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A Lot of Quitters in PvP


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could it be because people are sick of having to team up with others who don't know the most basic of stratagies and team play?.


After (at the time of writing this) 27 STRAIGHT lossess, I too will leave if conditions are right.. EG.. If def in voidstar and the first door drops in seconds, im out, not helping/passing in huttball etc etc so forth and so on.


as far as I noticed there is no strategies and team play.... just zerging... better geared team always win cause there is huge difference in gear between already geared pvpers and starters who just got 50...and this difference makes huge gap between abilities of players to make dmg and defend, so basicly just looking at your team mates hp you can say that you are going to win or you will lose again ;) maybe when all players joining wz's will be max geared it will be looking more seriously...

thats the way how pvp in this game was designed :/ get used to it.

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as far as I noticed there is no strategies and team play.... just zerging... better geared team always win cause there is huge difference in gear between already geared pvpers and starters who just got 50...and this difference makes huge gap between abilities of players to make dmg and defend, so basicly just looking at your team mates hp you can say that you are going to win or you will lose again ;) maybe when all players joining wz's will be max geared it will be looking more seriously...

thats the way how pvp in this game was designed :/ get used to it.


What's sad is most people don't realize this and continue to waste time going over strats or quitting over the lack of strat.


There was a game there are 6 BMs on the other side and my team looked like 8 random guys. Through some miraculously good coordiantion my side scored the first goal, and then they just killed everyone on our side and scored the next 6 goals without opposition. They weren't even necessarily great players. All they were doing is ensure none of our guys ever made it past halfway point and it's kind of hard to score when you never get past the halfway mark. We didn't stop using 'strat' after the first goal. It was just that a team with 6 BMs can quickly overcome any boneheaded moves with sheer firepower.


Actually, I take that back, I once lost a game with 6 BMs against a team of whatevers, but all the BMs besides me were running the wrong direction when they have the ball so when they died, it was literally like a football sack and we lost mega yardage per death and ended up losing 1-1.

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Why's "twinks" not work here? Although, I'm still dumbfounded it works in ANY game. Such a silly little idea.

Twinks worked in wow because the pvp put you into level brackets, eg, level 10-19 players, 20-29, 30-39 all had their own matches, I remember there was even a trainer you could go to who would stop you earning any more xp so you didnt accidentally ding.

Never got the point of it myself though, why you want to be in anything other than the top tier is beyond me, unless you just suck so badly pwning noobs with average gear compared to your best you can buy at level X is the only way you enjoy the game.



Bottom line there needs to penalties for deserting a warzone. Valor loss being a solid idea but doubtful. Most likely would be the 15min lockout that is the norm in other games.

I agree there needs to be some kind of debuff, but only once the WZ has actually started.

I personally hate huttball and refuse to play it at all, however I always apologise to the players who are going to play, and quit long before the match actually starts so someone else can join in time.

This would be fixed simply by BW allowing us to choose what game we want to play, a la wow, where you would actually queue for "alderaan civil war" or "Voidstar" instead of just the generic "I want to pvp"



And a afk vote. Will it be abused yes. Any other solution for people who who afk or hide in maps and do nothing?

Agree here too, ops leader (or helper) should be able to initiate the kick vote.

If the ops leader is afk for more than 30 seconds, auto reroll a new leader.

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Is anybody else seeing a lot of this. I normally que solo just to run and have some fun but it seems I have no chance of winning. Was sitting there waiting on an invite on my last que joined in not even a minute into the match when I see the score is 3-0. By the time I made my way down the tunnel to jump into action the other team scored again making it 4-0. Really I'm left to play their bad hand. I stick it out we ended up getting skunked 6-0. Now I am not one to just jump out just cause I'm losing we are all lvl 50's some with more skill then others but come on keep the fight going take your comms and move on to the next game. Easy thing for me to have done was bounce when I seen the 4-0 with just under 7 minutes left to play.


Is it wrong of me to complain about this. Personally I don't think so! Now for sure I solo que so perhaps that makes me a filler but come on I want a chance to compete. I want a chance to win just like the rest. I'm not trying to flame and to be honest the comms are much different if you win or lose. So to me take your lumps improve your game and enter your next PvP match


If anyone has greens, I leave

If more than 2 people go left in Alderran, I leave

If anyone dies in fire or acid, I leave

If my team isn't mostly Sorcs/Sages, I leave

If everyone on my team isn't a Battlemaster, I leave

If someone doesn't heal me, I leave

If I call inc and 10 people don't show up to help me, I leave

If any non-stealth go right in Voidstar, I leave


Just kidding, I have no idea why people rage quit all the time in PVP. They claim to like PVP, but you would never know that from seeing how they act. You will run into this in any game I have played, just a lot of bad losers in the world I guess.

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I'm valor 65 and would like to say;


I quit if there are more then 3 sorcs on the team.


I quit if they have a healer and we don't


I quit if the match starts 5 vs. 8


I quit voidstar if I start defending and anyone gets locked in the room


I quit huttball if they clearly have a pre-made and I don't


I quit voidstar is they have 2+ powertechs to defend the door


I quit civil war as soon as it's mathematically unwinnable


I quit huttball if I'm on my sniper or commando and there are more then 2 operatives running around ganking


Bottom line, I quit as soon as it looks like the match will not be enjoyable or we are going to lose.




Bioware designed a game where at level 50 the ONLY thing that matters is getting a win and where horrible class imbalances and design flaws can make matches between completely imbalanced teams the norm.


Why are you sticking around and playing matches that are not going to be any fun?


I just cycle until I'm on the team with 3 sages, or the pre-made group in huttball, or the powertech heavy voidstar team, and get the 3 wins I need.


Then, and only then, can I start PVPing just for fun. IF I have any time left.

Edited by lexiekaboom
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I'm valor 65 and would like to say;


Bottom line, I quit as soon as it looks like the match will not be enjoyable or we are going to lose.




I agree with alot, but i only quit for this reason if we getting farmed, not if we loose and they end it right away.

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I'm valor 65 and would like to say;


I quit if there are more then 3 sorcs on the team.


I quit if they have a healer and we don't


I quit if the match starts 5 vs. 8


I quit voidstar if I start defending and anyone gets locked in the room


I quit huttball if they clearly have a pre-made and I don't


I quit voidstar is they have 2+ powertechs to defend the door


I quit civil war as soon as it's mathematically unwinnable


I quit huttball if I'm on my sniper or commando and there are more then 2 operatives running around ganking


Bottom line, I quit as soon as it looks like the match will not be enjoyable or we are going to lose.




Bioware designed a game where at level 50 the ONLY thing that matters is getting a win and where horrible class imbalances and design flaws can make matches between completely imbalanced teams the norm.


Why are you sticking around and playing matches that are not going to be any fun?


I just cycle until I'm on the team with 3 sages, or the pre-made group in huttball, or the powertech heavy voidstar team, and get the 3 wins I need.


Then, and only then, can I start PVPing just for fun. IF I have any time left.


I couldn't agree more. IF you can't fight them, join them. Giving a deserter debuff is a terrible idea...horrible idea even for several reasons. First of all, let's clarify.


Huttball is NOT PvP even though BW want You who have not played DAoC, UO, GW etc to think so....no, it's so far from pvp that it makes us who want to PvP not even want to play it....why should we be debuffed when we can't choose to ignore a non pvp warzone?


But since hutball is in the game, don't even bother playing it unless you are ranged with knockbacks...preferably a sorc/sage or trooper/merc or equal...i guess guard/jug is ok too...either way, no kb and several other cc - no point.


Class imbalance is the worst, probably worst in mmo history...only beaten by AoC.


The problem is the broken SYSTEM that is based around RNG bags and daily, weekly quests that you can't complete without a win... a win you can't control because even IF you make a premade chances are you'll go up against another premade with 4 sages/sorcs etc...and theres nothing you can do about it.


Another big issue is that there are basically 0 skills in this game. No cc immunity (no, resolve is a terrible system not working), no real interrupts (look up daoc thats how it's supposed to be), no real defined classes, combat balanced around 1v1 instead of 8v8 (which would be WZ vs WZ)....and so on.


On top of it even if you happens to have 7 sages or 7 sorcs in your team...if your opponent have even a half dumb healer you'll loose if you don't have a healer with you...if you don't win your wz you might as well leave, i usually play my WZ's through but huttball i don't even start if i don't see sorcs/juggs since without them its 100% guaranteed loss...i just leave and save me the time.


Nobody should be penalized for working around a terribly broken system. Seriously, why would anyone want to play a wz with 4 marauders and 4 snipers? Even 1 marauder and 1 sniper is bad enough, without 2 pocket healers (which is never happening in a pug)...point is, why should anyone be penalized for leaving a wz that you have slim to 0% chance of winning no matter your skills? And most importantly, if you don't want to play anything other than civil/void why should you be arsed with a debuff for leaving hutball which isn't even pvp?


No...with current system i leave with my dignity intact if i don't think i have the chance to win with the team i get.


Fix the system and noone will leave.


To fix the system, the class balances have to be fixed.

To fix the class balances, bw should stop looking at the insanely bad pvp system from wow and look at real pvp from daoc, uo, gw, eve, ao etc.



And fyi, any game where gear > skills has a broken pvp system. To fix that hardcaps and removal of expertise is a 100% must.


Bw can decide to not introduce hardcaps of stats, and keep the expertise stat but if they do no real pvper will say this game will have any skills. A fresh 50 should not loose 97/100 times because of gear if they're a better player.


Gear should matter to some point, but it should not be required to pvp - that's when you know your pvp design.


Classes also need to be put into distinct roles instead of mixing the best dps, healer and survivability into the same class (sages/sorcs...hush bw might find out).


No but seriously, go figure why daoc, uo, eve, ao is always on the top pvp game lists and wow is not even meantioned. Skills was 95% in those games, and people still did pvp for the fun and entertainment of it - BW listen to the real pvpers, not the wow-players.


...now im going to continue leave wz after wz until i find one that will finish my quests so i can start pvping for fun (although still insta leaving b.u.t.t.b.a.l.l)

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On my server it takes like a good 5 minutes to get a game queue solo, much longer if you queue as a group (group queues don't get ragequit spots).


I'd say there's at least 50% chance when you solo queue you just joined an unwinnable game due to the aforementioned ragequitters, and that's probably being generous.


Therefore if you queue solo you basically need 10 minutes before you get a game that started on even ground. It seems ridiculous to abandon an even game (15 minute duration, presumably 50/50 chance of winning) when it takes you 10 minutes to just get to another game with the same opportunity.


To all the guys who think you're very smart with quitting for 'faster wins', keep in mind you're not the only people thinking about this so most likely you're just joining other games where people quit thinking the exact thing as you. I mean, if people are only doing this to get their dailys done, and I still see people ragequitting before even seeing the oppositon, I've to assume all those guys are still unable to get their 3 wins for the day since otherwise they shouldn't even be queued in the first place.


A deserter penalty is probably needed to protect people from themselves. If you're constantly quitting games you're just spending most of your time back in the queue and joining other guaranteed loss games. Note that if you stuck to the end of a game, since at that time 16 people left the game at the same time, you're most likely going to have your next that involves the same 16 guys in some way, so at least it started out on even ground. Unfortunately people don't do this and throw away a 50/50 game only to take the spot of a fellow ragequitter and end up wasting everyone's time. A deserter penalty, while not really needed (the ragequitters already hurt themselves), might protect the ragequitters from their own stupidity.

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Never got the point of it myself though, why you want to be in anything other than the top tier is beyond me, unless you just suck so badly pwning noobs with average gear compared to your best you can buy at level X is the only way you enjoy the game.


Pretty sure I may have posted this in this thread, but twinking has one redeeming quality, once, you've geared up you are done. I also found they had a better community than what you found at max level as the wow community has gotten terrible.


On the other hand, I found it too easy and deleted my toon after a couple of weeks.

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Well some premade setups (especially a couple of notorious guilds with bm gears) you try to win for a certain amount of time, but you can tell by how hard you get owned early on that things will not suddenly turn around. Having seperate premade queue will help a lot imo (I do play in guild premades myself and do not enjoy it when I stomp a team).
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I've noticed a lot of BMs quit without even seeing the oppositon. I guess they're not comfortable if they're not with 3 other BMs in a premade, but then why did they queue solo in the first place?


There was a quote I saw when a guy describes his enemy: "This guy is a spineless coward, so if you see him come after you one day, run for your life, because he will only show up when he has no possibility of losing." That seems to describe a lot of players too. I know if I see certain players on the enemy side, I'm about to lose very badly because there's no way that guy would dare to stay in the game without having the deck stacked in his favor.


when i'm trying to get my daily done before i sleep (and usually have about one hour), i'll simply hop out of the wz if i see my team is drastically undergeared and i know the enemy is a premade (pretty much every civil war or void star i play at that hour).


Other times, such as on weekends, when i dont need to like, go to work, i generally stick around unless my team is clearly making no effort whatsoever to play the objective. losing? it happens, completely ignoring the zone objective? yeah screw that.


It also depends which class im on, my powertech for example can carry even the most scrubby of people to huttball victory.

Edited by Adzzy
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A deserter penalty is probably needed to protect people from themselves. If you're constantly quitting games you're just spending most of your time back in the queue and joining other guaranteed loss games.


You're missing one very important element of the discussion.


Being queued doesn't stop you from doing anything else except flashpoints.



I PvP for fun, but I don't enjoy it enough to do it for practically no benefit. The efficiency difference between bags from daily/weekly vs. bags from farming commendations is something close to 10 to 1, or worse. There is almost no point at all to staying in a losing warfront if you have _ANYTHING_ else you can be doing in your waiting time.


They could put in a 30 minute debuff, and I would still leave a blatent loss at the first opportunity. It's like playing the lottery, only you can choose to pull out when you see the ball careening at a number that isn't yours, and hold on to your ticket for the next one.


Ultimately, the entire reward system in PvP is a blatent and failed attempt at gating the speed at which people can acquire gear, by forcing it into daily/weekly and drastically reducing the value of real time farming. Well, that's fine, but I can play that game too. **** you and your time wasting losses, I play for wins.

Edited by Delekii
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  • 6 months later...
I'm valor 65 and would like to say;


I quit if there are more then 3 sorcs on the team.


I quit if they have a healer and we don't


I quit if the match starts 5 vs. 8


I quit voidstar if I start defending and anyone gets locked in the room


I quit huttball if they clearly have a pre-made and I don't


I quit voidstar is they have 2+ powertechs to defend the door


I quit civil war as soon as it's mathematically unwinnable


I quit huttball if I'm on my sniper or commando and there are more then 2 operatives running around ganking


Bottom line, I quit as soon as it looks like the match will not be enjoyable or we are going to lose.




Bioware designed a game where at level 50 the ONLY thing that matters is getting a win and where horrible class imbalances and design flaws can make matches between completely imbalanced teams the norm.


Why are you sticking around and playing matches that are not going to be any fun?


I just cycle until I'm on the team with 3 sages, or the pre-made group in huttball, or the powertech heavy voidstar team, and get the 3 wins I need.


Then, and only then, can I start PVPing just for fun. IF I have any time left.


Because of this guy (person writing bull---- above in quotes) and his friends our PVP suck most of the time, like ppl read his stupid post what to do.



Fight until the end and keep spirit of PVP in the air, if you are loosing try no matter what to gain victory back.



We were losing in Novare cost 56% to 2% and at the last moment we cap mid, with a lot of fight we won.

That`s why some of us play pvp.



Edited by MikanoNGF
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People asking for debuffs for leavers, don't realize that this will kill pvp. I am, sick of fighting better geared and\or premades. Once i cannot quit fail games arranged by fail matchups system, i will simply stop queueing for pvp all together.
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Because of this guy (person writing bull---- above in quotes) and his friends our PVP suck most of the time, like ppl read his stupid post what to do.



Fight until the end and keep spirit of PVP in the air, if you are loosing try no matter what to gain victory back.



We were losing in Novare cost 56% to 2% and at the last moment we cap mid, with a lot of fight we won.

That`s why some of us play pvp.




LOL at your epic Necro, when there are soooo many quitter threads these days.


Actually, what I learned from reading some of the posts, especialy the one you quoted, was that powertechs were OP even in February! :eek:

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I tried it in wow. Made a shaman, took him to the 49's and geared him out. What I heard at the time is that it was all about the pvp. It wasn't bad, they did have a community, but the team that won was whomever happened to Q with the most twinks. And they really weren't that good. I got bored after a couple of weeks and deleted the toon.


The one thing I will say for it is that once you have gear you never have to look back. I think it's a huge plus not having to chase gear every 4 months. It's a really stupid, almost insane, treadmill to be on when you think about it. But, here we are.


Twinks in WoW come in two flavors.


1. The good ones - there are Twink 70 PvP guilds that play exclusively against other twink 70 guilds (when they aren't harrassing 80-85 players for fun :p) They just enjoy PvP at that level and farming for the BIS gear for 70s.


2. The bad ones - that get Cata gear that they can use at 77-79 and just play in the under 80 BGs to feel godly against people coming up and wearing level appropriate gear. This is the category I feel our SWTOR level 49 twinks fall into. They can't compete at 50 so they dress out their level 49 characters, decimate the competition with their "godly" skills (has nothing to do with their gear, extra abilities, etc.) and tell everyone else that it is fair and fun because bolster makes it an even match, right?. :rak_03:

Edited by Erasimus
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I only quit when my team is so bad that there's no chance I'll get anything decent as rewards. Today I was grouped with the stupidest voidstar team I've seen in a long time.


Most of the time, they would leave me alone to get stunlocked while the bomb is planted. When they do come over by me, they run away after an obvious distraction while I get stunlocked and the bomb is planted. The other team blew through in under 2 minutes, so i quit.

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