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Oh man. I remember when people were posting about Operative burst and all the operative players came out of the woodwork posting pictures of babies and saying "This is you" and "Stop crying, crybaby. Wah wah wah. Big babies."


Now all I see are threads from Operatives crying their eyes out.



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Boy that didnt take long! Suprisingly this operative does not kill his target in the 3 second stun, not does he reduce his targets hp to sub 30%. Just to give more infor for the video, the other guy has 450 exp, the operative has 400. THIS IS WAS FILMED ON LIVE SERVERS! THIS IS NOT THE PTR!




Can't wait to have that number reduced by 20%. People are pulling these 8K crits out of their asses. Just not possible without buff stacking

Keep em coming!


my Sniper is waaay worse gear than you (pve oranges), but I can put out significantly more damage than that. o_O


is this post nerf?

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Just stop it already. Soundrels / OP's are still high dmg dealers, you cant have everything served on a silver plate dude. Realize that.



I'm not crying, you'll still die to scoundrels the same way you always have. Nerfing a class doesn't increase your skill.

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I have a 50 Op with full Champ gear, and there are times that I can get lucky and 5 shot people still. (usually pretty rare though)


When you add someone with equal gear, that completely changes. (especially with equal skill) Usually you can get people down to 60% health remaining and then duke it out from there. But with others having better sustained damage it makes it quite a fight if they have any skill at their class.


As I have stated in other threads, I think they should remove the stun from the "Ambush / Hidden strike" style attack, and give the option to use a stun opener (something like cheap shot) so you can either try and blow up an opponent with no control, or choose to try and just control (or somewhat control) the opponent.


Otherwise, I do agree that the opener is too powerful.


Remove the 3 second stun, hell even nerf the opener a bit, but removing the armor pen making our even now crappy sustained damage worse will break us. (not just PVP but PVE as well)


People say "but you are doing the damage out of STEALTH!"


what about the snipers that can do somwhat the same burst damage, and more sustained damage from 35m away? The range classes do not NEED stealth, because it is not required. The other melee are not as squishy, or have gap closers which do not require stealth to start the fight.


This, about what you said with the op's opener. They need to be seperated. Otherwise, you're going to have one of two things. Either a jack of all trades opener that is pretty muted and "meh" (what you're getting post nerf), or an EZ Mode button that requires no thought and is devestating (What you had pre patch).


Without giving options (and a stealth bar to utilize those options) there is no thought proccess to opening as an op. Give the current opener a 10% buff in damage (over the nerfed levels) at least, and then create a new opener like cheap shot. Problem solved.

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I'm not crying, you'll still die to scoundrels the same way you always have. Nerfing a class doesn't increase your skill.


Wait, so which is it? Were they not OP at all before the nerf and now they're going to be useless, or were they OP before and will still be powerful after the nerf? Or were they not OP before the nerf, and the nerf won't hurt? See, you guys are so confusing. <3

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Question: What nerf did they get?


I know this isn't proof, but I got knocked down by an operative in a WZ last night and never made it back up. I'm not sure how effective that nerf was...


It was a pretty substantial nerf. They cut the stun in half, removed a lot of their armor pen and nerfed the damage on the opener as well.

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Their damage needed a tweak in pvp.. I'm not sure I've seen a logical arugement defending it.


The larger problem is just a repeating issue: you cannot reliably kill players in an MMO during a CC chain you generate (read as: stun lock or any other MMO specific phrasing)and expect to keep that ability. No one will agree to dying 1v1 in CC they cannot get out of to fight back -- especially when the opener comes from being invisible.


Seriously, how many times much this lesson be taught? There is NO way around it. No class is supposed to reign supreme 1v1 by default, because in most people's minds that IS pvp.

Edited by Drakks
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I'm not crying, you'll still die to scoundrels the same way you always have. Nerfing a class doesn't increase your skill.


Let me bring you back down to earth right now.

If I have my Unleash ready when a soundrel comes from behind, he's dead within seconds. And that goes for you too :)


Nerf doesnt decrease your skills either now does it smart-a?



Stop QQing, get with the program.

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how about the fact that the creator of that video would sit there for 2 seconds in between attacks.

we get you want to use your main abilities as high hitters but not using others in the gaps completely makes you look like an idiot that doesnt know how to play.

filler attacks are part of the game play. not using them... wow.


and stp crying people. you are completely on PAR with every other class. Sure you cant run in stealthed and have a guarenteed win anymore but guess what thats called balance and not being able to see that you are actually balanced now is sad and pathetic.

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I disagree im afraid. The points the OP raised, IE all the QQ and about OPs was pre 1.1 stands. Sure the vid maybe biased, can you provide other evidence that proves beyond doubt that AFTER 1.1 they can stil kill people in 3-4 seconds? ofc you cant.



I think the OP made an excellent point. The simple fact that in over 20 pages of replies not one person can offer anything other than a highly subjective opinion on the matter says a lot.


As soon as somebody can post evidence that after the buff stacking fix in 1.1 OP/Scound are still criting for silly numbers then this thread will continue to be valid.


Untill then its just peoples opinions, nothing more.


So what you are saying is that Bioware nerfed because of the discontent found on this forum? Please, for the love of god.


I didnt say anything besides my two points, which are clearly valid and you still disagree?


I dont even know why im on these forums, this is just horrid.

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He is doing the exact same thing you are. That was the joke *WOOOSH


Ok so video or it never happend.


He's doing the same thing? This whole thread is about Soundrels being able to do high crits, not about being killed by a 5 sec cc doing 2.5k dmg?


Funny joke....bet you're the most popular guy in class.


Hope you got more of them lined up.



Only joke here is the tears on your cheeks tbh.


"I will still kill ppl within seconds...blablabla"

Ok so now that we have established that you are king leonidas of sparta, we can move on!

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What happens after the nerf? Personally, I know I will still roll bad players and will burst almost as hard. But, I usually call when I have relics / vanish ready and have a nice 0 resolve target picked out.


So, after I'm nerfed I'll do this:


Pop relic -> open with back blast loaded with flechette round -> dirty kick -> vital shot -> blaster whip -> vanish -> shoot first with flechette round -> sucker punch until dead -> target runs to forums



Yes, you can always roll bad players.


Its against good players that a nerf liek this will destroy the class, balance should not be made against bad players, but Bioware doesnt think that way, thats why they are balancing jarring strike knockdowns to bad players that cant press a cc breaker button fast enough.

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Maybe, the real problem is that it takes me 4 global cooldowns what takes you 1 global cooldown and I can't really do a lot to avoid it. I think the main problem is that they put huge damage on a stun opener, something that i had never seen. You put a different ability for stun and another for big damage from stealth, isn't that a little better? I still think the nerf might be too big for you guys.


And I don't think it is quite the same since you have another stun that you can use off stealth on a much smaller cooldown.


All the classes have high damaging abilties, for my taste the PVP is too fast in this game.


But an squishy class with low sustained damage NEED high burst. And a melee class with no gap closer need that stun opener.


If you guys want to homogeneize all the classes like other MMOs have made, fine, lower the burst, BUT increase the suatained, and lower the opening knockdown, BUT give us some gap closers.


Lowering the burst without giving them more sustained and lowering the knockdown without giving them gap closers is plain stupid.

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Ok so video or it never happend.


I'm sure he can produce his as soon as you produce yours.



No Op/scoundrel is crying in this thread from what I'm able to see. Only asking to actually face their accusers. You know, because once you're able to face your accuser and force evidence from them; a lot can be resolved by both parties.

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Did I miss something in the patch notes where it said operatives were getting adjusted due to too many QQ posts with made up stats about being dead in the first stun on the forums?


I'm sure what I read was they were killing people faster than intended. Having played one, and been killed by them more times than I can count I'd say the official version is about right.

Edited by Ntranced
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