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Any body here not impressed with space combat?


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I played galaxies for years, and the space combat wasnt perfect, but I'm severly saddened by the space combat in the game. Why can't I just fly around the planet? Why's this feel like permanent autopilot? Docking with other players?, the rest of this game is brilliant, but I feel like the space combat,or space navigation , in general has fallen short, anyone else agree? Where's the open area pvp space combat? Not this starfox style rail shooter? Edited by Benlash
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I played galaxies for years, and the space combat wasnt perfect, but I'm severly saddened by the space bombshell in the game. Why can't I just fly around the planet? Why's this feel like permanent autopilot? Docking with other players?, the rest of this game is brilliant, but I feel like the space combat,or space navigation , in general has fallen short, anyone else agree? Where's the open area pvp space combat? Not this starfox style rail shooter?


It's a mini-game. Enjoy it for what it is and be done with it.


I happen to enjoy it and the Devs have mentioned something big for Space Combat in the future.


Either way, it's still a mini-game and should be treated as such.

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Space combat is the most fun I've had in this game, especially at the higher levels and when you go for the bonus stages.

Some of them have 4+ bonus objectives that can be VERY challenging to complete.


I just wish there was a "multiplayer" version. That seems kind of obvious...



ALSO lots of credits.

Here's a full guide for Reppies:



Yeah it's Reddit kiss my *** if you don't like it.

Edited by TaintedSquirrel
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Once you get over the massive disappointment of the reality of it, its not so bad.


Once you get level 5 ship stuff and play some of the more diverse missions its kind of fun. Worth doing the dailies.


This is how I feel. It's a huge amount of wasted potential, but it's not bad as far as mindless arcade shooters go. And it's one of the few parts of the game that plays music for more than 5 seconds.

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I played galaxies for years, and the space combat wasnt perfect, but I'm severly saddened by the space combat in the game. Why can't I just fly around the planet? Why's this feel like permanent autopilot? Docking with other players?, the rest of this game is brilliant, but I feel like the space combat,or space navigation , in general has fallen short, anyone else agree? Where's the open area pvp space combat? Not this starfox style rail shooter?




Aye it's basically Star Fox [1992] with better graphics.


It's good for what it is, but it gets old extremely quickly, and is bettered on smart phones these days.


Hopefully they'll expand the "mini-game" (I'm not sure it is a mini-game really any more than Star Fox [1992] was) a bit (more customisation etc.), but really most people with an interest in SW space combat are hoping for something much more expansive (and off the rails).


If this is all SWTOR will ever have for space combat then it will have been a giant disappointment, as currently SWTORs SW "mini-game" space combat ranks pretty low in the list of SW space combat games.

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I love the space combat, but then again I've always enjoyed tunnel shooters.


I'm certainly open to improvements, and I'm excited to see where they go with it. Being able to dogfight in PvP situations would be amazing, as would integrating space combat into Flashpoints.


For now though, it's great to have the daily missions to keep the XP accumulating even if I only have 15 minutes to play one day.

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It's boring. I just do it for the daily xp and that's about it. I would like to control my own ship instead of auto-piloting. What part of that is epic to anyone? They need to stand out in space combat because there are so many similar games to this and they actually do a better job at it too.
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It's okay for what it is. So long as you don't expect more out of it than just a mini-game it can be fun.


Just like anything though once you do it so many times it gets boring because you're just doing the same thing over and over again. I know there are some of those "uber leet" people who claim they do it easy with no upgrades and no specials :rolleyes: But I found some of the higher level missions challenging at least.


It does need more development, multiplayer or co-op missions would be cool as would PvP but I don't know how they would do all of that on rails.


All in all I understand why they made it on rails. How else are you going to navigate an asteroid field like you do in missions like Sullust, the mine layer or the ice field missions? Space missions are like anything else in this game, meant to be iconic cinematic type instances that give you the feeling you would have piloting a mission in the movies.


However it needs much more development.. it need to be much more dynamic than what it is currently and more depth to customizing your ship would be a welcomed feature. We'll just see what Bioware has in store, hopefully it's more than just "more missions".

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You mean because it looks and feels like an old Atari game? Yeah, I would call that dissapointing


You apparently never played an Atari.


Saying space missions look and feel like an old Atari game is a ridiculous exaggeration.


Seriously why do people do this? They go way out in left field exaggerating crap that is just stupid. These forums are littered with comments like this.

Edited by HavenAE
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I played galaxies for years, and the space combat wasnt perfect, but I'm severly saddened by the space combat in the game. Why can't I just fly around the planet? Why's this feel like permanent autopilot? Docking with other players?, the rest of this game is brilliant, but I feel like the space combat,or space navigation , in general has fallen short, anyone else agree? Where's the open area pvp space combat? Not this starfox style rail shooter?


Personally I happily accept this in the knowledge that making a fully 3d interactive space environment where we can do all the things you have listed would add another year to the development time. So yeh whine all you want mate. But u'd still be waiting for actual game if u wanted 'proper' space on release.


I don't understand why people complain about this stuff. Yes they could have made this game unbelievable in almost every aspect, if you wanted to wait 10 years and watch the graphics become MORE outdated than they already are.


maybe if you whine enough they will drop bug fixing and make this for you..... won't that be great.

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I don't love it but we knew for some time that this is what it was going to be. So going into it knowing it was going to be a rail shooter and not expecting much else I actually enjoyed it. The only thing that really bothers me is the copy paste missions were you do the exact same thing on the exact same path only the enemies have shields now, it was at this point where I actually felt my first bit of true disappointment with the space game.
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Space missions are like anything else in this game, meant to be iconic cinematic type instances that give you the feeling you would have piloting a mission in the movies.



They kind of do the first time around (although this can be achieved in other ways, as they do in the main game without keeping your character on absolute "rails" there - although a big complaint about that side IS the utter linearity).



But the 10th, the 20th, the 100th time you play a mission, it really doesn't feel like that any more.


It's just the same thing again and again (and again and again etc.).


I can no longer do them daily, it just drives me mad.

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You apparently never played an Atari.


Saying space missions look and feel like an old Atari game is a ridiculous exaggeration.


Seriously why do people do this? They go way out in left field exaggerating crap that is just stupid. These forums are littered with comments like this.


Why, because the graphics are better?


I have a keyboard with what, 100 keys on it. In space combat, I can use my two mouse button and my space bar.


I'm not flying my space ship, I'm jigging it back and forth as it goes on it's unstoppable path.


Except for the pretty pictures, this is EXACTLY like an old Atari game.

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Space combat is not my favorite part of the game. It does make me feel like I am in space and I do spend some time doing it. Kinda standard to get a good smuggler feel but I doubt I would play it any more if it was the best flight sim on the webs, just not my thing. Hated JTL.
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Personally I happily accept this in the knowledge that making a fully 3d interactive space environment where we can do all the things you have listed would add another year to the development time. So yeh whine all you want mate. But u'd still be waiting for actual game if u wanted 'proper' space on release.


I don't understand why people complain about this stuff. Yes they could have made this game unbelievable in almost every aspect, if you wanted to wait 10 years and watch the graphics become MORE outdated than they already are.


maybe if you whine enough they will drop bug fixing and make this for you..... won't that be great.


Except this is Star Wars, space combat plays an important part in the movies. They are already working on improving it, so even they know it isn't acceptable in it's current form.


You can't say someone should omit content just because it takes time to create otherwise we would only ever get the most basic of games. Maybe they can add proper space combat in the first expansion SWG managed this the year after launch.

Edited by Cordelia
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You apparently never played an Atari.


Saying space missions look and feel like an old Atari game is a ridiculous exaggeration.


Seriously why do people do this? They go way out in left field exaggerating crap that is just stupid. These forums are littered with comments like this.


Well it depends on which atari (Atari 2600, no.... but an ST or Jaguar? Maybe).



It is Star Fox [1992] though, they've got better graphics and can turn the rails, but equally they don't have some things SF did way back in 1992.


Which is fine, if that is what is it supposed to be, but many people want more. Especially when SWG did have more 10 years ago (and some SW space games did pretty much as far back as 1992).

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