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can we have an outfit system in SW:TOR ?


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One of the most neglected aspects of this game is the character customization.

Some of the end-game set, like consular are really awful but there are many other example, if we look other games like lotro or dcuo each features an outfit system. WOW too, has, after years, introduced those features, why there is no such thing ?

It's unconcevaible that a 2012 game won't allow character customization in end-game.

Why not create then a removable armoring for the end-game set ? Or better, why not an outfit system for this game ?

I think bioware can't ignore this, because customization is an important part of all mmorpg, and we need this features quickly as possible up to date with the competitors.


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I think bioware can't ignore this, because customization is an important part of all mmorpg, and we need this features quickly as possible up to date with the competitors.



Although i agree, we do need some sort of flexibility when it comes to outfits, as a major part in MMO's has and will always be to look different than "that other guy"


I will have to admit, i hope this isn't on BW's top priority list just yet.

I'm sure it will come though, but for the time being , there's several other things more important, and currently being worked on :)

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One of the most neglected aspects of this game is the character customization.

Some of the end-game set, like consular are really awful but there are many other example, if we look other games like lotro or dcuo each features an outfit system. WOW too, has, after years, introduced those features, why there is no such thing ?

It's unconcevaible that a 2012 game won't allow character customization in end-game.

Why not create then a removable armoring for the end-game set ? Or better, why not an outfit system for this game ?

I think bioware can't ignore this, because customization is an important part of all mmorpg, and we need this features quickly as possible up to date with the competitors.



Yup, I love cosmetic clothing choices. I hope at some point in the future they get around to this, it does add "flavor" to the game and a appeal to people that do not like stat based only character development.

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I'd simply like to see them expand the whole modification / orange gear system. Orange versions of all pre-50 gear available *somehow*, preferrrably through crafting, and we wouldn't even need an appearance tab.


Just a chance when RE-ing some piece of gear to get a blueprint for an orange BOE version of that very same piece of gear, with the exact same cosmetics, and the same (or slightly higher!) level requirement.


World drops would be pretty common to find in orange on the GTN, though probably still expensive. Mission rewards would be pretty rare on the other hand, since mission rewards tend to vary by class, most missions can be done only once, not everybody is an armormech/synthweaver, and most people won't get a blueprint out of the RE.


Could even allow this for companion gear while keeping the companion requirement intact. So an Armormech could RE Mako's original outfit for an orange version, but it'd still be a Mako-exclusive item.

Now try that for Qyzen's gear: you'd need a Consular Armormech to make that. I don't think I've run into one of those yet.


Aim/Cunning gear -> Armormech

Strength/Willpower gear -> Synthweaving

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i think they got bigger problems to fix before they add features


Well considering I hear them talk more about all the new content coming than bug fixes, I don't think EAware have gotten the memo yet.


And I agree, we need cosmetic or "appearance" slots. Most of the moddable gear is still ugly to me, including what they call "social" gear.

Edited by Zorvan
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I'd simply like to see them expand the whole modification / orange gear system. Orange versions of all pre-50 gear available *somehow*, preferrrably through crafting, and we wouldn't even need an appearance tab.



Yet another thing that worked so great in beta that EAware had to remove or nerf it for fear players would have too much fun and variety. In beta for the longest time, EVERYTHING in the game was moddable.

Edited by Zorvan
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Well considering I hear them talk more about all the new content coming than bug fixes, I don't think EAware have gotten the memo yet.


And I agree, we need cosmetic or "appearance" slots. Most of the moddable gear is still ugly to me, including what they call "social" gear.


Companies don't typically talk about bug fixes. New content is what will sell the game and new content often comes with bug fixes. When asked directly in interviews about specific bugs they have been more than willing to say they are aware and where they stand on teh bugs.


Also they have stated that they plan to make it so you can remove the armoring from the endgame set pieces and have the set bonus move with the armoring. So basically what the OP wants is planned to be there is some form.

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Yet another thing that worked so great in beta.


No it does not. Why? Read the yellow posts ... it was a big mess when it comes to balance.


There are so much informations directly from the devs, the people just need to read them.

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I'd simply like to see them expand the whole modification / orange gear system. Orange versions of all pre-50 gear available *somehow*, preferrrably through crafting, and we wouldn't even need an appearance tab.


Just a chance when RE-ing some piece of gear to get a blueprint for an orange BOE version of that very same piece of gear, with the exact same cosmetics, and the same (or slightly higher!) level requirement.


World drops would be pretty common to find in orange on the GTN, though probably still expensive. Mission rewards would be pretty rare on the other hand, since mission rewards tend to vary by class, most missions can be done only once, not everybody is an armormech/synthweaver, and most people won't get a blueprint out of the RE.


Could even allow this for companion gear while keeping the companion requirement intact. So an Armormech could RE Mako's original outfit for an orange version, but it'd still be a Mako-exclusive item.

Now try that for Qyzen's gear: you'd need a Consular Armormech to make that. I don't think I've run into one of those yet.


Aim/Cunning gear -> Armormech

Strength/Willpower gear -> Synthweaving





I don't like how cosmetic tabs have become an excuse for crappy looking gear.


I prefer that what you wear is what you wear but I would certainly like to see more gear choices.


Personally I was always a fan of the random generator drops for gear. That always made it more exciting that just saving up tokens to buy something that will be exactly like what someone else has. Even cosmetic outfits start to blend because only so many pieces look good with so many others, etc.

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Companies don't typically talk about bug fixes. New content is what will sell the game and new content often comes with bug fixes. When asked directly in interviews about specific bugs they have been more than willing to say they are aware and where they stand on teh bugs.


Also they have stated that they plan to make it so you can remove the armoring from the endgame set pieces and have the set bonus move with the armoring. So basically what the OP wants is planned to be there is some form.


No, it's just giving us what we already have. Being able to remove mods from 'end game" gear into the few moddable "choices" ( as so many items/armor in this game are just re-names of each other and re-skinned with a red stripe instead of a blue stripe ) we have already isn't improving anything.

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No, it's just giving us what we already have. Being able to remove mods from 'end game" gear into the few moddable "choices" ( as so many items/armor in this game are just re-names of each other and re-skinned with a red stripe instead of a blue stripe ) we have already isn't improving anything.


If they add cosmetic tabs to the game then I hope you only get bonus benefits from whatever is equipped at the moment. Seeing tanks run around in light robes or casters going incognito in heavy armor because it's on their cosmetic tab is not a good idea.


Cosmetic tabs should be a RP element only. Not a way to look just however you want to while wearing whatever gear with whatever bonuses.

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No it does not. Why? Read the yellow posts ... it was a big mess when it comes to balance.


There are so much informations directly from the devs, the people just need to read them.


There's no possible way for it to have unbalanced the game. EAware counts on the majority of people just reading what they say without actually questioning the validity of what they say.


Mods don't have changing stats. Mods also have level restrictions. So no matter what suit of armor you put a +12 END mod in, it's still only getting that +12 END. And you can't put a level 50 mod in a level 5 piece of armor.

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One of the most neglected aspects of this game is the character customization.

Some of the end-game set, like consular are really awful but there are many other example, if we look other games like lotro or dcuo each features an outfit system. WOW too, has, after years, introduced those features, why there is no such thing ?

It's unconcevaible that a 2012 game won't allow character customization in end-game.

Why not create then a removable armoring for the end-game set ? Or better, why not an outfit system for this game ?

I think bioware can't ignore this, because customization is an important part of all mmorpg, and we need this features quickly as possible up to date with the competitors.



Although it is conceivable that a 2012 game would not have character customization (/end sarcasm), I agree with and sign this post. We need, want and demand character customization.

Edited by Razyr
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If they add cosmetic tabs to the game then I hope you only get bonus benefits from whatever is equipped at the moment. Seeing tanks run around in light robes or casters going incognito in heavy armor because it's on their cosmetic tab is not a good idea.


Why not ? in other game work fine.

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If they add cosmetic tabs to the game then I hope you only get bonus benefits from whatever is equipped at the moment. Seeing tanks run around in light robes or casters going incognito in heavy armor because it's on their cosmetic tab is not a good idea.


Cosmetic tabs should be a RP element only. Not a way to look just however you want to while wearing whatever gear with whatever bonuses.


And of course, they listened to fashion police such as this guy.


"Bounty Hunters only wear Bounty hunter clothes and Sith Warriors only wear Sith Warrior robes!!"


I bet it's gonna kill you to know that right now my Bounty Hunter wears heavy robed armor and until the pistols are drawn looks just like a Sith coming at you.

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If they add cosmetic tabs to the game then I hope you only get bonus benefits from whatever is equipped at the moment. Seeing tanks run around in light robes or casters going incognito in heavy armor because it's on their cosmetic tab is not a good idea.


Cosmetic tabs should be a RP element only. Not a way to look just however you want to while wearing whatever gear with whatever bonuses.


In MMO's that I have played that have appearance modification of some sort this really isn't that big of a problem.


Yes you will have a few people running around in gear that is designed to either be an eye soar or just to mess with people, but almost everyone you see on a daily basis just wears what they think looks good.


It also helps that not everyone looks like a complete clone of each other. I look like pretty much every other Jedi Guardian, and that makes me sad. I'd very much like to have what other MMO's have as far as appearance tabs.


Also please don't make us wait six years to get it like WoW did. Make it two months after launch like Rift did.

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You seem to be forgetting that we already have a system in place that allows for the same customization as other games. Get yourself some orange gear and put in the stats you want. Carry that piece of armor from 10 to 50 if you want to. I believe they've said that they have or intend to have orange versions of every look available.
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I don't think I can ever understand this argument about SW:TOR. You are playing in a SW universe. Does Mace Windu run around in pink tights and a polka dot muffler to go along with his purple lightsaber? No. Jedi are in earth tones. Does Capt Rex blast droids wearing a kilt? No. Troopers, be they republic, clone or storm, are in white gear with coloring according to rank/specialty. Sith wear black.


Deal with it.


The only classes I see this being an issue with are Smugglers/BH's.


Now, as far as Character Facial Customization, yes please more options but, as another poster above said, there are bigger problems with the game. Lets get those fixed first.

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No, it's just giving us what we already have. Being able to remove mods from 'end game" gear into the few moddable "choices" ( as so many items/armor in this game are just re-names of each other and re-skinned with a red stripe instead of a blue stripe ) we have already isn't improving anything.


The OP flat out asks for removable armoring from end game items and that is what he is getting. That essentially makes all end game gear orange items. I still have a complete orange set that I will transfer all the end game mods into. This will give me the look I want. It's exactly what the OP is talking about.

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Totally agree with the OP.


I will be very glad to see more customization for my character.


An outfit system similar to the one used in lotro would be really nice.



and also an option to turn on/off the hood ;)

Edited by matsnake
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