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Leave space combat alone!


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.... thats just it, i dont think its mediocre. I like it that way it is. It safisfies my need for a distraction and doesnt take a lot of time or unnecessary complexity. An MMO is about character progression, why are people failing to understand that?


What is it that you sir fail to understand? This game could be so much more than your simple idéa of arcadeshooter. Implementing an open space part for those that want to rome freely is contributing to the longetivity and living-world feeling of this game. An mmo is not only character progression. There are many parts to it and one is the feeling of being able to move freely and have a choice in the world.


If this part is added it doesn´t mean that single tunnel missions will end, just that those of us that can´t tolerate something that should be so much more in a Star wars Multiplayer online world. ... yep as I said.. Online world... not console game..

You game will not be ruined by this.. but if this stays the same, mine will.

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I am happy overall with the quality and experience with the flight missions. The rails shooter idea is fine with me. I dont want a flight sim. As far as i am concerned its a mini game and should stay that way. That is not to say that the gameplay cant be epic and be heavily expanded on in the future either. PvP is not an option im affraid. Though i am sure that people will whinge about it forever and a day, in its current format its not going to happen. I think they should just improve on what they have.
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I don't think the people wanting full space sim is saying to remove the mini game though.


You can have both!


Exactly, I certainly wasn't trying to get them to remove anything, all I was stating was that there IS a market for a real space game within this game and also that I find the space aspect that is currently live to be less than mediocre. It looks OK, sounds fantastic, but it's all about the play. I don't believe they even tried, five reskinned missions throughout is less then acceptable, paying creds for parts that stop doing any good at "hotshot" title is fail.


"By succeeding in these missions, you'll obtain rewards that will be useful in other aspects of the gameplay experience." That is from the space combat page. It means that you will get exp until fifty and a couple of titles :( nothing useful.

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They should have an Eve online / Freelancer / X3 type system


all the planets warp to via jumpgates like in Eve/Freelancer/X3


republic space would be safe areas for repubs


imperial space would be safe areas for imperials


the jumpgates would have npc ships guarding them and would agro opposing factions that warped in or to the gate.


contested space/Hutt space etc could have open space pvp, they could also add group heroic missions, or solo missions.


scout 2 or 3 sectors in hutt territory and report back to the republic fleet.



or have open space pvp around ilum space.


would be amazing and multiplayer, seeing you fly past other players, I'm in route to ilum but pass by people in route elsewhere, gives chance to spark conversation, bringing a whole new level of higher social interaction with others.


exploration!!! find wrecks and salvage for rares or whatnot



would be amazing and could reduce lag on planets so people that didnt want to grind away on planets could hop in space and explore, do space missions with groups or space pvp

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They should have an Eve online / Freelancer / X3 type system



Freelancer is fun to play. EvE combat is so dull I want to shoot myself out of the damn torpedo bay. X3 is gonna cause so many people to flame the game will go super nova.

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yea i get you feel superior to everybody else and that anyone who disagrees with you is a 12 year old.


This game was made without a flight sim because most MMO players don't like them. sorry the truth makes u angry


Hey. here's a question for you.


Why did EAware have to rip off another mmo developer's space game?


Start at 2:50


Even better, why'd they make it more boring than the one they ripped off?

Edited by Zorvan
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Hey. here's a question for you.


Why did EAware have to rip off another mmo developer's space game?


Start at 2:50


Even better, why'd they make it more boring than the one they ripped off?



If you think that space combat is more interesting than in SWTOR you're on drugs, my friend. And not the fun kind either.

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If you think that space combat is more interesting than in SWTOR you're on drugs, my friend. And not the fun kind either.


At least you're getting a story ( you know, that thing EAware keeps trumpeting about? ) while doing space combat in Clone War Adventures.


You do realize the format's older than that, dating all the way back to the first Star Wars ARCADE game? In vector graphics, no less? Just part of a series. "Ripoff" is kinda silly unless you wanna go back to the 1980's.


Sorry. You can excuse EAware all you want, they flat ripped it off. Right down to the very same controls.

Edited by Zorvan
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Space is ok as a mini arcade game you play when your bored or to earn extra xp and credits, but not much you can do with a rail base space game. BW needs to add a real space game, where people are encourage to upgrade their spacecraft, add variations in space ships, pvp in space, and so forth. However, all that will probably only be through an expansion pack. I"m perfectly fine paying for a space expansion pack if space were truly revamp and be closer to what eve has become, but maybe not as complex.
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There's a difference between being "inspired by" and blatantly copying.


I love how EAware gets a pass from the fan brigade no matter what.


It's a mouse controlled rail shooter, there are only so many control options that make sense. I personally think that the mouse is the most efficient, so what's wrong with two different games making use of the system? Plus when you factor in ship upgrades, when you use you EMP or power converter, it's a bit more in-depth.


That said, space combat in SWTOR is exactly what it was intended to be, a mini-game. Building a completely seperate complex game inside of another game makes absolutely no sense, eats up far too much resources for it to be worth it, no matter how many people would like it. People didn't buy this game for the space combat, Bioware should focus on making the ACTUAL game as good as it can be.

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I'm hoping it gets some love because atm it's become boring after running the same missions again and again. The latter more difficult missions are just the earlier ones reskinned with it being more difficult to get through, exact same ships and same area of space.


I know it's meant to be just a mini game but developing it further will keep me subbed even more. If you don't like a certain part of a game just don't play it ie if space isn't your thing but let us space peeps have some fun with it though.

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so should i go ahead and buy a flight stick right now to play space combat?


I was one of the top Mosquito pilots in Planetside and never once did I use a flight stick...


Didn't use a flight stick in battlefield to fly either... yet I was highly proficient there as well.


You can do free form without having to use a million keys or a flight stick... in fact MOST games require less keys to fly then to walk around.

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Exactly, I certainly wasn't trying to get them to remove anything, all I was stating was that there IS a market for a real space game within this game and also that I find the space aspect that is currently live to be less than mediocre. It looks OK, sounds fantastic, but it's all about the play. I don't believe they even tried, five reskinned missions throughout is less then acceptable, paying creds for parts that stop doing any good at "hotshot" title is fail.


"By succeeding in these missions, you'll obtain rewards that will be useful in other aspects of the gameplay experience." That is from the space combat page. It means that you will get exp until fifty and a couple of titles :( nothing useful.


Well, there's random epics from the crates you can buy from space badges, plus good money for the time it takes.


I do agree having a number of missions you can count in one hand (with slightly different enemy placement sometimes, sometimes not even that) is quite sad though, and i would like to see movement fully controlled by the movement keys (by the way, it'd be nice if the strafe keys worked as i unbound the turning keys to more useful stuff) and the mouse only used for aiming, plus more ship customization.


Give us weapon choices, like different kinds of missiles (the easiest would be slight modifications of the current ones, one which deals double damage, another with a bigger magazine, another which reloads faster) instead of just giving us more and more ammunition until conserving them becomes a non-issue (which i believe shouldn't be the case). Similarly we could have different torpedos, say a MIRV version with less ammo and a shorter aim time but requires you to aim at each target, or something that just fires a cluster of missiles at everything on screen. Even blasters could have more options, like doing less damage but working against shields. Or just go all the way, give us several weapon/misc slots and let us gear up however we want.


Similarly it'd be nice if we had more choices elsewhere, like lower armor with some self repair abilities, smaller shields but with shield regeneration bonuses and so on.

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who said anything about making a space sim? most people seem to just want a little more freedom to control their ship or would like it expanded into some kind of PvP setting. I personally think it would be great to have to actually fly from planet to planet instead of just sitting in your ship for a couple seconds which seems pointless and while on the way maybe participating in some dynamic events along the way or maybe picking a fight with a couple of tie fighters. i dont want a simulator either i want to keep the arcade feeling but it doesn't mean i don't want to see more content.
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I like it the way it is. It allows me to get a half of level that I need to get to the next level so I can level on the next planet easier. Though it would be nice if there could be like a raid or multiplayer version where you assault a big space station it would be a fun thing to do with buddies. Edited by GregoryOnasi
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Well, it's not bad, but the 375 Commendations epic chest made me realise that it's simply not rewarding enough. The grind took me around 2 weeks and what did I get? An epic that a person could replace in 2 hours in a heroic. I expected 136 or higher, but not this.


So yeah, I gave up on Space Combat. I wish we could choose which map to play at 50 (for the same reward) because I am tired of doing same 3 maps as a daily, it really really gets boring, trust me.

And you are hearing all this from a guy that did a lot of space combat missions and liked 90% of them.

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I don’t get people’s desire for BW to bolt on a flight simulator to this MMO. Why create a complete stand alone game inside one of a different genre? If I want a flight sim i’ll go buy one...


Try Freelancer by Microsoft, no extra controllers required.


And also a great game.


Just using some of Freelancer would make the space combat an epic part of your SWTOR adventure.

Edited by Bluestone
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