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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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1) Loss of community


Community is a myth.



A: If you can just join a random group why make friends?

B: If you got free groups with no work why join a guild?


A: No one joins groups to make friends. If your friends are group-vehicles, well.. yay for your friends.

B: Why join a guild at all is a excellent question. They are optional, not mandatory.


Welcome to the discussion!

Edited by MalignX
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Every person that does post here, is giving his / her opinion based on fact´s he or she did encounter throughout the years.


There is absolutely no reason why the stuff you say is more valid than of anyone else. You encountered things bad, while others good.


Instead of listening to those that "can" play the game, you ignore every post of them - claiming its not true and your view about the game is the only truth. Sorry to say, but for me this is just very childish.



If you would had read my answer to the post, then you would had understood that a LFD tool is not a holy grale or a saviour for MMO´s. Infact it does only veil the problems of todays MMO´s, without giving a good solution to them. You cant fix the problem with the different opinions about this genre, by forcing people to play with each other like wow tried with the 30 min deserter etc. It does not work in the middle east and it does not work in games.

You create a big powder barrel which will explode someday.


We all know that today MMO´s or games in general are played by many different people. Some just play for fun, others for a living and again others are somewhere between them.


lets take a simple example of an LFD group.


We have 4 people:


Jason, a cop who does want to do a dungeon so that he can relax from his job. He wants a good and fast run, no talking involved.

Mariah, a wife with a young daughter she must feed from time to time. She also wants to relax by playing the game, she doesnt care how long the run will take, as she must go afk for a few min anyways each hour.

Kid, he is 16 years old and a young one. He wants to impress his guild mates by running the dungeon as fast as possible, scoring high numbers, leaving some boss mobs out. his favorite phrase is "gogogogo".

Cloudette, she is a student and new to MMO´s. She is not dumb, but doesnt give a damn about min-maxing and just wants to have a nice chat with some people online, while she is going to play the game.


On the first view it looks like a good group, the kid could drag the women through the dungeon and the cop can help him there while having a nice chat with the girls. The truth tho is, that all 4 people have a totally different understanding of playing that game and all want to play it their way as its the "fun" way for them.


The kid will sooner or later start to rage against the women, going afk is not right - they should leave the talking and perform better, he keeps spamming in chat. The cop might try to defend them and tells the kid to chill, but also does leave the group after a few wipes.


The whole LFD mechanics is a gamble, where you can win or lose - but more lose than win in the end. To roll a group with like minded players is rare, most of the times you have different opinions about the game and this will lead to a lot of frustration for all participants.

It does start by simple things like "chatting", goes on to looting rules and last but not least to performance and what content shall actually be done.


Aslong a LFG tool cant fix this, it will fail. The tool at wow did fail, I have never seen so much hate and bad behaivour in any game before, and I played even CS for many years. People treat each other like ****, all want to play how they want to and while the older people or lets say casuals might not rage that fast, they still cant and wont play like the elitist´s, which is a major conflict and does lead to all the kicking, disbands and so on.



If the tool would work as you claim it does, then Blizz wouldnt had to add all those "xtra rewards" for it and the kick protection or deserter buff. Blizz does force people to playing in groups they dont want to, and they even thank Blizz for that. This is :eek:

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What ever. You guys just want the game handed to you just because you pay $15 a month. Good luck with that. This game will be the same as the old. I am done with this BS you need to have it your way conversation.


Simple X server LFD comes I go. Thats a Fact, thats why I left WoW and will never go back.


Fact: many of my friends left WoW for the same Reason and would do the same.


Go a head and say good bye and troll this message. I do not care. I don't Play MMOs that play like a Lobby game or a single player game. Cross server LFD make it so.


You left WoW just because of the LFD tool? How pathetic, to say the least.

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Every person that does post here, is giving his / her opinion based on fact´s he or she did encounter throughout the years.


Supposedly based on "facts".


There is absolutely no reason why the stuff you say is more valid than of anyone else. You encountered things bad, while others good.


I haven't said any of my opinions were any more valid than anyone else. I just disagree with most of yours.


Instead of listening to those that "can" play the game, you ignore every post of them - claiming its not true and your view about the game is the only truth. Sorry to say, but for me this is just very childish.


"Can" play? What does that even mean? I am absolutely not ignoring them. Just disagreeing. I haven't claimed anything I've said is the only truth, only that all these "facts" given are simply opinions. Opinions at best most of the time.


If you would had read my answer to the post, then you would had understood that a LFD tool is not a holy grale or a saviour for MMO´s. Infact it does only veil the problems of todays MMO´s, without giving a good solution to them. You cant fix the problem with the different opinions about this genre, by forcing people to play with each other like wow tried with the 30 min deserter etc. It does not work in the middle east and it does not work in games.

You create a big powder barrel which will explode someday.


This is your opinion. No one said it was the holy grail, only that they want it and that they do not find as much enjoyment in this game as they would with it. You have to understand you are only stating your opinions on the subject.


We all know that today MMO´s or games in general are played by many different people. Some just play for fun, others for a living and again others are somewhere between them.


lets take a simple example of an LFD group.


We have 4 people:


Jason, a cop who does want to do a dungeon so that he can relax from his job. He wants a good and fast run, no talking involved.

Mariah, a wife with a young daughter she must feed from time to time. She also wants to relax by playing the game, she doesnt care how long the run will take, as she must go afk for a few min anyways each hour.

Kid, he is 16 years old and a young one. He wants to impress his guild mates by running the dungeon as fast as possible, scoring high numbers, leaving some boss mobs out. his favorite phrase is "gogogogo".

Cloudette, she is a student and new to MMO´s. She is not dumb, but doesnt give a damn about min-maxing and just wants to have a nice chat with some people online, while she is going to play the game.


On the first view it looks like a good group, the kid could drag the women through the dungeon and the cop can help him there while having a nice chat with the girls. The truth tho is, that all 4 people have a totally different understanding of playing that game and all want to play it their way as its the "fun" way for them.


The kid will sooner or later start to rage against the women, going afk is not right - they should leave the talking and perform better, he keeps spamming in chat. The cop might try to defend them and tells the kid to chill, but also does leave the group after a few wipes.


This is a cute hypothetical. But it's still hypothetical. I can type up a fun hypothetical that makes LFD the best thing since sliced bread, if you want made up situations.

The whole LFD mechanics is a gamble, where you can win or lose - but more lose than win in the end. To roll a group with like minded players is rare, most of the times you have different opinions about the game and this will lead to a lot of frustration for all participants.

It does start by simple things like "chatting", goes on to looting rules and last but not least to performance and what content shall actually be done.


This is your opinion on the subject.


Aslong a LFG tool cant fix this, it will fail. The tool at wow did fail, I have never seen so much hate and bad behaivour in any game before, and I played even CS for many years. People treat each other like ****, all want to play how they want to and while the older people or lets say casuals might not rage that fast, they still cant and wont play like the elitist´s, which is a major conflict and does lead to all the kicking, disbands and so on.

Again, opinions. And if any of it happens to be occasionally true, it certainly not exclusive to Random Dungeon Finder groups.



If the tool would work as you claim it does, then Blizz wouldnt had to add all those "xtra rewards" for it and the kick protection or deserter buff. Blizz does force people to playing in groups they dont want to, and they even thank Blizz for that. This is :eek:


I've yet to claim it does anything. Simply that I want it. And again, these are your opinions on why something is the way it is, not necessarily why. You really need to understand that before you start calling people childish for disagreeing with you. :)


But thanks for still playing!

I found a new word for you, enjoy!



noun \kən-ˈjek-chər\

Definition of CONJECTURE


obsolete a : interpretation of omens b : supposition


a : inference from defective or presumptive evidence b : a conclusion deduced by surmise or guesswork c : a proposition (as in mathematics) before it has been proved or disproved

See conjecture defined for English-language learners »

See conjecture defined for kids »

Examples of CONJECTURE


The biography includes conjectures about the writer's earliest ambitions.

a conjecture about the extent of the injury

Most of the book is conjecture, not fact.

Whether Columbus brought syphilis to the New World—or to the Old World—has been the subject of conjecture for at least 500 years. —Carl Zimmer, Science, 11 May 2001




Middle English, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin conjectura, from conjectus, past participle of conicere, literally, to throw together, from com- + jacere to throw — more at jet

First Known Use: 14th century


Synonyms: guess, shot, supposition, surmise, shot in the dark


Edited by MalignX
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Every person that does post here, is giving his / her opinion based on fact´s he or she did encounter throughout the years.


There is absolutely no reason why the stuff you say is more valid than of anyone else. You encountered things bad, while others good.


Instead of listening to those that "can" play the game, you ignore every post of them - claiming its not true and your view about the game is the only truth. Sorry to say, but for me this is just very childish.



If you would had read my answer to the post, then you would had understood that a LFD tool is not a holy grale or a saviour for MMO´s. Infact it does only veil the problems of todays MMO´s, without giving a good solution to them. You cant fix the problem with the different opinions about this genre, by forcing people to play with each other like wow tried with the 30 min deserter etc. It does not work in the middle east and it does not work in games.

You create a big powder barrel which will explode someday.


We all know that today MMO´s or games in general are played by many different people. Some just play for fun, others for a living and again others are somewhere between them.


lets take a simple example of an LFD group.


We have 4 people:


Jason, a cop who does want to do a dungeon so that he can relax from his job. He wants a good and fast run, no talking involved.

Mariah, a wife with a young daughter she must feed from time to time. She also wants to relax by playing the game, she doesnt care how long the run will take, as she must go afk for a few min anyways each hour.

Kid, he is 16 years old and a young one. He wants to impress his guild mates by running the dungeon as fast as possible, scoring high numbers, leaving some boss mobs out. his favorite phrase is "gogogogo".

Cloudette, she is a student and new to MMO´s. She is not dumb, but doesnt give a damn about min-maxing and just wants to have a nice chat with some people online, while she is going to play the game.


On the first view it looks like a good group, the kid could drag the women through the dungeon and the cop can help him there while having a nice chat with the girls. The truth tho is, that all 4 people have a totally different understanding of playing that game and all want to play it their way as its the "fun" way for them.


The kid will sooner or later start to rage against the women, going afk is not right - they should leave the talking and perform better, he keeps spamming in chat. The cop might try to defend them and tells the kid to chill, but also does leave the group after a few wipes.


The whole LFD mechanics is a gamble, where you can win or lose - but more lose than win in the end. To roll a group with like minded players is rare, most of the times you have different opinions about the game and this will lead to a lot of frustration for all participants.

It does start by simple things like "chatting", goes on to looting rules and last but not least to performance and what content shall actually be done.


Aslong a LFG tool cant fix this, it will fail. The tool at wow did fail, I have never seen so much hate and bad behaivour in any game before, and I played even CS for many years. People treat each other like ****, all want to play how they want to and while the older people or lets say casuals might not rage that fast, they still cant and wont play like the elitist´s, which is a major conflict and does lead to all the kicking, disbands and so on.



If the tool would work as you claim it does, then Blizz wouldnt had to add all those "xtra rewards" for it and the kick protection or deserter buff. Blizz does force people to playing in groups they dont want to, and they even thank Blizz for that. This is :eek:



I used WoW LFG tool, it is not like it climbs out of your toilet and bites your butt. I was good for what it does. In WoW 90% of my pug runs were good runs, with >50% being outstanding. So I do not know what you were wanting when you say they wer more fail than not. I was a Pug Tank I set the pace and tone, I introdued myself, asked if anyone wanted anything specfic -- like achevements, optional boses, if most of the pug agreed we did them, we would sometimes get a random DPS bail -- but rarely -- so rare in fact can count on on hand the number of times it happend.


So in you hypothetical, everyone but one wants a fast run, and somehow the LFD tool is the boogyman because one fictitional student wants a more "social" run?


I have been doing general chat PUGs in this game, it is a pain, you must stop questing to do it (YES YOU DO).


In an informal manner I say I think this games needs a LFD tool, and 7-out of 10 puggers on my server agree with me.


This game is just this side of a lobby based gamem the planets are instanced, dungeons are instanced, you even sit in a loby area an spam general. Global Agenda even got this one right.


This silly idea you have that anoying the heck out of people will form a better "community" I do not get, I read your opinions, I do not understand them.


Unless the idea is to get rid of those who want a real LFG tool then only those who like to spam chat stick around?

Edited by Racheakt
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I do love all the personal opinions flying around as if it will some how make your viewpoint worth more than a '1'.


Some people hate it, some people like it.


The observable, demonstrable, undeniable fact is: LFD is growing across games, not shrinking. No game has yet to pick it up and then abandon it later.


Please, PLEASE explain to me how LFD is so insanely bad while AT THE SAME TIME it only continues to gain traction with the MMO community. Seriously, I would LOVE to know, it would be a huge breakthrough. Otherwise I am inclined to believe that the thing people are voluntarily embracing and even requesting is generally a 'good' thing and not a 'bad' one.

Edited by Neiloch
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"It was a huge success in other MMO's"


And yet we are here, playing this game, hoping that we wont ever have to queue a random dungeon ever again.


Here YOU are hoping YOU won't ever have to queue a random dungeon ever again. Surprise! You don't have to. Ever again. Thanks for playing.

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"It was a huge success in other MMO's"


And yet we are here, playing this game, hoping that we wont ever have to queue a random dungeon ever again.


Actualy, I am a star wars fan, and am tired of the "Tolkin Fantasy" theme. Rift is better game than Wow, far more dynamic than this game too, I am just tired of that theme.


If Blizzard ever released a WoW clone based on Starcraft (with three factions -- droool) I would be one verry happy gamer.

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Welcome to the discussion!


I just realized the reason this is getting a lot of opinions, conjecture, 'we's and generally vague statements is that don't have any facts to actually go off of that are in support of their position.

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I just realized the reason this is getting a lot of opinions, conjecture, 'we's and generally vague statements is that don't have any facts to actually go off of that are in support of their position.


Agreed. It's been a joy to engage these Anti-RDF people though. It's really helped offset the fun of spamming LFG in Fleet chat. That's a fact.

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All I see is people upset that the X-LFD is a huge success and it ruined thier "perfect bubble of a game" which consequenctly forced them to leave to keep their "reality" intact. Now they've gone through the dellusion of putting every conceivable MMORPG related problem attached to the X-LFD pedestal like :ninja looting, broken communities, jerks, and probably even lag if you let them talk long enough on the subject. Now that they are here they are entrenched to hate the X-LFD for what they believe it stands for. Subconsiously they know all those problems associated with thier notions of the X-LFD are already ravaging across SWTOR with blazing speed that wasn't foreseeable. In a last feeble attempt to fight it off to save their reality they blame all the attitudes we brought from WoW over to a MMORPG that is basically a weaker carbon copy of it. Every rational problem is fought with malice and spite towards fellow gamers in a battle that they cannot hope to win.


These are actual responses & solutions from people in these threads who oppose X-LFD


1) My work hours changed to a 3rd shift, what am I suppose to do?

Maybe MMORPG's aren't for you then


2) My server is dead, what am I suppose to do?


You should of done your reseach, it's your own fault


3) No, my server was full initally at launch but now it's a ghost town


Start over on a new server


4) My faction is outnumbered 5-1


Just roll the empire


5) I can't find a group


You're lazy


6) How is searching for groups for over an hour lazy?


Your doing it wrong. Nobody wants to be with a fail spamming "LF tank for BT" every 15 seconds. Jesus you guys are self entitled bratz


5) Excuse me? I flag myself properly in the system and search for other members. I ask every 2 minutes in fleet as to not annoy and travel to level appropriate planets to get a different perspective on the available members. While I'm doing this I use the /who function to look for other members I may have not been able to reach previously. All the while keeping tabs on my friend list for any possible members. So I ask you again how am I lazy?



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All I see is people upset that the X-LFD is a huge success and it ruined thier "perfect bubble of a game" which consequenctly forced them to leave to keep their "reality" intact. Now they've gone through the dellusion of putting every conceivable MMORPG related problem attached to the X-LFD pedestal like :ninja looting, broken communities, jerks, and probably even lag if you let them talk long enough on the subject. Now that they are here they are entrenched to hate the X-LFD for what they believe it stands for. Subconsiously they know all those problems associated with thier notions of the X-LFD are already ravaging across SWTOR with blazing speed that wasn't foreseeable. In a last feeble attempt to fight it off to save their reality they blame all the attitudes we brought from WoW over to a MMORPG that is basically a weaker carbon copy of it. Every rational problem is fought with malice and spite towards fellow gamers in a battle that they cannot hope to win.


These are actual responses & solutions from people in these threads who oppose X-LFD


1) My work hours changed to a 3rd shift, what am I suppose to do?

Maybe MMORPG's aren't for you then


2) My server is dead, what am I suppose to do?


You should of done your reseach, it's your own fault


3) No, my server was full initally at launch but now it's a ghost town


Start over on a new server


4) My faction is outnumbered 5-1


Just roll the empire


5) I can't find a group


You're lazy


6) How is searching for groups for over an hour lazy?


Your doing it wrong. Nobody wants to be with a fail spamming "LF tank for BT" every 15 seconds. Jesus you guys are self entitled bratz


5) Excuse me? I flag myself properly in the system and search for other members. I ask every 2 minutes in fleet as to not annoy and travel to level appropriate planets to get a different perspective on the available members. While I'm doing this I use the /who function to look for other members I may have not been able to reach previously. All the while keeping tabs on my friend list for any possible members. So I ask you again how am I lazy?




You are forgetting that it single-handedly destroys the thriving server communities that everyone is a willing and eager member of. Or that it dissolves Guilds just by being mentioned. Or that when people join RDF they sprout hair in funny places and go on murderous rampages. Or that RDF makes the game so easy that babies can play it and are now running wild, slinging poop everywhere.


Wow, someone I agree with. They said it wasn't possible!

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You left WoW just because of the LFD tool? How pathetic, to say the least.


Agreed. What ignorant children these people are. I actually deal with K-12 kids and they're far more open minded than most people here. Interestingly enough, it's mostly the younger grades that I'm referring to.

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You are forgetting that it single-handedly destroys the thriving server communities that everyone is a willing and eager member of. Or that it dissolves Guilds just by being mentioned. Or that when people join RDF they sprout hair in funny places and go on murderous rampages. Or that RDF makes the game so easy that babies can play it and are now running rampant, slinging poop everywhere.


You really never even played WoW post LFD did you? lol Now's the time to admit it.


I'll give you the latter two points, about poop slinging and hair growing in odd places (I've looked in the mirror), but the first two? If you truly believe that, I think you need to understand that the server is comprised of more than just yourself and your group of online friends.

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You really never even played WoW post LFD did you? lol Now's the time to admit it.


I'll give you the latter two points, about poop slinging and hair growing in odd places (I've looked in the mirror), but the first two? If you truly believe that, I think you need to understand that the server is comprised of more than just yourself and your group of online friends.


I was just being funny. I am absolutely in favor of RDF ;) No worries. But I am not surprised you took my mock-argument seriously, as that's pretty much what has been spouted over and over again by the Anti-RDFers.

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I was just being funny. I am absolutely in favor of RDF ;) No worries. But I am not surprised you took my mock-argument seriously, as that's pretty much what has been spouted over and over again by the Anti-RDFers.


If I didn't know your stance already and you left out the last two, I would have totally believed that was an argument from the opposition. They are so silly.

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I was just being funny. I am absolutely in favor of RDF ;) No worries. But I am not surprised you took my mock-argument seriously, as that's pretty much what has been spouted over and over again by the Anti-RDFers.


Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't catch that until it was too late LOL. Apologies.

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Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't catch that until it was too late LOL. Apologies.


Honestly if you hang around these boards and have to make arguments every time the only way you're gonna survive is being sarcastic once in awhile, hench my above post.


Btw pro LFD people have to have a profile picture, didn't you get the memo?

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Honestly if you hang around these boards and have to make arguments every time the only way you're gonna survive is being sarcastic once in awhile, hench my above post.


Btw pro LFD people have to have a profile picture, didn't you get the memo?


I always lose important things before I get a chance to look at them. :/


... Also I procrastinate a lot ;)

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lets take a simple example of an LFD group.


We have 4 people:

5 in that_game, me and 4 pug's

for me pug - worthless noob's by default, all of them, before proven otherwise

with this mood all you "frightful story" i call normal and on top of that i ready to deal with that, even before pug fulfill his duty and screw up


and your story tell us why you "mom" must not use LFG not why all of us must suffer from not having LFG

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It's been fun just sitting back and watching all of the back and forth today. You guys are putting up such a good fight against the people who want to dictate how others play.


Just got back from running a solo Esseles on my level 39 main. Makes me so sad/mad that I'm missing all this fun and cinematic content at the proper level.

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