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Best to worst. PVP Classes. In your opinions.


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Any class forced to sit still to do any amount of reasonable damage is bantha poodoo. Gunslingers are just sad. They need a stealth while immobile or need to have the under cover req to do thier damage dropped.


Ops and sorcs are crazy tough. Sorcs are just obvious about it.


Snipers aren't more immobile than a mercenary tracer spammer or sorc. You're playing it wrong.

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The problem with making list like this is that all opinions are NOT equal. Since you cant really tell which people on the forums know what they are talking about and which people have no idea, its a good idea to just consider everyone in the latter group.


The forums are a playground for crying bads. Why do you want to get an idea of what all of them think?

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assasin/shadow got to be the worst no over the top openers average dammage and light armor also no heals.


You sir obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Any skilled Assassin/Shadow running a 23/18 spec can absolutely destroy people. People complaining about how sins/shadows aren't good have no idea what they are doing, but please keep complaining more buffs incoming!

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I mean snipers win 1v1 vs ANYTHING.


Depends on the spec tbh. With dirty fighting maybe, but with sharpshooter (whatever the sniper equivalent is) you are in trouble against half of the classes due to white damage. Any tank class will just lol at your damage. Shadows / assasins? Deflection, deflection, deflection.


Also dirty fighting has it's curse, cleanse. Someone does that and you are just jumping around auto attacking with 0 energy.


But in all seriousness, I can't believe how much people playing snipers / gunslingers must suck if they are constantly the least feared class on everyone's book. I'm pretty much without expection the best damage dealer in any warzone I do if I'm not defending a node or something. I honestly cannot understand how someone wouldn't be in top 3 (if they tried). It's nearly impossible not to be!

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Wow like every single person have listed Sniper as the bottom of the barrel. I always seem to get tops or close to it and it is nice when people ignore me completely as I stack shots on them. Lots of what makes the class better or worse in pvp is how simple the class is to play and Mercenary and Sorc are easy mode compared to all others so even the bad kids can play with some skill since there is so little needed.

I can a) Dodge and simply ignore you while I re-stealth, or b0 lock you up and knock you down.


You are nowhere near as big a threat as a Sorc or even a Jugg who's geared and knows what he's doing. Juggs are highly irritating but for the most part easy to outlast. Snipers don't even ping on my radar unless he's set up right in front of me and I'm in stealth, in which case so sorry, you're dead.

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Basically you cannot beat any class in the game as a healer if given the chance to 1 vs 1 with equal or worse or better gear. Resolve just does nothing for you due to it being the most useless system ever designed to combat CC.


Damage far out exceeds healing due to having -30% reduction debuff on you at all times in combat, defence bubble works for about 2 seconds or less against the huge burst most classes all have why bother.


Healing gives you about 2 medals that's it for 200k+ healing and over! Rewards do not give you incentive to play more or less any kind of healer in the game at all.


BW you hate healers, if it wasn't for the fact that some minor team based requirement you needed one you may as well delete the whole healing ability from the game in terms of PVP.


My whine for the day. My opinion and I rate it as bottom of all the fun classes. It's a good thing I enjoy being the helpful healer to the best of my ability while being mostly locked out of my keyboard as a Battlemaster. Otherwise I would of rolled some OP fun class 10k+ dps along time ago.

WHat level are you... If it's sub 50 you should be winning 1v1s. They can take a while yeah. If it's 50 you should be definitely healing 300k+, even sub 50 and decent level you should be making that much or more, if you are only healing anyway. I agree a bit with your gripe about rewards for healers, seems like a hybrid spec with can do 2.5k and 75k heal is better. But the rest...

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Coming from someone that has played (too a higher level) most classes ingame, I can sum it up like this:


Top tier:


Vanguard/Powertech (yes, I play a powertech, and once I've got the hang of it, it became insanely strong)


Scoundrel/Operative (not OP, but definitely a pain in the arse)


Middle range









Gunslinger/Sniper (as things are now, with brackets for 50, it became obvious that this class is on the weak side; you can't really beat any class on a 1vs1 fight, and the dmg output is weak, without bringing any sort of utility like heals, stealth or protection to your team; unless you're fighting people who never heard of line of sight, you won't be doing much damage, you have little to no sustain, and the list could go on)


And my main used to be a sniper, was among the first snipers to hit 50 on my server, tried both engineering and marksmanship specs, it was faceroll during the first week after launch, it was mediocre shortly after when people started to learn the game mechanics, and it's horrible now that you are facing competent players who are smart enough to hide behind a wall just when your ambush was about to fill up)

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Basically you cannot beat any class in the game as a healer if given the chance to 1 vs 1 with equal or worse or better gear. Resolve just does nothing for you due to it being the most useless system ever designed to combat CC.


Damage far out exceeds healing due to having -30% reduction debuff on you at all times in combat, defence bubble works for about 2 seconds or less against the huge burst most classes all have why bother.


Healing gives you about 2 medals that's it for 200k+ healing and over! Rewards do not give you incentive to play more or less any kind of healer in the game at all.


BW you hate healers, if it wasn't for the fact that some minor team based requirement you needed one you may as well delete the whole healing ability from the game in terms of PVP.


My whine for the day. My opinion and I rate it as bottom of all the fun classes. It's a good thing I enjoy being the helpful healer to the best of my ability while being mostly locked out of my keyboard as a Battlemaster. Otherwise I would of rolled some OP fun class 10k+ dps along time ago.


lol, you should try fighting a sage/sorc as a tank guardian :D

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After reading through all the posts here, I've decided to update the list so something that seems more alongside with everyones input:


== BEST: AKA: Most Feared Class ==


Operative / Soundrel

Sorcerer / Sage

Mercenary / Commando

Powertech / Vanguard

Juggernaut / Guardian

Assassin / Shadow

Marauder / Sentinel

Sniper / Gunslinger


== WORST: AKA: Least Feared Class ==


...Your opinion?


My turn

OP/scoundrel x3(just to show the gap )








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This topic is based on the type of class you play.


When I play with my level 50 operative (Scoundrel) in the concealment build, I fear no other class. I feel practically invincible and I've rarely lost on a 1 vs 1 fight.


The healing operative is a different story. I'm weak, I can't kill anyone, and my heals can't really save a person who is fighting someone with burst damage. I think ever class is scary.


When I play with my level 50 healing sith sorcerer, just like the healing operative, I fear everything. The difference is I can actually save people in pvp.


I haven't tried the lightning or madness build for the sith sorcerer. I've already lost interest with the class.

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If guardians isn't number 1 on your list than you must have some AWEFUL guardians on your server. But thats cool i dont mind not being nerfed while i destroy 1v2-3 easily. I feel we need a nerf since its so easy to 1v2-3 people and the classes u have on your list are not doing that at all. Edited by warkat
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You know, if you play in the under 50 bracket on Infinite Empire server you will start noticing my sniper Foulds. I am constantly top 3 in damage done / kill - death ratio / medals in every single warzone I've played. Marks spec. It's not a weak class of you know how to play it. In place cover -> 100% snipe crit -> snipe -> follow through -> 1.5 sec ambush -> explosion -> follow through -> killshot is good game. Flashbang is the most under estimated moves in the game.


We have a stun, we have an aoe knockback yes you have to use cover to utilize it (fix this please) but stand in place cover should be second nature for all good snipers so it's not that big of a deal.


We could be better, but only slight modifications are needed. Don't agree? Then learn to play.

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At what level and/or gear level are we talking?


Sub 300 expertise (and equivalent gear)


Best (in this general order)








The others


It starts to change a bit leading to


Battlemaster (post 500 expertise)


Best (in this general order, assuming post patch operative/smuggler)










The other 3

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Even so, I wouldn't say a guardians is considerably weaker than a sentinel- for a good player anyway. But, pvp should be balanced around the best geared and most talented players, not the 99% of the people who are clueless.



If though we were to put best to worst for bads, the list is completely different....


Bads best to worst- Commando>Scoundrel>Sage>Gunslinger>Vanguard>Shadow>Sentinel>Guardian


And in this case- the first three are leagues above, gunslinger can be decent with a bad as can vanguard, but the final three, the melee classes, are terrible in a bads' hands. Also- scoundrels in this area without gear are several slots lower- but, a geared scoundrel is top notch even for a bad simply due to their incredible burst- come nerf, scoundrels will be lower on the top list, and probably close to the bottom for all the bads.

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I fear a good Marauder right after Operatives and Sorcs, since when they are sticks to you and have even a half CDs ready you are dead almost as fast as from Operatives working hard on you :)


I understand they have bad time being kited by Sorcs or killed in stun by Operatives (i think we all have), but in melee without stealth they are just n1 in hurting people :(

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I am amazed that Vanguard/Powertech is so high in so many peoples minds. Just out of curiosity what spec of Vang/PT makes you cringe the most?


My list


Operative / Soundrel

Sorcerer / Sage

Powertech / Vanguard

Mercenary / Commando

Assassin / Shadow

Juggernaut / Guardian

Marauder / Sentinel

Sniper / Gunslinger

Edited by Creshin
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With some classes the power of the classes changes with the spec.


Eg shadow/assassins

In protection spec they are amazing they can tank and guard like crazy in WZS are very hard to kill have great dps plus stealth and on top of that all the CC of sages/sorc PLUS a vanguard/ptech pull and if that is not enough they can sprint and go invul!!!


Yet an inf or heavy balance speced shadow goes down like a cheap ****** in Thailand that is giving away half price specials

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