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Tip: How I've found groups with PM


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Oh, and btw, since you know, I've seen a few posts from people hinting that this is partly a "veterans of the genre don't mind getting random PMs" thing, can anyone here tell us when the fist /ignore function was implemented in a mmorpg?


You see I know because I was actually there at the time.


Here I'll just tell you.


It was 1999, not long after UO implemented their in-game chat system.


What was the primary reason for the /ignore function?


The numbers of messages from crafters and gatherers sending PMs to random strangers trying to sell their wares was starting to drive players crazy.

There is a huge difference between someone asking to PUG and a goldseller or crafter trying to drum up business. If you can't understand the difference....

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I play Republic on a low pop server, and spamming general is just not the best way to find groups for flashpoints or heroics. And nobody uses the built in "LFG" system. So I have an alternative. (This sounds like a lot of work but it's really not.)


Intstead of spamming general, I:


1. "/who" the applicable zone.


2. Sort by class.


2. Simply PM whoever I think would do the job. So if we need a healer, I'll start with PM'ing sages. "Hey, would you be interested in healing for X in 10 mins? We could really use a good healer."


Doing this, I seem to get a bite pretty fast. I've never had anyone be mad at getting PM'd out of the blue. They just say they're busy or don't respond at all. I'm sure some don't even see it, but there are usually enough players to make up for it.

Actually, I think people are flattered to actually be sought out instead of just tagging along.


Does anyone else do this? Does it work at higher levels? (I'm only in my 30's so far.)



(By the way, I'm not against a better LFG tool, cross-server grouping, or server merges. Just thought this works well in the meantime.)



Stop being social. Clearly you are exploiting the system. :)

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I do what the OP does, and it works magic, so much so i have had very successful groups.


I have never really thought of myself as being very socially adept but apparently i am pretty good at it.


its really sad to see all these people who are so against actually talking to strangers that they expect a system to do the searching and matching for them...


I am sorry but i like to leave the matching to professionals such as http://www.eharmony.com


k thnx bai

Edited by justahdude
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Oh, and btw, since you know, I've seen a few posts from people hinting that this is partly a "veterans of the genre don't mind getting random PMs" thing, can anyone here tell us when the fist /ignore function was implemented in a mmorpg?


You see I know because I was actually there at the time.


Here I'll just tell you.


It was 2010, not long after UO implemented their in-game chat system. Er.. no.


What was the primary reason for the /ignore function?


The numbers of messages from crafters and gatherers sending PMs to random strangers trying to sell their wares was starting to drive players crazy.





uhm.. dates wrong.. and it might of had something to do with the large amounts of gold farmers spamming... or I could just be remembering history wrong. after all we had player vendors in that game, and spamming W britain bank, was the popular thing to do in those days.

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uhm.. dates wrong.. and it might of had something to do with the large amounts of gold farmers spamming... or I could just be remembering history wrong. after all we had player vendors in that game, and spamming W britain bank, was the popular thing to do in those days.


Er, no.


Those patch notes only say that "Ignore Player" is now on by default. Not that the "Ignore Player" feature was finally implemented.


Your Google-Fu is weak.

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I've had a large number of people sand me replies "You are now going on ignore" doing this, and then the rest of the time no response at all. Randomly PMing people is very rude.


Really? That's kind of.. well, I don't even know what to call it. Moronic probably would best describe it.


Randomly whispering someone is far from rude. Cold invites, that's another story. But asking one person once if they'd like to join you for an event is so far from being rude it makes me laugh that people have actually done this to you.


Sure, some people aren't going to respond because they just miss the whisper. Just like things in general get passed by. But people actually adding you on the ignore list for a simple whisper? This is what's wrong with MMOs today honestly..

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