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Premade group QQ's -- I don't get the logic


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Its simple, we have two distinct groups:



1) Complain that a 50 bracket makes queue times too long and ruined PvP on their servers.


2) Complain that theres not enough break-up in the 50 bracket, so we need new brackets (based on gear/pre-mades/whatever).



Now its up to BW to keep both groups happy apparently.

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I keep on seeing whining about Premade groups vs. PUGs and demands for Bioware to do something about it. Let's just go through the logic step by step.


1) OP believes that premades use better teamwork, and therefore beat PUGs that do not use teamwork.

2) OP does not want this to happen. OP wants to beat premades while in a PUG.


So, the OP is essentially asking Bioware to implement game changes that will make it so that a PUG that doesn't use teamwork has an equal chance of beating a group that does use teamwork in a WZ.


Anyone else just very curious at what is going on in the heads of these people?


I'm more curious about your head since you seem to have missed the entire point. Does being in a premade and getting a taste for farming PUGS cause brain damage? Is the gluttony of premade ez mode going to your heads and making your brains fall out?


I don't want to beat premades in my PUG. I want to beat other PUGS in my PUG.


I don't want premades to farm my PUGS. I want them to compete with other premades so that my PUG can compete with other PUGS.


Hope that clears things up for you.

Edited by Tirithius
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Not nearly as much as the QQ'ing here. =)


Giving advice on solving game issues is QQ?


Thank you for taking time out of rolling over premades to share this with us, I hope once these queues happen that it doesnt take you too long to figure out what abilities 4 through 10 do

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Not nearly as much as the QQ'ing here. =)


You should welcome this change unless trolling on forums is why you pay your sub.


Feel free to set us straight and let us know why you think Pre-made queues would not work for you. My 15$ is no more valuable than yours.

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I keep on seeing whining about Premade groups vs. PUGs and demands for Bioware to do something about it. Let's just go through the logic step by step.


1) OP believes that premades use better teamwork, and therefore beat PUGs that do not use teamwork.

2) OP does not want this to happen. OP wants to beat premades while in a PUG.


So, the OP is essentially asking Bioware to implement game changes that will make it so that a PUG that doesn't use teamwork has an equal chance of beating a group that does use teamwork in a WZ.


Anyone else just very curious at what is going on in the heads of these people?


No one said that. lol


Premades should face premades they have certain advanatges no afkers, bots, quiters, voice chat, have roles filled like healers tanks dps and if some isn't pulling their weight you can replace them.


Some people just want a premade to carry them and they only want to fight against pugs because it's the easy route.


See what I did there?

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I keep on seeing whining about Premade groups vs. PUGs and demands for Bioware to do something about it. Let's just go through the logic step by step.


1) OP believes that premades use better teamwork, and therefore beat PUGs that do not use teamwork.

2) OP does not want this to happen. OP wants to beat premades while in a PUG.


So, the OP is essentially asking Bioware to implement game changes that will make it so that a PUG that doesn't use teamwork has an equal chance of beating a group that does use teamwork in a WZ.


Anyone else just very curious at what is going on in the heads of these people?


What mystifies me is someone who cant see how a coordinated group with a Tank, heals, dps and support class or whatever power group they feel will beat other players easily.


Talking in Ventrillo,Teamspeak, Mumble or even in chat have a set strategy,played together more than once in every WZ..


Wouldn't be more advantageous or easier to defeat a team that..


Is thrown together in a mish mash of 5 of this class 2 of another 1 of the unpopular.


Hasn't played with any of these other players and has no idea what they will do or want to accomplish. (The kill counter,The mission master,The low priority mission point watcher)


Won't watch the other persons back when a fight starts, won't follow other players because they have THEIR own idea of how to win a WZ.


Can't communicate effectively or even bother to watch their chat box because they don't believe the STRANGER knows what they are doing (trust Issues) or just are not paying attention


The spoon fed or I can't play a game solo because I was abandoned as a child player just can't wrap his head around why he gets picked on and told he likes the I WIN button over a challenge.


If your are a chronic grouper who wants a real challenge , even if you just duo then there should be a bracket for small,large groups and solos.


No game will do it ( Rift did very briefly ) because it will increase queue times but lets not play stupid and act like groups vs pugs is anything but a gimme for the group.

Edited by GothicSaint
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On Kinrath Spider there are 2-3 guilds on Republic side that run pretty much exclusively premades, they probly win 80% of the time at least. I hate them with a passion.


However, over my many years of being an anti-social solo queue champion, I've noticed that a lot of people who run premades, are -very- bad when they are on their own. They become way too reliant on eachother backing them up and get sloppy when they don't have the proper support.


Just my worthless 2 cents.

Edited by Dreadspectre
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I keep on seeing whining about Premade groups vs. PUGs and demands for Bioware to do something about it. Let's just go through the logic step by step.


1) OP believes that premades use better teamwork, and therefore beat PUGs that do not use teamwork.

2) OP does not want this to happen. OP wants to beat premades while in a PUG.


So, the OP is essentially asking Bioware to implement game changes that will make it so that a PUG that doesn't use teamwork has an equal chance of beating a group that does use teamwork in a WZ.


Anyone else just very curious at what is going on in the heads of these people?


If there are people, in fact, asking for what you say then I find that utterly laughable.


However, I don't believe anyone is actually ignorant, entitled, or stupid enough to ask BW to make it so random PUGs beat Premades.


Rather, they are asking for PUGs to be matched against other PUGs and for Premades to be matched against other Premades... It's called a match-making system and it's what many people (including myself) believe could be added to this game to make it more fun and more fair.

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I keep on seeing whining about Premade groups vs. PUGs and demands for Bioware to do something about it. Let's just go through the logic step by step.


1) OP believes that premades use better teamwork, and therefore beat PUGs that do not use teamwork.

2) OP does not want this to happen. OP wants to beat premades while in a PUG.


So, the OP is essentially asking Bioware to implement game changes that will make it so that a PUG that doesn't use teamwork has an equal chance of beating a group that does use teamwork in a WZ.


Anyone else just very curious at what is going on in the heads of these people?


Warzones are based on having (on average) roughly equal teams both with an opportunity to win. A premade is much more coordinated than a pug and most often uses outside communication which generally violates this premise as they have a vastly increased chance to win.


It's not so much a case of pugs should have an equal chance of beating premades as pugs should face against pugs and premades should face against premades as then each team is back to being on (roughly) equal footing.


Assuming that there are sufficient people queuing as both pugs and premades to ensure matches this should be the case. In the current system of single server queues however there is not a large enough pool of players to draw from to ensure reasonable queue times.


Any premade that feels the need to be consistently matched against pug teams which they have a clear advantage in communication and coordination over really doesn't deserve to win anyway. Everyone does deserve the opportunity to play however.

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Imo punish people for making friends. And after reading some of the posts in this thread from anti-premade people, it's clear why they don't have any friends =3


Playing with friends is one thing. I play with friends all the time and still suck because we have a piss poor comp and no vent.


Premades are folks whos group is designed to win, have vent etc.


Solo queue people want to queue against solo, premades should queue premades.


I don't really care either way as I said earlier in my post that most premade players suck on their own. Just memorize their names and look for them in warzones/ilum and watch how bad they are if the rest of their group isn't with them.


I have **** on so many premade player chests in Ilum when theyre alone it's not even funny.

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Imo punish people for making friends. And after reading some of the posts in this thread from anti-premade people, it's clear why they don't have any friends =3


I've heard this one before.


No !, it is called something that is Very rare and pretty much nonexistent anymore with MMO players...





Let me counter with..


Why would it be unfair or a punishment to face the same group make up as your own?

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basically people do not want to make the effort required to be successful in warzones. Most just want to wander in, pew pew and be rewarded. Since some people understand that the game mechanics encourage grouping and being organized to do the most, they tend to win more often then not.


Basically your playing the game the way it should be, with balanced groups and clearly defined roles for your group, and the pubbies wont bother to do the same. Since most of them are by nature selfish , more often then not,they are DPS players who whine about getting rolled, rather then build a team, or respec to heal a team so they can win.


I dont really have an issue with pre-made only ques, frankly i would prefer them as the level of play is far better generally, and makes the warzone match more enjoyable.


Basically what it boils down to is " i want to solo que, and have the game reward me, without bothering to put out any effort, or do the slightest bit of teamwork". Many times i solo que as well due to my RL schedule, i just dont ***** about it when i get rolled by people who put in the effort.

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Also pug is also probably to be 8 dps. Premade is set up with required classes for the warzone.

Organization wont' matter. I've been in pugs where we can't even kill someone 3v1 cause they have healing. And you can't focus the healer cause you die before you can down the healer.

Lvl50 pvp is not fun unless you're in a set group. The game will not last long this way.


Team work will always beat disorder. I don't see why people have an issue with a pre-made group.


Sounds like sour grapes to me.

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Premades want to premade


Solo queuers want to solo queue and only face solo queuers. It's fun having random PVP.


Both can have what they want. But premades need to stop getting free wins against pugs by being placed only against other premades, but in a cross server queue.


Most FPS's have something similar, where you can only queue up for a random game solo of some sort, and then there's the actual rated matches that let you group up. You'd think all these hardcore pvpers that "just want to play with friends" would understand the concept from all these other superior pvp games. Premades should fight premades, end of story.

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i'm one who QQ about premades "ruining" my game, i would be very happy if "premade league" get an exclusive tier, mount, companion, spaceship, planet or whatever.


Because i don't mind if i lose, really, i swear, i simply mind if i don't have fun.


Losing when you hope to win until the last second is real fun, even if you lose, losing the hope to win after 10 seconds is really not fun for me.


My problem is that i don't want to enter "pro" mode, i want to play a game because it's a game, not because it's a sport.


so i don't care if i can't reach top equip or top prize, give me a "smurf" scale prize chart and let me pew pew with fun.

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Team work will always beat disorder. I don't see why people have an issue with a pre-made group.


Sounds like sour grapes to me.


Because when a minority disrupts the majority and turns something enjoyable into a disaster people will stop doing it and eventually those who still like to do it can't do it because people stop queueing.


Let's face it, right now premades in WZ are not over whelming YET!.


You know IT when you face one though and they are not rare.


When the leaderboard pops at the end of the match which of course you lost BIG time and you see an average of 40 some odd kills their team, to less than a dozen for your team its no mystery what happened.


If you face this more than 3 or 4 in a row ( not uncommon when a PM decides to camp the winning streak )you decide not to queue for awhile.


Group winning is attractive and once it is seen as a easy option it will spread, still a minority as compared to solo players but more than enough to ruin it to were people wont queue as often and as time goes by not at all

Edited by GothicSaint
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basically people do not want to make the effort required to be successful in warzones. Most just want to wander in, pew pew and be rewarded. Since some people understand that the game mechanics encourage grouping and being organized to do the most, they tend to win more often then not.


Basically your playing the game the way it should be, with balanced groups and clearly defined roles for your group, and the pubbies wont bother to do the same. Since most of them are by nature selfish , more often then not,they are DPS players who whine about getting rolled, rather then build a team, or respec to heal a team so they can win.


I dont really have an issue with pre-made only ques, frankly i would prefer them as the level of play is far better generally, and makes the warzone match more enjoyable.


Basically what it boils down to is " i want to solo que, and have the game reward me, without bothering to put out any effort, or do the slightest bit of teamwork". Many times i solo que as well due to my RL schedule, i just dont ***** about it when i get rolled by people who put in the effort.


How would you go about securing that you only went up against people who's make up is just like your own?


Should we have individual ques, were DPS has to wait 30 - 40 minutes when tanks get in right away? What would be the arbitrary composition of what a team composition should be and what if I think 3 dps and 1 healer is fine when the team requires a 1 dps, 2 healers, 1 tank?


What if my premade is just 4 friends who are all dps sorcs? We can't run together because we don't fit the right composition?


Your idea of 'fair' is very narrow and lacking.

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Because when a minority disrupts the majority and turns something enjoyable into a disaster people will stop doing it and eventually those who still like to do it can't do it because people stop queueing.


Let's face it, right now premades in WZ are not over whelming YET!.


You know IT when you face one though and they are not rare.


When the leaderboard pops at the end of the match which of course you lost BIG time and you see an average of 40 some odd kills their team, to less than a dozen for your team its no mystery what happened.


If you face this more than 3 or 4 in a row ( not uncommon when a PM decides to camp the winning streak )you decide not to queue for awhile.


Group winning is attractive and once it is seen as a easy option it will spread, still a minority as compared to solo players but more than enough to ruin it to were people wont queue as often and as time goes by not at all


I just leave games with premades. Sure it's poor sport, but so is fighting an oroganized team with a pug. I don't feel bad at all at contributing to their non-games.


If I want to fight a premade, I'll form up a premade (which I do regularly). But when I premade I don't want to fight pugs. Funny that huh? Someone who premades who actually WANTS a challenge as opposed to steamrolls. I respect people who premade a lot more if they can admit it's not fair for pugs to even have to face premades and WANT to face premades.

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