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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

613 exp, 4 shot by Tracer Missle spam.


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I cant believe some people think nerds are hard to play lol, having a 50 merc myself and in champion gear besides my sage it's the easiest rotation. Unless ur a Mara or a sentinel you really shouldnt complain about ur class being difficult to play
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If this was a "test", how the hell doesn't the OP know what hit him?


Anyway, assuming this Merc could actually hit 4k crit on tracer against a full geared opponent (grav cannot), then he crit everytime and the OP has less than 16k HP.


So possible, I guess. Unlikely though.

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Herp derp some people should read the entire thread before posting.


Anyone that uses the meme "herp derp" and actually expects to be considered intelligent or credible to any degree needs a serious reality check.


Herp Derp is the internet equivalent of wearing an "I'm With Stupid" T-Shirt where the arrow points directly up at the wearer.

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If this was a "test", how the hell doesn't the OP know what hit him?


Anyway, assuming this Merc could actually hit 4k crit on tracer against a full geared opponent (grav cannot), then he crit everytime and the OP has less than 16k HP.


So possible, I guess. Unlikely though.


He claims to have been hit 4 times consecutively, for 4k damage a pop.


4x4=16. Math much?


And yes, Tracer crits for upwards of 4k on a geared opponent, no point denying it.

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I just shot a unicorn out of a cannon at a flying elephant being ridden by hitler. I have as much proof this happened as you do being 4 shot. Get fraps/bandicam and make a video. If you can't do that I can't believe you. Edited by Stilly
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He claims to have been hit 4 times consecutively, for 4k damage a pop.


4x4=16. Math much?


And yes, Tracer crits for upwards of 4k on a geared opponent, no point denying it.


Thanks for the math. Maybe you should breathe in a paper bag for 30seconds and re-read my post derp. He expresses uncertainty over what hit him. I already laid out the math. And since grav definitely doesn't crit for that amount, I am not going to make the claim tracer does -- bad players like you have no idea what they are hit with and scream 'omg 9000 damage!' like morons all the time.


I will let a Merc handle the idea/likelihood that a tracer crit 4x for ~4k each against a full expertise build.

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No that's pretty much what happened. The BH is a well known pvper and pvp's with the 2P rakata for the 15% crit bonus to it and all the rest of the gear is BM.


It was a 1v1 fight because i wanted to test it. he cast 4 spells and I was dead. Maybe they have an instant cast or something i missed.. is that possible?


More like 3 instant casts 2 of which hit harder than a Grav when buffed by it.

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No that's pretty much what happened. The BH is a well known pvper and pvp's with the 2P rakata for the 15% crit bonus to it and all the rest of the gear is BM.


It was a 1v1 fight because i wanted to test it. he cast 4 spells and I was dead. Maybe they have an instant cast or something i missed.. is that possible?


Was this just a, fire your hardest hitting abilities and kill me as quickly as you can while I do nothing type of test? Or was it actually a duel? From the sounds of it you just stood there without using any abilities whatsoever, in which case you'd likely be killed in the same amount of time by a couple of classes.

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And people are OK with this?


I see that they're nerfing Operative since they can kill you in 4 globals, yet we're leaving Merc Damage alone when they do the same thing?


If the attacker had the same or similar expertise, then his +damage in pvp negated your pvp mitigation from it.

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honestly i only have 546 exp and i still never get hit by ANY ATTACK for over 3k dmg.

i dont know maybe my 40% mitigation helps with that.

honestly though if you are going to "TEST" something you should record your findings and experiments. if you can not reproduce that same effect in different situations its called a fluke, luck was simply on his side.

re-do you "TEST" record it, then post a video with multiple tests confirming your finding.

at the end of it... actually try against him and show that you have to be moronic and sit there for this to actually happen.

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Thanks for the math. Maybe you should breathe in a paper bag for 30seconds and re-read my post derp. He expresses uncertainty over what hit him. I already laid out the math. And since grav definitely doesn't crit for that amount, I am not going to make the claim tracer does -- bad players like you have no idea what they are hit with and scream 'omg 9000 damage!' like morons all the time.


I will let a Merc handle the idea/likelihood that a tracer crit 4x for ~4k each against a full expertise build.


Threads like this are why we need a combat log....

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I love the "Just LOS the sniper" or "just LOS the Merc" arguments. They're AWESOME.


You know why?


Because in forcing you to run away from your desired target and find somewhere to LOS (especially if their teammates are being intelligent and standing in locations that require you to, you know, engage them.. [especially if you're melee]) they have CC'd you more effectively than any whirlwind, sleep dart, or stun ever will... and for zero resolve to you. They are essentially REMOVING you from combat by doing so if they can (and they will) pin you in a position that doesn't allow you to contribute. The only downside to them doing this is they don't get the super cool numbers at the end of the warzone that says that they killed you or did 20584 damage to you.


Sure, LOS those snipers and mercs all day long so that they can just switch targets and pick off another teammate while you run the long way around to the ramp in Huttball so that you can actually reach them to kill them. I'm sure i'm not the only one thats hit the air vent only to be ambush - followthrough - snipe combo'd or 4x tracer missiled while midair trying to reach a sniper or Merc on the platforms.

Edited by Xilrasis
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Tracer can easily crit upwards to 5k damage, if the expertise is the same or lower on the enemy you are hitting. If you simply pop an adrenal and a relic. Example being, power adrenals + surge and crit relic. Firstly higher crit chance, higher crit multiplied and the extra power makes sure you get those high hits.


I've had well over 7k crits on heatseeker on enemies. Goes to 8k + on lowbies. The 4x tracer missile crit in a row however is pure luck. Generally it is very hard to get 4 crits in a row. So he most likely popped a heatseeker or a railshot follow up which finished u off with that damage if one or two of his tracers did not crit.



People are very ignorant now a days :(

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No that's pretty much what happened. The BH is a well known pvper and pvp's with the 2P rakata for the 15% crit bonus to it and all the rest of the gear is BM.


It was a 1v1 fight because i wanted to test it. he cast 4 spells and I was dead. Maybe they have an instant cast or something i missed.. is that possible?


If you did this as a "test", why didn't you get screen shots or video capture?


I don't believe you at all.

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I love the "Just LOS the sniper" or "just LOS the Merc" arguments. They're AWESOME.


You know why?


Because in forcing you to run away from your desired target and find somewhere to LOS (especially if their teammates are being intelligent and standing in locations that require you to, you know, engage them.. [especially if you're melee]) they have CC'd you more effectively than any whirlwind, sleep dart, or stun ever will... and for zero resolve to you. They are essentially REMOVING you from combat by doing so if they can (and they will) pin you in a position that doesn't allow you to contribute. The only downside to them doing this is they don't get the super cool numbers at the end of the warzone that says that they killed you or did 20584 damage to you.


Sure, LOS those snipers and mercs all day long so that they can just switch targets and pick off another teammate while you run the long way around to the ramp in Huttball so that you can actually reach them to kill them. I'm sure i'm not the only one thats hit the air vent only to be ambush - followthrough - snipe combo'd or 4x tracer missiled while midair trying to reach a sniper or Merc on the platforms.



The TL;DR to your post is "I can't deal with classes' strengths, so you should nerf them."


The "long way up the ramp" in Huttball is the only way you should be going. Using the vents is stupid because half the time it doubles the amount of time it would take you to get up there and the randomness of it prevents your teammates from following close behind.


But, continue complaining about ranged classes being ranged.

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And people are OK with this?


I see that they're nerfing Operative since they can kill you in 4 globals, yet we're leaving Merc Damage alone when they do the same thing?


Do you have any proof of that, or just... words we are supposed to believe :)


I honestly can't see how 4 tracer missiles, even if all crit, can kill someone with 6xx expertise and 15k+ hp. Presuming they would all 4 crits for 3k (which ain't happening), that would be 12k dmg in 6s. Unless you were stunned for 4s right after he shot 1st TM, I can't see how this is happening (leaving aside the numbers which are an exageration).

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No that's pretty much what happened. The BH is a well known pvper and pvp's with the 2P rakata for the 15% crit bonus to it and all the rest of the gear is BM.


It was a 1v1 fight because i wanted to test it. he cast 4 spells and I was dead. Maybe they have an instant cast or something i missed.. is that possible?


Your 600+ expertise doesn't mean much when your opponent has about as much expertise. They pretty much cancel each other out.

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