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Their damage needed a tweak in pvp.. I'm not sure I've seen a logical arugement defending it.


The larger problem is just a repeating issue: you cannot reliably kill players in an MMO during a CC chain you generate (read as: stun lock or any other MMO specific phrasing)and expect to keep that ability. No one will agree to dying 1v1 in CC they cannot get out of to fight back -- especially when the opener comes from being invisible.


Seriously, how many times much this lesson be taught? There is NO way around it. No class is supposed to reign supreme 1v1 by default, because in most people's minds that IS pvp.


You cant be stunlocked in this game. Resolve bars and cc breakers assure that.


Do you even know what stunlock means?


Stunlocks are when even after usuing your cc breaker, you still got stunned again and killed, like rogues did in WoW in vanilla.


Stunlock doesnt apply to the situations where you dont use your cc breaker and die because of that.

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Its unfortunate that all of these nerfs are a balance issue that seems to have occurred from the devs listening to the sub 50 complaining about geared 50s in warzone type situations. They should have wiped the complaints from the mixed bracket era and started their analysis after we got separated into the 50 only pvp zones.


Maybe we should assume thats what they are looking at on the test server right now.

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What people don't understand is that burst damage single target killing machines don't have any place in this game. You take an operative, a four second stun and add a bounty hunter with 3 tracer missile casts and it's not hard to imagine the end result. Damage is overall too high and crowd control is too prevalent in this game already.


I disagree, because, people should be playing as a team, and each teams (of 4 ppl) should have at least a tank and a healer.


I played, Warhammer, I know how tanks can swap guard around, making their allies quasi-invincible with a few heals here and there. 50% less dmg inc is huge. And tanks like Jugg and guardians have CC to control their opponents and take the heat off of their teammates.


I,ve only been playing this game for a week, and never saw a tank guarding someone in a PuG. Everybody's a Billy ****** DPS.

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Did I miss something in the patch notes where it said operatives were getting adjusted due to too many QQ posts with made up stats about being dead in the first stun on the forums?


I'm sure what I read was they were killing people faster than intended. Having played one, and been killed by them more times than I can count I'd say the official version is about right.


Well, since the patch notes are from less than 48 hours after they implemented 1.1, a patch wher they aplitted lvl 50 bracket which cause longer queues in the only bracket you can get data from...


Yes, we can safely said they didn't have enough data for a nerf like this, which means they are nerfing it because of the qq.

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May not be 1.1 but you cant argue that 1.1 would make a difference for duels.


If 1.1 doesnt make such a difference, why is it that hard to find a video showing it after 1.1?


Stop posting pre 1.1 videos people, its been a week since 1.1 is there, why cant you find a video post 1.1 with an operatrive killing another equally geared lvl 50 in 3 secs?


It doesnt help your point that you keep posting pre 1.1, because it means you cant find a post 1.1 one.


Now, if 5k is still too big crit for you guys for our opener.


How much do you guys think it should crit?


Because with the nerfs they are implementing they are going down to less than 3k and a two points, high tier talent will end in a 1.5 second stun COMPLETELY FILLING the resolve bar. And they are nerfing the sustained damage (which was already crap) with the acid blade nerf.


Does that really make sense to you?

Edited by GengisKahn
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If 1.1 doesnt make such a difference, why is it that hard to find a video showing it after 1.1?


Stop posting pre 1.1 videos people, its been a week since 1.1 is there, why cant you find a video post 1.1 with an operatrive killing another equally geared lvl 50 in 3 secs?


It doesnt help your point that you keep posting pre 1.1, because it means you cant find a post 1.1 one.


Now, if 5k is still too big crit for you guys for our opener.


How much do you guys think it should crit?


Because with the nerfs they are implementing they are going down to less than 3k and a two points, high tier talent will end in a 1.5 second stun COMPLETELY FILLING the resolve bar.


Does that really make sense to you?


Or, you could, you know, take a gander at the proc bar.


The op isn't stacking buffs. You know, kinda like what 1.1 would be like.



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If 1.1 doesnt make such a difference, why is it that hard to find a video showing it after 1.1?


Stop posting pre 1.1 videos people, its been a week since 1.1 is there, why cant you find a video post 1.1 with an operatrive killing another equally geared lvl 50 in 3 secs?


It doesnt help your point that you keep posting pre 1.1, because it means you cant find a post 1.1 one.


Now, if 5k is still too big crit for you guys for our opener.


How much do you guys think it should crit?


Because with the nerfs they are implementing they are going down to less than 3k and a two points, high tier talent will end in a 1.5 second stun COMPLETELY FILLING the resolve bar.


Does that really make sense to you?


Correct me if I am wrong, but the biggest problem with pre 1.1 is the 15% expertise power up stacked with the 15% adrenal, which only happens in WZs... sooooo since this is a duel in open world, and neither can be used, what is the problem?

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I'm sure he can produce his as soon as you produce yours.



No Op/scoundrel is crying in this thread from what I'm able to see. Only asking to actually face their accusers. You know, because once you're able to face your accuser and force evidence from them; a lot can be resolved by both parties.


My what? Video? Of what?

Are you seriously trying to tell that I have never been killed in the 3sec stun by a soundrel / OP? Its not like im the only one lol, remeber they are nerfing you for a reason. Its not random.


I actually have seen ALOT of QQers on this thread, saying their class is useless after the nerf etc. You need to read more I guess.


And just to make it clear. Pre 1.1 was terrible, now its OK! You aint OP anymore imo. I just said that Soundrels / op's were to powerful before the 1.1 patch. And that they do NOT need more nerfs.

So basically I agree with the context of this post, I do however feel that its provoking and unnecessary.



You had too much, and now you dont, end of story.

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why cant you find a video post 1.1 with an operatrive killing another equally geared lvl 50 in 3 secs??


This line more or less sums it up. +1 internets Sir!



People really need to learn the difference between objective and subjective before posting. Sheesh.


And just to make it clear. Pre 1.1 was terrible, now its OK! You aint OP anymore imo. I just said that Soundrels / op's were to powerful before the 1.1 patch. And that they do NOT need more nerfs.



Thats the point tho mate, they are getting more nerfs! 1.1 seems to have fixed the issue, if we see videos of the same stupid damage (and it was stupid, versus lower levels and with buff stacking) then i agree the nerfs should happen. That however is just not happening, there has not been a single conclusive vid posted here.

Edited by Lykurgus
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Well, since the patch notes are from less than 48 hours after they implemented 1.1, a patch wher they aplitted lvl 50 bracket which cause longer queues in the only bracket you can get data from...


Yes, we can safely said they didn't have enough data for a nerf like this, which means they are nerfing it because of the qq.


Opratives have been OP since beta, so YES, i think they have enough data

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why cant you find a video post 1.1 with an operatrive killing another equally geared lvl 50 in 3 secs??


Because they were nerfed, which was the point, so they can't kill people in 3 seconds anymore? Because they could before and that was bad?

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My what? Video? Of what?

Are you seriously trying to tell that I have never been killed in the 3sec stun by a soundrel / OP? Its not like im the only one lol,


Yep that's exactly what I'm saying. Unless you were woefully undergeared or underleveled in world pvp.

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Because they were nerfed, which was the point, so they can't kill people in 3 seconds anymore? Because they could before and that was bad?


you dont pay much attention, do you?


The nerf isnt live yet, and bioware stated they need some more time to get numbers and metrics before 1.1.1 goes live. And they mention something about consumable was just nerfed so they will wait a bit.


You tought the nerf was live, and you say: Becaus ethey were nerfed, wich was the point, so they cant kill in 3 sec`s anymore...


Hmm, so maybe opratives isnt so OP afterall...

Edited by carbocat
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So what you are saying is that Bioware nerfed because of the discontent found on this forum? Please, for the love of god.


I didnt say anything besides my two points, which are clearly valid and you still disagree?


I dont even know why im on these forums, this is just horrid.


Sorry mate, just noticed your post!



No, im not saying that all. My point is simply that untill videos can be shown of post 1.1 then i will have my doubts.


Im not making any claims as to the reasons for biowares choices here. In my opinion (subjective) they listened to forum whines, yes. But thats just an opinion, therefore cannot be wrong OR right, its just an opinion and can, if you choose, be ignored complety!

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Boy that didnt take long! Suprisingly this operative does not kill his target in the 3 second stun, not does he reduce his targets hp to sub 30%. Just to give more infor for the video, the other guy has 450 exp, the operative has 400. THIS IS WAS FILMED ON LIVE SERVERS! THIS IS NOT THE PTR!




Can't wait to have that number reduced by 20%. People are pulling these 8K crits out of their asses. Just not possible without buff stacking

Keep em coming!


Your target was a Heavy Armor tank with probably over 18k HPs (you probably hid the HPs on purpose) in his defensive form. You also did not use any Relic or expertise buff (which make it much worse in reality).


Do you have any other stupid tests to show us besides picking the only class who stands a chance at surviving your combo with good odds?


Bioware acting on it is the only proof we need.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Your target was a Heavy Armor tank with probably over 18k HPs (you probably hid the HPs on purpose) in his defensive form.


Do you have any other stupid tests to show us besides picking the only class who stands a chance at surviving your combo?



Ah ha! Cleary from the definate tone of your post you can back this up with a post 1.1 video of any non tanking class NOT surviving said combo? At last! Someone who can prove it! Comon mate, we are all waiting to see it :)

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