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Totalbiscuit - Interview - Gabe Amantangelo


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Very predictable interview... I expected more, this is much like an interview by GameSpot, IGN or mmorpg.com, basically no substance for anyone who isn't a complete novice to MMO Gaming.


Does not address any crucial issues or ask any tough questions but simply follows a script of favorable questions for pre-determined answers.



Very lame... I was under the impression totalbiscuit was a decent player who understood the "higher level" aspects and would ask questions accordingly.



he pretty much sold out imo

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It's pretty clear that Gabe had specific instructions about what he is allowed to talk about. No surprise that some topic weren't covered.


That is how it works. It is a company that wants to gain revenue.


I think it was interesting to hear that balance is a concern that was given great thought to early in development.

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1. TB doesn't really play swtor.


2. He is not going to ask question that he know he will not get answers to. Also it is a bad idea to piss people that you are interviewing.

1. yes he does. he plays a Powertech Bounty Hunter alongside his wife who's a lightside Inquisitor


the TWO AND A HALF HOUR podcast they did with jesse cox more than reveals the fact they actually play the game


Edited by Sleekit
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1. TB doesn't really play swtor.


2. He is not going to ask question that he know he will not get answers to. Also it is a bad idea to piss off people that you are interviewing.


On the second point, the fear of upsetting the person you interview is the hallmark of a bad interviewer imo. This severely limits the interviewers potential to ask tough, substance rich and interesting questions.


Because of this, the interview felt more like just another PR stunt, Bioware circle ****.

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On the second point, the fear of upsetting the person you interview is the hallmark of a bad interviewer imo. This severely limits the interviewers potential to ask tough, substance rich and interesting questions.


Because of this, the interview felt more like just another PR stunt, Bioware circle ****.


You've read the reddit interview with Stephen Reid, right? Why ask questions that will only be answered with "We can't talk about that yet".


I understand wanting more new info, but if BioWare really wants us to know about something new, it won't be from a random interview with Totalbiscuit, it will be on the main SWTOR.com front page.

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Because of this, the interview felt more like just another PR stunt, Bioware circle ****.


Pretty much what I thought it would be. I feel much better knowing I didn't waste my time watching a pointless video of information we probably already knew. Bioware is pretty good at talking but actions speak much louder than words. I'm still waiting on the action part.

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On the second point, the fear of upsetting the person you interview is the hallmark of a bad interviewer imo. This severely limits the interviewers potential to ask tough, substance rich and interesting questions.


Because of this, the interview felt more like just another PR stunt, Bioware circle ****.


The interviewer can asks what he wants and the developer could say what he wants, that still does not mean that this interview is going to be allowed to be published.

Edited by GHeissi
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I should say, though I may seem to be very negative and certainly very critical but that is simply because I am very honest naturally and try to be as objective as possible, always....


I do like Gabe quite a lot and think he's very competent, someone who I think I could have a very interesting conversation with (and would love to).


So Gabe, does a good job nonetheless here...

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The interviewer can asks what he wants and the developer could say what he wants, that still does not mean that this interview is going to be allowed to be published.


That is why you have preconditions and agreements preventing blocks

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I should say, though I may seem to be very negative and certainly very critical but that is simply because I am very honest naturally and try to be as objective as possible, always....


I do like Gabe quite a lot and think he's very competent, someone who I think I could have a very interesting conversation with (and would love to).


So Gabe, does a good job nonetheless here...



Of course. But because of PR "we" will only get filtered informations. :(


That is why you have preconditions and agreements preventing blocks


Just compare the size of TB's and BW's target audience.

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It could have been asked (it wasn't) and it could have been answers (it wasn't but it also wasn't asked) about their thoughts on Ilum and win trading.


Everything else more or less that was asked 99% of the player base already knows is in the works. That is, unless you are new to the MMO space. The "official" retail client is only a month old if you picked it up day one. Pre-order head start maybe add a few days. Warzone brackets and why they didn't go live (50's with their own, etc) again is common sense. Not enough people to fill them (/rollseyes). Class balance - again, game doesn't have enough of a end game population level to know the pulse - duh.


Minor or known growning pains are one thing. Cheating and exploits are another. These are the things that ruin MMO's. Look at AoC. Look at Aion. Hell, look at Warhammer.


Swtor needs something to or a reason to play it rather than the "other" mmo which has more years of content and balance (regardless if you like it or not). It needs a strong pvp presence right out of the gate otherwise it is the same thing with a different skin. And people are tired of that. Don't believe it - look at some of the other MMO's subscription figures or soon to be F2P.


People will spend money regardless of the current mess in the world. Entertainment is worth it - it is a place where people can escape reality. No worry, no fear, just simple bliss.

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to all morons out there... TB asks questions most of us were curious about in this interview, and frankly stuff we wanted to know. TB does in fact give opinions but he uses logic, and experience and tries to be as objective as possible and he never made any other claim then that.


All that said... he asked all major questions most of us wanted to know

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to all morons out there... TB asks questions most of us were curious about in this interview, and frankly stuff we wanted to know. TB does in fact give opinions but he uses logic, and experience and tries to be as objective as possible and he never made any other claim then that.


All that said... he asked all major questions most of us wanted to know


^This^ +1

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to all morons out there... TB asks questions most of us were curious about in this interview, and frankly stuff we wanted to know. TB does in fact give opinions but he uses logic, and experience and tries to be as objective as possible and he never made any other claim then that.


All that said... he asked all major questions most of us wanted to know


yep, its actually one of the more useful SWTOR information pieces to have come out.


He's pretty annoying, and that whole "I dont raid but am quitting wow because a raid has been nerfed serveral months after it was released" BS kind of made me think he's a pratt.


But this interview is pretty good really. Of course he cant ask "why does swtor suck balls??" because the interviewee would just leave. He does his best and gets some relevant information.


He is a fairly crap gamer though, but I suppose those vids of him "pvp'ing" are pretty funny to watch :p

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I understand wanting more new info, but if BioWare really wants us to know about something new, it won't be from a random interview with Totalbiscuit, it will be on the main SWTOR.com front page.


No, just like every other major thing about the game, we heard it from someone that asked SR a question on Twitter. Sad that most info about the game comes from SR on twitter instead of them using the "Official" forums.

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