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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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I'm going to guess that they won't merge servers for at least several months. They're not going to let us Oceanic people transfer until late April, and merging servers seems like something that would be even more difficult then character transfers. So I wouldn't expect them anytime soon. Although, considering the number of total players is far more than the number of Oceanic players, merging servers could be a bigger priority, so maybe if they decide they need to merge servers they won't take several months to get it done.
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I'm going to guess that they won't merge servers for at least several months. They're not going to let us Oceanic people transfer until late April, and merging servers seems like something that would be even more difficult then character transfers. So I wouldn't expect them anytime soon. Although, considering the number of total players is far more than the number of Oceanic players, merging servers could be a bigger priority, so maybe if they decide they need to merge servers they won't take several months to get it done.


That's about right. Although moving chars (on live servers, had some fun on some priv*** servers) is nothing more than a few DB calls for them. They got physical access to the servers and I suppose they should have enough "test" queries lying around that could do this for them. So the delay is not so much a technical matter, but rather them not admitting there are population issues, or better, them believing that the LFG tool will save the day.

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Seems like almost every server is low population. At Peak hours, there are not many people on any one server. Rift had this issue, and in the beginning, they shut down servers, and allowed people to merge to other servers. It's odd that it takes hours at lvl 50 for a PVP game to pop, as there is hardly anyone on the servers. They also need to implement CROSS REALM Ques. WOW did this, and was a huge success. For any new MMO not to include this off the bat, is beyond bizarre to me. I think Bioware is too focused on fixing bugs than getting these servers in line. Wish I never leveled on what is now a "Low POP" server, as most of the time I feel like this is a single player game.


Bioware, what say you?



I dont think you will see one any time soon, server mergers tend to attract shareholder attention (and people tend to get fired when that happens unless the game is doing extreamly well). So its self preservation on the development side.


It is also a matter of cost, merging data from both servers can a cost quite a bit to do, Unless a automated system was already in place for it. So from a business stand point you have to compare the costs vs income from tiny player base on those servers.

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Oh, hey look..... 9:50 PM Eastern time. That server everyone said fell off a cliff population wise (Harbinger) just went from heavy to very heavy.


Sweet, that one server has a good population. Sweet.

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personally dont see the need on my server.


And its not a heavy one.


I'd say be patient and have faith in BW to manage.


Do you think they want to maintain more servers then they have to? I dont.


Common complaints I've heard on this topice are.


Its a single player game ***.


I can't get a group ***.


To those folks I say , make up your mind.




Check out poison idea. So underated.


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The main problem with SWTOR and every recent MMO to come out is the concept of region servers.


Using Everquest as an example, servers were populated throughout the day and night. The reason being was that different regions were on the servers at different points in time. When east coast players logged off, west coast players basically took over. When west coast logged off, asia players took over. And so on and so forth. The game was rockin despite whatever time you logged on. There were people around, and it built a sense of community amongst the different regions.


If bioware had thought of this, there would be no need for server merges. Obviously if the servers are located here on the state side, there will be some latency delays for euro/asia players. However with proper routing and well thought bandwidth investment and purchases, that can be mitigated to a certain acceptable degree. Some may argue that this adds stress due to increase load that servers must handle. I really think that's a nonissue given today's hardware if the architects thought out design efficiently.


If they do decide to server merge or cross server bgs, it's a sign that there is an active population drop. In any MMO, thats not a good sign, especially this early into release. I hope they can figure out a reasonable solution within their sandbox to *quietly* fix this without us noticing a decline :)

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Next Q&A session, everyone asks the same question


"When will there be server merges?"


We should seriously flood the Q&A with that. It will be impossible to ignore if over half of their questions are this same thing. Everyone unite!

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We should seriously flood the Q&A with that. It will be impossible to ignore if over half of their questions are this same thing. Everyone unite!


Q: There are various reports from most servers that there are population issues starting to seriously impair game play, do you have a time table for any sort of fix or even band-aid solution?


A: We've listened very careful to our players and we understand the issues you are going through. After much debate there will be an option to silence the Robot in your ship.


Q: Excuse me? How does that address ...


A: Furthmore, players could look forward to a laundry list of new unnannounced features that we haven't mentioned yet, I know I am excited.


Q: Huh? What new features, what about the server populations, you failed to mention ...


Moderator: This Q&A session has been shut down to violations of the User agreement, please post further questions in: "The server population is growing Q & A session"


Thank you for your understanding in the matter

SWTOR moderators

Edited by Touchbass
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If you think your server doesn't have enough people on it, then find one you do think has enough people and roll your chars on there (it's a game, so starting over is no big deal - unless you think it's your life). But whatever you do, LEAVE MY SEVER #*?! ALONE. I chose it for the low population. I like getting on without a que wait AND I like the lower latency I get on it. Edited by Khyler
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Time for a reality check, chief. During prime time, over an hour for PVP to pop, going on planets and seeing 4, maybe 10 people on that planet? You don't think this is an issue? I'm paying for a MMO, where is the Mass Multiplayer? Move along, nothing for you to see in this topic obviously....


So, reroll on another server. And I wouldn't be surprised if your server is a PvE server. I'm on a low population PvE server (i like that) and I don't wait an hour anytime for a warzone. Before I moved to this server at the beginning of this week, I was on a PvP server since pre-launch. I never had to wait long for PvP there. Another thing I would like to know before I give your complaint an validity, is what timezone do you live in, which timezone server did you select to play on, and, what time do you play? All three of those will impact the population.


But if you are on a PvE server don't be complaining about lack of PvP. What would you expect?

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Seems like almost every server is low population. At Peak hours, there are not many people on any one server. Rift had this issue, and in the beginning, they shut down servers, and allowed people to merge to other servers. It's odd that it takes hours at lvl 50 for a PVP game to pop, as there is hardly anyone on the servers. They also need to implement CROSS REALM Ques. WOW did this, and was a huge success. For any new MMO not to include this off the bat, is beyond bizarre to me. I think Bioware is too focused on fixing bugs than getting these servers in line. Wish I never leveled on what is now a "Low POP" server, as most of the time I feel like this is a single player game.


Bioware, what say you?


I dunno seems to me I have seen practically EVERY server Standard at the least every day/evening I log in for like the last 2 weeks anyways. 6-10 PM Central time Prime time here for me but hey they look far from needing a server merge that's for sure. What server(s) you play on?

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Again, Bioware has pulled the wool over your eyes.


You know what Standard would be in any other game?


Low to Very Low.


I posted evidence of this earlier in this thread.


The Razor, Standard Server, 151 Republic Players on total.


It simply doesn't matter how many Imperials are on. That is the problem with factions in games. 151 players, total for a standard server is unacceptable and unplayable from a MMO standpoint.


All those other things people complain about (End-game etc.) mean nothing next to this. This is a game killer.


They need to act fast, as they've waited to long already.

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There are no low population servers


*force persuade*





/waves hand





You dont even need to mindtrick some of these people they already believe that.


Really not a single word about sorting the populations out ? (from BioWare)


Oh well time for more tickets.

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If you think your server doesn't have enough people on it, then find one you do think has enough people and roll your chars on there (it's a game, so starting over is no big deal - unless you think it's your life). But whatever you do, LEAVE MY SEVER #*?! ALONE. I chose it for the low population. I like getting on without a que wait AND I like the lower latency I get on it.


Your responses are what you'd expect from a polished turd. Both responses.


Re-rolling puts them in a worse state.


As for PvE servers being quiet, Im on a PvP server - Uthar Wynn and it is like a ghost town.



Again, Bioware has pulled the wool over your eyes.


You know what Standard would be in any other game?


Low to Very Low.


I posted evidence of this earlier in this thread.


The Razor, Standard Server, 151 Republic Players on total.


It simply doesn't matter how many Imperials are on. That is the problem with factions in games. 151 players, total for a standard server is unacceptable and unplayable from a MMO standpoint.


All those other things people complain about (End-game etc.) mean nothing next to this. This is a game killer.


They need to act fast, as they've waited to long already.


When I checked about 2 weeks ago we had 536 people on the whole server. We were at Standard. We dropped down to 469 people about an hour later leaving us at Light. So yes - Its insane.


From looking at the EU servers @ 17:40 GMT there are currently 6 Light servers.


These are : Uthar Wynn (PvP) / Tott Doneeta (PvP) / Senator Contispex (PvP) / Ula Vii (PvP) / The Kumumgah (PvP) and The Exile's Crystal (PvP) - The rest on the EU Server list are Standard with only eavy - Tomb of Freedon Nadd (PvP)


And after checking Uthar Wynn (Empire Side) at 17:46 GMT we have a whopping total of 155 people on Empire (43 @ 50) and 145 people on republic (62 @ 50) putting us up to a staggering 300 people (Give or take allowing for people logging in / logging out in the few moments it took to check.)


Lack of people = lack of groups for content regardless of level, be it level 1, 25 or 50 = lack of fun in such a big world. People can keep telling me and others "Theres no problem! You guys are blind LOLOLOL. REROLL!" and those people can keep waisting your breath. Clearly you've never experienced a true MMO and prefer the single-player games or are lucky enough to have a character on a healthy server.

Edited by Mysquine
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Eh I dont see any need for merge were I am...


Where as Uthar Wynn is in dire need of a migration, free transfer or something. Merge might not be the answer for you - but it sure would help a fair few people just to get a response.


So on behalf of Uthar Wynn, Congratulations for managing to either choose a "populated server", reroll onto a populated server or just happen to not be effected by this issue.


Some of us are not that lucky.

Edited by Mysquine
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