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4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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Another unannounced patch and what a surprise, on Saturday. The day that most working people are able to play a few hours more then on a weekday. What a great timing again. Of course this is another "very important" patch, which probably doesn't work again, like many patches before and this time, to assure working customers satisfaction, is even extended until further notice.


And then the very important news arrives: Improved service to reduce the number of player disconnections to the character selection screen. Oh yeah, very game breaking if you have to click your character screen once more every now and then. Btw, disconnections? very pro indeed :-)


Improved service haha, hours offline without any notice on a Saturday to patch something that could have easily waited until regular maintenance. You have a very weird idea about "improving service"


Besides all that, the total of patches has reached 17 now. Let's say they took only 4 hours each, which ofc they didn't but hey, let's. That's 68 hours of not being able to play. That's 8.5 working days, 1.5 working weeks. The average working customer can play 4 hours a day on working days, that's 17 playing days lost.


So talking about improving service, did anyone see any mention about a refund? I don't mean money but a refund in days/playing time?. Nah that's not what they mean by customer service.


Oh and what a coincidence that with this well timed patch, suddenly the message "Forum Posting Temporarily Disabled" appears.


All in all i am paying for a game that's still in beta and has only been launced, way to early, to fill pockets, just in time for Christmas.



Hello everyone,


We know that a number of you wish to discuss today's maintenance time and in order to keep the discussion together we ask that everyone use this thread. This will help to ensure our forums are tidy and everyone can participate in the ongoing conversation. We will be closing this thread, feel free to carry on there!


Figures, doesn't look that bad if it's only one post about the matter, what a joke..

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If they cannot roll the updates at different times, how about updating this weak during US prime time, next week during EU prime time? wouldn't this be more fair to all the sides? Why does it need to be every week at the exact same time?


This but BW/EA are american so EU/ASIA/AUSTRALIA all come second

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They know MMO players are weak willed and will continue subscribing even when they pull this crap, get used to it or move on ;)


Cancel and go play one of the numerous games on your Steam lists until Guild Wars 2 is out, then rinse and repeat :D



Edit: Even TB removed the ability to rate & comment on his interview with Gabe because they knew the **** would be aired to a bigger audience (potential customers) :)

Edited by Niblix
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Why? Maybe to not lose subscriptions? Just a thought, we don't have hard facts yet. ;)


Whatever, I can remember waiting for SWG and Wow because the servers were down when I wanted to play. People complain about maintenance every time it happens but rarely does someone unsub because of it. They can claim that all they want but truth is they have other reasons.

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More than 4 hours for nothing......



1.1.0c Patch Notes - 1/28/2012




Improved service to reduce the number of player disconnections to the character selection screen.


Interesting seeing as how I just got bounced to char select just now (looks at watch) hmmm 8:00am central... glad they fixed it...

Edited by Knyghtprowler
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Wow. If you can't live without this game for like 4 hours, please quit playing and get help.


I never understand these posts. You honestly think everyone plays the games constantly? Or is this only based on personal experience? Or do you simply not know what else to say but still really want to post? Honestly, do enlighten me.


I play for about 8 hours most weeks. That is a few hours on a Friday late afternoon and then the rest on a Saturday morning. As a result over half of my available playtime this week was removed. I have never experienced a game when I have not been able to play on a weekend and I cannot see any reason to start pay for one that decides that is a good time for unessential maintenance.

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Meanwhile, on my account's cancel subscription page....




Reason: Customer Support


Refined Reason: Lack of support




All my tickets where replied with a copy-paste and immediately closed. No issues were solved. No GM ever tried to contact me.

I'm EU, i pay A LOT for this game, i want BETTER treatment than my US counterparts, and i'm not getting it.

So yeah, .|. o.o .|.


Oh, and maintenance on a saturday? GG!




So yeah, i'm out in 20 days when my account expires, lets see what they do to make me stay.


Wait wait, let me get this right.


You love the game so much you can't tolerate being away from it for 4-5 hours on a Saturday so your answer is...to quit.


Makes perfect sense...

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Solution is simple. Every MMO has those needed peak time updates sometimes. WoW was full of them months on after release.

The simple thing Blizzard did was to extend players time with the unexpected downtime, so they don't feel like being robbed.

And yes, there is EULA stating that they can get the servers down when they want, but do you, do you really think that anybody cares? Or even reads the EULA.

Nobody will sue EA/BW over this, they will just right away execute their judgement by simply canceling. You can wave EULA and server maint all you want then...at your empty servers.


So BW, here is a constructive feedback for you:

1. Compensate EU players with extending their accounts by several hours for this type of maint.

2. Split EU and USA maint times.

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Get over it. They're working within the time period that works best for the majority of their subscribers.


Hopefully, after they get a few maintenances under their belts, they can start doing separate maintenances for your servers.


For critical fixes like exploit patches, don't bet on it.


It's like this in pretty much any MMO that isn't published/run by an EU company.


This can't be news to you.


Have you got some magical numbers that state the majority of their subs are from the US which you are implying?

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Whatever, I can remember waiting for SWG and Wow because the servers were down when I wanted to play. People complain about maintenance every time it happens but rarely does someone unsub because of it. They can claim that all they want but truth is they have other reasons.


I remember the short downtimes of RIFT during maintenance. Now I have higher standards, because I know that it is possible to do better than that.


Some years ago I had no problems with this kind of downtimes, but I changed.

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First of all I'd like to point out, that it's me paying you not the other way around. Therefore my feedback can be as much as "this system sucks. Fix it". Negative feedback of this sort is all a company can expect. I don't have to tell you how to fix your game. It's your job to fix it then and come up with ideas, that actually make sense. Which you so far often fail to do.


Second of all you really need to tone down your expectations. From day one you disregard any constructive feedback whatsoever, literally [self-censored] your customers in the face. The rage, insults and rude behaviour is the effect of your doings, so deal with it. Dealing with it by deleting posts and closing threads will only hurt you, as people need to vent their rage somewhere. They'll either unsubscribe or start venting on other forums, which are read not only by your current customers, but also the potential ones. That's how black PR works.


Third of all there is no constructive feedback to give in the subject of the maintenance system. It's obviously and carefully planned to cater your american customers disregarding Europe entirely. Server statistics show, that EU servers are a couple times busier during maintenance hours than the american ones. You could at least have the balls to admit it instead of feeding us with your worthless [self-censored] about "performing maintenance in off-peak hours". There's nothing worse than lying to your customers in the dumbest possible way and expecting them to believe it. We feel like you think we're [self-censored]. We are not. Therefore stop pissing us off with your pathetic lies and admit, that you don't give a flying [self-censored] about your european customers, which are basically half of your playerbase (based on server stat graphs). We'd have a clear view then, unsubscribe and watch your pathetic game crumble to dust while playing something we can actually play whenver we want.


Fourth of all today's maintenance was a bad joke. There are no critical updates in your patchnotes, I can see no fixes like "fixed an exploit, which allowed the attacking side to leave their spawn area before the game begins" or "fixed an exploit, which allowed players to run with the speed of light carrying the ball in huttball games". All I see are quest fixes and some class balancing changes. This could have been done any other day, but you had to pick saturday, which is, for a lot of us, the main part of the week we can play the game.


Last but not least you will not tell me how to give you feedback and I'd strongly advise you (trying to be constructive here) not to control the community on your forums like that, because that will only cause people to create unofficial forums, where they can flame you any time they feel like they need to do it. Accept the fact, that forum is a place you can actually check how the playerbase feels. In case you can't see it alread I'm going to give you a clear message: We're pissed off.


Shame I bought 60 days in advance.





Thank you Kalantris, this post is the best post ive seen for a long, long time. Agree 100%.

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When you clicked accept on the EULA you agreed that the servers may go down during your play time. Human CentiPad going on here, "Why wont it read?!?!?".


and the next time someone thinks about getting another round of subscriptions, they might decide to take their money to a company showing a bit more respect to their customers.



Locking out SecureID application users.

Repeated prime time patches for EU.

Copy&Paste CSR answers often unrelated to the ticket.

Tickets closed on unresolved issues, repeatedly.

Ignoring basically all but the standard-US keyboard layout.

... The list is very long and does not end there.


Btw. I usually ended up on the server select screen when my connection dropped, and most people I know had the same happen to them. I don't know what EA/BW can do about my local ISP's issues on a Saturday morning ... :rolleyes:

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Wow. If you can't live without this game for like 4 hours, please quit playing and get help.


What a huge BS this is. We are paying to play the game and its weekend.Do you need more clues to solve this problem ?

If this is your attitude whenever you dont get the things you pay for , you must be a bigger sucker than I first thought.

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They don't normally do it at the weekend so we have to assume it's to fix exploits. But they need to get out of NDA Beta mode and start actually being fing honest and explain clearly why it's down. They don't have to mention the exploit but just that it's to patch some exploits or critical bugs. Simple.
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