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BUG: Guard becomes unusable


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Shadow and I've had three issues here:


1) When soloing and guarding my companion, I frequently notice that the Guard has gone away. It happens whenever my companion dies, of course (which is frequent since I use a tank companion mostly), and when we zone. But it happens outside of those conditions also. I don't notice it exactly when it happens, so I can't give much diagnosis. In these cases I can always restore the Guard. I haven't seen this happen when guarding a player.


2) When teaming and my Guard target dies, it often gives me the "target is already being guarded error message" and will not allow me to guard that person. I can still use guard on other party members, however.


3) When I have Guard on another player, the terrain hexes appear below my feet and the player that I'm guarding. I don't think it happens when I'm guarding my companion but will have to check and see.



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On my Sith Assassin I have had this problem targeting both another Assassin and a Sith Marauder, possibly others I do not remember. It seems to occur when I die and my target does not. When I attempt to Guard them after being rezzed I receive an error that the target is already Guarded. Neither myself or the target see a Guard buff on the target. I have tried guarding a different target and then the original with mixed results.
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Hello everyone. Thank you for your reports; we are working on this issue and would like your help. If you are experiencing trouble with Guard, please post to report what Class you are guarding when the issue happens. We appreciate your patience as we research a resolution to this problem. Thank you!


Hello Amber,


I play a Shield Specialization Vanguard and when I've noticed this happen to me it's when I am guarding my guildy who is a Consular Sage "Seer".


Edit: I've noticed this bug happen when either A) I die and come back and try and reapply guard or B) When my healers goes out of range, I use my guard ability to take it off, reapply guard to someone else, then try and reapply guard when my consular seer buddy comes back. In these two instances I am given the "target is already guarded" when this person is not guarded (i.e., no icon and he has told me so in a VOIP).

Edited by Jassie
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I noticed this the other day when guarding a Jedi Sage. I'm a Guardian.


I'm not sure if it was because I spent a talent point or if it was because we died and had to revive at the med center. Either way, I wasn't allowed to put guard back on the Sage.


EXACT same situation - I'm Jedi Guardian and it borks guarding a Jedi Sage. Usually occurs when one (or both) of us "die." We usually revive on the spot and then Guard is gone.


I can put the Guard on my companion or the other player's companion and it shows the animation and buff, but get the "already guarded" message when trying to re-apply the Guard (and the buff and visual cues are totally absent).

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This also occurs for me on my Powertech after I die and for my friend who is an Assassin Tank.


Edit: In case it's important the Powertech has been guarding a Merc healer and the Assassin is guarding a Sorc healer when this occurs.

Edited by mhenry
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Had the issue with my Shadow.


In normal Hammer Station

Target was a Trooper/Commando

Was able to apply at the beginning, but after a death, could not reapply.

Did have the ability to apply Guard to the other trooper/commando freely for the rest of the flashpoint though (and clicking guard on/off did not prevent me from guarding 2nd commando again, nor allow me to again guard the first).

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It happened to me yesterday when I was gaming with my Husband. I was playing a level 16 assassin and he was on his 12 powertech bounty hunter. I had the guard on him when I actually clicked on the lightning charge icon, that disables guard. When I switched back to dark charge, I would get the message that he's already under guard and couldn't apply it to him again, though I could apply it to Mako and Khem Val without any problem. Later on there was a point where he died and when I revived him, I was able to use guard on him again, then had no issues the rest of the night.
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Hi, I've repeatedly gotten the "Target is already guarded" bug, even when my guard is marked as off and I am able to guard (and un-guard) my companions. The other player I am trying to guard is a Scoundrel, we're at the same level, teamed, and questing together.


I dont' know much more than that as I haven't figured out what triggers the bug (zoning? ship travel? leveling? no clue).



Edit: Sorry forgot to mention I'm a Trooper Vanguard.

Edited by Slothrop
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I have also seen the "target is already guarded" message. Usually it happens after my wife and I get wiped.


I am a Jedi Guardian and she is a Jedi Consular (healer spec).


Sometimes shifting to the other stance will fix it - I pop into offensive and then back to defensive and it will let me guard her. Other times we have to zone to fleet, our ships, etc.

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I've had this happen to me a few times. My guild is Trooper-only so I was guarding the medic at the time.


We all wiped and when we rezzed I could no longer put Guard on the medic; got that message about the target already being guarded.

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This happened to me (back in december/jan, maybe it was fixed); what was actually happening was someone was guarding YOU after the person you guarded died and you can't guard anyone else until you right click the guard buff off yourself (sometimes only visible when you're in range of the person guarding you).
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Happens with all classes and specs.


If my guarded target dies and I don't, it bugs on that same target until we both die.

If I die and my guarded target doesn't, it also bugs until we both die.


I get an error messsage saying "target is already guarded" when it clearly isn't, as I can guard any other group member, just not the same target that I had guarded in the first place upon either of us dieing.

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I was on my lvl 36 full Kinetic spec Shadow doing Maelstrom and put guard on the lvl 40 Sage at the beginning of the instance. At some point during our run, I noticed it wasnt on her anymore. I also made sure our Guardian was in his DPS stance at the time. So I tried using it on the others in the group and it worked fine. When I tried using it on the sage, it said she was already being guarded but there was no buff icon indicating that. I had her alt-f4 and when she came back in, she fell through the floor and died. when she came back, i could guard her again. I'm not sure if it was the relog or the death that solved the issue.


Edit: No one had died before Guard stopped working.

Edited by Lutherus
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I found that going through an elevator fixes the issue and that if I just right-click on the icon above the hotbar to take gaurd off the problem doesnt happen. It only happens at times when I click on the ability inside the hotbar to turn it off. It seems to happen when I want to take it off one player and put it on another sometimes. When the problem happens I always get the message that the player is already gaurded, no matter who I try to put it on and that the ability is 'greyed out' even though the little bubble next to it indicates that its not on. I have only been doing a lot of hardmode flashpoints with my gaurdian so I have not tested the problem in open world areas. This problem began occuring after the big 1.1 patch. The player i took gaurd off of (to place it on someone else) had not died either. Edited by MasterCrumB
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It appears to happen to me when I zone or transition. I ran Red Reaper yesterday and by the end of the instance, from using all of the lifts, I couldn't Guard anyone in my group. Each time I'd transition to a new area, Guard would drop, but it would tell me my previous target was already Guarded.
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My Vanguard is Drogo, Dark Reaper server.


I get this bug when I am guarding a Sage, they die, and I cannot guard them again. The buff is not showing, and I cannot target them with guard. It tells me "Target is already being guarded," but no buff or visual is showing, and the light next to the ability is not lit up. I can guard other players/companions when this happens, but it will not allow me to guard that person. Having them relog sometimes fixes the issue.

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I had this happen with my shield tech on Feb 6th while guarding a sith sorcerer, it occurred when I switched guard to someone outside of my party to save them from dying, when I tried to switch back to the sorcerer I got the person is already guarded message and could not reapply guard to them. I was still able to guard anyone else in the party.


If it is useful to know I switched guard by targeting and clicking guard, I did not remove guard from the sorcerer then guard a new target. I did try moving guard around onto other people but the issue did not reoccur, though it did remain an issue on the sorcerer.


Didn't have time to test more as it was a random group and it disbanded shortly after this.

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I play a Shadow. This happened to me the other day when I was guarding a Sage Healer during a Heroic instance (Red Handed on Alderaan). All members of the group died, and after reviving I could no longer guard the Sage. I could guard other members fine, but not the Sage I was guarding initially. If I remember correctly, I died first and then the Sage, but it happened quickly so I'm not 100% sure about the order. Edited by Irimi-Ai
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