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Best to worst. PVP Classes. In your opinions.


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As an Immortal spec'd Jugg, I feel like I can 1v1 pretty much anything except Vanguards/Powertech and DPS Sage/Sorc to some extend. Vanguards/Powertechs just take too little damage and they always seem to be able to out dps me. The problem with Sage/Sorc isn't that I can't beat them, it's that they can generally CC me, run away and get some healing off. They can potentially drag the fight for a long time and eventually kill me due to how much control they have over the engagement. The bad sage/sorc who use their CC without thought are relatively easy to beat though. Edited by Shendaar
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I find as a gunslinger my main problem anymore is dispels. I went Dirty Fighting the shared tree because the instant I hit my cover button I am jumped on by every melee nearby. I have watched the approaching team in voidstar run through 3 or 4 melee in front to get to me in the back because they know that even while getting beat on they can kill me very quickly.


As for the dispels if you dispel my dots I hit like a wet noodle. I have tried every spec and dirty fighting is the only one that seams to have half a chance to work but as I said it has major problems. Dispels and survivalbility.


We just need to be fixed to be a working class. Stuns should not remove us from cover ever. Roots should never keep us from hitting our cover button. And there should be a dispel resistance on dots. Those 3 things would instantly make gunslingers/sniper competetive instead of being looked at as "Lol jump on slinger kill."

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I have not played enough PvP to know to a complete extent on which is best/ worst, and in between. What I do know is in less then one month of the game being live, Bioware has already created balance greater then what blizzard has been able to come up with in 8 YEARS of WoW...


Sure Cover is a broken mechanic for PvP, because in nearly every game you play from RTS's like SC2 to PvP in MMO's, mobility is the most valuable thing in the world!!! and cover prevents your movement like 90% of the time. Its awesome for PvE and Missions, but PvP it obstructs your movement, utterly destroying you... Snipes and G-slinger Adv. classes are based off of those, making them naturally bad for PvP.


But seriously, Blizz had 8 year for this to balance a game WITH OUT that mechanic but no, Furry warriors still only need to build up a lil rage to 1 shot anything, and Shammies have been nerfed to the point that someone has to go super try hard in PvP, with top tier gear (even at lower levels) and be happy that their not the lowest on the list!!!


Bioware, sure you got the Marauder/ Sentinel thing a bit low in DPS &/ or armor &/ or health, and the cover thing, but I haven't seen nearly as much ima from SWTOR as I have in WoW and as I said you have < 1 month under your belt, and they got > 8 years... pretty good in my opinion!!! :D Ignore the trolls and newbs, and keep rollin' like ya are cuz your doing AMAZINGLY!!!!!!

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I think general consensus is:


Scoundrel/Operative and Sage/Sorcerer are strong.


Sentinel/Marauder and Gunslinger/Sniper are weak.


With the rest in between.



Out of personal interest though how are operatives fairing these days after the nerf?

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Out of personal interest though how are operatives fairing these days after the nerf?


As a healer, they don't concern me much at all, but I have no idea how they are for other classes. I frequently don't even bother to swap my target to them to CC them and run. Most of them are just pretty "meh", from what I've seen so far.


The 3 classes that bother me most as a healer are (in no particular order):


Marauders, Assassins, Sorcerers


BH's can also be pretty intense, but it's not hard to LoS them, and (fortunately) most of them aren't very tenacious.

Edited by belialle
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Shadow/assassin by far is the top class once u get near battlemaster rank. Not saying I'm the best, nor am I saying I fought the best, but I've killed several tank classes solo and it just isn't that hard, every other class is cake except when I face me :). I am very focused when I pvp, hence my 4 quickslot rows having 0 empty slots and everything is keybound. That being said I don't think any class is more difficult to play then shadow/assassin, which leads me to defend my main point...shadow/assassin is my #1!


Lol saying assasin/shadow is hard to master.

Go play a Marauder/Sentinel then come back.

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As a healer, they don't concern me much at all, but I have no idea how they are for other classes. I frequently don't even bother to swap my target to them to CC them and run. Most of them are just pretty "meh", from what I've seen so far.


The 3 classes that bother me most as a healer are (in no particular order):


Marauders, Assassins, Sorcerers


BH's can also be pretty intense, but it's not hard to LoS them, and (fortunately) most of them aren't very tenacious.


Yeah I play a sorcerer as my main and I enjoy ranged caster dps classes (played a lock in WoW etc) but I have figured now would be a good time to experiment with alternative play styles.


I essentially narrowed it down to either a commando or an operative. Both of which I am currently researching to fidn out more before I sink any of my (sadly) limited time into them.


Thats not to say a nerf puts me off just wondering how they faired at present and yes you are right I've been hearing alot of healers say they have no real issues handling an operative in pvp.

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Most Snipers/Gunslingers go for the Marksmanship tree, that's why none of you have seen one that scares you. I won't tell my secret, but here's a hint...it's a hybrid build and not marksman.


Glad you guys put Snipers/Gunslingers at the bottom though and there aren't many that play my build..won't see any nerf threads about them. ;)

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Lol Snipers/Gunslingers aren't the least feared.. how many of you seriously leave them till last to kill in a multi class fight? If you do then you are ****, they have huge damage and will wipe your team if you leave them till last. If they are any good that is.
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Honestly, it all depends on what warzone your doing or if it's open pvp. Put together a team of sorcs, juggernauts, and powertechs and you've got a great huttball team but due to their lack of mobility agents/smugglers aren't as useful for the objectives. For Void Star Juggs aren't that useful other than for soaking up the damage for a healer but on the other hand agents and smugglers really shine. Finally, in world pvp Snipers/Gunslingers can really shine due to being able to finally take advantage of their range.


Above all else what matters is how skilled the player behind the class is. I've seen some sorcs that are completely useless in Huttball and some snipers that were absolute beasts in it.


This. Exactly this.

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Assassins seem to be caught in no-mans land right now for PvP. They lack the overall burst of other classes yet outside of a heavy survivability spec using Dark Charge they also lack survivability. Generally they work best with a pocket healer which for random groups does limit their usefulness.


All in all though they can still be quite effective, I love mine, they just aren't as straight forward to play as a lot of other classes are in PvP and as such have a greater diversity of skill levels. Lack of easy AoE dmg does also limit their overal dmg totals and I feel like I could use some more defensive cooldowns at my disposal, but overall they may not be the best class out there and I fully agree they aren't feared due to a lot of players who don't play them properly, but in a good group with teamwork they can still be very effective.


I don't understand why people thing assassins aren't good in pvp.. I just hit 50 a few days ago.. Got some champion gear and already I am rocking the 50s bracket.. Usually on top of damage.. and I win a lot of voidstars and civil wars for my teams by sneaking doors and nodes..


As for survivability.. I grabbed the champion tanking trinket and every time I pop my assassin defensive cooldown I pop that along with it and that keeps me alive long enough to kill anyone.. and if reinforcements arrive and i can't kill them all I stealth out to lose their attention then jump back in if my backup comes to help me

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Game is balanced on paper. Melee get shafted because modeling sucks, and pushers get the same issue because they cant use hazards like pullers do, due to poor modeling. Operatives might be OP, but they're definitely annoying and the last patch was an insult to our intelligence. It was a nerf on paper, not in practice. It just turned a 3 second perfect into a 5 second perfect by tweaking the stuns to last longer). Of course most people dont take into consideration the non statistical aspects of stealth nukers like map positioning and lack of survivability. Hence my hedge "they MIGHT be OP". Again, modeling comes to the forefront for utility classes like overdrive ptechs and run/pull teams of sins/sorcs. If you show me their models, I will get them. If you show me a model of the character that isn't where the character is....well that doesnt do **** for me. I'm flying blind in that situation, which is WAY to common. Fix modeling and comm rewarding and you'll fix warzones overnight. Modeling especially though. Can't play in a game you can't see, whatever its objectivity.
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Sorcerer / Sage

Powertech / Vanguard

Juggernaut / Guardian

Operative / Soundrel

Assassin / Shadow

Marauder / Sentinel

Mercenary / Commando

Sniper / Gunslinger


I think sorcs/sages have a beyond godlike toolbox that puts them at #1, followed by tank ACs that really shine in Bioware's pvp.

Edited by Anbokr
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Best: every class (played by a good player)

Worst: every class (played by a bad player)


Pretty much this. A well played Marauder will completely destroy an entire team, a poorly played one is a useless free kill. On my Marauder I'm regularly focused by 4+ people throughout a whole match because if they don't, I'll kill their whole team. Same is true of Powertech Pyro.


Sorcs are a utility class, they're not going to do much on their own. Merc tracer spammers are a turret class, they die instantly unless someone protects them, they're only good if idiots allow them to free cast all day. Operatives can be super dangerous 1v1 and 1+v1 but they're also really squishy and won't be taking anyone out if they have guard/healer on them.


For the most part the general top to bottom ranks list classes from easy to play (at an average level) to difficult to play. However, in the right hands, a lot of the classes people think are week become absolutely dominating. That is something that a sorc/tracer/op won't ever achieve against a good team.

Edited by getdownsb
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