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Five things BioWare needs to add post launch in order to keep subscribers


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Before I start this thread I would like to keep the flaming out, I know i've created dumb threads in the past that are not possible nor relevant, however, lets put that aside shall we?


Also, before we go into discussion, this was my first video, I was a little nervous, and you can hear me stopping for a fiew seconds in between because I currently have strep throat. Im a 13 year old avid mmorpg player that has been following this game since late 2010. I've been playing mmo's in general with SWG being my first, when I was five years old.


Also, after watching my video please read the following before commenting on this thread or video, I probably didn't explain everything in full detail.


Link to my Channel



Five changes BioWare needs to make post launch in order to maintain subscribers:


5.) Combat Log - Not having a combat log -as a mmo player- is really frustrating. Not only does it affect the PvE crowd, it affects the PvP crowd too. It's really frustrating not knowing which abilities you should use and include in your rotation in order to achieve the best damage output in PvP and PvE


4.) Addons - A big part of WoW's success was user integrated addons, now it's not a large thing they should focus on, however they should add this. A majority of things ranging from UI customization to DPS meters can be created by users, causing less of a hassle on BioWare for the little stuff!


3.) Social - Now im not here to compare the social features from WoW to SWTOR,im here to compare the social features from SWTOR to games like LOTRO and SWG. See, WoW never really supported Social features that much apart from chat bubbles and guilds; most of it (Goldshire, outside Orgimar) was created as a place to hang out for the community. However, im not here to discuss this. I'm here to discuss how BioWare should add stuff to cantinas (like minigames) so people are attracted to them. See, completing these minigames would reward social points to players and sometimes credits. Also, Guild Capital Ships would be nice.


2.) Better OWpvp - I can not stress enough about how bad OWpvp is on illum, it's literally a zerg fest, farming, cluster-****. BioWare, take a few pointers from games like DaoC or Warhammer online when it comes to PvP.


1.) More stuff to do at endgame - I can not stress how annoying it is, that in every single mmo you do the same exact thing. Oh do some dailys, craft some stuff, do some warzones, flashpoints, and raid. No, well, I still want to do all that stuff, but im legit tired of that crap. I want to see new stuff like Open Space, or Swoop Racing, something new to endgame.


I hope you enjoyed this thread, please feel out your thoughts! Also a like and a sub wouldn't hurt :)

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Well, it is talking about suggesting stuff, but I was more on spot that this is comparing the lack of features it has to other mmos.


Take 4 out and I'll agree. Addons kill fun.


Also you sound like you're 12.

Edited by truedark
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Nice Vid for your first one, like the added humor. And I agree with your list ( would make a top ten or top 20 even)


Don't let the fan boy trolls bother you.


That's funny. Here's your train of thinking: Anybody who doesn't agree with me or my set of views is automatically a troll and/or a fanboy and should be ignored!


I'm so glad you're not running this game. :rolleyes:

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Im 13, anyway, I put in addons because it seems some of the community wants it!


Except it kills any fun whatsoever and eventually they become required. So unless BW bans people for requiring addons to get in a group, I won't support them.

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No reason for number 4 at all. The only people that are asking for them are indeed the minority.



Also, saying that these things need to be done in order for them to retain subscribers is nothing more then being subjective. Then again, the entire thread is just that, including my response. lol



Bio-Ware needs to continue to develop things for the game. 100% agree with that. Giving them a ransom list is not the way to go about things. This game is just over a month old. Need to give them time to get things placed into the game while addressing other issues that are there right now. Give them a years time before trying to hold a subscription ransom. Yes I said a years time. They have a ton to do and they are bringing more into the game then what the majority on these forums even know.


Also, I agree this needs to be in the suggestion box. :p

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@ OP


Your missing flashpoint/dungeon/looking for group finder that actually does its job.


This is crucial.


Dont like sitting in fleet for 1+ hour at a time just to run ONE flashpoint, only to discover the last dps we've been waiting on has to go because his cat/grandma/house is on fire.

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5.) Agreed, and already in the works. Don't know why it wasn't in release, but not really game breaking. Most important to those who want to be sure they are optimized for end game. Also good for arguments about needed class nerfs/buffs, a very popular forum topic,


4.) Meh, they make things easier and that makes some people happy. Stuff like more dynamic action bars and UI are already in the works and will be in soon. Mods like Gearscore are not really needed. The one I really miss is Power Auras. I know monitoring my procs is part of playing my class, but having a little more noticeable icon isn't too ez-mode is it? Raid frame click healing might be nice, but is pretty ez-mode in my opinion.


3.) Don't really see what your point is here. It's not very well developed. Guild capital ships I guess I can understand, but mini-games in cantinas for social points? Why not just earn social points by grouping for a FP or a heroic? What is the point of trying to draw people to cantinas? You just like the idea of more social activities there or what? Finally, I realize you didn't ask for chat bubbles, but I really wanna know why people want these so bad. Just because they are in WoW? What purpose do they really serve?


2.) Yeah, havent done much open world PVP, so I will take your word that it is horrible and unplayable. Taking points from WAR would be a bad idea though, far too much focus on severely nerfing PVE to balance PVP, which is the eternal problem with games that try to focus on both. One ends up taking precedence and ruining the other. I think this game is geared more towards PVE, so take that how you will. DAOC was awesome and was the last game I remember that actually had the three faction system everyone seems to think should be standard in MMO's now.


1.) See, this is the real problem. You are legit tired of the features that are in, but still want to be able to use those features when the mood strikes you. You admit you are burnt out on MMO endgames, but you buy a new MMO, get to endgame, and then are shocked that it seems like other MMO's. You also want a variety of other end game toys at the same time. These must all work well, with very few bugs, or the game fails. These kinds of time sinks for endgame might come eventually, but the game has been out for a little over a month. They should focus on fixing bugs and making any major game changes instead of adding more end game content.


Thanks for your reasonable and mature opinion. I will consider a sub to your YouTube channel once I have time to review the material you have presented there.

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All in all a good post.



I would like to add, that a real LFG system is crucial. As another player stated, it gets annoying sitting around waiting to find people, then half the time they leave.


A guild bank should have been in the game from the start.


The guild tab needs a last online feature so officers can boot non-playing people.


Lastly, trying to add friends who aren't online rarely works, and I can't add even one of my alts to my friends list.

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Sorry, you went 0 for 5.


The closest you came was #3, the game could use more social features, but it's not make or break.


The rest of the list is of zero importance to the casual players that are any MMO's bread and butter.


The fanboy is strong in this one.

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5.) Agreed, and already in the works. Don't know why it wasn't in release, but not really game breaking. Most important to those who want to be sure they are optimized for end game. Also good for arguments about needed class nerfs/buffs, a very popular forum topic,


4.) Meh, they make things easier and that makes some people happy. Stuff like more dynamic action bars and UI are already in the works and will be in soon. Mods like Gearscore are not really needed. The one I really miss is Power Auras. I know monitoring my procs is part of playing my class, but having a little more noticeable icon isn't too ez-mode is it? Raid frame click healing might be nice, but is pretty ez-mode in my opinion.


3.) Don't really see what your point is here. It's not very well developed. Guild capital ships I guess I can understand, but mini-games in cantinas for social points? Why not just earn social points by grouping for a FP or a heroic? What is the point of trying to draw people to cantinas? You just like the idea of more social activities there or what? Finally, I realize you didn't ask for chat bubbles, but I really wanna know why people want these so bad. Just because they are in WoW? What purpose do they really serve?


2.) Yeah, havent done much open world PVP, so I will take your word that it is horrible and unplayable. Taking points from WAR would be a bad idea though, far too much focus on severely nerfing PVE to balance PVP, which is the eternal problem with games that try to focus on both. One ends up taking precedence and ruining the other. I think this game is geared more towards PVE, so take that how you will. DAOC was awesome and was the last game I remember that actually had the three faction system everyone seems to think should be standard in MMO's now.


1.) See, this is the real problem. You are legit tired of the features that are in, but still want to be able to use those features when the mood strikes you. You admit you are burnt out on MMO endgames, but you buy a new MMO, get to endgame, and then are shocked that it seems like other MMO's. You also want a variety of other end game toys at the same time. These must all work well, with very few bugs, or the game fails. These kinds of time sinks for endgame might come eventually, but the game has been out for a little over a month. They should focus on fixing bugs and making any major game changes instead of adding more end game content.


Thanks for your reasonable and mature opinion. I will consider a sub to your YouTube channel once I have time to review the material you have presented there.


I'm not saying im burned out of endgame, im just saying there should be something new considering it's star wars and there is so many things they can incorporate with endgame.

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I like what you wrote here. Open world PVP could be a lot better. More social functions are going to be really important too.


Add ons personally I could care less about. Pretty sure after 15 years, I know how to play video games. I don't need any more help than what the developers put in the game. I see people complain about add ons a lot. People want them too, but the general consensus is they aren't planned to be implemented at all.

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