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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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In all due fairness mate, really low level content is kinda obsolete in SWTOR because the gear progression is rather rapid here. :)

There is little point in finishing any flashpoint before level 30ish more than once for the story and some random loot.

Unless you wanna hook up with a friend and go grind "that particular jacket" in which your companion looks really cool, until it finally drops :D


Just because you find it pointless to play the group content in a particular part of SWTOR in a group doesn't mean others should or do as well.


The LFD tool is not for players like you who have no issues getting into groups or forming them.


It is for players who do have issues.


Since you are happily playing in groups all of the time, you won't be affected in anyway whatsoever when players who are not happily playing in groups all of the time use an LFD tool to be able to happily play in groups all of the time, in ANY part of the game that YOU find pointless.


So, do us all a favor and go happily play in all of your wonderful groups instead of posting invalid arguments in a forum about a topic that doesn't affect you at all.


Thank you.

Edited by crica
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Just because you find it pointless to play a particular part of SWTOR doesn't mean others should or do as well.


The LFD tool is not for players like you who have no issues getting into groups or forming them.


It is for players who do have issues.


Since you are happily playing in groups all of the time, you won't be affected in anyway whatsoever when players who are not happily playing in groups all of the time use an LFD tool to be able to happily play in groups all of the time, in ANY part of the game that YOU find pointless.


So, do us all a favor and go happily play in all of your wonderful groups instead of posting invalid arguments in a forum about a topic that doesn't affect you at all.


Thank you.


Just /ignore madame, it will save you a headache and we can go back to discussing things we'd like to actually see in the Dungeon Finder, rather than arguing with people who didn't bother to read the first page of this thread.

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Just because you find it pointless to play the group content in a particular part of SWTOR in a group doesn't mean others should or do as well.


The LFD tool is not for players like you who have no issues getting into groups or forming them.


It is for players who do have issues.


Since you are happily playing in groups all of the time, you won't be affected in anyway whatsoever when players who are not happily playing in groups all of the time use an LFD tool to be able to happily play in groups all of the time, in ANY part of the game that YOU find pointless.


So, do us all a favor and go happily play in all of your wonderful groups instead of posting invalid arguments in a forum about a topic that doesn't affect you at all.


Thank you.



But if Bioware adds that "community destroying evil person maker" AKA automated LFG, then all of the "unwashed, uneducated, uncultured plebeians" will use this tool and the "Superior Hardcore Guild Patricians" wont be able to form groups with the "Superior because that's how we did things in my days" way. And we all know that our Patrician overlords know what's best for us.

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Just because you find it pointless to play the group content in a particular part of SWTOR in a group doesn't mean others should or do as well.


The LFD tool is not for players like you who have no issues getting into groups or forming them.


It is for players who do have issues.


Since you are happily playing in groups all of the time, you won't be affected in anyway whatsoever when players who are not happily playing in groups all of the time use an LFD tool to be able to happily play in groups all of the time, in ANY part of the game that YOU find pointless.


So, do us all a favor and go happily play in all of your wonderful groups instead of posting invalid arguments in a forum about a topic that doesn't affect you at all.


Thank you.


What is your problem, aside the fact the fact that you are clearly frustrated?

First of all i was talking with Touchbass and not you, i even put a smile as in it was supposed to be joke, and second of all if your brain is having trouble understanding my posts, let me clarify something for you...I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST an improved lfg tool if it would make some people happy.


Now that we have that settled please go take out your frustrations on someone else, plenty of people in that other thread about looting and needing on items who don't like you already so go have a quarrel with them, leave me out of it.

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But if Bioware adds that "community destroying evil person maker" AKA automated LFG, then all of the "unwashed, uneducated, uncultured plebeians" will use this tool and the "Superior Hardcore Guild Patricians" wont be able to form groups with the "Superior because that's how we did things in my days" way. And we all know that our Patrician overlords know what's best for us.


How we play a video game when we are not in their groups doesn't matter.


They are already in groups happily playing the way they enjoy.


We want an LFD tool so we can as well.

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Do not make LFG cross-server, except for pvp. It does ruin the community. Either get a server transfer when they are available or reroll on a busy server...


Seriously I was just talking to someone who plays WoW, their instance grift due to rude players brought back bad memories.


The real solution is to make all flash points totally scalable from 1 to 4 players.


Content for all and groups for all, or not depending on what people want...

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Do not make LFG cross-server, except for pvp. It does ruin the community. Either get a server transfer when they are available or reroll on a busy server...


Seriously I was just talking to someone who plays WoW, their instance grift due to rude players brought back bad memories.


The real solution is to make all flash points totally scalable from 1 to 4 players.


Content for all and groups for all, or not depending on what people want...

This post is a joke right?

Read the first page please.

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So you're saying you'd rather spend 2hrs looking for a group even though there's 20 people wanting to do hard modes with anyone because you don't want to be leader.



~psst~ If you feel like BioWare made a single player game guess what? They didn't make this game feel like that. It's people like you.



For everyone else who knows how to use their opposeable thumbs check out my link in my sig.


No i rather not do it at all if i have to be the leader period!

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Do not make LFG cross-server, except for pvp. It does ruin the community. Either get a server transfer when they are available or reroll on a busy server...


Seriously I was just talking to someone who plays WoW, their instance grift due to rude players brought back bad memories.


The real solution is to make all flash points totally scalable from 1 to 4 players.


Content for all and groups for all, or not depending on what people want...


My wife and i ran 6 randoms in wow today with zero problems or rude people. We then logged on to rift and ran 5 randoms with OMG zero bad players or rudeness!

I then logged on to swtor while she raided HK. I ran zero flashpoints and zero heroic quest....

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My wife and i ran 6 randoms in wow today with zero problems or rude people. We then logged on to rift and ran 5 randoms with OMG zero bad players or rudeness!

I then logged on to swtor while she raided HK. I ran zero flashpoints and zero heroic quest....



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So what happens when the player bubble moves past the planets? Low level content becomes obsolete without a X-LFD tool

Huh? Unless there is no one else the level of the flashpoint you can find players. The game is less than 2 months old and you're talking about there being no one lower level to run a flashpoint? Come on.


I came to this thread to ask a specific question.

Got a ridiculous answer.


If right now you log on and see in a list 20 people covering all the roles wanting to do the flashpoint you want to do, can you or can you not find a group quickly?


Someone said no because they don't want to lead a party. They would prefer to spend 2hrs hoping someone forms one instead of grabbing people from the list and going now.

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I have and will come on!

Seems pretty clear that the anti lfd people have a common theme they all seem to have really bad random experiences and most of them state that the majority of their randoms are bad.

I see the common element here. Could it be that they themselves are the problem in their runs?

Clearly they went into the random system with a already bad outlook and biased to the whole system. Which could very well have lead to and been the cause of them finding the runs disappointing.

Where as i from day one in these systems entered being excited about the run! Which means i am biased as well but biased to see the good in the run not the bad.

I have the perky pug achievement (100 randoms) on at least 10 characters in wow. that alone is 1000 runs add in i had those achievements even before cata and that adds in to the thousands. I am not sure if rift tracks those ill have to remember some time and check. I am sure i am in to the thousands there also.

Yes i have lots and LOTS of free time on my hands. Home bound disabled for that last 9 years or so.

I can honestly say i cant remember any of the bad ones and some of the good ones lead to long lasting friendships on other servers and me rolling alts there. I am in a couple of raid guilds due to it!

I have raided in these games from the start. So in no way am i anti guild. I love all the raid guilds i am in. BUT they are raid guilds. Raid guilds seldom run small man content once the majority of the guild is raid ready.

So the claims of join a guild are not always the answer. I am in 3 guilds currently in wow, 2 in rift and 2 here in swtor.

I am full clear hardmode in wow, I am full clear all raids in rift and i am 4/5 hardmode EV and 3/5 hardmode Kp. Clearly i have zero need for any thing from the 4 man zones here or the 5 man zones from any of the other games. Yet i dearly love running those zones.

maybethats why i am never effected by ninja's I dont need any thing from those runs anyways and never even notice who hit need or greed. Ill just be replacing the items later anyways. Virtual pixel items cant upset me that badly.

Auto forming cross server lfd tools allows me to interact with so many people its a thrill!

Maybe i wont see them ever again. Some games have found ways for us to see them again btw! But that doesnt matter to me. They are people! Some thing i did not get to do very much in my real life is see lots of people. Good, middlen or bad they all add to my lifes enrichment. Yes even the bad. I dont let bad experiences scare me as it seems to have done to some people here. I take them in learn from them and move on.


Yes i realize i am rambling here a little its 3:25 in the am and my sleep meds are kicking in.


You know i enjoy meeting people regardless of if ill ever see them again. I really hope the anti lfd people dont treat real life strangers this way!


You know this reminds me of when i was young and ran my own deep sea fishing boat.

I worked out of a fishing agency that booked charters for me. They were mostly random people i had never meet before and the chance i would ever see them again was low since they were from out of state and on vacation. They all had to pre pay to go on my boat. They also signed waivers that i was not responsible for runs that were cut short due to unforeseen conditions. Yet i never abused that. I learned so much from those random people in my life it helped to make me who i am today.

The point is regardless of if you can meet them again they are people. If the anti lfd people would stop looking for the bad in everyone and every random run they just may find some good in them!


Good night and good runs all!

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Probably I won't say nothing new, but I must state my case: I don't do flashpoints at lower levels. Is, just, not rewarding enough. You get a gear witch will be outdated in a few levels, and some XP not need for advance. The real problem migth be... having this game a fun and very interesting history, a 1 or 2 hour flashpoint lost a good part of its appeal. The quests have a lot more fun, and heroics cover the groupin and social part.


So is natural that <50s have problems finding people for flashpoints... the strong pont of this game is the storyline, and compared to that, the FPs are boooring (At least for a lot of us). Black Talon not included here, being pretty story-wise here.


The only FPs I've done have been to helkp fill a group in the guild.


So, IMHO, the solution for <50 FPs isn't any finder or something, but add more appeal for story-wise players, witch are the players, in the end, more addicted to this game.

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heroics cover the groupin and social part.

Sad to say, groups tend to break up as soon as objectives are completed and they turn in and do the conversations solo. That has been my experience so not much social points there unless you're doing it with friends.

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I like the idea of playing with people from my own server. That is good for the community. I DON'T like standing around for 1-2 hours spamming in fleet for a FP group. The last two instances I ran (or at least attempted to run) was Boarding Party and The Foundry. For Boarding Party we spammed /1 at the fleet and on Taris for 1 hour and 40 minutes before getting a full group. For The Foundry we spammed /1 at the fleet, on Quesh and on Taris for 2 hours and 10 minutes before we had to give up. I can add that the number of players at fleet was never below 250 when we did this.


I don't know what the problem is. The existing LFG system would work rather well if people used it but they don't. Out of the 250 - 300 players at the fleet less than 5 are generally tagged as LFG. Everyone is spamming /1 though and when you spam that damn channel for 2 hours without being able to form a group it gets irritating. Sure, if the game had a good LFG tool we could have spent that time questing or doing something else but I honestly don't know if we'd have gotten a group anyhow. It seems the main problem is that people don't want to run the FPs.


I'm hoping it'll be different at 50 (and I'm almost assuming it's at least better).

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Sad to say, groups tend to break up as soon as objectives are completed and they turn in and do the conversations solo. That has been my experience so not much social points there unless you're doing it with friends.


Most I've done, the group has keep until the final.. but you are rigth. That's another problem... being as it is that most 50s don't event have Social II, for most people Social doesn't even exist.


They have to revamp this, and then, people will take some efford in make convs teamed...

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My wife and i ran 6 randoms in wow today with zero problems or rude people. We then logged on to rift and ran 5 randoms with OMG zero bad players or rudeness!

I then logged on to swtor while she raided HK. I ran zero flashpoints and zero heroic quest....


The point isn't whether or not you had issues when you assembled your group of human controlled, randomly selected NPCs. Its the fact that you did it with human controlled, randomly selected NPCs.


SWTOR needs a better grouping interface, but cross server LFD a la WoW is not the answer.

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In all due fairness mate, really low level content is kinda obsolete in SWTOR because the gear progression is rather rapid here. :)

There is little point in finishing any flashpoint before level 30ish more than once for the story and some random loot.

Unless you wanna hook up with a friend and go grind "that particular jacket" in which your companion looks really cool, until it finally drops :D


Uhh, besides the social points, the light/darkside points. and the orange gear?


Anyway, I also have to chime in and say that in 2 years of playing WoW (no guild), I don't recall doing any instances that caused me to hate the dungeon finder. Actually, I've had worse experiences in SWTOR with people on my server.


I'm sure this has been said, but just because someone's not on your server doesn't mean they're going to magically change into a jerk, a ninja, or a noob-looter. There are a few jerks on every server, and they're not going to magically change into nice people just because they're running a PUG with people on their own server.


In summary, people who act like jerks on their own server are obviously not deterred by any potential social consequences.


I'm sure this has been said too, but the Anti-LFG argument is based on a fallacy.

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The point isn't whether or not you had issues when you assembled your group of human controlled, randomly selected NPCs. Its the fact that you did it with human controlled, randomly selected NPCs.


SWTOR needs a better grouping interface, but cross server LFD a la WoW is not the answer.


Randomly selected PLAYERS not NPCs. How is getting a random pugger any different than a random in general chat?


Want to shame "bads" in general chat? Putting them on your ignore list not good enough? Lets face it, the grouping is so pitiful in this game I take the first 3 folks who speak up and live with it.


I mean in other games I queue up, get random folks, in TOR i spam chat and will take damn near anyone to make the pain of general spam stop. Same same to me.

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