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Ilum a complete joke and no change in sight


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It is pretty clear that Ilum is a complete failure and on a majority of servers and Bioware has said nothing about changing it.


The dominating faction on each server is able to gain valor ranks more easily and as a result gear out more quickly. Effects like this over long periods of time are what kill the potential fun in a game.


I want to know if BW is addressing the clear and dominating issue of faction imbalance with respect to open world pvp. There are simple and obvious balancing mechanisms they could impose that would help make Ilum more than a free valor farm for one faction and a complete joke for both.


Is anything going to be done?

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It is pretty clear that Ilum is a complete failure and on a majority of servers and Bioware has said nothing about changing it.


The dominating faction on each server is able to gain valor ranks more easily and as a result gear out more quickly. Effects like this over long periods of time are what kill the potential fun in a game.


I want to know if BW is addressing the clear and dominating issue of faction imbalance with respect to open world pvp. There are simple and obvious balancing mechanisms they could impose that would help make Ilum more than a free valor farm for one faction and a complete joke for both.


Is anything going to be done?


YEAH!, its been out a WEEK! No change in sight! OMG.....jeeeze...give them some time to figure it out already. I understand at your burger flipping job it doesn't take you a week to flip a burger but this isn't burger flipping.

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Lol, I first read the title...and then expected the OP to point out what is really a complete joke about Ilum. No such luck.


The problem isn't two groups of people standing still in lag for hours on end, "pvp'ing" (lol). Nooo, the problem is that one group is larger than the other one and that some get EPIXES faster (than the OP does)!


I hope Sony doesn't mess up Planetside 2, because I obviously do not think like the wow-kids when it comes to pvp.

Edited by Illwill-
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Don't post a thread unless you are willing to offer some ideas on change. All you said was that one side is getting valor ranks faster than the other side and you are probably being forced to kill people sitting outside your base. Don't need that here. And yes, I am a trooper and yes our sever is 2.5:1 or more Empire vs. Republic.
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There's no reason to post suggestions, there are a bunch of good ones already out there. It could be a stat boost, a relatively low pop cap to keep numbers close, greater valor incentives for the lower pop side, etc. BW is obviously aware of these.


It isn't so much about gear either, those that want to endure the unpleasant gameplay to get gear will do so. The point is that Ilum currently is not a fun environment.


I realize it has only been slightly over a week since the new Ilum patch, and I'm not whining about no change happening yet. What I am upset about is that BW hasn't even acknowledged that a problem with Ilum exists. They hot-fixed valor farming/base camping and left it at that.


Long term issues exist with leaving Ilum the way it currently is, and many players find Ilum to be not fun and just a means to an end. However, there is potential for Ilum to be more than what it currently is. I would just like an acknowledgement that Ilum is not balanced and is being looked into.

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Our server is pretty even trading of deaths just outside the Rebel base. Yeah, that means the Imperials get Valor faster...but at times it looks like no one is leading the rebel side out. I've seen multiple occasions where there were more rebels than imperials, but they just wouldn't push their way out from the "insta-gib" line in the sand.
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Then there was no reason for you to post at all, my friend.


The reason to post was to try and get BW to admit Ilum is broken, not fun, and being looked at. You would know that if you had read the entire post and not just the first sentence.

Edited by Axlor
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I will second the fact that Ilum is a complete joke. Each time I come to the place Imps are camping Republic just outside the base. Faction imbalance really hurts and the area is very poorly designed.


It takes me hours to get my daily done each time due to the fact that the only way I can get them is to ninja Armaments.... I am a fresh 50 without the "PVP STAT" so it's very difficult for me to find someone to kill.

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I'm going to have to agree with poster's concerns regarding Ilum, in fact the pvp problems overall are fairly substantial. If you played Warhammer, the problems seem very similar: massive CC, poor performance, poorly thought out Open PVP design.


Faction imbalance was solved by Mythic in DAOC , but they have messsed it up here just as badly as in Warhammer. I'm really wanting to like this game, but I'm seeing basic mmo design flaws (no world chat..really.... in an mmo?) and pvp failures being re-visisted in what is the most expensive MMO to date.


The Bio-Ware quests, storylines are spectacular BioWare goods. The MMO is WarHammer-Mythic failure. PVP has to have class balance and there has to be a way for the underog to advance and even get a win now and then or bye bye pvp. There isn't much else to do at lvl 50 so hello alt or bye bye Bioware.

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The reason to post was to try and get BW to admit Ilum is broken, not fun, and being looked at. You would know that if you had read the entire post and not just the first sentence.


Then had you read their posts, you would have received your answer.


The rage-filled are often the most ignorant.


So I reiterate, there's still no reason you had to post.

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