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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How to get Battlemaster in a day


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This is a detailed write-up and my opinions on what has recently started on my server.

I was going to reply with it to another post, but I feel this issue deserves it's own Topic.

The reason WHY I'm including detailed directions: Unless every server is threatened by this blatant abuse.. I don't feel EA and BW will actually fix the problem.



Yesterday on my server they started kill swapping.

Each side would go to the southern republic res point.

They will then each stack up and take turns killing each other with aoes.


You have to wait 3 minutes between each death to get credit.

Since there are more imperials they get the objective bonus valor whereas the pubs get more kills.


The funny thing is the amount of exploiting going on.

See when you die and release, if you type /stuck you are automatically teleported back to the place where you died.


Now there are people who got 7+ ranks yesterday - completely circumventing the work that goes into earning the rank Battlemaster and the rewards for said work.


The excuse to start this little Valor farm was the weekly (Which I can completely understand - it sucks and Ilum as a whole is horribly implemented)

But now it has turned into a daily event which I feel is going to destroy PvP on my server.


The reasons why I believe this is harmful:

First, it's going to kill player retention.

It's like using a cheat code and beating a game. If there is no longer any goal to strive for, what do you think is going to keep pvpers in a game?

They will do dailies and that's probably it.


Second, this is going to hurt WZ participation.

Already today out of the 5 Warzones I've joined, 3 ended after 2 minutes due to lack of members.

The only 2 that did pan out were compromised of premades I believe. Before today this would happen maybe once every 2 days of steady WZ grinding. Coincidence?

Why que up if you can get almost a Thousand Valor per minute?


Third, it is just plain exploitation of a game mechanic.

If nothing else using /stuck to teleport to your last location is abusing a bug.



Now do I think people should be banned for this?


That would be effing stupid.

Banning people for taking a shortcut from the tedious pvp grind would be a horrible business move. They would just quit and find a game with better pvp.


What needs to happen is actually FIX ILUM!


There have been some Great ideas on how to do this. There's no need to give a detailed outline of what I think Ilum should be. However, what it should NOT be is kill trading or Objective Trading. The ONLY excuse to go to this zone is a champion or battlemaster bag.

That issue needs to be addressed.


But this.

What we have right now.

This is going to completely destroy any pvp community you have left on this game. Which I'm going to guess is about 1/4th to 1/3rd of your playerbase.


Just watch guys. The moment you start seeing organized swaps on your server - watch the difference in your pvp experience.

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I agree.


This needs to be fix asap, first and while a long term solution is provided, decrease drastically the amount of valor for each king.


If you win every BG quite fast, you can get up to 4k valor / hour; adjust ilum killing rewards to this.

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Do you even realize how much valor is required for level 60?


No one got Battlemaster in a day, per your implied point. They may have farmed kills and supplemented in a way outside of the design, but let's not try and make a point seem larger for dramatic effect.

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they should just blow up ilum, nothing good has come out of that planet except exploits


objective trading before patch

spawn farming after patch

kill trading after patch

lvl 15 bots farming chests all day




just blow up ilum until their 'world best' pvp team can figure out how to make it work, and put extra WZ daily quests to replace the ilum ones

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From 0 to 60 no.


However, I have friends and guildies who did get 7+ ranks in the 50s yesterday.


Last night before I logged, I heard there were at LEAST 30 pubs taking part.

God knows how many Imps.


20 valor per kill.

80 valor per for objective bonus.


Since the kills are taking outside an objective, they don't receive that bonus.


30 pubs * 100 Valor = 3000 Valor

Every 3 Minutes.


1000 Valor a minute.



Why would I ******** about this?

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From 0 to 60 no.


However, I have friends and guildies who did get 7+ ranks in the 50s yesterday.


Last night before I logged, I heard there were at LEAST 30 pubs taking part.

God knows how many Imps.


20 valor per kill.

80 valor per for objective bonus.


Since the kills are taking outside an objective, they don't receive that bonus.


30 pubs * 100 Valor = 3000 Valor

Every 3 Minutes.


1000 Valor a minute.



Why would I ******** about this?


With all your friends doing it, you obviously have something even remotely resembling proof, right?

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I need to bring my deathstar around and kill this crappy planet called Ilum.


Seriously. BW probably put less than an afternoon into the PVP aspects of this game.

Quit now. Its only gonna get worse.

Edited by Radiozo
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Here's the crazy question... "what can they do?". TEchnically they are not doing anything wrong... they are pvping in Ilum. Ok, so it's not pvping like we all think of it, but they aren't exploiting.


Pvper's nowadays don't care about pvp, they just want the purps.

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Well look at the linked video if you don't believe me.


I'm not here to get people banned. I think that's a horrible move.

I'm here to show the Developers of this game how broken their open world pvp is.


You can either believe me or not. This IS happening.

The more this information is circulated, the more servers will take part and the better the chance this will be resolved.


The Valor is just too damn good NOT to trade kills.

Why grind out literally days of huttball when you can be done in a day?




Using the /stuck command to teleport back to your death location is exploiting a bug though.

Edited by Zahzah
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I can't find it now but there was a post on this yesterday.


The OP had submitted a ticket asking if kill swapping was an exploit and BW responded saying it was completely fine for organized groups to kill swap for valor.


So basically according to BW, this is working as intended.

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Well look at the linked video if you don't believe me.


I'm not here to get people banned. I think that's a horrible move.

I'm here to show the Developers of this game how broken their open world pvp is.


You can either believe me or not. This IS happening.

The more this information is circulated, the more servers will take part and the better the chance this will be resolved.


The Valor is just too damn good NOT to trade kills.

Why grind out literally days of huttball when you can be done in a day?




Using the /stuck command to teleport back to your death location is exploiting a bug though.


This will not be resolved


According to BW this is working as intended.

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they should just blow up ilum, nothing good has come out of that planet except exploits


objective trading before patch

spawn farming after patch

kill trading after patch

lvl 15 bots farming chests all day




just blow up ilum until their 'world best' pvp team can figure out how to make it work, and put extra WZ daily quests to replace the ilum ones


pretty sure that anyone under level 50 can no longer go there.

havnt seen one under 50 since 1.1

not every server has people kill trading i guarentee we dont do it on our server because **** imperials.

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