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People that call for class nerfs are...


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I'm also willing to bet no one has a lvl 50 of every class and every AC, to know how every combination of the classes and abilities work. They don't know all the strengths and weaknesses.


Yet, somehow they all claim to be professionals and have some magical insights on what needs to be nerfed.


It's clearly an indication of, "I don't want to believe I'm a bad player. I choose to believe it's a bad game".

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I'm also willing to bet no one has a lvl 50 of every class and every AC, to know how every combination of the classes and abilities work. They don't know all the strengths and weaknesses.


Yet, somehow they all claim to be professionals and have some magical insights on what needs to be nerfed.


It's clearly an indication of, "I don't want to believe I'm a bad player. I choose to believe it's a bad game".


^^^ That ftw ^^^

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"They're definitely OP. I think the SI/JC are in general. Too much utility got jammed into one class. "


Thanks for proving my point. You're the type of person im talking about calling classes "OP" because you're probably bad.


They honestly do, but that's beside the point.


Why don't you look through more of my posts to find the ones that say they shouldn't be changing classes until there's character copy on the PTS so these things can be properly tested?


I'm not clamoring for nerfs from the mountain tops.

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They honestly do, but that's beside the point.


Why don't you look through more of my posts to find the ones that say they shouldn't be changing classes until there's character copy on the PTS so these things can be properly tested?


I'm not clamoring for nerfs from the mountain tops.


You can judge me by my signature but i cant judge you by one post? Hmm logic?

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1. People that probably never played the class they're calling for nerfs about.

2. Dont understand the counters to the class

3. Probably just overall bad at pvp


Know your class and every other class (by playing them) before you yell nerf.


It sounds like you're implying that


A) You've played every class and know them inside and out.

B) You've played them all enough to know that the game is currently 100% balanced and that the countless people who don't believe this are wrong.


Am I getting this right?

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You can judge me by my signature but i cant judge you by one post? Hmm logic?


Not judging, just find it humorous. But if you want cherry pick my posts, by all means.


Thanks for creating a thread for this refreshing view on the matter. I can't believe it's never been brought up before. :rolleyes:

Edited by Amp_
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1. People that probably never played the class they're calling for nerfs about.

2. Dont understand the counters to the class

3. Probably just overall bad at pvp


Know your class and every other class (by playing them) before you yell nerf.


Perhaps you, too, should learn the classes before dismissing these suggestions for nerfs.

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It sounds like you're implying that


A) You've played every class and know them inside and out.

B) You've played them all enough to know that the game is currently 100% balanced and that the countless people who don't believe this are wrong.


Am I getting this right?


No but how can people call for nerfs on any class if they havent played it? No game is 100% balanced but yelling nerf because another class beat you comes down to many factors and not all game-based. Someone could have just outplayed you and had zero to do with class balance.

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Perhaps you, too, should learn the classes before dismissing these suggestions for nerfs.


In the process of doing just that. Ive never called for a nerf on any class in this game. I get tired of people spamming 1 button abilities but that's their choice to play the class that way.

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I'd rather stay on topic instead of arguing with people that want to make judgements based on a sig. Anything you want to add to the actual topic?


Maybe people (like you for instance) should stop complaining about X needs a nerf or X doesn't need a nerf, and instead start asking for character copy to the PTS. It's amazing how that topic isn't brought up more often.


Classes are going to be tweaked regardless because that's what happens in a MMO. Maybe you should be more concerned about testing these changes and making sure they're done right, instead of simply saying they don't need to happen. Because they will whether you like or not, but I'm sure you don't want to find out on live.


There's my addition. Welcome to the world of MMO gaming. Enjoy your stay.

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Say what you want about knowing all the classes before you yell nerf i dont need to no all the other classes to yell nerf all i need to no is that when a class can take me down over half my health before i can stand up there is something wrong .


no need to play him to realise this.....


PS: I have actualy never said nerf anything so far in this game this is just a fact...

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I agree 100%, thanks for providing the forums with a post that isn't completely illogical.


Too many fresh 50s walk into warzones and get destroyed by the 500+ expertise pvpers that have been pvping for weeks now and then complain on forums about classes being OP. Get geared and you will see how balanced the game really is.

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This whole "Nerf Him!" / "Don't nerf me cause you suck" argument is getting real old.


I play a scoundrel -- not max level yet (lvl 43), but working on it. My thoughts are this. The nerf bat is going to hit me and I'm going to have to adapt to it or re-roll. Lashing out at the community isn't going to win me any points.


If I take you out 1v1 post-nerf please take a moment to hang your head in shame since I'm not the best PvPer in the world. Regardless, I'm going to play my classes strengths and back up my team however I can. If I can't win 1v1, I will win 2v1 -- outnumbering someone and killing them is fair game as far as PvP is concerned.


OP, I recommend you show someone how much they suck in the WZ instead of on the forums, that kind of argument holds much more merit -- and let's face it, much more satisfying. :)

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It's been my experience that anyone who posts the following responses:


"You don't know all the classes"

"I hope they don't listen to the crybabies"

"You need to L2P"


Are the WORST players when it comes to said issues.


For a good majority of the players on this board, this isn't our first MMO. For many of us, we've PvP'ed in many of those. Most sensible players like this, who have seen this type of stuff, are actually pretty good at identifying what's really borked in PvP.


No, I haven't played all the classes to 50. But I, like many other PvP'ers from other games, can identify "unbalanced" when we see it.


It's a talent we use called common sense. It's just something that's few and far between on these forums.

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Has anyone noticed the OP and the agreement bunch are all sporting BH or Sith Avatars?


I guess the balance sheet must be very similar to the old World of Roguecraft videos then?


Mercs/Commandos and Sorc/Sages are Rock.


Ops/Scoundrels are Paper.


Vanguards/Powertechs, Assassins/Shadows, Gunslingers/Snipers and Juggernaughts/Guardians are Scissors


Marauders/Sentinels are Mushrooms.


Paper beats Rock and is often beaten by Scissors until they get to level 40+ and can 3 shot.


Rock beats Scissors and Mushrooms but should beat Paper but Paper is OP so Rock cried hard for Paper nerfing....


And that is called balance?


Yes I'm aware altered a few lines, etc to make it reflect the balance scale in SWTOR reflecting how the Merc/Commandos Sorc/Sages feel it should be.


Heres a > guide based on how those players feel it should be for those that find that hard to digest!


Sorc/Sage = Merc/Commando > Everyone else > Sentinel/Marauder.

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Has anyone noticed the OP and the agreement bunch are all sporting BH or Sith Avatars?


I guess the balance sheet must be very similar to the old World of Roguecraft videos then?


Mercs/Commandos and Sorc/Sages are Rock.


Ops/Scoundrels are Paper.


Vanguards/Powertechs, Assassins/Shadows, Gunslingers/Snipers and Juggernaughts/Guardians are Scissors


Marauders/Sentinels are Mushrooms.


Paper beats Rock and is often beaten by Scissors until they get to level 40+ and can 3 shot.


Rock beats Scissors and Mushrooms but should beat Paper but Paper is OP so Rock cried hard for Paper nerfing....


And that is called balance?


Yes I'm aware altered a few lines, etc to make it reflect the balance scale in SWTOR reflecting how the Merc/Commandos Sorc/Sages feel it should be.


Heres a > guide based on how those players feel it should be for those that find that hard to digest!


Sorc/Sage = Merc/Commando > Everyone else > Sentinel/Marauder.


You must play a Sentinel/Marauder.

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