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I'm embarrassed to wear my Columi gear around.


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I don't know what you are all complaining about! It's *still* a new game ffs! It's not like Bioware coppied this game using great ideas from other games that they have researched over the years. Honestly, who in this modern age of MMO gaming still wants to look different?


I mean, take Aion for example, you wouldn't want their skinning system where you can skin almost any item over another for the looks. Why the frick would you want that? You'll just get ppl selling skins all the time, or ppl grinding instas just to get that rare skin, and ppl will all look different and the game will struggle to load all the different skins.


I'm with Bioware on this one. Why do ppl want to look different? All it does is to drive ppl to be individuals, and promotes grind by ppl who soooo desperately want a certain skin and making then play more. Or ppl camping rare NPC spawns that sell rare skins, or ppl showing off rare skins from certain bosses that only drop under certain circumstances (Like very very hard modes).


Trust me, you don't want that sort of thing here. ¬_¬


Oh no, you posted in blue text. You must be really important or at least think you are! ;)


Seriously, whenever I see someone post in a colour that isn't the board default, it sets of my teenager trying to "express them self" alarm & I skip the post.


If what you are about to say is worth reading leave it in default post colour as it will more likely be rad by others and not skipped.


You may have some points in the passage but I will never know as you chose blue text.

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As a trooper I can't even look at the Columni helmet...

I am still looking back and putting my orange Clone Trooper helmed whenever possible, because it is the ONLY helmet I think that looks nice.


The Columni one looks like ... this little thing with too much foreskin, or simply an ugly worm.

Want to have a laugh? Put that helmet on Elana Dorne. She's slim and she'll look like a total worm in that.

Disgusting. I hate it... I can't even express how hideous it is.


Now for the rest of the trooper Columni gear - it's really nice looking. I love the orange look.


My only concern are the Trooper helmets, because most of them look worse than terrible.

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>.< Can someone please hire a real designer? I look like a tauren wannabe wearing shin guards strapped to my shoulders.


If you wore any of the WoW Tier Armor you have no reason to complain....all of that crap looks like the result of a Richard Simmons acid trip.


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Oh no, you posted in blue text. You must be really important or at least think you are! ;)


Seriously, whenever I see someone post in a colour that isn't the board default, it sets of my teenager trying to "express them self" alarm & I skip the post.


If what you are about to say is worth reading leave it in default post colour as it will more likely be rad by others and not skipped.


You may have some points in the passage but I will never know as you chose blue text.


LOL I think the same thing. Especially when the haters post in gold trying to pretend they work for BW...

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Whoever designed the gear in this game should be fired PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I dont understand it. I WANT TO HEAR FROM THE BW ART TEAM


why is headgear so bad? Why are so many of the light and medium armors just TERRIBLE looking?


WHY DO THE FORUM AVATARS look so much cooler than in-game characters?

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I have no desire to get the high end pvp/raid gear at 50, they are so fugly looking. I've ended up modding lvl 20ish gear on my level 50 because anything after that I really can't stand. lol Most of my gear is orange jugg stuff too (I'm a BH), I think alot of the BH gear outside of some chestpieces look muddy and horrible. I'm wearing the blue chestpiece from BT because it the coolest looking BH piece imo!


Is it just me or do almost all of the BH legs look exactly the same with different colors??


edit: Oh and I would love to be able to use the social gear without taking an armor hit but can't as it is light armor only. grrr!

Edited by Fayecell
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I've never seen so many people agree on a topic on this forum before.


If we had to generalize, everything past 40 is bad, and everything before it is at least tolerable.


Dial back on the extravagant, it kinda works in other games like wow because they have a suited art direction that supports elongation and unique outlines and color themes.


Rule of thumb: no goofy shoulders, and helmets, and we'll be good.


Did I get the art director job?

Edited by kalexkhan
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best looking ive found for sorcers is the foundry gear from bp and foundry with the kalligs helmet. looked very nice to me. i agree with columi gear although i can live with every piece but the helmet. looks like i got a dunce cap or a towel on my head. absolutely hate the helmet. i would like the shoulders to be scaled back some but i can live with that piece actually but not that freaking ugly dunce cap they call a helmet.
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All of the gear - and yes, I mean all of it - needs a complete and total art direction change. Looking half decent at levels 1 - 10 is acceptable. Beyond there, you have to progressively look more awesome.


In terms of the art direction chosen, I'm not even sure where to begin on whats wrong with a lot of the pieces of gear. It seems as though the developers literally said, "How do we make people look as horrible, and as ugly as possible?"


Terrible . . . just terrible.

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This game has the most hideous gear designs of any of the 15 or so MMO's I have played. Everyone is running around looking like horrible lamp fixtures.


While you are at it, please allow a 'hide head slot' for companions. Most of the headgear is this game looks like it was designed by 9 year olds.

Edited by Bluejayoo
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I play a Sorcerer healer. I was in awe when I previewed the Ops gear for Inquisitors. One set makes you look like you're wearing a dunce cap, the other makes you look like a child dressing up as a buffalo. I will not be spending tokens until they come out with different designs or revamp current ones.


As a matter of fact, most armor from level 30 on is recycled; simply different colors or a different accessory on the same chest and helmet over and over. Hell, the Rakata helmet for Sorcerers has nearly the same skin as a level 49 green helmet!


On the other hand, I think the PvP Sorcerer gear looks spectacular, and the Sith Warrior PvP and Ops gears look awesome too. They may be recycled, but they still look awesome.

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My only comment would be stop looking at JRPGs for art inspiration. Massive shoulder pads and plates looks utterly ridiculous no matter how you cut it.


exactly, we're not gundams.


maybe include a COUPLE big shoulder armor or something, but make it for classes that should be heavily mechanized- soldiers + B hunters.


even then, tone it the **** down

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Sadly, I must agree with the sentiments expressed here. It's strange that with so much good looking, star wars-feeling assets in the game, the art team decided on this direction for end-game gear. I can only assume they wanted to do something distinctive, patterned it after tier gear from WoW, and ended up with some very exaggerated looks.


I hope in the future the end-game art team manages to get a better handle on the Star Wars aesthetic. There's a huge amount of art already out there to pull from (movies, comics, cartoons) and it's only a matter of embracing that and taking it to the next level.


More creative use of color and lighting effects on armor might be a good place to start.

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We need better looking endgame gear...


...rather, we need less rediculous endgame gear.


If they give us all the best/good looking gear at the start of the game (= current end-game), then what they could possibly give us later on with higher tier end-game? :rolleyes:

Edited by Viikuna
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>.< Can someone please hire a real designer? I look like a tauren wannabe wearing shin guards strapped to my shoulders.


Did you know that all of the game art now and in the future is made by Russia, China, and Estonia? It should be no surprise then, that you'll likely never be really satisfied with the results considering they are not made with Western tastes that relate to Star Wars better.

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