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Sorcerers are becoming the next Bright Wizards


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This is funny, because i had a 40/80 BW and 40/80 sorc in warhammer and i can tell you that sorcerer's in Warhammer were more OP than BW's...


Yes bw's AOE was better until they nerfed one of thier abilities a couple years ago... but sorcs burst was boom bam boom dead... I used to get 30+ DB's in sc's lol....


Anyways i play a Sorc in this game... And while i do think sorcs are good, i think they are the most balanced class in the game, not the most OP... there is a huge difference in that thought process....


Some classes have high DPS, Some have high survivalbility, Some have Epic heals... A sorc is well balanced and has a little bit of everything...


Every game i have ever played has a class like this... this game is no different in that regards, instead of complaining, just roll a sorc!

Edited by whitescorpion
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Might it be that you just need to try and learn how to PvP?


As a sorc is nothing more the a Jedi , do a tun less dps then your soldier or merc . No burst at all . We have good cc , and a dam nice shield . In light armor that ships is what keeps us from just falling over dead.

13k life ya when mist dps classes can hit for 6k we go fast.

Yep op as all hells we are , and iv got a nice bridge to sell you.


This is why people should try playing other classes; because only playing one blinds you to what your class really is.


I've rolled one of each class, currently my only lvl 50 is a Jedi Guardian tank.


My level 15 sage and lvl 11 smuggler are already able to last longer in PVP than my geared up tank (mostly champion gear, a few pieces of Columi because I haven't gotten a chest, shield, or earpiece pvp drop yet) has ever been.


You think that because you die fast, that means it's balanced. I've got news for you: guardian (and jugg) tanks die damn fast, too. Having more HP is meaningless. It's like saying that even though you have a hole in the bottom of your cup, you started out with more water in the cup than other people, so it's OK.


So both you and I lose health at the same rate, since shields and armor do nothing except against basic attacks. But additionally you can damage me from 30 meters, and I can't even leap to you until I'm within 15m. Then once I do, most of my attacks are weapon damage so they're mitigated, but you continue doing damage to me that is completly unmitigatable; I may as well be naked. Further more, because I am a melee tank, I have to stay in the center of the action at all times to draw fire, while you can hide behind a column or up on balcony and destroy the squishy tanks, and we can't get near you (because of the 30m damage range).


Like I said, my LEVEL 15 sage was tearing apart level 40s in pvp last night, and surviving longer than my tank usually does... I don't even have all the skills yet and my sage is already crazy overpowered in pvp.

Edited by Cambiata
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that bright wizard fiasco was so horrid /shudder


I think that was one of the things that made me lose interest in the game, on top of the 'he who zergs, wins' gameplay


oh and the severly broken endgame


i did roll a witch elf though, so i had my fun too

Edited by HBninjaX
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Love my merc but I am jealous that they can sprint with the ball like that... huttball is mostly my pvp so that is important! :D



edit: I did enjoy Warhammer online too! But all that super high damage area of effect stuff was just redonkulous.

Edited by salamanderx
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Look, another one of these threads. OP, like every other person qqing about Sorc, simply needs to practice PvP.


shield lasts through one dps rotation. So, in about 6s, you can burn down the shield. You then have 14 seconds to pump out enough dps to kill a cloth-wearing caster. Can't do it? Ur Bad.


Force Lightning has no CD for most hybrid dps specs, and procs our insta-casts. See a Sorc spamming FL? He's trying to proc an instant cast. Get LOS, interrupt, or cc. Can't do it? Ur Bad.


Healing spec Sorcs have mediocre dps and healing hybrid specs are rare. Is a Sorc healing through all your damage? Great. That means he's not healing his team, and a ball carrier/bomb planter/turret capture is getting wasted by focus fire. Either switch targets, or call the focus on the healer. Can't do it? Ur Bad.


A specific spec is needed to get all the CC a Sorc has, and most of it procs from used abilities. Blind happens when our shield is blown up, and lasts 3s. It's melee ranged. Our pbaoe knockback has to be spec'd to root you, and lasts for 5s, assuming you're not getting damaged, otherwise it's 2. You should be geared enough to whether one or two whole GCD's worth of time the Sorc has to dps you. Can't do it? Ur Bad.


I know most people want to cover up the fact that they suck at pvp by saying "omg, sorcs are everywhere, therefore OP!!11!1!" but it's just not reality. Sorcs are not the class doing 4.5k+ crits over the course of one knockdown, coming out of stealth. Sorcs are not the class spamming 1 (one) ability while wearing heavy armor doing the same amount of dps as Sorc, more even. Sorc is not the class spider healing in heavy armor turtling doors or turrets while spamming one dps ability. Most of you are whiners that need practice, that is all.


+1. Have a sorc problem? Click your open mic button and tell your team to focus him. He will be gone in no time fast! Channeled heals and a small HP buffer can't fix low HP, light armor, and interrupts. There is a definate counter - you just have to not be a bad.

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+1. Have a sorc problem? Click your open mic button and tell your team to focus him. He will be gone in no time fast! Channeled heals and a small HP buffer can't fix low HP, light armor, and interrupts. There is a definate counter - you just have to not be a bad.


Of course if you send a group after one person, they'll go down fast. That works for all classes.


The point is that I can solo kill a jugg or guardian. I can't even get near a sorc while they're destroying me as if I had no armor. Heck, if 2 melee classes go after a single sorc, they'll still die before destroying the sorc.


This reminds me of the "if you put a healbot on a jugg/guardian tank, then they're unstoppable!" Well duh, so is anyone else. It's like you guys have no idea how PVP works or something.

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Some builds, can't kill a healing sorc. Just can't.


For example, as a PT both AP and ST Hybrids can't.


When I spec Pyro I melt their face though with insane burst.


Some specs are better then others. Nerf crying because you can't figure that out makes for an idiotic forum.

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Its not growing pains m8. The class is overpowered in its current form and anyone with half a braincell knows it.


The only people who deny it are the Sorcs themselves and they arent biased much.


SI is not over powered, you want over powered Imperial Operative & Scoundrel are over powered.


You must play a trooper, you do know that SI's were purposely made to give troopers a hard time in pvp right?


every class as a rival class.

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Its funny playing a warzone where u see 10 sorcs/sages and your not even surprised cause its the norm...why bother rolling anything else tho when your the best healer by far and also one of the best dps if you want to switch it up.
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In order for Sorc to be on par with Bright Wizard the dots would have to tick for the spell maximum each tick. Meaning if you had a dot that did 4k over 12 seconds, the dot would tick for 4k every time over 12 seconds. This was the main coding error that allowed Bright Wizards to destroy Warhammer before it ever had a chance to establish itself. The fact that the devs let it go as long as they did should have ensured that they never worked in the industry again. I believe this beyond any other factor is what killed that game. By the time it was corrected it was already too late.


Exactly. I was a Sorc in Warhammer and that's exactly what drove me to quit - the problem existed for so long it was unbelievable that people were being paid to develop the game.


Bioware appears just as sluggish to implement changes to clearly overpowered classes. If this persists, the game will suffer accordingly.

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It's probably just a phase. The mechanics are pretty easy to fall into, so it's easy for people to pick up. You'll start seeing a lot more of them drop off though once they realize you can't just faceroll your way into staying alive.


If you're up against a player that has a decent knowledge base of PvP functioning and counters, you have to use EVERYTHING at your disposal just to try and drag out the fight to where your dots will be effective, or until someone can come help you. Or simply get away. (Snare + Force Speed).


We can be effective with a small number of our abilities, as we don't have many (vital) procs to watch for, or debuffs to stack. And a majority of the time spend in warzones, we can free-cast people nobody either notices us or bothers us. Tunnel vision gets the best of enemy teams.


When focused by 2 people, we melt. When targeted by Operatives, Assassins, Marauders, and even sometimes Juggernauts, we have to go more into a "survive and kite" mode rather than just a dps race.


It's a class that takes getting used to, and when played effectively can wreck teams. Just like any other class in the game. The only problem is that currently, there are a ton of Sorcs (not as many Sages on Republic though), so our abilities/specs seem amplified.

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It's a tough class to size up, because by themselves there not super OP, but if you get 2-3 of them in a group you can't kill them due to their ability to spam heal each other...


Another issue is they have way to much utility as a class, they can pretty much do anything, speed run, shields, spam healing, high DPS, long range dps, tons of CC... a lot of this was complained about back in beta but Bioware ignored us... To top it off a lot of their powerful skills are not that high up on the skill tree, so they become OP very early..


It's almost if the Dev's had kids that they wanted to create an easy class for them to play so they created the Sorc / Sage... Definitely the easiest class out there to play and master

Edited by Monoth
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No, other classes do, but Sorcs do not. They have possibly the most tools of any class to escape when focused by two people, including speed, exploding CC bubble, and AOE KNOCKBACK ROOT


have any of those things ever actually killed anyone?


No, they are survival tools. The moment you do damage after using any of those, they break.


Besides which, don't some of the classes have immunity to such controls, not only through the resolve bar, but also through their own abilities?

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It's a tough class to size up, because by themselves there not super OP, but if you get 2-3 of them in a group you can't kill them due to their ability to spam heal each other...


Another issue is they have way to much utility as a class, they can pretty much do anything, speed run, shields, spam healing, high DPS, long range dps, tons of CC... a lot of this was complained about back in beta but Bioware ignored us... To top it off a lot of their powerful skills are not that high up on the skill tree, so they become OP very early..


It's almost if the Dev's had kids that they wanted to create an easy class for them to play so they created the Sorc / Sage... Definitely the easiest class out there to play and master


Apart from the one in your Avatar of course.


People keep moaning about CC, has anyone ever died to a CC ability? 90% of them do no damage and those that deal damage deal a tiny amount of damage in comparison to every other ability.


I think the problem is this, when you aren't paying attention, Sorc/Sage kill you.


Then when you get frustrated and go after the Sorc/Sage you can't kill them because they burn their cooldowns to escape, they don't kill you, they don't even come close, but you want your revenge and when you don't get it you get upset.


This is the simple truth.

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All classes are overpowered if you do not capitalize on their weaknesses. Most of the people who are claiming sorc are overpowered are not doing that.


I have gotten over 600k damage in voidstar 5 times but it has nothing to do with me being good or playing an overpowered class. It everything to do with the other team letting me. When I face good teams, I need to push to do half that much damage as it is hard to DPS when some melee is continually trying to shove their lightsaber down my throat.


They're nerfing the counter to Sorc, so it needs to be nerfed too.

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have any of those things ever actually killed anyone?


No, they are survival tools. The moment you do damage after using any of those, they break.


Besides which, don't some of the classes have immunity to such controls, not only through the resolve bar, but also through their own abilities?


So they have supreme survival AND great dps and/or healing? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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If soc so powerfull (the best dps in game) why every 1 in general chat askin for sniper, BH, Operative to join HM flashpoint , Ops. If u lookin on chart after WZ soc is not in 1 place with damage. We often on first place but with medals that huge diffrence. We can easly get 8-9 medals in game. Our dps suck but we have few tricks to win 1v1.
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If soc so powerfull (the best dps in game) why every 1 in general chat askin for sniper, BH, Operative to join HM flashpoint , Ops. If u lookin on chart after WZ soc is not in 1 place with damage. We often on first place but with medals that huge diffrence. We can easly get 8-9 medals in game. Our dps suck but we have few tricks to win 1v1.


Because a Sorc is healing and does not want to share loot drops.



Use your brain.........

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As the first RR80 Engineer and first RR100 Zealot on my respected Servers... and as a player who has played with the best guilds that ever existed on WAR..


Saying that a Sorc/Sage is ANYTHING like the BW is completely asinine.




When BW were OP, they had ONE ability that would to TON of AoE damage and on top of that, their moral 2 would stun everyone around them which ment that nobody could get out of that AoE. Simply, they would just stun and spam one button to kill everyone on the screen.


If you still claim that Sorcs are the same, I want any of you to go out and do as I said. Spamming Force Lighting may be one thing but there is no comparison between the classes... especially since Force Lightning hits for 700 per thick on single targets.




BW, after the nerfs, was and still is a time stamp class. All their abilities stack as such to where they can be used to burst a target at a 5-10 second mark and kill it instanly, however, that being said, it's ridiculously easy to counter that burst with a tank or a healer. Doesn't make it any less OP but proper groups in WAR had no issues with BW/Sorc.. actually, for any smaller scale fights, especially 6v6, BW and Sorcs were jokes and melee trains were ALWAYS prefered.


Saying that, Sorc/Sages will NEVER time stamp one pearson's HP at once.. It's not humanly possible no matter what buffs you use and while their damage is pretty steady, just like above, having any decent healers around that can cleanse and or such, renders their damage pretty much laughable as best.


There is a reason you see healers pumping out million + in healing during Voidstar games..

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