I will give one of you other awesome games some love, too.

Edited by IMatricksI
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We Aussies get hit primetime every Tuesday - just something you learn to live with to see the game get better.


Yeah - but the game is not officially relased in your timezone - that's a different thing.


Ok this really annoys me... You do not pay more than me, you pay $15 a month I pay $15 a month even the russians and mexicans pay $15 a month. Everyone's money has a different value... big deal but the amount of money we all pay is exactly the same. In a few months if/when the Euro takes a massive dive and is no longer worth as much as the dollar can we americans start crying because you dont pay as much as we do?? No because it is one flat rate it is fair to everyone no matter what current arbitrary value is being assigned to our currencies.


As far as the main whine in this post, let me introduce you to this dead horse over here in the corner.....


I don't pay 15$ a month. I pay 13 euro, which is 17$. If I could pay directly in dollars, my account would be withdrawn 11 euro instead.


So every single EU sub this first month has paid 2$ more for their service this month than US subs have. Let's say that we're talking roughly 500k EU subs, not unrealistic number based on their talks of total subs passing a million.


That's one million dollars extra the EU has paid compared to the same amount of US subs. In one month. And still we are getting a lower quality of service than the US.


I don't really care what may or may not happen in the future with the currencies. Facts are that the EU right now pay more each month for the game than the US.

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Yeah - but the game is not officially relased in your timezone - that's a different thing.




I don't pay 15$ a month. I pay 13 euro, which is 17$. If I could pay directly in dollars, my account would be withdrawn 11 euro instead.


So every single EU sub this first month has paid 2$ more for their service this month than US subs have. Let's say that we're talking roughly 500k EU subs, not unrealistic number based on their talks of total subs passing a million.


That's one million dollars extra the EU has paid compared to the same amount of US subs. In one month. And still we are getting a lower quality of service than the US.


I don't really care what may or may not happen in the future with the currencies. Facts are that the EU right now pay more each month for the game than the US.


Got released in Oceania yesterday ;)

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Yeah - but the game is not officially relased in your timezone - that's a different thing.




I don't pay 15$ a month. I pay 13 euro, which is 17$. If I could pay directly in dollars, my account would be withdrawn 11 euro instead.


So every single EU sub this first month has paid 2$ more for their service this month than US subs have. Let's say that we're talking roughly 500k EU subs, not unrealistic number based on their talks of total subs passing a million.


That's one million dollars extra the EU has paid compared to the same amount of US subs. In one month. And still we are getting a lower quality of service than the US.


I don't really care what may or may not happen in the future with the currencies. Facts are that the EU right now pay more each month for the game than the US.


I was wrong then you are not paying 15 Euros a month your only paying 13 which is 2 less than my dollars. Which means I have to work longer than you do to pay for the same service...


So again when/if the Euro declines can I then demand a refund based on my current overpayment...


You see, its all perspective, yours is wrong and until you view it from both sides you will never understand why.

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I was wrong then you are not paying 15 Euros a month your only paying 13 which is 2 less than my dollars. Which means I have to work longer than you do to pay for the same service...


So again when/if the Euro declines can I then demand a refund based on my current overpayment...


You see, its all perspective, yours is wrong and until you view it from both sides you will never understand why.



You have to work longer? Now we're going into hardcore economics, but to do that, we need to look at ALL factors (your wage, taxes, wage for a similar job in the average EU country, considering that wages and tax are VASTLY different from country to country in the EU...)



Average Danish income tax: 50%

Average Irish income tax: 20%

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ok, 2 downtimes. Regular downtime is Monday Night/Tuesday morning. Yes, they really need to breakup the regular server downtimes, as it is for me in California it comes ~2 hours too early, and I suspect quite a few people in Europe are of the opinion it comes several hours too late.


As for the Saturday downtime? It sure reads like an emergency fix. Yes the timeing sucks. Pretty much for everybody I'd guess. I suspect it's to fix a "duping" bug.


I even suspect I may have accidentally done it. (though to my detriment. Assuming I'm not misremembering the "before" and "after", I accidentally converted a good item into a bad one. But it could just as easily have been converting some piece of junk into a great item. And no, I'm not entirely sure what exactly caused it.)

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I don't really care what may or may not happen in the future with the currencies. Facts are that the EU right now pay more each month for the game than the US.


You're wrong, first of all VAT applies in Europe to online games and in the US it does not.


Second, EA loses money on exchange rates, generally big companies have set exchange rates that are lower than the market but are guaranteed for a certain time frame.

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Dear Bioware,


Please do not patch during EU prime time. If you patched in US prime time they would be unhappy. EU citizens are people too.


Please think about it...




and please don't patch during Oceanic prime time either.


There - no patches at all.


Are we happy now?

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Ok lets have alt times to patch. Then people complain about not getting the patches/content at the same time.


But why do the Americans get the patch 12 hours before us! How can we compete for world firsts!! WAHHHH.


Its a game calm down and enjoy it do not whine just because you cannot play for 4 hours... Watch a movie or something. It is not the end of the world. Most MMO's have random downtimes for hotfixes and stuff on top of weekly maintenance issues. Especially BRAND NEW MMOs that have been out for less than six months.


You might enjoy life just a bit more if you spent less time crying over things that are non issues.

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