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A Lot of Quitters in PvP


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World pvp is more or less dead on my server. Sure there is some, but it's not that exciting (plus the lag is horrible), and doing warzones with the same folks gets old. I like the xrealm pvp idea.


Anyways, about leaving warzones, well that is a given for any Battlemaster cause there is no point in earning valor until new gear comes out. I presevered to rank 60, stayed in warzones win or lose for the valor, and now there is no point in doing warzones unless I'm wanting to complete the daily. I have all the gear I want from the Battlemaster vendor. Hell, I don't even need to do the dailies anymore! No point in even logging in on this toon until my guild does some pve to improve my pvp gear. I'd rather leave a warzone that is most likely going to lose to allow another player who needs to grind valor like I did. It's not hard to predict if there is a chance to comeback and win (those ones I usually stay).


Then why are you even queuing in the first place?

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Then why are you even queuing in the first place?


I"m not so much anymore lol. It's a nice relief actually. Just wanted to comment on the thread. I came to this realization recently. I do agree people leaving is lame at times, but sometimes better players come in and help the potential comeback. I do like to queue at times for a pvp fix, earn a little valor for when the new gear is implemented, and other benefits (but overall MUCH less than before).

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Then why are you even queuing in the first place?


Probably for the daily/weekly.


The way things work now, a BM only queues for fun or to get their daily/weekly finished. Valor and rank mean absolutely zero beyond 60. You cannot buy anything worth having with commendations -- aside from perhaps stims and medpacs -- once you are a BM.


If Bioware is smart, this will change with the new system they are putting in. People will be able to save commendations for BM gear as wella s Centurion gear and Champion gear. But given past experience in this game, they are probably just hamhandedly trying to put out the Champion gear fire and totally not noticing the massive problems with the system at the BM level. (Heck, I'd be surprised if they even have the forethought to allow us to buy Champion gear with commendations instead of waiting for random drops til BM.)

Edited by Yozbick
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All of the baddies ragequit once they realize that the other players on the team are not going to carry them to a victory for their daily.


Stick a 15min queue lockout on the quitters. Make them live up to what they committed to doing, playing a warzone. The current system only punishes players that want to play in the warzones because their experience is constantly effected by people on their team quitting and taking advantage of the queue system.



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You can prevent this by queuing up with a friend so you dont get pull into losing games. You spent 5 minute in a game and earn points in it already. Why leave? You'd lose all the points you've gained by playing the game to its conclusion.


On my server players join and look for the enemys pre-mades, if it's one of the many uber1337 imp premades most players just leave instantly.


It's annoying yes, and yes it pays to stay, but ask yourself, how many times can you endure being farmed in every warzone over and over through no fault of your own?

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Well...no wonder ppl are quitting. Queue solo now is a nightmare, with only fresh ppl failing to farm not bother trying to win in your team against mostly premades. And if that isnt enough pvp as a melee in all wz are a lagfest, my insta skills use 3secs from pushing them until they unleash, and using skills only usable from behind is useless. And for the second time today i was dc'ed from a wz we was winning easily, so still need a few more for my daily since some of the few u win dont even count....


So gg BW, lets just ignore ppl getting 20 ranks by exploiting Ilum and let them keep it as a reward, and punish ppl that are trying to earn it fair with not fixing a problem u been aware of from the beginning....

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I would have to agree with this. As an Empire player, I find this frusterating. On my server (Vrook Lamar), we actually have Republic players who play awesomely and definitely know how to coordinate well.


We have good (usually good) Empire players, but some quit not even a few minutes in to the warzone when they see that the Republic is running with "pre-made" groups. But what is truly frusterating is the lack of communication and coordination on my team's side. That with a combination of people whom don't know how to effectively play their class in PvP equals a loss (90% of the time). PvE does not equal PvP and I think a lot of our players (Empire side) are thinking it's not that different.


I'm usually one that'll try to form a strategy with a pick-up group, and I probably come across as a ________ (insert expletive word here). Still, some people just want to do their own thing, which leads to being scattered and Republic being easily able to pick us off one at a time.


To stay on topic here though... Yes, there are some players who quit (or give up, or accept defeat) in PvP on my server.

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Probably for the daily/weekly.


Is there a point to the daily/weekly once you're in full battlemaster gear?


I'm not trying to be facetious, I'm genuinely curious. There are several people on my server who I see all the time in warzones, wearing full battlemaster down to the relics & implants. I'm always glad to see them in a PUG, because they are all pretty awesome teammates for reasons well beyond being fully geared. They were carrying a bad teams over the victory line back when they had a piece or two of champion gear.


But I've been assuming they just _like_ PVP (which is why they both excel AND are fully geared)


But do they actually get any genuine reward from their dailies other than a few stims, a smidgen of legacy XP and the thrill of victory?

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A deserter debuff makes sense. I would think it's pretty standard in most MMOs. Maybe since the game has disconnect issues they have been hesitant on implementing this right now.


An hour may be drastic, but 15 - 30mins seems reasonable. I have left a couple of times before the match starts because a guildee wants to join the group and we need to re-que, but never because I was losing. Shoot, you still get valor, credits, legacy xp, I never got the whole deserter thing - childish imo.

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Is there a point to the daily/weekly once you're in full battlemaster gear?


I'm not trying to be facetious, I'm genuinely curious. There are several people on my server who I see all the time in warzones, wearing full battlemaster down to the relics & implants. I'm always glad to see them in a PUG, because they are all pretty awesome teammates for reasons well beyond being fully geared. They were carrying a bad teams over the victory line back when they had a piece or two of champion gear.


But I've been assuming they just _like_ PVP (which is why they both excel AND are fully geared)


But do they actually get any genuine reward from their dailies other than a few stims, a smidgen of legacy XP and the thrill of victory?


You'd be surprised how many people pvp just for the love of it...even on swtor.

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I quit WZ's as soon as I see more than 1 level 10-20 in the WZ. They are so completely useless that I'd just get frustrated with them. I'd rather leave early and make room for another useless lowbie so they can lose and learn together, rather than waste my time.
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Let me reiterate what I just posted.


The MAIN REASON people leave games is because of the flawed daily system of having to get THREE WINS in order to turn in the quest. I've had days where I want to be done with everything by a set time and can't because of a WZ losing streak. The end result is frustration which makes me hop in and out of games to try and get three wins. This almost always happens on the weekdays where I can't find anyone to premade. I mean it takes me thirty minutes at most to get my Ilum daily done, but can take hours to get my 3 WZ wins if I'm having a rough night.


Good premade = fast three wins most of the time.


Putting a deserter timer will just make people not even try when the games over. Everyone will just say "let them win quick" as soon as it turns south.


It's a problem with the dailies (Ilum is another issue for different servers), not the players. When I was grinding to BM I didn't care if I won or lost because I went to get as much valor as possible. I cranked up the music and just went with the flow.


So you got two modes of players; grind valor or finish dailies.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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Tell me why should I stay in a PVP WZ?


Yes, sometimes people leave WZ, sometimes maybe it's because they got a call and dont want to gimp the team with an inactive player so they leave to give someone else a chance to play.


And sometimes people leave because they want to finish their daily in a reasonable time frame and their team sucks.


Yes, believe it or not, hard as it is to imagine, sometimes I am in a group with level 50's who have had 50 goddamn levels to play the same three maps and they manage to **** it up beyond belief by not knowing the simplest of PVP strategies, I can understand if they are under geared or fresh new 50's and need help or guidance, and maybe they have done only PVE to 50. And I don't mind staying to help via directions in OPS etc


But after your 10th loss after 10 crappy PUG teams, yeah you are going to cut your losses at some point, in general you know in the first 2 minutes of a match how it's going to play out. And why should I be forced to endure the pain of a crappy team for 8 more minutes?


And then there are times when I join a match late and help turn it around for a team with 4 minutes to go.


With a 15 minute or hour penalty carebear lockout

I get penalized if I get a phone call and leave so someone else can join.

I get penalized if I dont want to play with ANOTHER bad pug.

I get penalized and cant join a match late to help turn it around, forcing those who are in a match and short to endure even worse odds.



No lockouts keep WZ ques flowing, and add to player flexability so people can PVP how and when they want, this is a good thing in the long run

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I am Valor 66 (almost 67). I grinded my rank on a server dominated by Imps (I'm republic) by playing as a lowbie against premade level 50s. On my server, all the early starters went Empire, so when we got the game, the other side was already level 50 earning Champ PvP gear whiel we were below 50 playing with the bolster. So basically, we lost 90% of the games we played.


I never quit a game. In fairness, I was earning exp, so losing didnt hurt that much maybe.


But after becoming a Battle-master, I started leaving games. Why?


Mainly frustration. I dont need gear, exp, credits, valor or anything else any more. I play purely for fun.


I don't bail on a team because we are losing. But if my teamates aren't even trying, Why should I stay? It's not that hard. Guard the door. Don't chase. Fight at the turret. Don't chase. Play the ball. Don't go AFK.


I am not a perfectionist. If someone is a new player and makes a mistake, like letting a door/turret get ninjad. No problem. We keep fighting the good fight. But why should I play with teammates and waste 15-20 minutes of my life playing with people who arent even trying to win?


I saw a lot of responses in this thread about giving a penalty for leaving. Why? No one actually has explained why you are hurt if a teammate bails on you. Sure, in a small number of cases, maybe you would have won that game if he/she stayed. But most people only bail on an obvious loss. So I don't see any harm to you in most cases. You still get your exp/credits.


So explain it to me. I would be grateful.

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I always quit when i see the team is a bunch of monkeys who don't know what "teamwork" and "objectives" means. I don't mind losing against a team who plays better or has better gear, but i won't waste my time taking a loss because my team is bad. And yes i want to win for the daily/weekly, losing for fun isn't in my list of fun stuff to do.
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Look this is really very simple:


1. Losing is not fun EVER!!!! Do anyone deliberately join any game to lose in real life on purpose?


2. Why would anyone want to lose 50 times in a row and knows full well, this is the future?


3. The winner gets better gear so next match will be worse then the previous match.


4. Why try when you are out classed, out geared, and out numbered?


5. BioWare has not answered or asked any of these questions to us or themselves.

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I have quit a single warzone the entire time I've played SWTOR.


I left that single one because I joined a game in progress - a PUG vs pre-made where the pre-made was sitting at 5-0 at the 10 minute mark. They were no longer trying to score, and were instead just camping outside the enemy team repeatedly killing the players as they spawned.


Players were continuously leaving and having new players enter, leaving our team at a constant lower number of players. The warzone closedown count would warn, then cancel as new players join.


When I left, there were only 4 players on the team (counting me).

Edited by jcyrus
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Is there a point to the daily/weekly once you're in full battlemaster gear?


I'm not trying to be facetious, I'm genuinely curious. There are several people on my server who I see all the time in warzones, wearing full battlemaster down to the relics & implants. I'm always glad to see them in a PUG, because they are all pretty awesome teammates for reasons well beyond being fully geared. They were carrying a bad teams over the victory line back when they had a piece or two of champion gear.


But I've been assuming they just _like_ PVP (which is why they both excel AND are fully geared)


But do they actually get any genuine reward from their dailies other than a few stims, a smidgen of legacy XP and the thrill of victory?


I notice there are two kinds of BMs. There are the guys who you truly fear because they can, or at least try, to carry a team no matter how bad it is. They don't always succeed but they sure go down trying.


And then there are the BMs who feel uncomfortably without seeing 7 other BMs.


To be fair, the latter type is probably more scary to face since they'd never show their face without 7 other BMs. But you also don't see them very often since they're usually quitting before the game started, or at least as soon as it looks like it'd be trouble.

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