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Time Magazine gives SWTOR 3.5 out of 4 stars!


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I have to agree, its amazing that people who appear to dislike the game so much still have time to post negative comments in any thread remotely positive about the game. Was just looking to share with people that are actually enjoying the game a bit of positive news.


Right, because it's not like every remotely critical comment made about the game doesn't immediately attract a swarm of rabid biodrones.

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It's also a fact that it's being addressed and even the great WoW had serious issues like that at lunch.




Which are either being addressed or are merely opinion of what constitutes a good MMO.


The fact is all in all the hair puling is a bit silly.


yes yes, everything will be "addressed" eventually right? No reason to tell anyone that once they buy the game they are going to waiting for it to be fixed, and certainly no reason to mention those things in an unbiased review of the game...


I'm not talking about WoW.. I don't care about WoW. Yea that game did and still does have lots of issues and negatives.


Once again.. Nothing I said is simply an "opinion" of what is a good MMO... Any rpg... if you get a new talent or skill... it should work..


A GOOD GAME that scores an A+ .. is optimized and presented well..

They repeatedly say that is there top priority... Therefore there is IN FACT a PROBLEM that needs FIXING.


IF ITS NOT... then maybe the game is not a 3.5 out of 4?

Edited by KurleyKilla
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yes yes, everything will be "addressed" eventually right? No reason to tell anyone that once they buy the game they are going to waiting for it to be fixed, and certainly no reason to mention those things in an unbiased review of the game...


I still don't get the logic though. They may not have highlighted some problems with the game.. but they mentioned other ones, pretty harshly. How is that biased?

Edited by daemian
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Wonder how much they spent to have their game appear in Time.


Hey BW how about you stop spending money marketing and start spending it on fixing the damn game!!! Wait I know why - it's because you want to make money selling the game and don't want to spend money fixing a game everyone is unsubbing from.


I know this is the land of free speech but could you please take yours to another thread or forums?

You seem to think bioware is not working to fix the issues your so concerned about, they can't repair everything overnight give them some time.

As for your conspiracy theory about them paying for the review ... really?? Are you that paranoid??

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LMFAO!! That is so funny!! The only thing funnier is someone who hates a game but continues to pay...oh, wait...


I never said I hated the game, I'm still playing and, for the most part, having fun.


There is simply no way this game is almost perfect, which a 3.5 out of 4 rating would suggest. Surely no one, even the most rabid fanbois, think this game is almost perfect.

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Right, because it's not like every remotely critical comment made about the game doesn't immediately attract a swarm of rabid biodrones.


I have nothing against constructive criticism, but most of the negative comments in this thread and on the forums in general are far from that.

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yes yes, everything will be "addressed" eventually right? No reason to tell anyone that once they buy the game they are going to waiting for it to be fixed, and certainly no reason to mention those things in an unbiased review of the game...


I'm not talking about WoW.. I don't care about WoW. Yea that game did and still does have lots of issues and negatives.


Once again.. Nothing I said is simply an "opinion" of what is a good MMO... Any rpg... if you get a new talent or skill... it should work..


A GOOD GAME that scores an A+ .. is optimized and presented well..

They repeatedly say that is there top priority... Therefore there is IN FACT a PROBLEM that needs FIXING.


IF ITS NOT... then maybe the game is not a 3.5 out of 4?


the review should just say


SWToR a 3.5/4.


Review posted 1/1/2013.

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I never said I hated the game, I'm still playing and, for the most part, having fun.


There is simply no way this game is almost perfect, which a 3.5 out of 4 rating would suggest. Surely no one, even the most rabid fanbois, think this game is almost perfect.


Wouldn't 3.8/4 be almost perfect ?

Edited by Selaik
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All you have to do is Google the following to see all of the other sites that picked up on the Associated Press released.


Google: "Review: Fresh Stories Propel Star Wars" with quotes.

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All you have to do is Google the following to see all of the other sites that picked up on the Associated Press released.


Google: "Review: Fresh Stories Propel Star Wars" with quotes.


So you believe Bioware wrote: "It's pretty weak," "feels a bit restrictive," & "Some elements of the Old Republic don't work so well" to help sell the game. :rolleyes:

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yes yes, everything will be "addressed" eventually right? No reason to tell anyone that once they buy the game they are going to waiting for it to be fixed, and certainly no reason to mention those things in an unbiased review of the game...


I'm not talking about WoW.. I don't care about WoW. Yea that game did and still does have lots of issues and negatives.


It's not your fault Kurley. We're products of our environments.


I grew up on cartridges and software that didn't get updates, patches, additional content, etc.


Therefore, I have a bit more patience. Sorry you can't hang in there and let them sort things out.


Come back again when you can't stay so long, K?

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you show up to a new place... There is a new gang causing a bunch of trouble... you must kill X number of them, then disable X number of terminals.


YES OMG its just like all the other games Bioware has made. Its the exact same formula they used in Dragon Age and Mass Effect? Its just way bigger. Are you suprised by this? This is what video games are. What did you think it would be? You just described every video game I have ever played. Including Super Mario, except for the terminals.

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blind sheep much?


and that is one example that I didn't even know about that took me 1 second to google... I can dig up a lot.


I can do that too


Apperently the site you linked also gave SWTOR a good review




So did BW pay them off as well?


Also the TL:DR of the review, 8.5 is what they gave it. I am not sure if thats out of 100 or out of 10. I assume its out of 10

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Pro Tip:


Groups that rate MMO's almost always give them good reviews. All they can rate is the early game content, they are not given guilds to do end game content with, and they generally have to put out a review within 1-2 weeks of a games release.


Go back to look at early reviews of War Hammer Online, Age of Conan, Lineage II, etc. If you read half of them, you would wonder how it was they are dead or F2P, and how WoW (which they were all dubbed "WoW Killers" still have 15x to 150x their subscription base.

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So the article you linked is about how Metacritic found out about corrupt practices by a review site, then dropped them, then talks about how Metacritic vets their review sites. So... http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/star-wars-the-old-republic


Oh look. An 8.5/10. 51 positive reviews, two mixed reviews, zero negative. Not to mention that the site you linked to for that article also gave TOR an 85/100.


What's that I smell?






Is something burning?



My favorite part is the part where if this had been a negative review, those same people would be screaming THIS IS TIME MAGAZINE.


At some point you guys need to wake up and smell the coffee. Game is a success. People like it. You don't. That's YOUR problem.

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The haters can't back up any of their terrible game/game is dying proclamations, rages, etc. with any facts. All they can do is repeatedly post over and over and over again about the same tired subjects.


Meanwhile millions play and enjoy the game, EVERY and I mean EVERY review of the game is good to great. There has never been a more successful launch of a very good game then SWTOR.

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Yeah, there's voice acting and.....and...


That's all that's different.


and it just kills some people that this is enough for some players.


My question is why?


Why does it matter so much that those that dislike the game have everyone agree with them?


Why can't you just be happy that hundreds of thousands of people are quite satisfied with their gaming activity?

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Uh if you told me that a game had awsome narrative and had all the things that time magazine said, and it was facts... I would jump on it in a heart beat... The problem is, that it just isn't true.. it's not that I'm just into different things..


Good narrative is very worth it for me....This game just doesn't have it.



This is the most intellectually dishonest remark that can be made. Art, and entrertainment are entirely subjective. We don't all like the same books, movies and games. Even Dostoevsky was slammed as a bad writer by some in his day.

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This is the most intellectually dishonest remark that can be made. Art, and entrertainment are entirely subjective. We don't all like the same books, movies and games. Even Dostoevsky was slammed as a bad writer by some in his day.


That is a fair argument but I would still maintain that if you believe this games narrative is deep and engaging from beginning to end then you have horrible "taste" which is also what I said in my earlier posts.. Everything is subjective..


Someone who has never played an MMO before could jump on this game and think it is the end all be all.


I had a friend that played an MMO called 'gate to heavens' and thought it was unbelievably good... tried to talk him into Wow and he was like "hmm sounds good but in GTH you can ATTACK PEOPLE! can you do that in wow?'


If he wrote a review praising how awsome gate to heavens is... yes it is his opinion.. and everything is subjective... But I would still say.. wow what a crock of bs, based on what I have experienced there is so much better.. But one persons better is another persons worse I guess.


If I attacked a book written by Sarah Palin or a Michael Bay movie, There would still probably be people arguing against me... but they would still be morons.

Edited by KurleyKilla
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