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Hutball is awful. Fire whomever designed it.


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Yes, it's one of "those" threads. Hutball has to be the single most terrible design for a PVP map I have ever had the displeasure of playing. RNG air vents? Really? What is the purpose of even having them, since if you want to reliably get to the upper levels, you have to run around and go up the ramp anyways? Flame vents? Yeah, those would be great if they weren't instant death, which is pretty much anytime you're near one, since you'll get KB'd into it or stunned while running over one. If resolve worked, and players had CC break that actually mattered, I suppose the obstacles could be called clever design, but since one doesn't work, and the other is pretty much irrelevant, it's not. I hope whomever designed this has since been fired, and blackballed from designing so much as an iphone app. Oh, and I'd pass the ball, but I can't do that while stunned.
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Probably one of the best designed WarZones of all time actually.


I wouldn't say that. I'm no Blizzard fanboi, but Warsong Gulch is the most fun and balanced battleground I have ever participated in. (after they put penalties for holding the flag too long, that is)

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I used to think so too, until I realized that it's the most team oriented warzone we have. Now I love it. Everyone who's ever said "You'll like Huttball once you start playing with teams that are organized and trying to win" was absolutely correct. Edited by vindianajones
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RNG air vents? Really? What is the purpose of even having them, since if you want to reliably get to the upper levels, you have to run around and go up the ramp anyways?
This is the point, the proper way to do it is to either pass or go around. The air vents are designed for 'hail mary' moments.

Flame vents? Yeah, those would be great if they weren't instant death, which is pretty much anytime you're near one, since you'll get KB'd into it or stunned while running over one.
Again, this is intentional. It forces you to work as a team to either pass the ball over them or use pull etc. to avoid them.

If resolve worked
It works perfectly.

, and players had CC break that actually mattered,
It does, you just have to actually think before using it.

Oh, and I'd pass the ball, but I can't do that while stunned.
So pass it before you are stunned or burn a CD and sit through the stun.
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Huttball is amazing.



Everyone hates it until they learn how to play it properly.


I love huttball if only because myself + 1 or 2 guild mates can win 90% of the time. The only WZ where you can pull out a win even if 1/2 your team is terrible.

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I like huttball too, although it does favor pull/push and mostly force users in general. With speed leaps and charge it makes it a little unbalanced at times..


Should remove the hazards to stop specific classes pull or punting to death.


Should give every class some sort of force speed, jet speed or something balance speed.


Even if they got a ball carrier sprint or something.

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perhaps hutball should be designed without any obstaces and the the computer doesn't keep a score


seriously though, I do find it interesting that they added an American football style pvp game to SWTOR considering most of their customer base probably doesn't give two s---- about football and are in fact kind of annoyed by its popularity among the mainstream


edit: well capture the flag you take the flag to your base IIRC

Edited by HBninjaX
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Yes, it's one of "those" threads. Hutball has to be the single most terrible design for a PVP map I have ever had the displeasure of playing. RNG air vents? Really? What is the purpose of even having them, since if you want to reliably get to the upper levels, you have to run around and go up the ramp anyways? Flame vents? Yeah, those would be great if they weren't instant death, which is pretty much anytime you're near one, since you'll get KB'd into it or stunned while running over one. If resolve worked, and players had CC break that actually mattered, I suppose the obstacles could be called clever design, but since one doesn't work, and the other is pretty much irrelevant, it's not. I hope whomever designed this has since been fired, and blackballed from designing so much as an iphone app. Oh, and I'd pass the ball, but I can't do that while stunned.


Resolve does work, the game Huttball takes them most team effort. And if you had bothered to read either of the TOP 2 STICKIED posts in this forum you would understand both.


Resolve How it works


How to play Huttball

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Huttball is the most fun instanced pvp I've ever had except for the old days in Alterac Valley where the matches lasted 5-10 hours.


It's beauty is in its simplicity. There's nothing overly complicated about the layout of the map or pitfalls it holds. It's all about coordination & teamwork & I think thats what makes it so amazing to some but so frustrating to others.

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