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To those judging SWTOR for now.


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Im giving it 3 or 4 months for the major issues (graphics/fixes/alterations) to be addressed bigtime, i admit, they are doing their best to patch up and implement them, but i wont be paying a sub forever to see them.


I dont want to be in ANY MMO after 6 months where the gear looks finger painted/smudged when you zoom in (a great part of an mmo is to compare stats/looks of gear, before i get flamed for saying that)


If there has to be an engine compromise, own character and close range surrounding will make me content.

Edited by Urko
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New is not a argument. Lets look at Rift as a example. AT LAUNCH it had A LOT more features then TOR. Guild love (guild trees and missions were awesome) Being able to queue for the WZ you actually WANT to do (GD HUTTBALL!) dye system, macros, pvp brakets.....................see were im going with this?


Uhh... Rift didn't have mods, addons, guild perks, guild banks, LFD tool at launch. It had an Auction House worse than the GTN even...


PVP'ers cried rivers in Rift until they got their way and ruined PVE.


It also had about 1/10th the quest content not to mention zero voice overs...


If Rift was so great you would still be playing it eh....

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I played late Beta and from launch for about a year. I never had any of those problems.


If I remember correctly, WoW had a pretty smooth launch. SWToR launch was pretty smooth as well but WoW just started, over 5 years ago, with more features and more content than SWToR has today.


I'm as much as Blizzard Fanboi as I am a Bioware fanboi, but...you don't have a good memory. The servers crashed consistently for the first few months - not game, but servers. Of course, in their defense, the MMO genre wasn't as big as it is today. They had no clue WoW would be as big of a hit as it was/is.

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Like it? Pay to play it.

Dont like it? Voice your opinion and/or stop playing.

Simple as that.


These forums are for discussion and feedback, so I for one say bring on the endless threads about why you dont like it and why you do like it, but threads about "who should say what" I think suck.


Endless threads about the same subject from different players dont hurt my eyes one bit.

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This same song that "it's new so it is supposed to suck" is getting very old. This is not 2004 anymore , it is 2012 and this game lacks basic features that games had 5+ years ago. 5-10 years in tech terms is a long damn time . This game just feels archaic and not up to par with what a new mmo should be today. Yes swtor leveling is great, but MMOs have and always will be about level cap content. This game basically has none (by this i mean if you have a good guild you have already completed it all in the first month and if you do not have a good guild then you probably have done close to zero of it because of how hard it is to get a group) I have been following this game for years and was very excited about it and was all in, ready to play for years. Then I got it, got to level 50, and *** rage quit because I am furiously disappointed in the game.
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Ive said it before but these forums are exactly how Star Trek Onlines went, (im hoping Bioware come up with the goods), people asked for stuff to be sorted , Cryptic didnt do a thing, after 3 months i was out of the door.


In BW praise, they are doing work and adding/fixing things, but the major stuff NEEDS to be sorted within 3 or 4 months, this short term is i believe where a vast amount of players decide enough is enough , if the major issues havent been resolved.

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New is not a argument. Lets look at Rift as a example. AT LAUNCH it had A LOT more features then TOR. Guild love (guild trees and missions were awesome) Being able to queue for the WZ you actually WANT to do (GD HUTTBALL!) dye system, macros, pvp brakets.....................see were im going with this?


Damn...now I wish I'd a had new computer to play Rift at release. Still, I'm going to stick with SWTOR for a while (ride out my initial prepaid subscription), as long as I'm having fun (which might be right up till I start trying to actually queue for WZs).

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This same song that "it's new so it is supposed to suck" is getting very old. This is not 2004 anymore , it is 2012 and this game lacks basic features that games had 5+ years ago.


Sounds like you've never used a Microsoft product, usually takes them ~3 versions (paying for each upgrade) to get it right. Compared to that, tOR is doing well.

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Rift was so mind-numblingly boring and EXACTLY like WoW that I couldn't even make it past level 14. The things that have kept me going in TOR are the only things that it has over games like WoW and Rift, story and science fiction. At least in TOR I'll actually be able to stomach making it to end game...


I'm sorry but..what?


Rift is the most un WoW like MMO from the major mmos, save maybe Eve online.


It has a calling 'create a class' system. It allows for early engaged PvP, public quest (Rift) system, etc etc.


The only thing different from star wars to WoW is it has voice overs, dialog you space bar through cause most of it is dull and uninspired, and what else?


Companions are just hunter pets with personality. Otherwise every class in SWTOR is amost a direct rip off of a similar WoW Class. Look through the Sith Warrior abilities and compare their to a WoW Warrior.





This is the same for most classes, with very few exceptions.


The talent trees are archaic ideas, giving no real sense of flexibility (Rift, even a year later, is having tons of new builds and viable set ups that people are discovering).


Most of all, in Rift I can level a character to max level, and between its interesting soul and planar attunement system, i can enjoy every aspect of the game. I can be a healer, a ranged dps, a stealthy melee, a tank, etc.


In SWTOR, you have 2 roles MAX per advanced class (tank or heal + dps), some advanced classes (sniper, gunslinger) have ONE role they can do. The game gets very dull and if you want to experience another play style..level another toon up to 50, thats your option.



Seriously, someone that played a game to level 14(2 hours?) saying that a game is just like WoW.

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I've already judged the base game to be good and forgiven many flaws, bugs, support not reading my tickets properly and so on.


But I am very skeptical of the changes they are making. I was hoping this game focused more on PvE and that they would try to iron out the PvE differences and most of all fix mirror class differences and bugs before going straight into PvP nerf mode.


Give me a version of SWTOR without PvP and I'll be one happy guy.

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Rome wasn't built in a day.


Neither was Carthage, and it no longer exists.



Sadly though, we arnt comparing cities, we are comparing products. Games like swtor are aiming to make their money back based off of subscriptions, they wont off initial sales. Players on the other hand want immediate satisfaction; if they cant get it someplace, another will give it. Other recent games have set the standard for what an MMO should release with as a bare minimum acceptable level of polish. SWTOR falls short of that.


If a no name company like Trion, which is not traded publically and has a fraction of the capital to make their game could produce a very good (hell...great) MMO, then how did BW/EA/SW IP mess up this bad?


Frankly it shows they were lazy, rushed development last second, did not test or think out their own concepts. Dont believe me? Take a glance at Illum and the entire PvP system, or any of the Operations. Theres basically nothing worth doing at 50 right now, and people play mmo's to be able to play a character long term, not get to max level and shelve it while the company struggles to catch up.


To be frank, there are so many bugs in the system right now that developers will be busy enough fixing them that I do not see any chance for a real content release (1.1 was a joke).


Closing point


Combat Logs & Macros: Every MMO to date has them at release, even Hello Kitty Online.

Star Wars Doesnt. Bioware was so focused on making a dialog based quest system and companions, they dropped the ball on literally everything else.

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I'm sorry but..what?

Blah, blah, blah, Rift was awesome


Two hours was all that I needed to realize that Rift was a rehashed high-fantasy World of Warcraft/Warhammer with a 'neato' class system; thus, it wasn't going to hold my attention for more than two hours. If you love Rift so much, I guess maybe you should head back that way so you can pay for all of the wonderful 'features' that it has.


TOR is probably going to get a reality check in a few more months, and I doubt I'll be playing it, but like I said, at least it enthralled me enough to see the content.

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Something that I have come to realize with the launch of SWTOR about gamers, is that they will NOT be forgiving or will NOT try to accept that the new kid on the block, is another kid with two hands, two legs, two eyes, etc you get the picture, he might have a hat no one else has, he might be able to do something no other kid can but it does NOT matter. IF the new MMO doesn't offer one of the options their favorite MMO offers even if it's not that important or relevant: the game sucks, the game is garbage, etc. I agree with most people when they say that there are several MMO's on the market offering things most players like, they have the option to copy those basic things to offer them to their potential subscribers though, and God forbid they do copy them, name calling starts in a NY minute for doing so, those are not things that will make or break a game, this game is offering several other things that no other MMO has offered before, but it doesn't matter because "we want them to change the game NOW, that is what I want, and I want it done NOW". Unfortunately immature audiences ruin the experience for the mature and consistent player who has a job, and can afford to pay a monthly subscription to a great game such as SWTOR. We need to stop seeing the glass half empty, then we will be able to realize that the insignificant things in life are not really important, and games can be enjoyed even if the UI cannot be customized until the next update. Cheers!
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I don't think people are complaining about how poorly several things are implemented (or not implemented at all) with a new MMO. They are complaining about a game that has been in development for 5 years and has gone through extensive beta-testing, with plenty of feedback, still has so many broken/lacking features.

In order to compete, you have to have at least the same basic functionalities as well-established MMOs.




people need to stop lowering the bar for "new" games. its frickin 2012 now and there have been plenty of mmos to format great ideas off of, improve, and test.


FIVE years in the making and i still see alot of cantinas without mailboxes? seriously? something as simple as this mentoined in bug/test reports is dismissed and not implemented before launch? thats a BASIC MMO format..


The other features and design choices that suck have no excuse in todays gaming...


stop the excuses and lets keep the bar going a little higher with each year..

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It isnt new. In fact they spent almost 5 years to build TOR so it cant be new. Let's skip 2,5 years and still this game isnt new.


Besides people cry about gamebreaking stuff. Stuff that should have been adressed during beta already but this never happend. And yeah, the "it's new" argument is BS.

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Ive said it before but these forums are exactly how Star Trek Onlines went, (im hoping Bioware come up with the goods), people asked for stuff to be sorted , Cryptic didnt do a thing, after 3 months i was out of the door.


In BW praise, they are doing work and adding/fixing things, but the major stuff NEEDS to be sorted within 3 or 4 months, this short term is i believe where a vast amount of players decide enough is enough , if the major issues havent been resolved.


Yes - very reminiscent of STO for me as well. Hope the end result differs.

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I just did something I swore I wasn't going to do because I didn't want to hype myself up. I went and actually looked into GW2 more. (Havent read anything on it in like 6-7 months) and I am floored. I watched videos of game play for the classes and a PVP video with DESTRUCTIBLE environments........WOW seriously and all the stuff they are talking about at launch....not to mention some stellar graphics o. O
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I don't understand some of your complaints.


The fact that some places don't have mailbox access, or vendors.... why should they? I find it refreshing, that you can't do everything at one location, that you actually have to move in the world. WoW had the problem that everything was in a centralized area, meaning that everything else in the game was a freaking ghost town. Spread it out!


As for the game being in development for 5 years... WoW has had at least TWICE that time to create its world. Its not about lowering expectations for new games, its about realistic expectations. WoW has had 3 expansion packs, and is basically nothing like the original game that was released. I would say that TOR has a much better leveling experience than WoW so far, and I am enjoying it far more.


End game content may be lacking; but you need to understand, I think that may be intentional on the part of BioWare. Look at it this way. The average gamer who plays this will not see lvl 50 content for at least 3-4 months or so of play. Its a fact; If your only playing 2 hours or so a day, 2-3 days a week, it will take you a VERY long time to hit the level cap unless you know what your doing. Because BioWare has limited development resources, they probably put the bulk of their development into making the process of lvls 1-50 fun, and would focus on end game content after release. Makes sense to me.


I'm a fairly hard-core gamer. I play a good 4-5 hours a day, every day. At this rate, it will take me about 3 weeks or so to hit lvl 50. There are 8 character storylines I want to experience.... thats 24 weeks of content, or 6 months of entertainment for me. And thats at my rate of play, which is probably more per day than most.


You need to understand, when you rant about lack of end game, that you are in the minority, and your concerns will be addressed, when there is time.

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I played late Beta and from launch for about a year. I never had any of those problems.


If I remember correctly, WoW had a pretty smooth launch. SWToR launch was pretty smooth as well but WoW just started, over 5 years ago, with more features and more content than SWToR has today.


You obviously weren't around for WoW's launch. They had server crashes for 9 months after launch...I was there.


If I want to pvp, I will a better pvp game.


If I want to raid, I will play a game with better raiding.


If I want to play a single player RPG....why would I pay a sub?

Edited by Amiracle
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You obviously weren't around for WoW's launch. They had server crashes for 9 months after launch...I was there.


I was as well. Their launch sucked, plain and simple. This launch has been great and the game will only get better. I know the wife and I at least will stay.


We have not run into any gamebreaking bugs so we are happy.

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I just did something I swore I wasn't going to do because I didn't want to hype myself up. I went and actually looked into GW2 more. (Havent read anything on it in like 6-7 months) and I am floored. I watched videos of game play for the classes and a PVP video with DESTRUCTIBLE environments........WOW seriously and all the stuff they are talking about at launch....not to mention some stellar graphics o. O


People were saying the same about this game from its previews too ...

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The issue that I have with the OPs argument is that while SWTOR is new by MMO standards the MMO genre isn't new. If the game releases without now industry standard features then it will be looked at negatively. I understand WOW didn't have all its bells and whistles that everyone craves for in this game when it came out but it does not. Any MMO game, especially ones that charge a subscription fee, must do everything and more to be appealing or to seem a success.
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