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If tanks Cannot do dmg, then healers should not either.


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This is a response to the 9k Guardian thread..



The spec that does it is Rage shared tree.


Force Charge/Oblit makes next Smash auto Crit.


Force Choke/Force Crush Ticks increase next smash dmg by 25% stacks 4 times.



100% Crit

100% Dmg boost.



This was around in closed beta.


Whats the difference in doing 1 hit from a Jugger that big, compared to Tracer Missle Hitting for 3k every 1.5 sec ?


4.5 Sec for Tracer Missle to do 9k dmg


Jugger must #1 4 tics of Force Crush which takes 4 sec Cast


Force Charge

4 Sec to build the 100% boost


then the attack


Assuming your not stunned, knocked back etc.



This is different from Operative due to...


Vs operative you are






and stunned.




So Nerf BH dmg into the ground, Along with Sorc Dmg, and we can Nerf Juggers after that.


I guess we want it where...


operative, Sorc, Merc Can Only heal and do bad dps


Powertech, assassin, Jugger can only tank and do bad dps


Marauder and Sniper are only ones allowed to do Damage.

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As a full spec BH Merc healer, I don't have tracer missile.


Anybody who does is not a full healer but is a hybrid class - a jack of all trades. Someone who doesn't excel at either but sacrifices maximum output as either a healer or dps so they can go both routes.


Frankly, I think it sacrifices too much. It is hard to manage heat when you are doing both dps and healing.


The only reason I can think to do this is so that you can maximize your medal chances. Self heal to get the healing medals and dps with tracer to get the damage medals.


But you aren't doing yourself or your group any favors in PVE. Your DPS output will likely be so low that when running flashpoints or ops, the group tank will have higher damage numbers than you. You also aren't going to be doing any healing as it takes a full healing spec to hold your own as a group healer in PVE.


Your only saving grace is that your teammates won't see your poor dps numbers. But people might comment on why it is taking longer than it should to take down a boss. And the reason is one of the dps members is short changing the team.

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Healing mercs are better off gettign their 31 pointer and using power shot instead if they want to use a dps ability. Draws way less attention in PvP, does similiar damage, and you have your instant heal that can easily end up saving someone's life like it has for me many a time when I was messing with heals.
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Healing mercs are better off gettign their 31 pointer and using power shot instead if they want to use a dps ability. Draws way less attention in PvP, does similiar damage, and you have your instant heal that can easily end up saving someone's life like it has for me many a time when I was messing with heals.


Except with 30% debuff it rarely saves anyone's life at 50 with gear......


I'm lucky if I get a 3.5k crit in PVP......

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So you want to restrict healers to the 3 medals for healing? maybe a defender medal in Civil War?


Idk about other healers, but i like to know I have the chance to get more than 3-4 medals, but thats just me.


*disclaimer: didn't read the entire post so I could have missed something*

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The only reason I can think to do this is so that you can maximize your medal chances. Self heal to get the healing medals and dps with tracer to get the damage medals.


Thats exactly why people do it. They need more healer medals. Regarding the OP... who knows what he is rambling on about.


Even full specced tanks can do reasonable damage, certainly more than a full specced healer can. Opening them up to more medals than anyone else.

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As a full spec BH Merc healer, I don't have tracer missile.


Anybody who does is not a full healer but is a hybrid class - a jack of all trades. Someone who doesn't excel at either but sacrifices maximum output as either a healer or dps so they can go both routes.


Frankly, I think it sacrifices too much. It is hard to manage heat when you are doing both dps and healing.


The only reason I can think to do this is so that you can maximize your medal chances. Self heal to get the healing medals and dps with tracer to get the damage medals.


But you aren't doing yourself or your group any favors in PVE. Your DPS output will likely be so low that when running flashpoints or ops, the group tank will have higher damage numbers than you. You also aren't going to be doing any healing as it takes a full healing spec to hold your own as a group healer in PVE.


Your only saving grace is that your teammates won't see your poor dps numbers. But people might comment on why it is taking longer than it should to take down a boss. And the reason is one of the dps members is short changing the team.


I second this. I am speccd fully into combat medic and partially into the other tree, but not enough to get grav round.


My damage is horrible and I've never done enough damage in a wz to get the damage medal.

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Whats the difference in doing 1 hit from a Jugger that big, compared to Tracer Missle Hitting for 3k every 1.5 sec ?


4.5 Sec for Tracer Missle to do 9k dmg


The difference is 3k tracer missiles/Grav Rounds are crits from geared BHs/Commandos on ungeared targets, while the other scenario is predictable, repeatable, aoe, and from a defensive toon that can close the gap on the target. BHs/commandos get steamrolled when a good melee gets on them.


BTW learn to interrupt or dont requeue for pvp.

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I second this. I am speccd fully into combat medic and partially into the other tree, but not enough to get grav round.


My damage is horrible and I've never done enough damage in a wz to get the damage medal.


I know exactly what you are talking about Chop.


As a full spec healer, my damage options are actually quite limited. Without going into the damage trees, the cool downs on most of my combat options make them unusuable in PVP. They are simply there for "oh #$@$" moments. I have literally been in PVP fights were every combat option I have is on cooldown except my freebee - which does only double digit damage against someone reasonably geared. If it does crit, the crit is in the low 100 range / hit.


So in other words it is pointless to even use unless the target already has both feet, waist, and shoulders in the grave.


Again, I can't stress enough that the full healers get squat. If someone is doing high heals and high damage, it is a true fluke.


Have I had matches where I did over 100k damage even while full healer speced? Yes I have, but in those cases, I didn't do squat for healing and I only go this route in Huttball and only if the DPS team mates aren't able to hold up their end of the bargain.


If they lack the gear, experience, or the CC options to stop the ball handler, then I have no choice to switch roles - even if my damge output is limited.

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I think the OPs initial point was that tanks are limited to the amount of badges they can receive because of their lower damage potential (as full-specced tanks).


Speaking as a main tank, I'll have to disagree to that. Guarding grants us 3-4 medals as early as the first minute or two of play. Once you get the 75k dmg badge, one-on-one badge, finishing blow badge and one defender badge on top of that, you're either at the top of the list by the end of the match or in the top 3.


Everyone seems to have pretty effective means of acquiring badges these days so I'm not too bothered. No more nerfs IMO.

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The difference is 3k tracer missiles/Grav Rounds are crits from geared BHs/Commandos on ungeared targets, while the other scenario is predictable, repeatable, aoe, and from a defensive toon that can close the gap on the target. BHs/commandos get steamrolled when a good melee gets on them.


BTW learn to interrupt or dont requeue for pvp.


Yes because it doesnt take a geared jedi guardian to do the same with force sweep amirite?!

As a battlemaster jedi guardian, and a pver with 3/5 rakata and 1900 strength when buffed, I havent seen anything above a 6.8k crit on nor a player nor a boss.

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This is a response to the 9k Guardian thread..


Have you heard of interupts? Yes? You still wanted to post this after knowing about interupts? Hmmm, seems you have a case of the bads. Unforunate for you since it's very hard to overcome it once it's set it.


Symptoms include:

Not understanding class mechanics.

Not understanding Line of Sight.

Not understanding general game mechanics.

Clicking hotkeys.

Aggressively ignorant posts.

Not understanding to what degree gear factors into things.


Luckily, however, it is curable by taking a giant dose of shut up and learn the game before you post **** like this. Commandos and Mercenaries are fine because..


1. Line of Sight

2. Interupts

3. Immobile while DPSing.

4. Interupting Grav/Tracer has a significantly large chance to bug full auto and unload so we channel for 3 seconds but deal no damage.


Focus bombing needs to be tweak but otherwise is fairly balanced. It takes a while to charge Singularity up and when you sense it's coming (After they choke or snare you), you can boop them on the head with any sort of knockback so that Force Sweep misses because it's PBAoE in a game that has the worst character location tracking I've seen in a long time. No one is ever where you think they are.

Edited by LordKivlov
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i understand... i'm watching a stream of this "healer" critting for 4k damage and i'm lucky if i crit 2k damage in my tank spec/gear.


That is not a true healer then.


Healers crit for 4k in healing not damage dealing. When I switch roles from healing to DPS, my damage crits are for 2k. I never even get close to 3k much less 4k.


So either he is a damage dealer who has made the choice to heal (even with his limited options) or he is a healer who has found yet another hack to up his damage dealing.


Hacks do exist after all. There are hacks for insane run speeds and for massive damage reduction. It only stands to reason that there might be one for damage increase as well.

Edited by ForceWelder
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Hey bro, don't talk about healers, they'll go at your throat like woves. If you aren't familiar with how healing in MMOs goes, lemme bring you up to speed.


Healers are skilled people who are always right. If you can't kill a healer it's a L2P issue. If you CAN kill one, they need a buff. Playing a healer authomatically makes you a very skilled player.


Quit while you are ahead.

Edited by Bullsith
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