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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Time Magazine gives SWTOR 3.5 out of 4 stars!


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I am consistantly amazed by statements like this.


No MMO has offered anything different since the creation of MMO's. Not WoW, not SWG, not anything. Endgame has always revolved around a combination of the same elements. PVP, crafting, exploration, instances, and rep grinds.


No game.... I mean NO game anywhere, ever, has deviated from that path. Now suddenly you're upset? What, because this game came out and they didnt decide to "revolutionize" the gaming industry with the completely unworkable ideas that some of you seem to think would "change everything".



Your problem isnt this game. Your problem is games period.

Go take a break. Move on. Do something else. Quite frankly, no game now, or in the immediate future is going to deviate from that pattern.


Not even peoples overhyped beloved GW2.


Never thought I would say this.... but time for a reality check.


Wait... this game has a rep grind? And housing that you can make ANYWHERE ON A PLANET? Sorry, but when EQ1 was created it had some minor pvp, but hardcore (mostly WAAAY too time-consuming) pve content and that's not just raids. DAOC took that the next step and created some of the best pvp in a MMO. 3 factions all battle it out on a battlefield to get a fort = win.


WoW created the ease of getting things done in a MMO. The ease to get a group, the ease to level up without needing a group / friends at launch, the ease of crafting, etc. etc.


Rift brought us a world that will kill itself in a constant conflict (not quite so epic when you get in, but that's essentially what happens).


SWTOR brought us a fully voiced MMO, awesome, but it doesn't do anything when you're 50 and you've done it with several alts. Class quests are great fully voiced, but all those sidequests? eh...

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I am consistantly amazed by statements like this.


No MMO has offered anything different since the creation of MMO's. Not WoW, not SWG, not anything. Endgame has always revolved around a combination of the same elements. PVP, crafting, exploration, instances, and rep grinds.


No game.... I mean NO game anywhere, ever, has deviated from that path. Now suddenly you're upset? What, because this game came out and they didnt decide to "revolutionize" the gaming industry with the completely unworkable ideas that some of you seem to think would "change everything".



Your problem isnt this game. Your problem is games period.

Go take a break. Move on. Do something else. Quite frankly, no game now, or in the immediate future is going to deviate from that pattern.


Not even peoples overhyped beloved GW2.


Never thought I would say this.... but time for a reality check.



Think you missed the point entirely. Shame really.


Let me explain.


SWG, pre-nge, had the courage to not have levels and have people progress their characters via skills. Like in an elder scrolls game, you use a sword, you'll get better at using a sword and not something else. That largely does away with a strict "class" character archetype.


EVE had the courage to give players have complete dominion over game space, making it both dangerous yet highly rewarding and lucrative.


I don't want to go on forever about all the very fun things that have been done in other games, but I'll end with this.




What WoW has done to mmos is what Call of Duty did to FPS. Not sure you'd understand but here's to hope.

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You don't see a basic difference between a sandbox MMO and a themepark MMO?


SWG and EvE are sandbox MMOs. There is no way you will be able to play them the same way you play WoW/LOTRO/TOR.


Sandbox MMOs offer a vastly different playing experience than themepark MMOs.


You say all MMOs offer this: "PVP, crafting, exploration, instances, and rep grinds."


Where is the exploration, crafting and rep grinds in TOR? Heck, where's the PvP? :p


Ilum pvp. Warzones pvp. Companion rep grinds. Flashpoints. Operations. /sigh Really? Are you people obstinate, or just seriously cant see a correlation here between end game contents.....


SWG: PvP.... Crafting.... And yes, it had instances too... Hoth for one....


As for vastly different playing experiences... not really. Same thing, slightly different coating. You're the one thats convinced yourself its drastically different, when in fact, its really offering you same old chicken nuggets with sweet and sour sauce.

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Think you missed the point entirely. Shame really.


Let me explain.


SWG, pre-nge, had the courage to not have levels and have people progress their characters via skills. Like in an elder scrolls game, you use a sword, you'll get better at using a sword and not something else. That largely does away with a strict "class" character archetype.


EVE had the courage to give players have complete dominion over game space, making it both dangerous yet highly rewarding and lucrative.


I don't want to go on forever about all the very fun things that have been done in other games, but I'll end with this.




What WoW has done to mmos is what Call of Duty did to FPS. Not sure you'd understand but here's to hope.


And yet... for both of those... supposedly incredible games. Your here. Now. And not there.





Note: There are SWG rollback private servers. And eve is still going strong. Not sure why you would leave a game that offers you things you say you want, to come to a game that was very clear about what it was going to offer.

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As much as the 3.5 out of 4 is great to add to the ever growing list of glowing reviews from gaming magazines and websites... Time magazine?


Who's going to review it next; Import Tuner? Mens Fitness? Nuts? Top Gear? American Curves? Handyman? Autocar? Maxim? Today's Dietitian? NME? Marie Claire? What Mountain Bike? FHM? Stereophile? Professional Photographer? Popular Mechanics? Yoga Journal? Glam Rock? Penthouse? Skin Deep? Heritage Railway? Vogue?

Edited by Cormey
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Magazine reviews mean literally nothing.... Why would I ever trust TIME MAGAZINE on a video game review?


We already know... as in, it is a confirmed fact.. that video game companies try there hardest to make sure only companies who promise to give out high scores will get review copies of the game and other such shady practices...


like what is this?


'Most of all, it makes you feel like you’re part of a huge narrative that’s at once personal to your character’s journey, but also part of a wider, unfolding epic between the Republic and the Empire. Quests and story arcs appear to end, but don’t. Your character may finish a mission, only to get ambushed while strolling back to his ship hours later.'





That statement is so far off from what the majority of people who actually have played the game would say. In fact most people who are fans of good narrative and actually have TASTE were completely disappointed by the "stories" in this game.


If you honestly cannot tell that it really is the same fetch quests and kill x number of monsters quests, just like every other mmo. Glossed over with Voice acting... then there is no hope in arguing with you.


you show up to a new place... There is a new gang causing a bunch of trouble... you must kill X number of them, then disable X number of terminals.


maybe you should try just as hard in learning your homonyms in the English language. Here's a link to help you out. enjoy:



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Except that it doesn't happen. It especially won't happen with TOR.


Here, let me clue you in. The game falls flat as an MMO. It can be as fantastic as it wants to be as a single player experience, but it may get very difficult for people to justify paying a subscription for what may feel as a single player game. Shift over to the non single player game aspect if TOR, and you have, mechanically and functionally, a wow clone. Congratulations.


Please, won't you tell the 15 other people in my ops group that this is a single player game.


Please, do tell the people yammering away in my guild while I'm trying to get stuff done that they are playing a single player game.


Please tell the dummies in /1 talking about WoW that this is a single player game.


This game is as much of an mmo as you choose to make it, just like every other mmo that has ever been or ever will be.


This whole "this is a single player game" business is absolute nonsense and everybody knows it.

Edited by Sparklehorse
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The storyline in LOTRO is also very engaging, especially for fans of the books as you meet, and influence, all the major characters. (My point is here that SWTOR is not unique in having an episodic, story-driven part of the game).



I very much enjoyed the epic quests in LOTRO(up to the most recent update, I did the RoI initial epic chain but have been playing SWTOR and havent done the most recent chapters added), but part of why I am playing SWTOR currently is how much more I enjoy the story. At least the Sith Warrior story in my opninion blows away the LOTRO epics.


With the voice acting and light/dark paths I'm having a great time.

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